blob: 27bd36f9f8126170b62aa53b408f40fda212cc3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
* text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
* Copyright (C) 1995-2023 by The BRLTTY Developers.
* This is free software, placed under the terms of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
* later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
* Web Page:
* This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "variables.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
extern int setBaseDataVariables (const VariableInitializer *initializers);
extern int setTableDataVariables (const char *tableExtension, const char *subtableExtension);
extern FILE *openDataFile (const char *path, const char *mode, int optional);
typedef struct DataFileStruct DataFile;
#define DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(name) int name (DataFile *file, void *data)
typedef DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(DataOperandsProcessor);
typedef enum {
} DataFileOptions;
typedef struct {
DataOperandsProcessor *processOperands;
void (*logFileName) (const char *name, void *data);
void *data;
unsigned char options;
} DataFileParameters;
extern int processDataFile (const char *name, const DataFileParameters *parameters);
extern void reportDataError (DataFile *file, const char *format, ...) PRINTF(2, 3);
extern int processDataStream (
DataFile *includer,
FILE *stream, const char *name,
const DataFileParameters *parameters
extern int compareKeyword (const wchar_t *keyword, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count);
extern int compareKeywords (const wchar_t *keyword1, const wchar_t *keyword2);
extern int isKeyword (const wchar_t *keyword, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count);
extern int isNumber (int *number, const wchar_t *characters, int length);
extern int isHexadecimalDigit (wchar_t character, int *value, int *shift);
extern int isOctalDigit (wchar_t character, int *value, int *shift);
extern int findDataOperand (DataFile *file, const char *description);
extern int getDataCharacter (DataFile *file, wchar_t *character);
extern int ungetDataCharacters (DataFile *file, unsigned int count);
typedef struct {
const wchar_t *characters;
int length;
} DataOperand;
extern int getDataOperand (DataFile *file, DataOperand *operand, const char *description);
extern int getTextOperand (DataFile *file, DataOperand *text, const char *description);
extern void getTextRemaining (DataFile *file, DataOperand *text);
typedef struct {
unsigned char length;
wchar_t characters[0XFF];
} DataString;
extern int parseDataString (DataFile *file, DataString *string, const wchar_t *characters, int length, int noUnicode);
extern int getDataString (DataFile *file, DataString *string, int noUnicode, const char *description);
extern int writeHexadecimalCharacter (FILE *stream, wchar_t character);
extern int writeEscapedCharacter (FILE *stream, wchar_t character);
extern int writeEscapedCharacters (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count);
typedef struct {
unsigned char length;
unsigned char bytes[0XFF];
} ByteOperand;
extern int parseCellsOperand (DataFile *file, ByteOperand *cells, const wchar_t *characters, int length);
extern int getCellsOperand (DataFile *file, ByteOperand *cells, const char *description);
extern int writeDots (FILE *stream, unsigned char cell);
extern int writeDotsCell (FILE *stream, unsigned char cell);
extern int writeDotsCells (FILE *stream, const unsigned char *cells, size_t count);
extern int writeUtf8Cell (FILE *stream, unsigned char cell);
extern int writeUtf8Cells (FILE *stream, const unsigned char *cells, size_t count);
typedef struct {
const wchar_t *name;
DataOperandsProcessor *processor;
unsigned char unconditional : 1;
} DataDirective;
typedef struct {
struct {
const DataDirective *table;
size_t count;
} const unsorted;
struct {
const DataDirective **table;
size_t count;
} sorted;
const DataDirective *unnamed;
} DataDirectives;
static const DataDirective unsortedDirectives[] = {
static DataDirectives directives = { \
.unsorted = { \
.table = unsortedDirectives, \
.count = ARRAY_COUNT(unsortedDirectives) \
}, \
.sorted = { \
.table = NULL, \
.count = 0 \
}, \
.unnamed = NULL \
extern int processDirectiveOperand (DataFile *file, DataDirectives *directives, const char *description, void *data);
#define DATA_CONDITION_TESTER(name) int name (DataFile *file, const DataOperand *identifier, void *data)
typedef DATA_CONDITION_TESTER(DataConditionTester);
extern int processConditionOperands (
DataFile *file,
DataConditionTester *testCondition, int negateCondition,
const char *description, void *data
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIncludeOperands);
extern int includeDataFile (DataFile *file, const wchar_t *name, int length);
{.name=WS_C("include"), .processor=processIncludeOperands}
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processElseOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processEndIfOperands);
{.name=WS_C("else"), .processor=processElseOperands, .unconditional=1}, \
{.name=WS_C("endif"), .processor=processEndIfOperands, .unconditional=1}
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfVarOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfNotVarOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processBeginVariablesOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processEndVariablesOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processListVariablesOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processAssignDefaultOperands);
extern DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processAssignOperands);
{.name=WS_C("ifvar"), .processor=processIfVarOperands, .unconditional=1}, \
{.name=WS_C("ifnotvar"), .processor=processIfNotVarOperands, .unconditional=1}, \
{.name=WS_C("beginvariables"), .processor=processBeginVariablesOperands}, \
{.name=WS_C("endvariables"), .processor=processEndVariablesOperands}, \
{.name=WS_C("listvariables"), .processor=processListVariablesOperands}, \
{.name=WS_C("assigndefault"), .processor=processAssignDefaultOperands}, \
{.name=WS_C("assign"), .processor=processAssignOperands}
#define BRL_DOT_COUNT 8
extern const wchar_t brlDotNumbers[BRL_DOT_COUNT];
extern const unsigned char brlDotBits[BRL_DOT_COUNT];
extern int brlDotNumberToIndex (wchar_t number, int *index);
extern int brlDotBitToIndex (unsigned char bit, int *index);
extern int getDotOperand (DataFile *file, int *index);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */