blob: 183b1383579e89c694c2f37fe45b3db4094a8bfe [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// gonural - Initial implementation
// Dmitry Kornilov - Fixes related to JPARS service versions
// Dmitry Kornilov - Upgrade to Jersey 2.x
package org.eclipse.persistence.jpars.test.util;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpars.test.server.RestCallFailedException;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import jakarta.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
* Helper class with static utility methods used for REST service testing.
* @author gonural - initial implementation
* Dmitry Kornilov - JAXRS 2.x, Jersey 2.x
public class RestUtils {
private static final String APPLICATION_LOCATION = "/eclipselink.jpars.test/persistence/";
private static final String SERVER_URI_BASE = "server.uri.base";
private static final String DEFAULT_SERVER_URI_BASE = "http://localhost:8080";
private static final String JSON_REST_MESSAGE_FOLDER = "org/eclipse/persistence/jpars/test/restmessage/json/";
private static final String XML_REST_MESSAGE_FOLDER = "org/eclipse/persistence/jpars/test/restmessage/xml/";
private static final String IMAGE_FOLDER = "org/eclipse/persistence/jpars/test/image/";
private static final Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
* Gets the server uri.
* @return the server uri
* @throws URISyntaxException the URI syntax exception
public static URI getServerURI() throws URISyntaxException {
String serverURIBase = System.getProperty(SERVER_URI_BASE, DEFAULT_SERVER_URI_BASE);
return new URI(serverURIBase + APPLICATION_LOCATION);
* Gets the server uri.
* @return the server uri
public static URI getServerURI(String versionString) throws URISyntaxException {
String serverURIBase = System.getProperty(SERVER_URI_BASE, DEFAULT_SERVER_URI_BASE);
String versionStringUrlFragment = versionString == null || versionString.equals("") ? "" : versionString + "/";
return new URI(serverURIBase + APPLICATION_LOCATION + versionStringUrlFragment);
* Marshals given object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object object to marshal
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return string containing XML or JSON representation of given object
public static String marshal(PersistenceContext context, Object object, MediaType mediaType)
throws JAXBException {
return marshal(context, object, mediaType, true);
* Marshals given object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object object to marshal
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @param sendRelationships if this is set to true, relationships will be sent as links instead of sending
* the actual objects in the relationships
* @return string containing XML or JSON representation of given object
public static String marshal(PersistenceContext context, Object object, MediaType mediaType, boolean sendRelationships)
throws JAXBException {
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
context.marshall(object, mediaType, os, sendRelationships);
return os.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
* Unmarshals given string to an object of given type.
* @param context persistence context
* @param msg string to unmarshal
* @param resultClass resulting object type
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return unmarshaled object
public static <T> T unmarshal(PersistenceContext context, String msg, Class<T> resultClass, MediaType mediaType) throws JAXBException {
return (T) context.unmarshalEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName(), mediaType, new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes()));
* Reads object of given type with given ID.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id id of the obejct to retrieve
* @param resultClass object type
* @param outputMediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @param tenantId tenantId or null if no tenant
* @return retrieved object
public static <T> T restReadObject(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType outputMediaType,
Map<String, String> tenantId)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
final String result = restRead(context, id, resultClass, outputMediaType, tenantId);
return unmarshal(context, result, resultClass, outputMediaType);
* Reads object of given type with given ID.
* @param context persistent context
* @param id id of the object to retrieve
* @param resultClass object type
* @param outputMediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return retrieved object
public static <T> T restReadObject(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType outputMediaType)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restReadObject(context, id, resultClass, outputMediaType, null);
* Reads object of given type with given ID.
* @param context persistent context
* @param id id of the object to retrieve
* @param resultClass object type
* @return retrieved object
public static <T> T restReadObject(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> resultClass) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restReadObject(context, id, resultClass, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* Retrieves and returns a string representation (not unmarshalled) of an object with given id and type.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id id of the object to retrieve
* @param resultClass type of the object to retrieve
* @param outputMediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @param tenantId tenantId or null if no tenant
* @return XML or JSON representation of retrieved object
public static <T> String restRead(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType outputMediaType,
Map<String, String> tenantId) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addTenantInfo(tenantId).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName(), id).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, outputMediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Retrieves and returns a string representation (not unmarshalled) of an object with given id and type.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id id of the object to retrieve
* @param resultClass type of the object to retrieve
* @param outputMediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return XML or JSON representation of retrieved object
public static <T> String restRead(PersistenceContext context, Object id, Class<T> resultClass, MediaType outputMediaType)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
return restRead(context, id, resultClass, outputMediaType, null);
* Retrieves and returns a string representation (not unmarshalled) of an object with given id and type.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id id of the object to retrieve
* @param resultClass type of the object to retrieve
* @return XML or JSON representation of retrieved object
public static <T> String restRead(PersistenceContext context, Object id, Class<T> resultClass)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
return restRead(context, id, resultClass, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* Retrieved object referenced by given link.
* @param context persistence context
* @param href link to object to retrieve
* @param resultClass type of the object to retrieve
* @return retrieved object
public static <T> T restReadByHref(PersistenceContext context, String href, Class<T> resultClass)
throws RestCallFailedException, JAXBException {
final Response response = doGet(context, href, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
final String result = response.readEntity(String.class);
return unmarshal(context, result, resultClass, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* REST GET entity with hints.
* @param context persistent context
* @param id entity ID
* @param type entity type
* @param hints hints list
* @param outputMediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return response in string
public static String restReadWithHints(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
String type,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType outputMediaType) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(type, id).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, outputMediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Updates given object.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param context persistence context
* @param object object to update
* @param resultClass the result class
* @param tenantId the tenant id
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @param sendLinks if true links will be marshalled
* @return updated object
public static <T> T restUpdate(PersistenceContext context,
Object object,
Class<T> resultClass,
Map<String, String> tenantId,
MediaType mediaType,
boolean sendLinks)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
String marshalledObj = marshal(context, object, mediaType, sendLinks);
String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addTenantInfo(tenantId).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName()).toString();
Response response = doPost(context, uri, Entity.entity(marshalledObj, mediaType), mediaType);
return unmarshal(context, response.readEntity(String.class), resultClass, mediaType);
* Updates given object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object object to update
* @param resultClass the result class
* @return updated object
public static <T> T restUpdate(PersistenceContext context, Object object, Class<T> resultClass)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restUpdate(context, object, resultClass, null, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, true);
* Updates given object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object object to update
* @param resultClass the result class
* @param sendLinks if true links will be marshalled
* @return updated object
public static <T> T restUpdate(PersistenceContext context, Object object, Class<T> resultClass, boolean sendLinks)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restUpdate(context, object, resultClass, null, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, sendLinks);
* Posts a given message to update an object. Returns XML or JSON representation of updated object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param message XML or JSON representation of an object to update
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param tenantId the tenant id
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return updated object in XMK or JSON depending on passed media type
public static <T> String restUpdateStr(PersistenceContext context,
String message,
Class<T> resultClass,
Map<String, String> tenantId,
MediaType mediaType) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addTenantInfo(tenantId).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName()).toString();
final Response response = doPost(context, uri, Entity.entity(message, mediaType), mediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Rest create.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object the object to create
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param tenantId the tenant id
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @param sendLinks if this is set to true, relationships will be sent as links instead of sending
* the actual objects in the relationships
* @return created object
public static <T> T restCreate(PersistenceContext context,
Object object,
Class<T> resultClass,
Map<String, String> tenantId,
MediaType mediaType, boolean sendLinks)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
final String marshalledObj = marshal(context, object, mediaType, sendLinks);
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addTenantInfo(tenantId).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName()).toString();
final Response response = doPut(context, uri, Entity.entity(marshalledObj, mediaType), mediaType);
return unmarshal(context, response.readEntity(String.class), resultClass, mediaType);
* Creates an object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object the object to create
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return created object
public static <T> T restCreate(PersistenceContext context,
Object object,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType mediaType)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restCreate(context, object, resultClass, null, mediaType, false);
* Creates an object.
