blob: 4d5a1c8061da615ad6e5a07f6f454c523040d15c [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 1998, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at,
or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
egwin - initial API and implementation
For each oracle project
Find out if current checkin is latest hash
find current hash
find checked in hash
compare hash if != mark for build
if build=true
set build arguments
checkin results
* Ant naming conventions:
* - regardless of the actual OS platform,'/' is the directory separator
* (Ant will convert as appropriate).
* - multi-word properties use periods '.'
* - properties ending in .jar define jarfile names only (no path)
* - properties ending in .lib are fully qualified jars (path and filename)
* - properties ending in .dir are directory paths
* - properties ending in .path are path refid names (classpath fragments)
* - multi-word targets use hyphens '-'
* - targets beginning with test- are reserved for high level test targets,
* and are used in test results parsing
* - targets typically use the form <action>-<object>-<type> (ie. package-bundle-zip)
* - multi-word macros use underscores '_'
* - multi-word macro attributes are concatenated
* e.g. 'runpathref'
* - multi-word tasks (taskdef) names are concatenated
* e.g. 'validateconnection'
* - OS environment variables are in ALLCAPS and have 'env' as a prefix
* e.g. ${env.XXX}.
* - Ant properties are lower case.
<project name="oraclebuild" default="build" basedir=".">
<!-- Default ant target, compiles and translates resources, does not run tests. -->
<target name="build" depends="clean-oracle, build-oracle, build-nosql"/>
<target name="process-control" depends="build, commit-oracle, commit-nosql, validate-commits"/>
<target name="init">
<!-- The following variables should be passed from Hudson:
env.JAVA_HOME - JAVA_HOME as defined by Hudson
git.exec - fully qualified path to git executable
hudson.workspace- WORKSPACE as defined by the Hudson slave
M2_HOME - location of Maven3 install (on build server)
branch - name of Git branch (master, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, etc)
However, just in case default values are set:
<property name="git.exec" value="/usr/bin/git"/>
<property name="branch" value="master"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="os.arch = '${os.arch}'"/>
<echo message="os.version = '${os.version}'"/>
<echo message=" ---"/>
<echo message="env.JAVA_HOME = '${env.JAVA_HOME}'"/>
<echo message="git.exec = '${git.exec}'"/>
<echo message="hudson.workspace= '${hudson.workspace}'"/>
<echo message="M2_HOME = '${M2_HOME}'"/>
<echo message="branch = '${branch}'"/>
<echo message=" ---"/>
<format property="" pattern="yyyyMMdd"/>
<format property="" pattern="HHmm"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message=" ---"/>
<!-- Convert basedir to *nix format to avoid pathing issues with certain commands -->
<dirname property="" file="${ant.file.oraclebuild}"/>
<pathconvert targetos="unix" property="">
<pathelement location="${}"/>
<!-- oraclelibs.2.base.dir needs to be explicit (not relative) for antcall usage -->
<property name="oraclebuild.2.base.dir" value="${}"/>
<property name="oraclebuild.2.buildsystem.dir" value="${}/buildsystem"/>
<property name="oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir" value="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/plugins"/>
<property name="oraclebuild.2.nosql.dir" value="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/foundation/org.eclipse.persistence.nosql"/>
<property name="" value="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/foundation/"/>
<property name="" value="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/foundation/"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="basedir = '${basedir}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message="oraclebuild.2.base.dir = '${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}'"/>
<echo message="oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir= '${oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir}'"/>
<echo message="oraclebuild.2.nosql.dir = '${oraclebuild.2.nosql.dir}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message=" = '${}'"/>
<echo message=" ---"/>
<condition property="" value="Loading user defined properties from: '${user.home}/'"
else="No custom properties file at '${user.home}/'. Continuing build using defaults.">
<available file="${user.home}/"/>
<echo message="${}"/>
<property file="${user.home}/"/>
<echo message=" "/>
<property file="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/"/>
<property name="" value="build-oracle-extension"/>
<!-- Sets default for all extensions.depend dir locations to static paths -->
