blob: b16e5360acc49eda6ab3b0579f1c3e04b8a26eec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2019 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// 12/06/2018 - Will Dazey
// - 542491: Add new 'eclipselink.jdbc.force-bind-parameters' property to force enable binding
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import jakarta.persistence.PersistenceException;
import jakarta.persistence.TypedQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabaseCall;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.Platform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.EntityManagerFactoryImpl;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.JpaQuery;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.DDLGen;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.Emf;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.EmfRunner;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.Property;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
* Tests the 'eclipselink.jdbc.force-bind-parameters' persistence property.
* For DB2 platforms, parameter binding is disabled by default. This new property
* allows parameter binding to be enabled.
public class TestParameterBinding {
@Emf(name = "forceBindEMF", createTables = DDLGen.DROP_CREATE,
classes = { GenericEntity.class },
properties = {
@Property(name = "eclipselink.jdbc.force-bind-parameters", value = "true"),
//Setting query timeout just to speed up tests and eliminate retries if they fail
@Property(name = "jakarta.persistence.query.timeout", value = "1000"),
@Property(name = "eclipselink.logging.level", value = "ALL"),
@Property(name = "eclipselink.logging.level.sql", value = "FINE"),
@Property(name = "eclipselink.logging.parameters", value = "true")})
private EntityManagerFactory forceBindEMF;
public void testCOALESCE_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//1: Test COALESCE function with positional parameter and typed parameter
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ABS(COALESCE(s.itemInteger1, ?1)) >= ?2", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, 0);
query.setParameter(2, 99);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number in the query" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//2: Test COALESCE function with literal and typed parameter
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ABS(COALESCE(s.itemInteger1, 0)) >= 99", GenericEntity.class);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 0, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//3: Test COALESCE function with all arguments as parameters
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ABS(COALESCE(?1, ?2)) >= ?3", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, 1);
query.setParameter(2, 20);
query.setParameter(3, 300);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDB2Z() || pl.isDerby()) {"Expected a failure from " + pl);
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} catch(PersistenceException e) {
Platform pl = forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDB2Z()) {
//If all Arguments of COALESCE are untyped parameters, this is expected to fail for DB2/z
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else if(pl.isDB2()) {
//If all Arguments of COALESCE are untyped parameters, this is expected to fail for DB2 LUW
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
} else if(pl.isDerby()) {
//All the arguments to the COALESCE/VALUE function cannot be parameters.
//The function needs at least one argument that is not a parameter. Error 42610.
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else {"Unexpected failure: " + e);
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testABS_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//1: Test ABS function with parameter
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2, COUNT(ABS(?1)) FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemInteger1 = ABS(?1)", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, -3);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDB2Z()) {"Expected a failure from " + pl);
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} catch(PersistenceException e) {
Platform pl = forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
//ABS is a built-in function and built-in functions do not support untyped parameters on DB2/z
if(pl.isDB2Z()) {
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else {"Unexpected failure: " + e);
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//2: Test ABS function with literal
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2, COUNT(ABS(-3)) FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemInteger1 = ABS(-3)", GenericEntity.class);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 0, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testCONCAT_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//1: Test string CONCAT with untyped parameter and literal
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 = TRIM(CONCAT(?1 , '-'))"
+ "AND s.itemString1 = TRIM(CONCAT(?2 , '-'))", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "1");
query.setParameter(2, "99");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//1: Test string CONCAT with untyped parameter and untyped parameter
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 = TRIM(CONCAT(?1 , ?1))"
+ "AND s.itemString1 = TRIM(CONCAT(?2 , ?2))", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "1");
query.setParameter(2, "99");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDB2Z() || pl.isDerby()) {"Expected a failure from " + pl);
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} catch(PersistenceException e) {
Platform pl = forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
//When both operands of a CONCAT operator are untyped parameters, error on DB2/z
if(pl.isDB2Z()) {
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else if(pl.isDerby()) {
//When all the operands of '||' expression are untyped parameters, error 42X35 on Derby
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else {"Unexpected failure: " + e);
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testEXISTS_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//9: Test string parameter in sub query
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT s FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 = ?1 AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity e WHERE s.itemInteger1 = ?2 )", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "Test");
query.setParameter(2, 33);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//10: Test string literal in sub query
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT s FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 = 'Test' AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity e WHERE s.itemInteger1 = 33 )", GenericEntity.class);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 0, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testNUMERICALEXPRESSION_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test numerical expression with untyped parameters + typed parameters
