| == Introduction |
| |
| With the addition of JSR 175 (A Metadata |
| Facility for the JavaTM Programming Language) in the Java platform we |
| envision that various technologies will use annotations to enable a |
| declarative style of programming. It would be unfortunate if these |
| technologies each independently defined their own annotations for common |
| concepts. It would be valuable to have consistency within the Jakarta EE |
| and Java SE component technologies, but it will also be valuable to |
| allow consistency between Jakarta EE and Java SE. |
| |
| It is the intention of this specification to |
| define a small set of common annotations that will be available for use |
| within other specifications. It is hoped that this will help to avoid |
| unnecessary redundancy or duplication between annotations defined in |
| different Jakarta EE specifications. This would allow us to have |
| the common annotations all in one place and let the technologies refer |
| to this specification rather than have them specified in multiple |
| specifications. This way all technologies can use the same version of |
| the annotations and there will be consistency in the annotations used |
| across the platforms. |
| |
| === Goals |
| |
| Define annotations for use in Jakarta EE: This |
| spec will define annotations for use within component technologies in |
| Jakarta EE as well as the platform as a whole. |
| |
| === Non-Goals |
| |
| Support for Java versions prior to J2SE 5.0 |
| |
| Annotations were introduced in J2SE 5.0. It |
| is not possible to do annotation processing in versions prior to J2SE |
| 5.0. It is not a goal of this specification to define a way of doing |
| annotation processing of any kind for versions prior to J2SE 5.0. |
| |
| === Compatibility |
| |
| The annotations defined in this specification |
| may be included individually as needed in products that make use of |
| them. Other Java specifications will require support for subsets of |
| these annotations. Products that support these Java specifications must |
| include the required annotations. |
| |
| === Conventions |
| |
| The keywords ‘MUST’, ‘MUST NOT’, ‘REQUIRED’, |
| ‘OPTIONAL’ in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC |
| 2119. |
| |
| Java code is formatted as shown below: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package com.wombat.hello; |
| |
| public class Hello { |
| public static void main(String[] args) { |
| System.out.println("Hello world"); |
| } |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === Expert Group Members |
| |
| The following expert group members |
| participated in JSR 250: |
| |
| - Cedric Beust (individual) |
| - Bill Burke (JBoss) |
| - Wayne Carr (Intel) |
| - Robert Clevenger (Oracle) |
| - Evan Ireland (Sybase) |
| - Woo Jin Kim (Tmax Soft) |
| - Gavin King (JBoss) |
| - Rajiv Mordani (Oracle Corporation, Specification lead) |
| - Ted Neward (individual) |
| - Anurag Parashar (Pramati technologies) |
| - Michael Santos (individual) |
| - Hani Suleiman (Ironflare AB) |
| - Seth White (BEA) |
| |
| === Acknowledgements |
| |
| In addition to the expert group listed above, |
| Linda DeMichiel, Ron Monzillo, Lance Andersen and Bill Shannon all of |
| whom work at Oracle Corporation have provided input to this |
| specification. |
| |
| == Annotations |
| |
| This chapter describes the standard |
| annotations, some guidelines for annotation inheritance and the usage of |
| these annotations where possible. |
| |
| === General Guidelines for Inheritance of Annotations |
| |
| The interplay of annotations and inheritance |
| in the Java language is potentially a source of complexity for |
| developers. Developers will rely on some implicit assumptions when |
| figuring out how annotations compose with other language features. At |
| the same time, annotation semantics are defined by individual |
| specifications, hence the potential for inconsistencies to arise. For |
| instance, consider the following example: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| public class Base { |
| @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| public void foo {...} |
| } |
| |
| @Stateless |
| public class Derived extends Base { |
| @TransactionAttribute(NEVER) |
| public void foo {...} |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| In keeping with the concept of method |
| overriding, most developers will assume that in the _Derived_ class, the |
| effective _TransactionAttribute_ annotation for method _foo_ is |
| _TransactionAttribute(NEVER)_ . On the other hand, it might have been |
| possible for the specification governing the semantics of the |
| _TransactionAttribute_ annotations type to require that the effective |
| _TransactionAttribute_ to be the most restrictive one in the whole |
| inheritance tree, that is, in the example above |
| _TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW)_ . A motivation for these semantics |
| might have been that the _foo_ method in the _Derived_ class may call |
| _super.foo()_ , resulting in the execution of some code that needs a |
| transaction to be in place. Such a choice on the part of the |
| specification for _TransactionAttribute_ would have contradicted a |
| developer’s intuition on how method overriding works. |
| |
| In order to keep the resulting complexity in |
| control, below are some guidelines recommended for how annotations |
| defined in the different specifications should interact with |
| inheritance: |
| |
| . Class-level annotations only affect the |
| class they annotate and its members, that is, its methods and fields. |
| They never affect a member declared by a superclass, even if it is not |
| hidden or overridden by the class in question. |
| |
| . In addition to affecting the annotated class, |
| class-level annotations may act as a shorthand for member-level |
| annotations. If a member carries a specific member-level annotation, any |
| annotations of the same type implied by a class-level annotation are |
| ignored. In other words, explicit member-level annotations have priority |
| over member-level annotations implied by a class-level annotation. For |
| example, a _TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED)_ annotation on a class |
| implies that all the public methods in the class that it is applied on |
| are annotated with _TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED)_ . However if there |
| is a _TransactionAttribute(NEVER)_ annotation on a particular method, |
| then the _TransactionAttribute(NEVER)_ applies for that particular |
| method and not _TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED)_ . |
| |
| . The interfaces implemented by a class never |
| contribute annotations to the class itself or any of its members. |
| |
| . Members inherited from a superclass and which |
| are not hidden or overridden maintain the annotations they had in the |
| class that declared them, including member-level annotations implied by |
| class-level ones. |
| |
| . Member-level annotations on a hidden or overridden member are always ignored. |
| |
| This set of guidelines guarantees that the |
| effects of an annotation are local to the class on, or inside, which it |
| appears. In order to find the effective annotation for a class member, a |
| developer has to track down its last non-hidden and non-overridden |
| declaration and examine it. If the sought-for annotation is not found |
| there, then (s)he will have to examine the enclosing class declaration. |
| If even this step fails to provide an annotation, no other source file |
| will be consulted. |
| |
| Below are some examples that explain how the |
| guidelines defined above will be applied to the _TransactionAttribute_ |
| annotation. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) |
| class Base { |
| @TransactionAttribute(NEVER) |
| public void foo() {...} |
| |
| public void bar() {...} |
| } |
| |
| @Stateless |
| class ABean extends Base { |
| public void foo() {...} |
| } |
| |
| @Stateless |
| public class BBean extends Base { |
| @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| public void foo() {...} |
| } |
| |
| @Stateless |
| @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| public class CBean extends Base { |
| public void foo() {...} |
| public void bar() {...} |
| } |
| |
| @Stateless |
| @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| public class DBean extends Base { |
| public void bar() {...} |
| } |
| |
| @Stateless |
| @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| public class EBean extends Base { |
| // ... |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| The table below shows the effective |
| _TransactionAttribute_ annotation in each of the cases above by applying |
| the guidelines specified for annotations and inheritance: |
| |
| |=== |
| |Methods in derived classes |Effective TransactionAttribute value |
| |foo() in ABean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED). (Default TransactionAttribute as defined by the Jakarta Enterprise Beans specification). |
| |bar() in ABean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) |
| |foo() in BBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| |bar() in BBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) |
| |foo() in CBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| |bar() in CBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| |foo() in DBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(NEVER) (from Base class) |
| |bar() in DBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) |
| |foo() in EBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(NEVER) (from Base class) |
| |bar() in EBean |
| |TransactionAttribute(REQUIRED) (from Base class) |
| |=== |
| |
| For more details about the _TransactionAttribute_ annotation, see the _Jakarta Enterprise Beans Core Contracts_ |
| specification. |
| |
| All annotations defined in this specification |
| follow the guidelines defined above unless explicitly stated otherwise. |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.Generated |
| |
| The _Generated_ annotation is used to mark |
| source code that has been generated. It can be specified on a class, |
| method, or field. It can also be used to differentiate user-written code |
| from generated code in a single file. |
| |
| The _value_ element MUST have the name of the |
| code generator. The recommended convention is to use the fully qualified |
| name of the code generator. For example: _com.company.package.classname_ |
| . |
| |
| The _date_ element is used to indicate the |
| date the source was generated. The _date_ element MUST follow the ISO |
| 8601 standard. For example the _date_ element could have the following |
| value: |
| |
| 2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-0700 |
| |
| which represents 2001-07-04 12:08:56 local |
| time in the U.S. Pacific time zone. |
| |
| The _comments_ element is a place holder for |
| any comments that the code generator may want to include in the |
| generated code. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Retention(SOURCE) |
| public @interface Generated { |
| String[] value(); |
| String date() default ""; |
| String comments() default ""; |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |Name of the code generator | |
| |date |Date source was generated. MUST follow ISO 8601 standard |"" |
| |comments |placeholder for comments that the generator may want to include in the generated code |"" |
| |=== |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Generated("com.sun.xml.rpc.AProcessor") |
| public interface StockQuoteService extends java.rmi.Remote { |
| this.context = context; |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.Resource |
| |
| The _Resource_ annotation is used to declare |
| a reference to a resource. It can be specified on a class, method, or |
| field. When the annotation is applied on a field or method, the |
| container will inject an instance of the requested resource into the |
| application when the application is initialized. If the annotation is |
| applied to a class, the annotation declares a resource that the |
| application will look up at runtime. Even though this annotation is not |
| marked _Inherited_ , all superclasses MUST be examined to discover all |
| uses of this annotation. All such annotation instances specify resources |
| that are needed by the application. Note that this annotation may appear |
| on private fields and methods of superclasses. Injection of the declared |
| resources needs to happen in these cases as well, even if a method with |
| such an annotation is overridden by a subclass. |
| |
| The _name_ element is the JNDI name of the |
| resource. When the _Resource_ annotation is applied on a field, the |
| default value of the _name_ element is the field name qualified by the |
| class name. When applied on a method, the default is the JavaBeans |
| property name corresponding to the method qualified by the class name. |
| When applied on a class, there is no default and the name MUST be |
| specified. |
| |
| The _type_ element defines the Java type of |
| the resource. When the _Resource_ annotation is applied on a field, the |
| default value of the _type_ element is the type of the field. When |
| applied on a method, the default is the type of the JavaBeans property. |
| When applied on a class, there is no default and the type MUST be |
| specified. When used, the type MUST be assignment compatible. |
| |
| The _authenticationType_ element is used to |
| indicate the authentication type to use for the resource. It can take |
| one of two values defined as an _Enum_ : _CONTAINER_ or _APPLICATION_ . |
| This element may be specified for resources representing a connection |
| factory of any supported type and MUST NOT be specified for resources of |
| other types. |
| |
| The _shareable_ element is used to indicate |
| whether a resource can be shared between this component and other |
| components. This element may be specified for resources representing a |
| connection factory of any supported type or ORB object instances and |
| MUST NOT be specified for resources of other types. |
| |
| The _mappedName_ element is a |
| product-specific name that this resource should be mapped to. The |
| _mappedName_ element provides for mapping the resource reference |
| specified by the _Resource_ annotation to the name of a resource known |
| to the application server. The mapped name could be of any form. |
| Application servers are not required to support any particular form or |
| type of mapped name, nor the ability to use mapped names. The mapped |
| name is product dependent and often installation dependent. No use of |
| mapped name is portable. |
| |
| The _description_ element is the description |
| of the resource. The description is expected to be in the default |
| language of the system on which the application is deployed. The |
| description can be presented to help in choosing the correct resource. |
| |
| The _lookup_ element specifies the JNDI name |
| of a resource that the resource being defined will be bound to. The type |
| of the referenced resource must be compatible with that of the resource |
| being defined. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target({TYPE, METHOD, FIELD}) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| @Repeatable(Resources.class) |
| public @interface Resource { |
| public enum AuthenticationType { |
| } |
| |
| String name() default ""; |
| |
| Class<?> type() default Object.class; |
| |
| AuthenticationType authenticationType() default AuthenticationType.CONTAINER; |
| |
| boolean shareable() default true; |
| |
| String mappedName() default ""; |
| |
| String description() default ""; |
| |
| String lookup() default ""; |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |name |The JNDI name of the resource |"" |
| |type |The Java type of the resource |Object.class |
| |authenticationType |The authentication type to use for the resource |CONTAINER |
| |shareable |Indicates whether the resource can be shared. |true |
| |mappedName |A product-specific name that the resource should map to. |"" |
| |description |Description of the resource. |"" |
| |lookup |the JNDI name of a resource that the resource being defined will be bound to |"" |
| |=== |
| |
| ==== Field based injection |
| |
| To access a resource a developer declares a |
| field and annotates it as being a resource reference. If the name and |
| type elements are missing from the annotation they will be inferred by |
| looking at the field declaration itself. It is an error if the type |
| specified by the _Resource_ annotation and the type of the field are |
| incompatible. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resource |
| private DataSource myDB; |
| ---- |
| |
| In the example above the effective name is |
| _com.example.class/myDB_ and the effective type is |
| _javax.sql.DataSource.class_ . |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resource(name="customerDB") |
| private DataSource myDB; |
| ---- |
| |
| In the example above the name is _customerDB_ |
| and the effective type is _javax.sql.DataSource.class_ . |
| |
| ==== Setter based injection |
| |
| To access a resource a developer declares a |
| setter method and annotates it as being a resource reference. The name |
| and type of resource may be inferred by inspecting the method |
| declaration if necessary. The name of the resource, if not declared, is |
| the name of the JavaBeans property as determined from the name of the |
| setter method. The setter method MUST follow the standard JavaBeans |
| convention—the name starts with “ _set_ ”; the return type is _void_ ; |
| and there is only one parameter. Additionally, the type of the parameter |
| MUST be compatible with the _type_ element of the _Resource_ annotation, |
| if specified. |
| |
| For example: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resource |
| private void setMyDB(DataSource ds) { |
| myDB = ds; |
| } |
| |
| private DataSource myDB; |
| ---- |
| |
| In the example above the effective name is |
| _com.example.class/myDB_ and the type is _javax.sql.DataSource.class_ . |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resource(name="customerDB") |
| private void setMyDB(DataSource ds) { |
| myDB = ds; |
| } |
| |
| private DataSource myDB; |
| ---- |
| |
| In the example above the name is _customerDB_ |
| and the type is _javax.sql.DataSource.class_ . |
| |
| The table below shows the mapping from Java |
| type to the equivalent resource type in the Jakarta EE 9 (and later) |
| deployment descriptors: |
| |
| [options="header"] |
| |=== |
| |Java Type |Equivalent Resource type |
| |java.lang.String |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Character |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Integer |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Boolean |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Double |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Byte |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Short |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Long |env-entry |
| |java.lang.Float |env-entry |
| |jakarta.xml.ws.Service |service-ref |
| |jakarta.jws.WebService |service-ref |
| |javax.sql.DataSource |resource-ref |
| |jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory |resource-ref |
| |jakarta.jms.QueueConnectionFactory |resource-ref |
| |jakarta.jms.TopicConnectionFactory |resource-ref |
| |jakarta.mail.Session |resource-ref |
| |java.net.URL |resource-ref |
| |jakarta.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory |resource-ref |
| |any other connection factory defined by a resource adapter |resource-ref |
| |jakarta.jms.Queue |message-destination-ref |
| |jakarta.jms.Topic |message-destination-ref |
| |jakarta.resource.cci.InteractionSpec |resource-env-ref |
| |jakarta.transaction.UserTransaction |resource-env-ref |
| |Everything else |resource-env-ref |
| |=== |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.Resources |
| |
| The _Resource_ annotation is used to declare |
| a reference to a resource. The _Resources_ annotation acts as a |
| container for multiple resource declarations. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target({TYPE}) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface Resources { |
| Resource[] value; |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |Container for defining multiple resources. | |
| |=== |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resources ({ |
| @Resource(name="myDB", type=javax.sql.DataSource), |
| @Resource(name="myMQ", type=jakarta.jms.ConnectionFactory) |
| }) |
| |
| public class CalculatorBean { |
| // ... |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.PostConstruct |
| |
| The _PostConstruct_ annotation is used on a |
| method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to |
| perform any initialization. This method MUST be invoked before the class |
| is put into service. This annotation MUST be supported on all classes |
| that support dependency injection. The method annotated with |
| _PostConstruct_ MUST be invoked even if the class does not request any |
| resources to be injected. Only one method in a given class can be |
| annotated with this annotation. The method on which the _PostConstruct_ |
| annotation is applied MUST fulfill all of the following requirements, |
| except in cases where these requirements have been relaxed by another |
| specification. See in particular the _Jakarta Interceptors_ specification. |
| |
| - The method MUST NOT have any para meters. |
| |
| - The return type of the method MUST be _void_ . |
| |
| - The method MUST NOT throw a checked exception. |
| |
| - The method on which _PostConstruct_ is |
| applied MAY be _public_ , _protected_ , package private or _private_ . |
| |
| - The method MUST NOT be static except for the application client. |
| |
| - In general, the method MUST NOT be final. |
| However, other specifications are permitted to relax this requirement on |
| a per-component basis. |
| |
| - If the method throws an unchecked exception the class MUST NOT be put into service. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target(METHOD) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface PostConstruct { |
| |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resource |
| private void setMyDB(DataSource ds) { |
| myDB = ds; |
| } |
| |
| @PostConstruct |
| private void initialize() { |
| // Initialize the connection object from the DataSource |
| connection = myDB.getConnection(); |
| } |
| |
| private DataSource myDB; |
| private Connection connection; |
| ---- |
| |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.PreDestroy |
| |
| The _PreDestroy_ annotation is used on a |
| method as a callback notification to signal that the instance is in the |
| process of being removed by the container. The method annotated with |
| _PreDestroy_ is typically used to release resources that the instance |
| has been holding. This annotation MUST be supported by all container |
| managed objects that support _PostConstruct_ except the application |
| client. The method on which the _PreDestroy_ annotation is applied MUST |
| fulfill all of the following requirements, except in cases where these |
| requirements have been relaxed by another specification. See in |
| particular the _Jakarta Interceptors_ specification. |
| |
| - The method MUST NOT have any para meters. |
| |
| - The return type of the method MUST be _void_ . |
| |
| - The method MUST NOT throw a checked exception. |
| |
| - The method on which _PreDestroy_ is applied |
| MAY be _public_ , _protected_ , package private or _private_ . |
| |
| - The method MUST NOT be static. |
| |
| - In general, the method MUST NOT be final. |
| However, other specifications are permitted to relax this requirement on |
| a per-component basis. |
| |
| - If the method throws an unchecked exception it is ignored. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target(METHOD) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface PreDestroy { |
| |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @Resource |
| private void setMyDB(DataSource ds) { |
| myDB = ds; |
| } |
| |
| @PostConstruct |
| private void initialize() { |
| // Initialize the connection object from the DataSource |
| connection = myDB.getConnection(); |
| } |
| |
| @PreDestroy |
| private void cleanup() { |
| // Close the connection to the DataSource. |
| connection.close(); |
| } |
| |
| private DataSource myDB; |
| private Connection connection; |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.Priority |
| |
| The _Priority_ annotation can be applied to |
| classes or parameters to indicate in what order they should be used. The |
| effect of using the _Priority_ annotation in any particular instance is |
| defined by other specifications that define the use of a specific class. |
| |
| For example, the _Jakarta Interceptors_ specification |
| defines the use of priorities on interceptors to control the order in |
| which interceptors are called. |
| |
| Priority values should generally be |
| non-negative, with negative values reserved for special meanings such as |
| “undefined” or “not specified”. A specification that defines use of the |
| _Priority_ annotation may define the range of allowed priorities and any |
| priority values with special meaning. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import java.lang.annotation.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target({TYPE, PARAMETER}) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| @Documented |
| public @interface Priority { |
