blob: 506a276c94c3307e80ba5677b1ca930ce88ee55c [file] [log] [blame]
Debian Installer feat. BRLTTY
Debian Installer natively supports BRLTTY since its beta 3 for Debian
Etch, see official announcement at [1]. If your Braille display is
connected by USB, simply press ENTER at syslinux prompt (at the very
beginning of the installation process), your display should be
autodetected. Otherwise, if either your display is connected by
serial port or you want to set a particular Braille table, give the
following line at syslinux prompt before pressing ENTER (you may be
careful as the keyboard layout is qwerty at this step):
install brltty=drv,dev,tbl
"drv" stands for the BRLTTY code of your Braille display, "dev" stands
for the device your Braille display is connected to (e.g. ttyS0, usb:,
...) and "tbl" stands for the code of the Braille table to be set.
For example, this is the line that enables BRLTTY for a BAUM
SuperVario 40 Braille display connected by USB with default Braille
install brltty=bm,usb:
Supported Braille displays and Braille tables are listed along with
corresponding codes in the BRLTTY manual, see [2]. Details about
installing Debian are available at [3]. Please also consider joining
Debian Accessibility mailing list at [4].
-- Boris Daix <> Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:10:15 +0200