* @param context persistence context
* @param object the object to create
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @return created object
public static <T> T restCreate(PersistenceContext context, Object object, Class<T> resultClass)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restCreate(context, object, resultClass, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* Rest create an object from string message.
* @param context persistence context
* @param msg XML or JSON object representation
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return created object
public static <T> T restCreateStr(PersistenceContext context,
String msg,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName()).toString();
final Response response = doPut(context, uri, Entity.entity(msg, mediaType), mediaType);
return unmarshal(context, response.readEntity(String.class), resultClass, mediaType);
* Rest create with sequence.
* @param context persistence context
* @param msg XML or JSON object representation
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
public static <T> void restCreateWithSequence(PersistenceContext context,
String msg,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName()).toString();
doPut(context, uri, Entity.entity(msg, mediaType), mediaType);
* Rest delete.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id ID of object to delete
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param tenantId the tenant id
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
public static <T> void restDelete(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> resultClass,
Map<String, String> tenantId,
MediaType mediaType) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addTenantInfo(tenantId).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName(), id).toString();
doDelete(context, uri, mediaType);
* Rest delete.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id ID of object to delete
* @param resultClass the result object type
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
public static <T> void restDelete(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType mediaType) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
restDelete(context, id, resultClass, null, mediaType);
* Rest delete.
* @param context persistence context
* @param id ID of object to delete
* @param resultClass the result object type
public static <T> void restDelete(PersistenceContext context, Object id, Class<T> resultClass)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
restDelete(context, id, resultClass, null, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* Rest named multi result query.
* @param context persistence context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return query result in string
public static String restNamedMultiResultQueryResult(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addQuery(queryName).addParameters(parameters).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, mediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Rest named multi result query.
* @param context persistence context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param returnType the result object type
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return list of objects
public static <T> List<T> restNamedMultiResultQuery(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
Class<T> returnType,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
final String result = restNamedMultiResultQueryResult(context, queryName, parameters, hints, mediaType);
if (context.getServiceVersion().compareTo(ServiceVersion.VERSION_2_0) >= 0) {
// 2.0 or higher
final Object obj = context.unmarshalEntity("ReadAllQueryResultCollection", mediaType, new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes()));
if (obj instanceof ReadAllQueryResultCollection) {
final ReadAllQueryResultCollection c = (ReadAllQueryResultCollection) obj;
return (List<T>)c.getItems();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
// 1.0 or no version
final Object obj = context.unmarshalEntity(returnType.getSimpleName(), mediaType, new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes()));
if (obj instanceof SimpleHomogeneousList) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
return (List<T>)obj;
* Rest named multi result query.
* @param context persistence context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param returnType the result object type
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @return list of objects
public static <T> List<T> restNamedMultiResultQuery(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
Class<T> returnType,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints) throws URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restNamedMultiResultQuery(context, queryName, returnType, parameters, hints, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* Rest named single result query.
* @param context persistence context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return query result in string
public static String restNamedSingleResultQueryResult(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addSingleResultQuery(queryName).addParameters(parameters).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, mediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Rest named single result query.
* @param context persistence context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param returnType the result object type
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return object
public static Object restNamedSingleResultQuery(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
String returnType,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
final String result = restNamedSingleResultQueryResult(context, queryName, parameters, hints, mediaType);
return context.unmarshalEntity(returnType, mediaType, new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes()));
* Rest named single result query.
* @param context persistence context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param returnType the result object type
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @return object
public static Object restNamedSingleResultQuery(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
String returnType,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints) throws URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
return restNamedSingleResultQuery(context, queryName, returnType, parameters, hints, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE);
* Rest named single result query in byte array.