| // The priority value. |
| int value(); |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.security.RunAs |
| |
| The _RunAs_ annotation defines the security |
| role of the application during execution in a Jakarta EE container. It can |
| be specified on a class. This allows developers to execute an |
| application under a particular role. The role MUST map to the user / |
| group information in the container’s security realm. The _value_ element |
| in the annotation is the name of a security role. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.security; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target(TYPE) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface RunAs { |
| String value(); |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |Security role of the application during execution in a Jakarta EE container | |
| |=== |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @RunAs("Admin") |
| public class Calculator { |
| // ... |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.security.RolesAllowed |
| |
| The _RolesAllowed_ annotation specifies the |
| security roles permitted to access method(s) in an application. The |
| value element of the _RolesAllowed_ annotation is a list of security |
| role names. |
| |
| The _RolesAllowed_ annotation can be |
| specified on a class or on method(s). Specifying it at a class level |
| means that it applies to all the methods in the class. Specifying it on |
| a method means that it is applicable to that method only. If applied at |
| both the class and method level, the method value overrides the class |
| value. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.security; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target({TYPE,METHOD}) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface RolesAllowed { |
| String[] value(); |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |List of roles permitted to access methods in the application | |
| |=== |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @RolesAllowed("Users") |
| public class Calculator { |
| @RolesAllowed("Administrator") |
| public void setNewRate(int rate) { |
| // ... |
| } |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.security.PermitAll |
| |
| The _PermitAll_ annotation specifies that all |
| security roles are allowed to invoke the specified method(s), that is, |
| that the specified method(s) are “unchecked”. It can be specified on a |
| class or on methods. Specifying it on the class means that it applies to |
| all methods of the class. If specified at the method level, it only |
| affects that method. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.security; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target({TYPE,METHOD}) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface PermitAll { |
| |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| import jakarta.annotation.security.*; |
| |
| @RolesAllowed("Users") |
| public class Calculator { |
| @RolesAllowed("Administrator") |
| public void setNewRate(int rate) { |
| // ... |
| } |
| |
| @PermitAll |
| public long convertCurrency(long amount) { |
| // ... |
| } |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.security.DenyAll |
| |
| The _DenyAll_ annotation specifies that no |
| security roles are allowed to invoke the specified method(s), that is, |
| that the method(s) are to be excluded from execution in the Jakarta EE |
| container. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.security; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target({TYPE, METHOD}) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface DenyAll { |
| |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| import jakarta.annotation.security.*; |
| |
| @RolesAllowed("Users") |
| public class Calculator { |
| @RolesAllowed("Administrator") |
| public void setNewRate(int rate) { |
| // ... |
| } |
| |
| @DenyAll |
| public long convertCurrency(long amount) { |
| // ... |
| } |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === PermitAll, DenyAll and RolesAllowed interactions |
| |
| The _PermitAll_ , _DenyAll_ and |
| _RolesAllowed_ annotations all define which security roles are allowed |
| to access the methods on which they are applied. This section describes |
| how these annotations interact and which usages of these annotations are |
| valid. |
| |
| If the _PermitAll_ , _DenyAll_ and |
| _RolesAllowed_ annotations are applied on methods of a class, then the |
| method level annotations take precedence (at the corresponding methods) |
| over any class level annotations of type _PermitAll_ , _DenyAll_ and |
| _RolesAllowed_ . |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.security.DeclareRoles |
| |
| The _DeclareRoles_ annotation is used to |
| specify security roles used by the application. It can be specified on a |
| class. It typically would be used to define roles that could be tested |
| (i.e., by calling _isUserInRole_ ) from within the methods of the |
| annotated class. It could also be used to declare roles that are not |
| implicitly declared as the result of their use in a _RolesAllowed_ |