<property name="oracle.extensions.depend.dir" value="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/../"/>
<echo message="oracle.extensions.depend.dir = '${oracle.extensions.depend.dir}'"/>
<!-- This HAS to be defined after allowing user redefinitions (which will cause the condition not to set anything) -->
<!-- This tests to make sure the extensions dir exists, if not sets to a existant dummy location -->
<condition property="extensions.depend.dir" value="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/../extension.lib.external"
<available file="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}/../extension.lib.external" type="dir"/>
<echo message="extensions.depend.dir = '${extensions.depend.dir}'"/>
<!-- Custom task definitions -->
<property name="custom.tasks.lib" value="${oraclebuild.2.buildsystem.dir}/ant_customizations.jar"/>
<property name="custom.echo.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.Say"/>
<property name="custom.selectbundle.task.class" value="org.eclipse.persistence.buildtools.ant.taskdefs.SelectBundle"/>
<echo message="custom.tasks.lib ='${custom.tasks.lib}'"/>
<echo message="custom.echo.task.class ='${custom.echo.task.class}'"/>
<echo message="custom.selectbundle.task.class ='${custom.selectbundle.task.class}'"/>
<echo message=" ---"/>
<taskdef name="say" classname="${custom.echo.task.class}" classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
<taskdef name="selectbundle" classname="${custom.selectbundle.task.class}" classpath="${custom.tasks.lib}"/>
<!-- Feature Dependency variables -->
<property name="oracle.ext.prefix" value=""/>
<property name="oracle.ext.criteria" value="[0.0.1,9.0.0)"/>
<property name="oracle.nosql.prefix" value=""/>
<property name="oracle.nosql.criteria" value="[0.0.1,9.0.0)"/>
<condition property="windows.os" value="true">
<contains string="${}" substring="Win"/>
<say message="Windows OS detected. Command-line Git tools will likely not run properly." if="windows.os"/>
<say message=" To build manually use:" if="windows.os"/>
<say message=" ant -f antbuild.xml;target&gt; ${}" if="windows.os"/>
<say message=" " if="windows.os"/>
<say message="Aborting...." if="windows.os"/>
<fail message="This buildfile should be used with a *nix or OS X operating system." if="windows.os"/>
<!-- Verify validity of 'git.exec' value -->
<available file="${git.exec}" property="git.exec.exist"/>
<fail message="Cannot find: ${git.exec}" unless="git.exec.exist"/>
<target name="establish-baseline" if="git.exec" depends="init">
<!-- Determine starting hash values of repo in specific locations (base proj, oracle, and nosql dirs) -->
<get_git_hash githashproperty="prebuild.git.hash" repoprojectdir="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}"/>
<get_git_hash githashproperty="prebuild.ext.hash" repoprojectdir="${}"/>
<get_git_hash githashproperty="prebuild.nosql.hash" repoprojectdir="${}"/>
<!-- Report results -->
<say message="prebuild.git.hash = '${prebuild.git.hash}'" if="prebuild.git.hash"/>
<say message="prebuild.ext.hash = '${prebuild.ext.hash}'" if="prebuild.ext.hash"/>
<say message="prebuild.nosql.hash = '${prebuild.nosql.hash}'" if="prebuild.nosql.hash"/>
<say message="prebuild.git.hash = undefined" unless="prebuild.git.hash"/>
<say message="prebuild.ext.hash = undefined" unless="prebuild.ext.hash"/>
<say message="prebuild.nosql.hash = undefined" unless="prebuild.nosql.hash"/>
<!-- Determine existing bundle versions -->
<selectbundle basename="${oracle.ext.prefix}" directory="${oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir}"
criterion="${oracle.ext.criteria}" property="" versiononly="true"
<selectbundle basename="${oracle.nosql.prefix}" directory="${oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir}"
criterion="${oracle.nosql.criteria}" property="" versiononly="true"
<!-- Report results -->
<say message=" = '${}'" if=""/>
<say message=" = '${}'" if=""/>
<say message=" = '${oracle.ext.prefix}_*.jar' bundle not found." unless=""/>
<say message=" = '${oracle.nosql.prefix}_*.jar' bundle not found." unless=""/>
<echo message=" ---"/>
<!-- Validate we have what we need to proceed -->
<condition property="missing.hash" value="true">
<not> <isset property="prebuild.git.hash"/> </not>
<not> <isset property="prebuild.ext.hash"/> </not>
<not> <isset property="prebuild.nosql.hash"/> </not>
<fail message="Cannot determine repository state (one or more hashes undefined). Aborting..." if="missing.hash"/>
<target name="set-build-required" depends="establish-baseline">
<!-- This could get increadibly complex: To compile both bundles together, not only do I need to determine if both bundles -->
<!-- should be built, but I need to figure out if the qualifiers are the same (based upon the hash of the project itself). -->
