blob: 0098b856e314744d05860012947cfa7001c03823 [file] [log] [blame]
pub extern "C" fn deprecated_without_note() {}
#[deprecated = "This is a note"]
pub extern "C" fn deprecated_without_bracket() {}
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note")]
pub extern "C" fn deprecated_with_note() {}
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note", since = "1.0.0")]
pub extern "C" fn deprecated_with_note_and_since() {}
#[deprecated(note = "This quote \" requires to be quoted, and this [\n] requires to be escaped")]
pub extern "C" fn deprecated_with_note_which_requires_to_be_escaped() {}
pub enum DeprecatedEnum {
A = 0,
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note")]
pub enum DeprecatedEnumWithNote {
B = 0,
pub enum EnumWithDeprecatedVariants {
C = 0,
D = 1,
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note")]
E = 2,
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note", since = "1.0.0")]
F = 3,
enum EnumWithDeprecatedStructVariants {
Bar { x: u8, y: i16 },
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note")]
Baz { x: u8, y: u8 },
pub struct DeprecatedStruct {
pub a: i32,
#[deprecated(note = "This is a note")]
pub struct DeprecatedStructWithNote {
pub a: i32,
pub extern "C" fn dummy(
a: DeprecatedEnum,
b: DeprecatedEnumWithNote,
c: EnumWithDeprecatedVariants,
d: DeprecatedStruct,
e: DeprecatedStructWithNote,
f: EnumWithDeprecatedStructVariants,
) -> void {