blob: 2735e04cdac644f8451e22ce9cc8819fc6ad62ff [file] [log] [blame]
chronyd/chronyc - Programs for keeping computer clocks accurate.
* Copyright (C) Miroslav Lichvar 2020
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
Header file for the NTS-KE session
#include "nts_ke.h"
#include "siv.h"
typedef struct NKSN_Credentials_Record *NKSN_Credentials;
typedef struct NKSN_Instance_Record *NKSN_Instance;
/* Handler for received NTS-KE messages. A zero return code stops
the session. */
typedef int (*NKSN_MessageHandler)(void *arg);
/* Get server or client credentials using a server certificate and key,
or certificates of trusted CAs. The credentials may be shared between
different clients or servers. */
extern NKSN_Credentials NKSN_CreateServerCertCredentials(const char **certs, const char **keys,
int n_certs_keys);
extern NKSN_Credentials NKSN_CreateClientCertCredentials(const char **certs, uint32_t *ids,
int n_certs_ids,
uint32_t trusted_cert_set);
/* Destroy the credentials */
extern void NKSN_DestroyCertCredentials(NKSN_Credentials credentials);
/* Create an instance */
extern NKSN_Instance NKSN_CreateInstance(int server_mode, const char *server_name,
NKSN_MessageHandler handler, void *handler_arg);
/* Destroy an instance */
extern void NKSN_DestroyInstance(NKSN_Instance inst);
/* Start a new NTS-KE session */
extern int NKSN_StartSession(NKSN_Instance inst, int sock_fd, const char *label,
NKSN_Credentials credentials, double timeout);
/* Begin an NTS-KE message. A request should be made right after starting
the session and response should be made in the message handler. */
extern void NKSN_BeginMessage(NKSN_Instance inst);
/* Add a record to the message */
extern int NKSN_AddRecord(NKSN_Instance inst, int critical, int type,
const void *body, int body_length);
/* Terminate the message */
extern int NKSN_EndMessage(NKSN_Instance inst);
/* Get the next record from the received message. This function should be
called from the message handler. */
extern int NKSN_GetRecord(NKSN_Instance inst, int *critical, int *type, int *body_length,
void *body, int buffer_length);
/* Export NTS keys for a specified algorithm */
extern int NKSN_GetKeys(NKSN_Instance inst, SIV_Algorithm siv, NKE_Key *c2s, NKE_Key *s2c);
/* Check if the session has stopped */
extern int NKSN_IsStopped(NKSN_Instance inst);
/* Stop the session */
extern void NKSN_StopSession(NKSN_Instance inst);
/* Get a factor to calculate retry interval (in log2 seconds)
based on the session state or how it was terminated */
extern int NKSN_GetRetryFactor(NKSN_Instance inst);