blob: 46a238bbaad1a5547872888aebc8c5eb66712363 [file] [log] [blame]
Version = 0.5
; Platform: Windows XP/Vista
; Author: Michel Such
; AutoHotkey Version: 1.0.47
; Version : Alpha release 1
; Script Function:
; Facility to configure Braille device and communication port
; for Windows version of BRLTTY
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
CnfFile = %A_ScriptDir%\etc\brltty.conf ; Configuration file for BRLTTY
Gosub SetLanguage
IfNotExist, %CnfFile%
Msgbox, 0, %ScriptName%, %CnfFileNotFoundMsg%
Gosub SelectPortAndDisplay
; Fill a listbox for port selection
ComPorts = %ComPorts%|COM1|COM2|COM3|COM4|COM5|COM6|COM7|COM8|COM9
ComPorts = %ComPorts%|COM10|COM11|COM12|COM13|COM14|COM15|COM16|
; Fill a listbox for terminal selection
; getting data from brltty.conf
Loop, read, %CnfFile%
IfInString A_LoopReadLine, #braille-driver
Term := SubStr(A_LoopReadLine, 17)
StringReplace, Term, Term, #, -, 1
TermList = %TermList%%Term%|
; Draw and display the window
Gui, Font, S12 CDefault, Arial
Gui, Add, Text, x6 y6 w800 h160, %HelpText%
Gui, Add, Text, x6 y166 w400 h20, %SelectBrailleDisplayText%
Gui, Add, ListBox, vTerminal x6 y190 w400 h150 hscroll vscroll , %TermList%
Gui, Add, Text, x412 y166 w400 h20, %SelectBraillePortText%
Gui, Add, ListBox, vComPort x412 y190 w400 h150 hscroll vscroll , %ComPorts%
Gui, Add, Button, vSend gValidate x640 y352 w100 h24 +Default, %OKBtn%
Gui, Add, Button, vCancel gGuiClose x750 y352 w100 h24, %CancelBtn%
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center, %ScriptName%
;Use Escape to immediately leave the program
Gosub GuiClose
; Functions
GuiControlGet, Terminal
if Terminal =
Msgbox 0, %ScriptName%, %NeedToChooseAFileMsg%
ControlFocus, %SelectBrailleDisplayText%, %ScriptName%
GuiControlGet, ComPort
if ComPort =
Msgbox 0, %ScriptName%, %NeedToChooseAPortMsg%
ControlFocus, %SelectBraillePortText%, %ScriptName%
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames, 50
Msgbox 1, %ScriptName%, %YouHaveSelectedMsg% %Terminal%`n%ConnectedToPortMsg% %ComPort%
IfMsgBox OK
IfInString ComPort, COM
FileAppend braille-device serial:%ComPort%`n, %CnfFile%
FileAppend braille-device %ComPort%`n, %CnfFile%
StringReplace Terminal, Terminal, -, #
FileAppend braille-driver %Terminal%`n, %CnfFile%
; Restart BRLTTY if the -r parameter was passed
If 1 = -r
SplitPath, ComSpec,, SysDir
; Stop BrlAPI and BRLTTY if started
RunWait, %SysDir%\net.exe stop BrlApi
RunWait, %A_ScriptDir%\bin\brltty.exe -R
; Restart BRLTTY and BrlAPI
RunWait, %A_ScriptDir%\bin\brltty.exe -I
RunWait, %SysDir%\net.exe start BrlApi
Gosub GuiClose
ControlFocus, %SelectBrailleDisplayText%, %ScriptName%
;End the program
Gui, cancel
; Support for different languages
; This procedure uses the AutoHotkey A_Language variable
; which contains the language code of the system the program is running on.
; To get a list of A_Language values and corresponding languages, goto:
languageCode_040c = French
languageCode_080c = French
languageCode_0c0c = French
languageCode_100c = French
languageCode_140c = French
languageCode_180c = French
languageCode_0416 = Portuguese
languageCode_0816 = Portuguese
the_language := languageCode_%A_Language% ; Get the name of the system's default language.
if the_language =
the_language := "English"
Gosub %the_language%
IfWinNotExist, %ScriptName%
return ; Keep waiting.