| annotation on the class or a method of the class. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.security; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target(TYPE) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface DeclareRoles { |
| String[] value(); |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |List of security roles specified by the application | |
| |=== |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @DeclareRoles("BusinessAdmin") |
| public class Calculator { |
| public void convertCurrency() { |
| if (x.isUserInRole("BusinessAdmin")) { |
| // ... |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // ... |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinition |
| |
| The _DataSourceDefinition_ annotation is used |
| to define a container _DataSource_ to be registered with JNDI. The |
| _DataSource_ may be configured by setting the annotation elements for |
| commonly-used _DataSource_ properties. Additional standard and |
| vendor-specific properties may be specified using the _properties_ |
| element. The data source will be registered under the name specified in |
| the _name_ element. It may be defined to be in any valid Jakarta EE |
| namespace, which will determine the accessibility of the data source |
| from other components. A JDBC driver implementation class of the |
| appropriate type, either _DataSource_ , _ConnectionPoolDataSource_ , or |
| _XADataSource_ , must be indicated by the _className_ element. The |
| driver class is not required to be available at deployment but must be |
| available at runtime prior to any attempt to access the _DataSource_ . |
| |
| _DataSource_ properties should not be |
| specified more than once. If the _url_ annotation element contains a |
| _DataSource_ property that was also specified using the corresponding |
| annotation element or was specified in the _properties_ annotation |
| element, the precedence order is undefined and implementation specific. |
| |
| Vendors are not required to support |
| _properties_ that do not normally apply to a specific data source type. |
| For example, specifying the _transactional_ property to be _true_ but |
| supplying a value for _className_ that implements a data source class |
| other than _XADataSource_ may not be supported. |
| |
| Vendor-specific properties may be combined |
| with or used to override standard data source properties defined using |
| this annotation. |
| |
| _DataSource_ properties that are specified |
| and are not supported in a given configuration or cannot be mapped to a |
| vendor-specific configuration property may be ignored. |
| |
| Although the annotation allows you to specify |
| a password, it is recommended not to embed passwords in production code. |
| The _password_ element in the annotation is provided as a convenience |
| for ease of development. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.sql; |
| |
| import java.lang.annotation.Target; |
| import java.lang.annotation.Retention; |
| import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; |
| import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; |
| |
| @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) |
| @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |
| @Repeatable(DataSourceDefinitions.class) |
| public @interface DataSourceDefinition { |
| String name(); |
| String className(); |
| String description() default ""; |
| String url() default ""; |
| String user() default ""; |
| String password() default ""; |
| String databaseName() default ""; |
| int portNumber() default -1; |
| String serverName() default "localhost"; |
| int isolationLevel() default -1; |
| boolean transactional() default true; |
| int initialPoolSize() default -1; |
| int maxPoolSize() default -1; |
| int minPoolSize() default -1; |
| int maxIdleTime() default -1; |
| int maxStatements() default -1; |
| String[] properties() default \{}; |
| int loginTimeout() default 0; |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="34%,33%,33%",options="header",] |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| | _name_ |JNDI name by which the data source will be registered | |
| | _className_ |DataSource implementation class name | |
| | _description_ |Description of the data source |"" |
| | _url_ |A JDBC URL. If the url annotation element contains a DataSource property that was also specified using the corresponding annotation element, the precedence order is undefined and implementation specific. |"" |
| | _user_ |User name for connection authentications |"" |
| | _password_ |Password for connection authentications |"" |
| | _databaseName_ |Name of a database on a server |"" |
| | _portNumber_ |Port number where a server is listening for requests |"" |
| | _serverName_ |Database server name |"localhost" |
| | _isolationLevel_ |Isolation level for connections. |-1 (vendor specific) |
| | _transactional_ |Indicates whether a connection is transactional or not |true |
| | _initialPoolSize_ |Number of connections that should be created when a connection pool is initialized |-1 (vendor specific) |
| | _maxPoolSize_ |Maximum number of connections that should be concurrently allocated for a connection pool |-1 (vendor specific) |
