blob: 3c17dc4a297a3b799a8f8c7c0aedc8e711aa0518 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015-2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Implements a format decision state object that manages whitespace decisions.
Each token is processed one at a time, at which point its whitespace formatting
decisions are made. A graph of potential whitespace formattings is created,
where each node in the graph is a format decision state object. The heuristic
tries formatting the token with and without a newline before it to determine
which one has the least penalty. Therefore, the format decision state object for
each decision needs to be its own unique copy.
Once the heuristic determines the best formatting, it makes a non-dry run pass
through the code to commit the whitespace formatting.
FormatDecisionState: main class exported by this module.
from yapf.yapflib import format_token
from yapf.yapflib import split_penalty
from yapf.yapflib import style
from yapf.yapflib import unwrapped_line
_COMPOUND_STMTS = frozenset(
{'for', 'while', 'if', 'elif', 'with', 'except', 'def', 'class'})
class FormatDecisionState(object):
"""The current state when indenting an unwrapped line.
The FormatDecisionState object is meant to be copied instead of referenced.
first_indent: The indent of the first token.
column: The number of used columns in the current line.
next_token: The next token to be formatted.
paren_level: The level of nesting inside (), [], and {}.
start_of_line_level: The paren_level at the start of this line.
lowest_level_on_line: The lowest paren_level on the current line.
newline: Indicates if a newline is added along the edge to this format
decision state node.
previous: The previous format decision state in the decision tree.
stack: A stack (of _ParenState) keeping track of properties applying to
parenthesis levels.
ignore_stack_for_comparison: Ignore the stack of _ParenState for state
def __init__(self, line, first_indent):
Initializes to the state after placing the first token from 'line' at
line: (UnwrappedLine) The unwrapped line we're currently processing.
first_indent: (int) The indent of the first token.
self.next_token = line.first
self.column = first_indent
self.line = line
self.paren_level = 0
self.start_of_line_level = 0
self.lowest_level_on_line = 0
self.ignore_stack_for_comparison = False
self.stack = [_ParenState(first_indent, first_indent)]
self.first_indent = first_indent
self.newline = False
self.previous = None
self.column_limit = style.Get('COLUMN_LIMIT')
def Clone(self):
"""Clones a FormatDecisionState object."""
new = FormatDecisionState(self.line, self.first_indent)
new.next_token = self.next_token
new.column = self.column
new.line = self.line
new.paren_level = self.paren_level
new.start_of_line_level = self.start_of_line_level
new.lowest_level_on_line = self.lowest_level_on_line
new.ignore_stack_for_comparison = self.ignore_stack_for_comparison
new.first_indent = self.first_indent
new.newline = self.newline
new.previous = self.previous
new.stack = [state.Clone() for state in self.stack]
return new
def __eq__(self, other):
# Note: 'first_indent' is implicit in the stack. Also, we ignore 'previous',
# because it shouldn't have a bearing on this comparison. (I.e., it will
# report equal if 'next_token' does.)
return (self.next_token == other.next_token and
self.column == other.column and
self.paren_level == other.paren_level and
self.start_of_line_level == other.start_of_line_level and
self.lowest_level_on_line == other.lowest_level_on_line and
(self.ignore_stack_for_comparison or
other.ignore_stack_for_comparison or self.stack == other.stack))
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.next_token, self.column, self.paren_level,
self.start_of_line_level, self.lowest_level_on_line))
def __repr__(self):
return ('column::%d, next_token::%s, paren_level::%d, stack::[\n\t%s' %
(self.column, repr(self.next_token), self.paren_level,
'\n\t'.join(repr(s) for s in self.stack) + ']'))
def CanSplit(self, must_split):
"""Determine if we can split before the next token.
must_split: (bool) A newline was required before this token.
True if the line can be split before the next token.
current = self.next_token
if current.is_pseudo_paren:
return False
if (not must_split and
format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY_PART in current.subtypes and
format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY not in current.subtypes and
# In some situations, a dictionary may be multiline, but pylint doesn't
# like it. So don't allow it unless forced to.
return False
return current.can_break_before
def MustSplit(self):
"""Returns True if the line must split before the next token."""