<!-- This means the potential of three build paths: (compile both together [if same hash], compile one, compile both -->
<!-- [different qualifiers]). So it looks like while compiling together is more efficient with Maven, it would only add -->
<!-- more complexity to this process. Therefore, the variables will be set to call the compile for each bundle if it is -->
<!-- required and use the bundles already determined hash, regardless of whether the hashes match. -->
<!-- Determine if Oracle Extension needs rebuild -->
<condition property="oracle.current" value="true">
<contains string="${}" substring="${prebuild.ext.hash}"/>
<!-- Determine if Oracle NoSQL Extension needs rebuild -->
<condition property="nosql.current" value="true">
<contains string="${}" substring="${prebuild.nosql.hash}"/>
<say message="oracle.current = '${oracle.current}' ('' contains 'prebuild.ext.hash')" if="oracle.current"/>
<say message="nosql.current = '${nosql.current}' ('' contains 'prebuild.nosql.hash')" if="nosql.current"/>
<say message="oracle.current = undefined ('' doesn't contain 'prebuild.ext.hash')" unless="oracle.current"/>
<say message="nosql.current = undefined ('' doesn't contain 'prebuild.nosql.hash')" unless="nosql.current"/>
<!-- set what should clean -->
<!-- if either oracle or nosql need rebuild (clean will need to happen in either case)-->
<condition property="" value="oracle">
<not> <isset property="oracle.current"/> </not>
<not> <isset property="nosql.current"/> </not>
<condition property="" value="oracle.ext">
<not> <isset property="oracle.current"/> </not>
<isset property="nosql.current"/>
<condition property="" value="oracle.nosql">
<isset property="oracle.current"/>
<not> <isset property="nosql.current"/> </not>
<say message=" = '${}'" if=""/>
<say message=" = undefined" unless=""/>
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<target name="report-build-not-required" unless="" depends="set-build-required">
<echo message="Oracle extensions appear current. Conditions not met for rebuild. Build target will be bypassed."/>
<target name="clean-oracle" if="" depends="report-build-not-required">
<!-- === Which extensions targeted is based on ${} === -->
<!-- = oracle.ext: build oracle extension -->
<!-- = oracle.nosql: build oracle nosql extension -->
<!-- = oracle: build both -->
<ant antfile="antbuild.xml" dir="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}" target="clean-oracle-extension">
<property name="version.qualifier" value="v${}-${prebuild.git.hash}"/>
<property name="" value="${}"/>
<!-- Also need to clean the compdeps repo so it is forced to regenerate -->
<ant antfile="antbuild.xml" dir="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}" target="generate-local-compdeps">
<property name="generate.compdeps" value="true"/>
<!-- What about the oracle repo? force regen, or allow manual install of local repo? -->
<target name="build-oracle" unless="oracle.current" >
<!-- === Which extensions targeted is based on ${} === -->
<!-- = oracle.ext: build oracle extension -->
<!-- = oracle.nosql: build oracle nosql extension -->
<!-- = oracle: build both -->
<build_extension qualifierhash="prebuild.ext.hash" buildtarget="oracle.ext"/>
<selectbundle basename="${oracle.ext.prefix}" directory="${oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir}"
criterion="${oracle.ext.criteria}" property="" versiononly="true"
<validate_extension_build prebuildhashproperty="prebuild.ext.hash" currentversionproperty="" prebuildversion="${}" successproperty="" failureproperty=""/>
<target name="build-nosql" unless="nosql.current" >
<!-- === Which extensions targeted is based on ${} === -->
<!-- = oracle.ext: build oracle extension -->
<!-- = oracle.nosql: build oracle nosql extension -->
<!-- = oracle: build both -->
<build_extension qualifierhash="prebuild.nosql.hash" buildtarget="oracle.nosql"/>
<selectbundle basename="${oracle.nosql.prefix}" directory="${oraclebuild.2.common.plugins.dir}"
criterion="${oracle.nosql.criteria}" property="" versiononly="true"
<validate_extension_build prebuildhashproperty="prebuild.nosql.hash" currentversionproperty="" prebuildversion="${}" successproperty="commit.nosql" failureproperty=""/>
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<target name="oracle-failed" if="" depends="">
<echo message="cannot commit oracle extention, no bundle to commit"/>
<!-- revert?? -->
<target name="commit-oracle" if="" depends="oracle-failed">
<echo message="commit-oracle"/>
<!-- Need:
${oracle.ext.prefix} prefix of bundles to commit
${} version of bundles to commit
${} to delete old bundle from repo
<commit_extension targetprefix="${oracle.ext.prefix}" currentversion="${}" prebuildversion="${}"/>
<target name="nosql-failed" if="" depends="">