SetTimer, ChangeButtonNames, off
ControlSetText, Button1, %OKBtn%
ControlSetText, Button2, %CancelBtn%
English: ; English translation (default)
ScriptName = BRLTTY Configurator %Version%
CnfFileNotFoundMsg = File %CnfFile% not found.
NeedToChooseAFileMsg = You must select a braille display
NeedToChooseAPortMsg = You must select a communication port
YouHaveSelectedMsg = You selected terminal
ConnectedToPortMsg = attached to port
HelpText =
Please choose the braille display type and communication port.
- If your braille device is USB,
* if you have installed your manufacturer's driver, you should rather select its virtual COM port if it provides one,
else select "USB:" to use libusb-win32's filter,
* if you do not want or can not install your manufacturer's driver, you can select "USB:" here and install
libusb-win32's driver.
- If your braille device is serial, is connect through a serial to USB converter, or through bluetooth, just select the
proper COM port. Make sure to select the proper braille display as incorrect probing seems to possibly brick some devices.
SelectBrailleDisplayText = Select braille display
SelectBraillePortText = Select communication port
OKBtn = &OK
CancelBtn = &Cancel
French: ; French translation
ScriptName = Configurateur BRLTTY %Version%
CnfFileNotFoundMsg = Le fichier %CnfFile% est introuvable
NeedToChooseAFileMsg = Vous devez choisir un afficheur braille
NeedToChooseAPortMsg = Vous devez choisir un port de communication
YouHaveSelectedMsg = Vous avez choisi l'afficheur
ConnectedToPortMsg = connecté au port
HelpText =
Veuillez choisir le type d'afficheur braille et le port de communication.
- Si votre afficheur utilise un port USB,
* si vous avez installé le pilote de votre fabriquant, vous devriez choisir son port COM virtuel s'il en fournit un, sinon
choisissez "USB:" pour utiliser le filtre libusb-win32,
* si vous ne voulez pas ou ne pouvez pas installer le pilote de votre fabriquant, vous pouvez choisir "USB:" ici et
installer le pilote libusb-win32.
- Si votre afficheur braille utilise un port série, ou est connecté via un adaptateur USB vers série, ou via bluetooth, choisissez simplement
le port COM approprié. Assurez-vous de choisir le bon afficheur car un choix incorrect semble parfois planter certains matériels.
SelectBrailleDisplayText = Choisissez l'afficheur braille
SelectBraillePortText = Choisissez le port de communication
OKBtn = &Accepter
CancelBtn = A&nnuler
Portuguese: ; Portuguese translation
ScriptName = Configurador do BRLTTY %Version%
CnfFileNotFoundMsg = O ficheiro %CnfFile% não foi encontrado
NeedToChooseAFileMsg = Tem que seleccionar uma linha Braille
NeedToChooseAPortMsg = Tem que seleccionar uma porta de mcomunicação
YouHaveSelectedMsg = Seleccionou o terminal
ConnectedToPortMsg = conectado à porta
HelpText =
Por favor escolha o tipo da linha Braille e a porta de comunicação.
- Se o seu dispositivo Braille é USB,
* se tem instalado o driver do fabricante, deverá seleccionar a porta de série respectiva se existir, caso contrário
seleccione "USB:" para usar o filtro libusb-win32's.
* se não pretende ou não consegue instalar o driver do fabricante, pode seleccionar aqui "USB:" e instalar
o driver libusb-win32's.
- Se o seu dispositivo braille trabalha via porta série, seleccione a apropriada. Tenha a certeza que selecciona a linha Braille correcta visto que
utilizar drivers errados poderá danificar alguns dispositivos...
SelectBrailleDisplayText = Seleccione a linha Braille
SelectBraillePortText = Seleccione a porta de comunicação
OKBtn = &OK
CancelBtn = &Cancelar