current = self.next_token
previous = current.previous_token
if current.is_pseudo_paren:
return False
if current.must_break_before:
return True
if not previous:
return False
if self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket and current.value in '}]':
# Split before the closing bracket if we can.
return current.node_split_penalty != split_penalty.UNBREAKABLE
# Prevent splitting before the first argument in compound statements
# with the exception of function declarations.
self.line.first.value != 'def' and
self.line.first.value in _COMPOUND_STMTS):
return False
# List Splitting
bracket = current if current.ClosesScope() else previous
if format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET not in bracket.subtypes:
if bracket.OpensScope():
if style.Get('COALESCE_BRACKETS'):
if current.OpensScope():
# Prefer to keep all opening brackets together.
return False
if (not _IsLastScopeInLine(bracket) or
last_token = bracket.matching_bracket
last_token = _LastTokenInLine(bracket.matching_bracket)
if not self._FitsOnLine(bracket, last_token):
# Split before the first element if the whole list can't fit on a
# single line.
self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket = True
return True
elif style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS') and current.ClosesScope():
# Split before and dedent the closing bracket.
return self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket
if (current.is_name or current.is_string) and previous.value == ',':
# If the list has function calls in it and the full list itself cannot
# fit on the line, then we want to split. Otherwise, we'll get something
# like this:
# X = [
# Bar(xxx='some string',
# yyy='another long string',
# zzz='a third long string'), Bar(
# xxx='some string',
# yyy='another long string',
# zzz='a third long string')
# ]
# or when a string formatting syntax.
func_call_or_string_format = False
if current.is_name:
tok = current.next_token
while tok and (tok.is_name or tok.value == '.'):
tok = tok.next_token
func_call_or_string_format = tok and tok.value == '('
elif current.is_string:
tok = current.next_token
while tok and tok.is_string:
tok = tok.next_token
func_call_or_string_format = tok and tok.value == '%'
if func_call_or_string_format:
open_bracket = unwrapped_line.IsSurroundedByBrackets(current)
if open_bracket and open_bracket.value in '[{':
if not self._FitsOnLine(open_bracket, open_bracket.matching_bracket):
return True
# Dict/Set Splitting
format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY in current.subtypes and
not current.is_comment):
# Place each dictionary entry onto its own line.
if previous.value == '{' and previous.previous_token:
opening = _GetOpeningBracket(previous.previous_token)
if (opening and opening.value == '(' and opening.previous_token and
# This is a dictionary that's an argument to a function.
if self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
return False
return True
format_token.Subtype.DICT_SET_GENERATOR in current.subtypes):
# Split before a dict/set generator.
return True
if (format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes or
(previous.is_pseudo_paren and previous.value == '(' and
not current.is_comment)):
# Split before the dictionary value if we can't fit every dictionary
# entry on its own line.
if not current.OpensScope():
opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
if not self._EachDictEntryFitsOnOneLine(opening):
return True
if previous.value == '{':
# Split if the dict/set cannot fit on one line and ends in a comma.
closing = previous.matching_bracket
if (not self._FitsOnLine(previous, closing) and
closing.previous_token.value == ','):
self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket = True
return True
# Argument List Splitting
if (style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_NAMED_ASSIGNS') and not current.is_comment and
format_token.Subtype.DEFAULT_OR_NAMED_ASSIGN_ARG_LIST in
if (previous.value not in {'=', ':', '*', '**'} and
current.value not in ':=,)' and not _IsFunctionDefinition(previous)):
# If we're going to split the lines because of named arguments, then we
# want to split after the opening bracket as well. But not when this is
# part of a function definition.
if previous.value == '(':
# Make sure we don't split after the opening bracket if the
# continuation indent is greater than the opening bracket:
# a(
# b=1,
# c=2)
if (self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket) and
# An argument to a function is a function call with named
# assigns.
return False
column = self.column - self.stack[-1].last_space
return column > style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH')
opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
if opening:
arglist_length = (opening.matching_bracket.total_length -
opening.total_length + self.stack[-1].indent)
return arglist_length > self.column_limit
# Split before arguments in a function call or definition if the
# arguments are terminated by a comma.
opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
if opening and opening.previous_token and opening.previous_token.is_name:
if previous.value in '(,':
if opening.matching_bracket.previous_token.value == ',':
return True
if ((current.is_name or current.value in {'*', '**'}) and
previous.value == ','):