<echo message="cannot commit oracle nosql extention, no bundle to commit"/>
<!-- revert?? -->
<target name="commit-nosql" if="commit.nosql" depends="nosql-failed">
<echo message="commit-nosql"/>
<!-- Need:
${oracle.nosql.prefix} prefix of bundles to commit
${} version of bundles to commit
${} to delete old bundle from repo
<commit_extension targetprefix="${oracle.nosql.prefix}" currentversion="${}" prebuildversion="${}"/>
<target name="validate-commits">
<!-- If (! oracle.current) and != prebuild.git.hash /was supposed to build post-commit-hash not equal prebuild haash -->
<!-- Determine if Oracle Extension was commited -->
<condition property="oracle.comitted" value="true">
<not> <isset property="oracle.current"/> </not>
<contains string="${}" substring="${postbuild.ext.hash}"/>
<!-- Determine if Oracle NoSQL Extension was commited -->
<condition property="nosql.comitted" value="true">
<not> <isset property="nosql.current"/> </not>
<contains string="${}" substring="${postbuild.nosql.hash}"/>
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<!-- Needed to reduce code redunancy: -->
<!-- antcall is both memory intensive, and operate -->
<!-- outside current environment -->
<!-- ================================================================ -->
<macrodef name="get_git_hash">
<attribute name="githashproperty"/>
<attribute name="repoprojectdir"/>
<!-- echo message="gitHashProperty = '@{githashproperty}'"/>
<echo message="repoProjectDir = '@{repoprojectdir}'"/ -->
<exec outputproperty="@{githashproperty}"
<arg value="log"/>
<arg value="-1"/>
<arg value="--format=%h"/>
<arg line="@{repoprojectdir}"/>
<macrodef name="build_extension">
<attribute name="qualifierhash"/>
<attribute name="buildtarget"/>
<!-- === Which extensions targeted is based on ${} === -->
<!-- = oracle.ext: build oracle extension -->
<!-- = oracle.nosql: build oracle nosql extension -->
<!-- = oracle: build both -->
<ant antfile="antbuild.xml" dir="${oraclebuild.2.base.dir}" target="build-oracle-extension">
<property name="version.qualifier" value="v${}-${@{qualifierhash}}"/>
<property name="" value="@{buildtarget}"/>
<macrodef name="validate_extension_build">
<!-- Verify build was successful. -->
<!-- Compare: -->
<!-- ${currentversionproperty} to prebuildversion (shouldn't match) -->
<!-- ${prebuildhashproperty} should be a substring of currentversion -->
<!-- Set: -->
<!-- successproperty to true if above true -->
<!-- (implies <extension>.current was false & so build was needed) -->
<!-- failureproperty is set if above is false -->
<!-- (implies build was necessary, but something failed) -->
<!-- (need separate property for process flow: "task if=" tests existance) -->
<attribute name="prebuildhashproperty"/>
<attribute name="currentversionproperty"/>
<attribute name="prebuildversion"/>
<attribute name="successproperty"/>
<attribute name="failureproperty"/>
<condition property="@{successproperty}" value="true">
<isset property="@{currentversionproperty}"/>
<not> <equals arg1="${@{currentversionproperty}}" arg2="@{prebuildversion}"/> </not>
<contains string="${@{currentversionproperty}}" substring="${@{prebuildhashproperty}}"/>
<condition property="@{failureproperty}" value="true">
<not> <isset property="@{successproperty}"/> </not>
<say message="Bundle was successfully generated:" if="@{successproperty}"/>
<say message=" @{currentversionproperty} ('${@{currentversionproperty}}') != '@{prebuildversion}'" if="@{successproperty}"/>
<say message=" and '${@{prebuildhashproperty}}' is a substring of '${@{currentversionproperty}}'" if="@{successproperty}"/>
<say message="Bundle generation failure detected." if="@{failureproperty}"/>
<macrodef name="commit_extension">
<!-- Commit built artifacts -->
<attribute name="targetprefix"/>
<attribute name="currentversion"/>
<attribute name="prebuildversion"/>
<!-- Checkin process -->
<!-- git pull -->
<arg value="pull"/>
<!-- cd plugins -->
<!-- git rm ${targetprefix}_${prebuildversion}.jar ${targetprefix}.source_${prebuildversion}.jar -->
<arg value="rm"/>
<arg line="@{targetprefix}_@{prebuildversion}.jar @{targetprefix}.source_@{prebuildversion}.jar"/>
<!-- git add -f ${targetprefix}_${currentversion}.jar ${targetprefix}.source_${currentversion}.jar -->
<arg value="add"/>
<arg value="-f"/>
<arg line="@{targetprefix}_@{currentversion}.jar @{targetprefix}.source_@{currentversion}.jar"/>
<!-- Not needed: git status -->
<!-- git commit -m "contribute new oracle bundles" -->
<arg value="commit"/>
<arg value="-s"/>
<arg line="-m 'contribute new oracle bundles for @{targetprefix}'"/>
<arg line="-m '@{targetprefix}_@{currentversion}.jar @{targetprefix}.source_@{currentversion}.jar'"/>
<!-- git push -->
<!-- DO NOT push changes for now -->
<arg value="push"/>