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chronyd/chronyc - Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate.
* Copyright (C) Richard P. Curnow 1997-2002
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Header file for module that deals with the measurements and statistics of
each of the sources. */
#include "sysincl.h"
#include "reports.h"
typedef struct SST_Stats_Record *SST_Stats;
/* Init and fini functions */
extern void SST_Initialise(void);
extern void SST_Finalise(void);
/* This function creates a new instance of the statistics handler */
extern SST_Stats SST_CreateInstance(uint32_t refid, IPAddr *addr,
int min_samples, int max_samples,
double min_delay, double asymmetry);
/* This function deletes an instance of the statistics handler. */
extern void SST_DeleteInstance(SST_Stats inst);
/* This function resets an instance */
extern void SST_ResetInstance(SST_Stats inst);
/* This function changes the reference ID and IP address */
extern void SST_SetRefid(SST_Stats inst, uint32_t refid, IPAddr *addr);
/* This function accumulates a single sample into the statistics handler
sample_time is the epoch at which the sample is to be considered to
have been made.
offset is the offset of the local clock relative to the source in
seconds. Positive indicates that the local clock if FAST (contrary
to the NTP parts of the software)
stratum is the stratum of the source from which the sample came.
extern void SST_AccumulateSample(SST_Stats inst, struct timespec *sample_time, double offset, double peer_delay, double peer_dispersion, double root_delay, double root_dispersion, int stratum);
/* This function runs the linear regression operation on the data. It
finds the set of most recent samples that give the tightest
confidence interval for the frequency, and truncates the register
down to that number of samples. */
extern void SST_DoNewRegression(SST_Stats inst);
/* Return the assumed worst case range of values that this source's
frequency lies within. Frequency is defined as the amount of time
the local clock gains relative to the source per unit local clock
time. */
extern void SST_GetFrequencyRange(SST_Stats inst, double *lo, double *hi);
/* Get data needed for selection */
extern void
SST_GetSelectionData(SST_Stats inst, struct timespec *now,
int *stratum,
double *offset_lo_limit,
double *offset_hi_limit,
double *root_distance,
double *variance,
double *first_sample_ago,
double *last_sample_ago,
int *select_ok);
/* Get data needed when setting up tracking on this source */
extern void
SST_GetTrackingData(SST_Stats inst, struct timespec *ref_time,
double *average_offset, double *offset_sd,
double *frequency, double *skew,
double *root_delay, double *root_dispersion);
/* This routine is called when the local machine clock parameters are
changed. It adjusts all existing samples that we are holding for
each peer so that it looks like they were made under the new clock
regime rather than the old one.
when = cooked local time when the change occurs
dfreq = delta frequency. positive means the clock has been adjusted
because it was previously gaining time relative to the external
doffset = offset slewed onto local clock. positive => local clock
has been made fast by that amount.
extern void SST_SlewSamples(SST_Stats inst, struct timespec *when, double dfreq, double doffset);
/* This routine is called when an indeterminate offset is introduced
into the local time. */
extern void SST_AddDispersion(SST_Stats inst, double dispersion);
/* Predict the offset of the local clock relative to a given source at
a given local cooked time. Positive indicates local clock is FAST
relative to reference. */
extern double SST_PredictOffset(SST_Stats inst, struct timespec *when);
/* Find the minimum round trip delay in the register */
extern double SST_MinRoundTripDelay(SST_Stats inst);
/* Get data needed for testing NTP delay */
extern int SST_GetDelayTestData(SST_Stats inst, struct timespec *sample_time,
double *last_sample_ago, double *predicted_offset,
double *min_delay, double *skew, double *std_dev);
extern void SST_SaveToFile(SST_Stats inst, FILE *out);
extern int SST_LoadFromFile(SST_Stats inst, FILE *in);
extern void SST_DoSourceReport(SST_Stats inst, RPT_SourceReport *report, struct timespec *now);
extern void SST_DoSourcestatsReport(SST_Stats inst, RPT_SourcestatsReport *report, struct timespec *now);
extern int SST_Samples(SST_Stats inst);
extern double SST_GetJitterAsymmetry(SST_Stats inst);
#endif /* GOT_SOURCESTATS_H */