# If we have a function call within an argument list and it won't fit on
# the remaining line, but it will fit on a line by itself, then go ahead
# and split before the call.
opening = _GetOpeningBracket(current)
if (opening and opening.value == '(' and opening.previous_token and
(opening.previous_token.is_name or
opening.previous_token.value in {'*', '**'})):
is_func_call = False
token = current
while token:
if token.value == '(':
is_func_call = True
if (not (token.is_name or token.value in {'*', '**'}) and
token.value != '.'):
token = token.next_token
if is_func_call:
if not self._FitsOnLine(current, opening.matching_bracket):
return True
pprevious = previous.previous_token
if (current.is_name and pprevious and pprevious.is_name and
previous.value == '('):
if (not self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket) and
# There is a function call, with more than 1 argument, where the first
# argument is itself a function call with arguments. In this specific
# case, if we split after the first argument's opening '(', then the
# formatting will look bad for the rest of the arguments. E.g.:
# outer_function_call(inner_function_call(
# inner_arg1, inner_arg2),
# outer_arg1, outer_arg2)
# Instead, enforce a split before that argument to keep things looking
# good.
return True
if (previous.OpensScope() and not current.OpensScope() and
format_token.Subtype.SUBSCRIPT_BRACKET not in previous.subtypes):
if not current.is_comment:
if pprevious and not pprevious.is_keyword and not pprevious.is_name:
# We want to split if there's a comment in the container.
token = current
while token != previous.matching_bracket:
if token.is_comment:
return True
token = token.next_token
if previous.value == '(':
pptoken = previous.previous_token
if not pptoken or not pptoken.is_name:
# Split after the opening of a tuple if it doesn't fit on the current
# line and it's not a function call.
if self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
return False
elif not self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
if (self.column_limit - self.column) / float(self.column_limit) < 0.3:
# Try not to squish all of the arguments off to the right.
return current.next_token != previous.matching_bracket
# Split after the opening of a container if it doesn't fit on the
# current line or if it has a comment.
if not self._FitsOnLine(previous, previous.matching_bracket):
return True
# List Comprehension Splitting
if (format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR in current.subtypes and
format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR not in previous.subtypes):
# Split at the beginning of a list comprehension.
length = _GetLengthOfSubtype(current, format_token.Subtype.COMP_FOR,
if length + self.column > self.column_limit:
return True
if (format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF in current.subtypes and
format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF not in previous.subtypes):
# Split at the beginning of an if expression.
length = _GetLengthOfSubtype(current, format_token.Subtype.COMP_IF)
if length + self.column > self.column_limit:
return True
# Original Formatting Splitting
# These checks rely upon the original formatting. This is in order to
# attempt to keep hand-written code in the same condition as it was before.
# However, this may cause the formatter to fail to be idempotent.
if (style.Get('SPLIT_BEFORE_BITWISE_OPERATOR') and current.value in '&|' and
previous.lineno < current.lineno):
# Retain the split before a bitwise operator.
return True
if (current.is_comment and
previous.lineno < current.lineno - current.value.count('\n')):
# If a comment comes in the middle of an unwrapped line (like an if
# conditional with comments interspersed), then we want to split if the
# original comments were on a separate line.
return True
return False
def AddTokenToState(self, newline, dry_run, must_split=False):
"""Add a token to the format decision state.
Allow the heuristic to try out adding the token with and without a newline.
Later on, the algorithm will determine which one has the lowest penalty.
newline: (bool) Add the token on a new line if True.
dry_run: (bool) Don't commit whitespace changes to the FormatToken if
must_split: (bool) A newline was required before this token.
The penalty of splitting after the current token.
penalty = 0
if newline:
penalty = self._AddTokenOnNewline(dry_run, must_split)
return self.MoveStateToNextToken() + penalty
def _AddTokenOnCurrentLine(self, dry_run):
"""Puts the token on the current line.
Appends the next token to the state and updates information necessary for
dry_run: (bool) Commit whitespace changes to the FormatToken if True.
current = self.next_token
previous = current.previous_token
spaces = current.spaces_required_before
if not dry_run:
current.AddWhitespacePrefix(newlines_before=0, spaces=spaces)
if previous.OpensScope():
if not current.is_comment:
# Align closing scopes that are on a newline with the opening scope:
# foo = [a,
# b,
# ]
self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent = self.column - 1
self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent += 1
self.stack[-1].indent = self.column + spaces
self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent = (
self.stack[-1].indent - style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
self.column += spaces
def _AddTokenOnNewline(self, dry_run, must_split):
"""Adds a line break and necessary indentation.
Appends the next token to the state and updates information necessary for
dry_run: (bool) Don't commit whitespace changes to the FormatToken if
must_split: (bool) A newline was required before this token.