* @param context the persistent context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param outputMediaType the output media type
* @return the byte[]
* @throws URISyntaxException the URI syntax exception
public static byte[] restNamedSingleResultQueryInByteArray(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType outputMediaType) throws URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addSingleResultQuery(queryName).addParameters(parameters).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, outputMediaType);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
if (outputMediaType == MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE) {
try {
//BufferedImage image =;
BufferedImage image =;
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(image, "png", baos);
return baos.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
if (baos != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Rest update relationship.
* @param context persistence context
* @param objectId the object id
* @param relationshipName the relationship name
* @param newValue the new value
* @param mediaType media type to use (XML or JSON)
* @return updated object
public static <T> T restUpdateRelationship(PersistenceContext context,
String objectId,
String relationshipName,
Object newValue,
Class<T> resultClass,
MediaType mediaType)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
final String newValueStr = marshal(context, newValue, mediaType);
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(resultClass.getSimpleName(), objectId, relationshipName).toString();
final Response response = doPost(context, uri, Entity.entity(newValueStr, mediaType), mediaType);
return unmarshal(context, response.readEntity(String.class), resultClass, mediaType);
* Rest update bidirectional relationship.
* @param context persistence context
* @param objectId the object id
* @param objectType the object type
* @param relationshipName the relationship name
* @param newValue the new value
* @param mediaType the media type
* @param partner the partner
* @param sendLinks if this is set to true, relationships will be sent as links instead of sending
* the actual objects in the relationships
* @return the string
public static <T> String restUpdateBidirectionalRelationship(PersistenceContext context,
String objectId,
Class<T> objectType,
String relationshipName,
Object newValue,
MediaType mediaType,
String partner,
boolean sendLinks)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException, JAXBException {
// Construct parameters
final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(1);
if (partner != null) {
params.put(QueryParameters.JPARS_RELATIONSHIP_PARTNER, partner);
final String newValueStr = marshal(context, newValue, mediaType, sendLinks);
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(objectType.getSimpleName(), objectId, relationshipName).addParameters(params).toString();
final Response response = doPost(context, uri, Entity.entity(newValueStr, mediaType), mediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Rest remove bidirectional relationship.
* @param context persistence context
* @param objectId the object id
* @param objectType the object type
* @param relationshipName the relationship name
* @param mediaType the media type
* @param partner the partner
* @param listItemId the list item id
* @return the string
public static <T> String restRemoveBidirectionalRelationship(PersistenceContext context,
String objectId,
Class<T> objectType,
String relationshipName,
MediaType mediaType,
String partner,
String listItemId)
throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
// Construct hints
final Map<String, String> hints = new HashMap<>();
if (partner != null) {
hints.put(QueryParameters.JPARS_RELATIONSHIP_PARTNER, partner);
if (listItemId != null) {
hints.put(QueryParameters.JPARS_LIST_ITEM_ID, listItemId);
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(objectType.getSimpleName(), objectId, relationshipName).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doDelete(context, uri, mediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Gets the JSON message.
* @param inputFile the input file
* @return the JSON message
public static String getJSONMessage(String inputFile) {
InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(JSON_REST_MESSAGE_FOLDER + inputFile);
return convertStreamToString(is);
* Gets the XML message.
* @param inputFile the input file
* @return the XML message
public static String getXMLMessage(String inputFile) {
InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(XML_REST_MESSAGE_FOLDER + inputFile);
return convertStreamToString(is);
* Convert image to byte array.
* @param imageName the image name
* @return the byte[]
* @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
public static byte[] convertImageToByteArray(String imageName) throws IOException {
final InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(IMAGE_FOLDER + imageName);
if (is == null) {
throw new IOException("Cannot find " + IMAGE_FOLDER + imageName);
final BufferedImage originalImage =;
final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(originalImage, getExtension(new File(imageName)), baos);
return baos.toByteArray();
* Rest find attribute.
