| * For inspecting the layout and content of the screen. |
| * For Android to accept input via BRLTTY from your braille device's keyboard. |
| * For creating a foreground notification. |
| * For resetting the Android device's lock timer |
| each time you interact with a control on your braille device. |
| * For communicating with a braille device via Bluetooth. |
| * For listening on a TCP/IP port for BrlAPI client connection requests. |
| * For reading customized data files |
| from your Android device's primary shared/external storage area. |
| * For presenting the Accessibility Actions chooser. |
| * For knowing when locked storage can be accessed after a reboot. |
| * For upgrading to a newer release. |
| * For getting Wi-Fi status values (for the INDICATORS command). |
| * For getting the Wi-Fi SSID (for the INDICATORS command). |
| * For getting cell information (for the INDICATORS command). |
| * For getting the cell signal strength (for the INDICATORS command). |
| * For getting the cell data network type (for the INDICATORS command). |