The split penalty for splitting after the current state.
current = self.next_token
previous = current.previous_token
self.column = self._GetNewlineColumn()
if not dry_run:
current.AddWhitespacePrefix(newlines_before=1, spaces=self.column)
if not current.is_comment:
self.stack[-1].last_space = self.column
self.start_of_line_level = self.paren_level
self.lowest_level_on_line = self.paren_level
if (previous.OpensScope() or
(previous.is_comment and previous.previous_token is not None and
self.stack[-1].closing_scope_indent = max(
0, self.stack[-1].indent - style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
split_before_closing_bracket = True
if style.Get('COALESCE_BRACKETS'):
split_before_closing_bracket = False
self.stack[-1].split_before_closing_bracket = split_before_closing_bracket
# Calculate the split penalty.
penalty = current.split_penalty
if must_split:
# Don't penalize for a must split.
return penalty
if previous.is_pseudo_paren and previous.value == '(':
# Small penalty for splitting after a pseudo paren.
penalty += 50
# Add a penalty for each increasing newline we add, but don't penalize for
# splitting before an if-expression or list comprehension.
if current.value not in {'if', 'for'}:
last = self.stack[-1]
last.num_line_splits += 1
penalty += (style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_FOR_ADDED_LINE_SPLIT') *
if current.OpensScope() and previous.OpensScope():
# Prefer to keep opening brackets coalesced (unless it's at the beginning
# of a function call).
pprev = previous.previous_token
if not pprev or not pprev.is_name:
penalty += 10
return penalty + 10
def _GetNewlineColumn(self):
"""Return the new column on the newline."""
current = self.next_token
previous = current.previous_token
top_of_stack = self.stack[-1]
if current.spaces_required_before > 2 or self.line.disable:
return current.spaces_required_before
if current.OpensScope():
return top_of_stack.indent if self.paren_level else self.first_indent
if current.ClosesScope():
if (previous.OpensScope() or
(previous.is_comment and previous.previous_token is not None and
return max(0,
top_of_stack.indent - style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH'))
return top_of_stack.closing_scope_indent
if (previous and previous.is_string and current.is_string and
format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes):
return previous.column
if previous and (previous.value == ':' or previous.is_pseudo_paren):
if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes:
return top_of_stack.indent
if (self.line.first.value in _COMPOUND_STMTS and
(not style.Get('DEDENT_CLOSING_BRACKETS') or
token_indent = (len(self.line.first.whitespace_prefix.split('\n')[-1]) +
if token_indent == top_of_stack.indent:
return top_of_stack.indent + style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH')
return top_of_stack.indent
def MoveStateToNextToken(self):
"""Calculate format decision state information and move onto the next token.
Before moving onto the next token, we first calculate the format decision
state given the current token and its formatting decisions. Then the format
decision state is set up so that the next token can be added.
The penalty for the number of characters over the column limit.
current = self.next_token
if not current.OpensScope() and not current.ClosesScope():
self.lowest_level_on_line = min(self.lowest_level_on_line,
# If we encounter an opening bracket, we add a level to our stack to prepare
# for the subsequent tokens.
if current.OpensScope():
last = self.stack[-1]
new_indent = style.Get('CONTINUATION_INDENT_WIDTH') + last.last_space
self.stack.append(_ParenState(new_indent, self.stack[-1].last_space))
self.paren_level += 1
# If we encounter a closing bracket, we can remove a level from our
# parenthesis stack.
if len(self.stack) > 1 and current.ClosesScope():
self.stack[-2].last_space = self.stack[-1].last_space
self.paren_level -= 1
is_multiline_string = current.is_string and '\n' in current.value
if is_multiline_string:
# This is a multiline string. Only look at the first line.
self.column += len(current.value.split('\n')[0])
elif not current.is_pseudo_paren:
self.column += len(current.value)
self.next_token = self.next_token.next_token
# Calculate the penalty for overflowing the column limit.
penalty = 0
if not current.is_pylint_comment and self.column > self.column_limit:
excess_characters = self.column - self.column_limit
penalty += style.Get('SPLIT_PENALTY_EXCESS_CHARACTER') * excess_characters
if is_multiline_string:
# If this is a multiline string, the column is actually the
# end of the last line in the string.
self.column = len(current.value.split('\n')[-1])
return penalty
def _FitsOnLine(self, start, end):
"""Determines if line between start and end can fit on the current line."""