* @param context the context
* @param id the id
* @param objectType the object type
* @param attribute the attribute
* @param outputMediaType the output media type
* @return attribute
public static <T> String restFindAttribute(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> objectType,
String attribute,
MediaType outputMediaType) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(objectType.getSimpleName(), id, attribute).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, outputMediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Rest find attribute query.
* @param context the context
* @param id the id
* @param objectType the object type
* @param attribute the attribute
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param outputMediaType the output media type
* @return attribute
public static <T> String restFindAttribute(PersistenceContext context,
Object id,
Class<T> objectType,
String attribute,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType outputMediaType) throws RestCallFailedException, URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addEntity(objectType.getSimpleName(), id, attribute).addParameters(parameters).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doGet(context, uri, outputMediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Rest update query.
* @param context the context
* @param queryName the query name
* @param parameters the parameters
* @param hints the hints
* @param mediaType the media type
* @return the string
public static String restUpdateQuery(PersistenceContext context,
String queryName,
Map<String, Object> parameters,
Map<String, String> hints,
MediaType mediaType) throws URISyntaxException {
final String uri = new UriBuilder(context).addQuery(queryName).addParameters(parameters).addHints(hints).toString();
final Response response = doPost(context, uri, Entity.entity(null, mediaType), mediaType);
return response.readEntity(String.class);
* Executes GET request to the server.
* @param context persistence context
* @param uri uri
* @param outputMediaType media type to use
* @return response
public static Response doGet(PersistenceContext context, String uri, MediaType outputMediaType) {
final Response response =;
checkResponse(Response.Status.OK, context, outputMediaType, response);
return response;
* Executes POST request to the server.
* @param context persistence context
* @param uri uri
* @param entity entity to post
* @param outputMediaType media type to use
* @return response
public static Response doPost(PersistenceContext context, String uri, Entity<String> entity, MediaType outputMediaType) {
final Response response =;
checkResponse(Response.Status.OK, context, outputMediaType, response);
return response;
* Executes PUT request to the server.
* @param context persistence context
* @param uri uri
* @param entity entity to create
* @param outputMediaType media type to use
* @return response
public static Response doPut(PersistenceContext context, String uri, Entity<String> entity, MediaType outputMediaType) {
final Response response =;
checkResponse(Response.Status.CREATED, context, outputMediaType, response);
return response;
* Executes DELETE request to the server.
* @param context persistence context
* @param uri uri
* @param outputMediaType media type to use
* @return response
public static Response doDelete(PersistenceContext context, String uri, MediaType outputMediaType) {
final Response response =;
checkResponse(Response.Status.OK, context, outputMediaType, response);
return response;
private static String getExtension(File f) {
String ext = null;
String s = f.getName();
int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i > 0 && i < s.length() - 1) {
ext = s.substring(i + 1).toLowerCase();
return ext;
private static void writeToFile(String data) {
BufferedWriter writer = null;
try {
String fileName = (System.currentTimeMillis() + ".txt");
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileName));
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
private static String convertStreamToString(InputStream is) {
try {
return new java.util.Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A").next();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private static void checkResponse(Response.Status status, PersistenceContext context, MediaType outputMediaType, Response response) {
if (response.getStatus() != status.getStatusCode()) {
restCallFailed(context, response, outputMediaType);
private static void restCallFailed(PersistenceContext context, Response response, MediaType mediaType) {
final String entity = response.readEntity(String.class);
if ((entity != null) && (!entity.isEmpty())) {
if ((entity.contains("problemType")) && (entity.contains("title") && (entity.contains("httpStatus")))) {
try {
ErrorResponse errorDetail = (ErrorResponse) context.unmarshalEntity(ErrorResponse.class.getSimpleName(), mediaType, new ByteArrayInputStream(entity.getBytes()));
throw new RestCallFailedException(response.getStatus(), errorDetail);
} catch (JAXBException e) {
fail("Exception thrown unmarshalling: " + e);
throw new RestCallFailedException(response.getStatus());