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* Copyright (c) 1998, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.distributedservers.rcm.broadcast;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ExceptionHandler;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.RemoteCommandManagerException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.TransportManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestErrorException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestWrapper;
public class BroadcastReconnectionTest extends TestWrapper {
BroadcastSetupHelper helper;
BroadcastEventLock eventLock;
ArrayList localConnectionCreators;
boolean shouldDestroyFactory;
boolean shouldRemoveConnectionOnError;
boolean shouldRemoveConnectionOnErrorOriginal;
boolean sourceHasThrownErrorPropagatingCommandException;
boolean sourceHasRemovedRemoteConnection;
Exception firstRunTestException;
Exception firstRunVerifyException;
// take any test that tests sending and receiving remote command
public BroadcastReconnectionTest(BroadcastSetupHelper.TestWrapperWithEventLock test, boolean shouldDestroyFactory, boolean shouldRemoveConnectionOnError, BroadcastSetupHelper helper) {
this.helper = helper;
this.eventLock = test.getEventLock();
this.shouldDestroyFactory = shouldDestroyFactory;
this.shouldRemoveConnectionOnError = shouldRemoveConnectionOnError;
setName("BroadcastReconnectionTest: shouldDestroyFactory = " + shouldDestroyFactory + "; shouldRemoveConnectionOnError = " + shouldRemoveConnectionOnError);
setDescription("Invalidates RemoteConnection then removes it and runs cache sync test again");
protected TransportManager getTransportManager() {
return ((AbstractSession)getSession()).getCommandManager().getTransportManager();
// Exception handler tries to re-creates local connection in a new thread.
// Used only in case shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==true and
// there is an exception thrown by local connection while it listens:
// that happens in JMS case, doesn't happen with Oc4jJGroups.
class LocalConnectionCreator implements ExceptionHandler, Runnable {
// implements ExceptionHandler - used only in case shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==true
AbstractSession session;
ExceptionHandler originalExceptionHandler;
boolean isActive;
boolean hasReconnected;
LocalConnectionCreator(AbstractSession session) {
this.originalExceptionHandler = session.getExceptionHandler();
this.session = session;
public Object handleException(RuntimeException exception) {
if (exception instanceof RemoteCommandManagerException) {
if (((RemoteCommandManagerException)exception).getErrorCode() == helper.getRcmExceptionErrorCodeOnFailureToCreateLocalConnection()) {
if (isActive) {
// already trying to reconnect - eat the exception.
} else {
isActive = true;
hasReconnected = false;
return null;
if (originalExceptionHandler != null) {
return originalExceptionHandler.handleException(exception);
} else {
throw exception;
public void run() {
while (isActive) {
// no need for try block - we are eating the exception (see handleException method)
if (session.getCommandManager().getTransportManager().getConnectionToLocalHost() != null) {
// success!
isActive = false;
hasReconnected = true;
void clear() {
if (isActive) {
isActive = false;
protected void setup() throws Throwable {
// save originals to restore back in reset
shouldRemoveConnectionOnErrorOriginal = getTransportManager().shouldRemoveConnectionOnError();
// set the new values for duration of the test
// JMS only: if creation of local (listening) JMS connection fails
// (which it will after the factory is destroyed) then keep trying to re-create listening connection.
// Should succeed after the factory is recreated.
// Note that there's no need for that for the main session (the one that sends messages):
// the listening connection for it will be recreated together with the sending connection -
// on attempt to send a message.
if (shouldRemoveConnectionOnError && helper.isLocalConnectionRemovedOnListeningError()) {
localConnectionCreators = new ArrayList();
Iterator it = helper.getSessionsIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
AbstractSession session = (AbstractSession);
if (session != getSession()) {
localConnectionCreators.add(new LocalConnectionCreator(session));
// Shutdown the factory - after this sending and receiving remote commands should fail
if (shouldDestroyFactory) {
} else {
// disable the target listener.
// need this in Oc4jJGroups case: the message sent through closed (or destroyed)
// factory is still delivered to the target - and it happens before the
// exception is thrown on the source.
// EventLock would only accept the first unlocking event - and therefore unless
// UNLOCKED_BY_TARGET_LISTENER is disabled exception (or connection removal)
// would not show up as a EventLock's state after the test is complete.
if (helper.shouldIgnoreTargetListenerInReconnectionTest()) {
// setup the internal test for the first run
protected void test() throws Throwable {
try {
// This is expected to fail - the factory has been shut down.
} catch (Exception ex) {
// Because message published in a separate thread no exception is thrown in the main thread.
// Exception is never thrown
firstRunTestException = ex;
// Because the factory was either stopped or destroyed verify should fail.
// However eventLock allows the wrapped test to proceed as soon as either
// exception is thrown or connection is removed on the source - therefore there's no guarantee
// that the message failed to be sent by the source will fail to be eventually recieved by the target -
// may be if we waited a little bit more it would have reached the target.
// It's not the case with OracleAQ-based JMS, but it seem to happen with Oc4jJGroups:
// sending message throws exception on the source, but the message still reaches the target.
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore
firstRunVerifyException = ex;
} finally {
// reset the internal test - the first run is complete
// look at the state of eventLock to see whether any events of interest have occurred during super.test()
int state = eventLock.getState();
// should be equal to !shouldRemoveConnectionOnError:
// exception is thrown only in case connection is NOT to be removed on error
sourceHasThrownErrorPropagatingCommandException = state == BroadcastEventLock.UNLOCKED_BY_SOURCE_EXCEPTION_HANDLER;
// should be equal to shouldRemoveConnectionOnError:
// connection is removed only in case connection is to be removed on error
sourceHasRemovedRemoteConnection = state == BroadcastEventLock.UNLOCKED_BY_SOURCE_SESSION;
// repair connections and recreate the factory in case the factory was destroyed
if (shouldDestroyFactory) {
// repair all connections, restart factory.