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT (s.itemInteger1 + ?4) FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE (s.itemInteger1 + ?4) > 1", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(4, 2);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test numerical expression with parameters
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT (?3 + ?4) FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE (?3 + ?4) > 1", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(3, 2);
query.setParameter(4, 2);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDerby()) {"Expected a failure from " + pl);
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} catch(PersistenceException e) {
Platform pl = forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
//When all the operands of a numeric expression are untyped parameters, error 42X35 on Derby
if(pl.isDerby()) {
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else {"Unexpected failure: " + e);
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test numerical expression with literals
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT (s.itemInteger1 + 4) FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ABS(s.itemInteger1 + 4) > 1", GenericEntity.class);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 0, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testIN_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test all the operands of an IN predicate
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ?1 IN (?2, ?3, ?4)", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, 4);
query.setParameter(2, 4);
query.setParameter(3, 5);
query.setParameter(4, 6);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDB2Z() || pl.isDerby()) {"Expected a failure from " + pl);
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} catch(PersistenceException e) {
Platform pl = forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.isDB2Z()) {
//When all the operands of an IN predicate are untyped parameters, error on DB2/z
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else if(pl.isDerby()) {
//Use as the left operand of an IN list is not allowed when all operands are untyped parameters, error 42X35 on Derby
Assert.assertEquals(DatabaseException.class, e.getCause().getClass());
Assert.assertEquals("java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException", e.getCause().getCause().getClass().getName());
} else {"Unexpected failure: " + e);
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test the first and second operands of an IN predicate
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ?1 IN (?2, 'b', 'c')", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "a");
query.setParameter(2, "a");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test the first operand of an IN predicate and zero or more operands of the IN list except for the first operand of the IN list
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ?1 IN (5, ?2, 6)", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, 4);
query.setParameter(2, 4);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test any or all operands of the IN list of the IN predicate and the first operand of the IN predicate is not an untyped parameter marker
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 2 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 IN (?1, 'b', ?2)", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "a");
query.setParameter(2, "c");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testLIKE_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test the first operand of a LIKE predicate (the match-expression) is untyped parameter
// when at least one other operand (the pattern-expression or escape-expression)
// is not an untyped parameter marker
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE ?1 LIKE ?2 ESCAPE '_'", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "HELLO_WORLD");
query.setParameter(2, "HELLO%");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test the first operand of a LIKE predicate (the match-expression) is untyped parameter
// when at least one other operand (the pattern-expression or escape-expression)
// is not an untyped parameter marker
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 LIKE ?2", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(2, "HELLO%");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 1, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
public void testSUBSTR_ForceBindJPQLParameters() {
EntityManager em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test untyped parameter is first argument of SUBSTRING
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE TRIM(s.itemString1) = TRIM(SUBSTRING(?1, 1, 5))", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "HELLO WORLD");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 1, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test untyped parameter is first & second argument of SUBSTRING
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE TRIM(s.itemString1) = TRIM(SUBSTRING(?1, ?2, 5))", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "HELLO WORLD");
query.setParameter(2, 1);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 2, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test untyped parameter is all arguments of SUBSTRING
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE s.itemString1 = SUBSTRING(?1, ?2, ?3)", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, "HELLO WORLD");
query.setParameter(2, 1);
query.setParameter(3, 5);
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 4, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 3, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {
em = forceBindEMF.createEntityManager();
try {
//Test SUBSTRING function with IN expression
TypedQuery<GenericEntity> query = em.createQuery("SELECT 1 FROM GenericEntity s "
+ "WHERE SUBSTRING(s.itemString1, 1, ?1) NOT IN (?2, ?3, ?4, ?5)", GenericEntity.class);
query.setParameter(1, 5);
query.setParameter(2, "TEST1");
query.setParameter(3, "TEST2");
query.setParameter(4, "HELLO");
query.setParameter(5, "TEST3");
DatabaseCall call = ((JpaQuery<GenericEntity>)query).getDatabaseQuery().getCall();
Assert.assertFalse("Expected query parameter binding to not be set for the DatabaseCall", call.isUsesBindingSet());
DatabasePlatform pl = (DatabasePlatform)forceBindEMF.unwrap(EntityManagerFactoryImpl.class).getDatabaseSession().getDatasourcePlatform();
if(pl.shouldBindLiterals()) {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 7, call.getParameters().size());
} else {
Assert.assertEquals("The number of parameters found does not match the number supplied" , 5, call.getParameters().size());
} finally {
if (em.getTransaction().isActive()) {
if(em.isOpen()) {