blob: 1d07209ea980d95fd40d0e1bb8746fb647745dca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Embedded Framework Authors. Portions copyright
// 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is
// governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace util_mac {
// Returns the path to the NSLibraryDirectory (e.g. "~/Library").
bool GetLocalLibraryDirectory(base::FilePath* result);
// Returns the path to the CEF framework directory inside the top-level app
// bundle (e.g. " Embedded
// Framework.framework"). May return an empty value if not running in an app
// bundle.
base::FilePath GetFrameworkDirectory();
// Returns the path to the Resources directory inside the CEF framework
// directory (e.g. " Embedded
// Framework.framework/Resources"). May return an empty value if not running in
// an app bundle.
base::FilePath GetFrameworkResourcesDirectory();
// Returns the path to the main (running) process executable (e.g.
// "").
base::FilePath GetMainProcessPath();
// Returns the path to the top-level app bundle that contains the main process
// executable (e.g. "").
base::FilePath GetMainBundlePath();
// Returns the identifier for the top-level app bundle.
std::string GetMainBundleID();
// Returns the path to the Resources directory inside the top-level app bundle
// (e.g. ""). May return an empty value if not
// running in an app bundle.
base::FilePath GetMainResourcesDirectory();
// Returns the path to the child process executable (e.g. "
// Contents/Frameworks/myapp Helper"). May
// return an empty value if not running in an app bundle.
base::FilePath GetChildProcessPath();
} // namespace util_mac