length = end.total_length - start.total_length
if not start.is_pseudo_paren:
length += len(start.value)
return length + self.column <= self.column_limit
def _EachDictEntryFitsOnOneLine(self, opening):
"""Determine if each dict elems can fit on one line."""
def PreviousNonCommentToken(tok):
tok = tok.previous_token
while tok.is_comment:
tok = tok.previous_token
return tok
def ImplicitStringConcatenation(tok):
num_strings = 0
if tok.is_pseudo_paren:
tok = tok.next_token
while tok.is_string:
num_strings += 1
tok = tok.next_token
return num_strings > 1
closing = opening.matching_bracket
entry_start = opening.next_token
current = opening.next_token.next_token
while current and current != closing:
if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY in current.subtypes:
prev = PreviousNonCommentToken(current)
length = prev.total_length - entry_start.total_length
length += len(entry_start.value)
if length + self.stack[-2].indent >= self.column_limit:
return False
entry_start = current
if current.OpensScope():
if ((current.value == '{' or
(current.is_pseudo_paren and current.next_token.value == '{') and
format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_VALUE in current.subtypes) or
# A dictionary entry that cannot fit on a single line shouldn't matter
# to this calcuation. If it can't fit on a single line, then the
# opening should be on the same line as the key and the rest on
# newlines after it. But the other entries should be on single lines
# if possible.
if current.matching_bracket:
current = current.matching_bracket
while current:
if current == closing:
return True
if format_token.Subtype.DICTIONARY_KEY in current.subtypes:
entry_start = current
current = current.next_token
current = current.matching_bracket
current = current.next_token
# At this point, current is the closing bracket. Go back one to get the the
# end of the dictionary entry.
current = PreviousNonCommentToken(current)
length = current.total_length - entry_start.total_length
length += len(entry_start.value)
return length + self.stack[-2].indent <= self.column_limit
def _IsFunctionCallWithArguments(token):
while token:
if token.value == '(':
token = token.next_token
return token and token.value != ')'
elif not in {'NAME', 'DOT'}:
token = token.next_token
return False
def _GetLengthOfSubtype(token, subtype, exclude=None):
current = token
while (current.next_token and subtype in current.subtypes and
(exclude is None or exclude not in current.subtypes)):
current = current.next_token
return current.total_length - token.total_length + 1
def _GetOpeningBracket(current):
"""Get the opening bracket containing the current token."""
if current.matching_bracket and not current.is_pseudo_paren:
return current.matching_bracket
while current:
if current.ClosesScope():
current = current.matching_bracket
elif current.is_pseudo_paren:
current = current.previous_token
elif current.OpensScope():
return current
current = current.previous_token
return None
def _LastTokenInLine(current):
while not current.is_comment and current.next_token:
current = current.next_token
return current
def _IsFunctionDefinition(current):
prev = current.previous_token
return (current.value == '(' and prev and
format_token.Subtype.FUNC_DEF in prev.subtypes)
def _IsLastScopeInLine(current):
while current:
current = current.next_token
if current and current.OpensScope():
return False
return True
class _ParenState(object):
"""Maintains the state of the bracket enclosures.
A stack of _ParenState objects are kept so that we know how to indent relative
to the brackets.
indent: The column position to which a specified parenthesis level needs to
be indented.
last_space: The column position of the last space on each level.
split_before_closing_bracket: Whether a newline needs to be inserted before
the closing bracket. We only want to insert a newline before the closing
bracket if there also was a newline after the beginning left bracket.
num_line_splits: Number of line splits this _ParenState contains already.
Each subsequent line split gets an increasing penalty.
# TODO(morbo): This doesn't track "bin packing."
def __init__(self, indent, last_space):
self.indent = indent
self.last_space = last_space
self.closing_scope_indent = 0
self.split_before_closing_bracket = False
self.num_line_splits = 0
def Clone(self):
state = _ParenState(self.indent, self.last_space)
state.closing_scope_indent = self.closing_scope_indent
state.split_before_closing_bracket = self.split_before_closing_bracket
state.num_line_splits = self.num_line_splits
return state
def __repr__(self):
return '[indent::%d, last_space::%d, closing_scope_indent::%d]' % (
self.indent, self.last_space, self.closing_scope_indent)
def __eq__(self, other):
return hash(self) == hash(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __hash__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return hash((self.indent, self.last_space, self.closing_scope_indent,
self.split_before_closing_bracket, self.num_line_splits))