| | _minPoolSize_ |Minimum number of connections that should be allocated for a connection pool |-1 (vendor specific) |
| | _maxIdleTime_ |The number of seconds that a physical connection should remain unused in the pool before the connection is closed for a connection pool |-1 (vendor specific) |
| | _maxStatements_ |The total number of statements that a connection pool should keep open. A value of 0 indicates that the caching of statements is disabled for a connection pool |-1 (vendor specific) |
| | _properties_ |Used to specify vendor-specific properties and less commonly used _DataSource_ properties. If a _DataSource_ property is specified in the properties element and the annotation element for the property is also specified, the annotation element value takes precedence. |\{} |
| | _loginTimeout_ |The maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database. A value of 0 specifies that the timeout is the default system timeout if there is one, otherwise it specifies that there is no timeout |0 |
| |=== |
| |
| Examples: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @DataSourceDefinition( |
| name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource", |
| className="com.foobar.MyDataSource", |
| portNumber=6689, |
| serverName="myserver.com", |
| user="lance", |
| password="secret") |
| |
| ---- |
| |
| Using a URL: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @DataSourceDefinition( |
| name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource", |
| className="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource", |
| url="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB", |
| user="lance", |
| password="secret") |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.sql.DataSourceDefinitions |
| |
| The _DataSourceDefinition_ annotation is used |
| to declare a container _DataSource_ . The _DataSourceDefinitions_ |
| annotation acts as a container for multiple data source declarations. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation.sql; |
| |
| import java.lang.annotation.Target; |
| import java.lang.annotation.Retention; |
| import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; |
| import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; |
| |
| @Target({ElementType.TYPE}) |
| @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) |
| public @interface DataSourceDefinitions { |
| DataSourceDefinition[] value (); |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |Container for defining multiple data sources. | |
| |=== |
| |
| The following example shows the usage of the annotation defined above: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @DataSourceDefinitions ({ |
| @DataSourceDefinition(name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource", |
| className="com.foobar.MyDataSource", |
| portNumber=6689, |
| serverName="myserver.com", |
| user="lance", |
| password="secret"), |
| |
| @DataSourceDefinition(name="java:global/MyApp/MyDataSource", |
| className="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDataSource", |
| url="jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/myDB", |
| user="lance", |
| password="secret") |
| }) |
| public class CalculatorBean { |
| // ... |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| === jakarta.annotation.ManagedBean |
| |
| The _ManagedBean_ annotation is used to |
| declare a Jakarta Managed Bean as specified in the _Jakarta Managed Beans_ |
| specification. Jakarta Managed Beans are container-managed objects that support |
| a small set of basic services such as resource injection, lifecycle |
| callbacks and interceptors. A Jakarta Managed Bean may optionally have a name, a |
| _String_ specified via the _value_ element. |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| package jakarta.annotation; |
| |
| import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; |
| import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; |
| |
| @Target(TYPE) |
| @Retention(RUNTIME) |
| public @interface ManagedBean { |
| boolean value() default ""; |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| |=== |
| |Element |Description |Default |
| |value |Name of the Jakarta Managed Bean |"" |
| |=== |
| |
| Examples: |
| |
| [source,java] |
| ---- |
| @ManagedBean("cart") |
| public class ShoppingCart { |
| // ... |
| } |
| ---- |
| |
| == References |
| |
| JSR 175: A Metadata Facility for the Java |
| Programming Language. http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=175 |
| |
| Jakarta EE Platform 9 (Jakarta EE). |
| https://jakarta.ee/specifications/platform/9/ |
| |
| Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition, v5.0 |
| (J2SE). https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/j2se-v50.html |
| |
| Jakarta Enterprise Beans, v4.0. |
| https://jakarta.ee/specifications/enterprise-beans/4.0 |
| |
| Jakarta Interceptors, 2.0. |
| https://jakarta.ee/specifications/interceptors/2.0/ |
| |
| Jakarta Managed Beans. |
| https://jakarta.ee/specifications/managedbeans/2.0/ |
| |
| RFC 2119. |
| http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2119.html |