} else {
// restart the factory
if (shouldRemoveConnectionOnError || shouldDestroyFactory) {
// In External connection has been removed either as a result of the first run,
// or by restConnection method,
// therefore the second run will be immediately unlocked with
// UNLOCKED_BY_SOURCE_SESSION unless we disable it.
// now attempt to run the internal test again -
// connections have been repaired therefore now it should pass.
protected void verify() throws Throwable {
if (shouldRemoveConnectionOnError) {
if (sourceHasThrownErrorPropagatingCommandException) {
throw new TestErrorException("With shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==true there should've been NO ErrorPropagatingCommand RCMException thrown");
if (!sourceHasRemovedRemoteConnection) {
throw new TestErrorException("With shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==true remote connection should've been removed");
} else {
if (!sourceHasThrownErrorPropagatingCommandException) {
throw new TestErrorException("With shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==false there should've been ErrorPropagatingCommand RCMException thrown");
if (sourceHasRemovedRemoteConnection) {
throw new TestErrorException("With shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==false remote connection should've NOT been removed");
if (firstRunTestException != null) {
throw new TestErrorException("Unexpectedly firstRunTestException was thrown: ", firstRunTestException);
// look at the state of eventLock to see whether any events of interest have occurred during super.test()
int state = eventLock.getState();
if (helper.shouldIgnoreTargetListenerInReconnectionTest()) {
// because targetListener is disabled, the successful result would unlock by timer -
// that means there were no exceptions or connection removals.
if (state != BroadcastEventLock.UNLOCKED_BY_TIMER) {
throw new TestErrorException("Unexpected state " + state + " after the second run, BroadcastEventLock.UNLOCKED_BY_TIMER was expected");
} else {
if (state != BroadcastEventLock.UNLOCKED_BY_TARGET_LISTENER) {
throw new TestErrorException("Unexpected state " + state + " after the second run, BroadcastEventLock.UNLOCKED_BY_TARGET_LISTENER was expected");
if (firstRunVerifyException == null) {
throw new TestErrorException("Unexpectedly firstRunVerifyException was NOT thrown");
// verify the second run of internal test - now it should pass
public void reset() throws Throwable {
if (localConnectionCreators != null) {
Iterator it = localConnectionCreators.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
LocalConnectionCreator localConnectionCreator = (LocalConnectionCreator);
localConnectionCreators = null;
if (shouldRemoveConnectionOnError) {
// External connections for sessions other than main are still invalid - let's remove them.
// Otherwise in case shouldRemoveConnectionOnError is set to false (either here or in another test)
// the sessions will be stuck with the dead connections.
helper.removeConnectionsForAllSessionsExcept((AbstractSession)getSession(), "external");
firstRunTestException = null;
firstRunVerifyException = null;
// some states could have been disabled - set back the original states' enabling.
// reset internal test
protected void stopFactory() throws Exception {
protected void resetConnections() throws Exception {
// the "main" session casted to AbstractSession
AbstractSession abstractSession = (AbstractSession)getSession();
// remove dead connections that haven't been already automatically removed.
if (shouldRemoveConnectionOnError) {
// getSession()'s external connection is already removed.
// It will be automatically repaired next time it attempts sending a message.
// External connections for all other sessions are still there:
// they didn't send messages => haven't thrown an error => haven't been removed.
// In these tests other sessions never send any messages, therefore we
// don't really care about their external connections. However would the
// other sessions attempt to send a message their invalid external connection
// would throw exception and will be substituted with the new connection
// (provided shouldRemoveConnectionOnError is still set to true).
// remove local connections.
if (helper.isLocalConnectionRemovedOnListeningError()) {
// JMS case.
// All local connections should be removed on listening error -
// subscriber.receive method throwing JMSException. Nothing to do.
} else {
if (helper.isLocalConnectionAlsoExternalConnection()) {
// Oc4jJGroups case - local connections for sessions other than the main one
// should be removed.
// The local connection is the same as external connection:
// external connection for the main session was removed => local was removed, too.
helper.removeConnectionsForAllSessionsExcept(abstractSession, "local");
} else {
// Currently never get here - provided for consistency only.
} else {
// remove all connections for all sessions.
// recreate the factory
// start the factory
// Re-create connections except those that will be re-created automatically
// (those could be re-created "by hand", too - but that's not necessary).
// No need to recreate external connections - they are automatically
// re-creted on attempt to send a message.
// Recreate local connections.
if (localConnectionCreators != null) {
// JMS shouldRemoveConnectionOnError==true case:
// local connections on sessions other than main should be restored by exception handlers -
// just wait until they are done.
boolean allReconnected;
do {
allReconnected = true;
Iterator it = localConnectionCreators.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
LocalConnectionCreator localConnectionCreator = (LocalConnectionCreator);
allReconnected = allReconnected && localConnectionCreator.hasReconnected;
if (!allReconnected) {
} while (!allReconnected);
} else {
// for main session localConnection will be created simultaneously with the external one:
// on attempt to send a message.
helper.createConnectionsForAllSessionsExcept(abstractSession, "local");