blob: 5220cf489ab8a268fbfb7fbf37bd77a2a277f551 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* rbarkhouse - 2010-03-04 12:22:11 - initial implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.jaxb.dynamic;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.dynamic.DynamicEntity;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.dynamic.DynamicEntityImpl;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.dynamic.DynamicJAXBContext;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.dynamic.DynamicJAXBContextFactory;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.NamespaceResolver;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLConstants;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLRoot;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.jaxb.JAXBTestCases;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Text;
public class DynamicJAXBFromSessionsXMLTestCases extends JAXBTestCases {
private static final String SESSION_NAMES =
private static final String XML_RESOURCE =
private static final String DOCWRAPPER_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String ROOT_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String COMPOBJ_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String COMPCOLL_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String ANYOBJ_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String ANYCOLL_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String ANYATT_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String OBJREFSUB_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String COLLREF_CLASS_NAME =
private static final String EMP_CLASS_NAME =
protected ArrayList objectsAlreadyCheckedForEquality;
public DynamicJAXBFromSessionsXMLTestCases(String name) throws Exception {
// Calling newInstance will end up eventually end up in DynamicJAXBContextFactory.createContext
jaxbContext = DynamicJAXBContext.newInstance(SESSION_NAMES);
jaxbMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
xmlContext = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).getXMLContext();
protected Object getControlObject() {
DynamicEntity docWrapper = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(DOCWRAPPER_CLASS_NAME);
DynamicEntity root = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(ROOT_CLASS_NAME);
DynamicEntity compObj = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(COMPOBJ_CLASS_NAME);
compObj.set("value", null);
Vector anyColl = new Vector(2);
DynamicEntity anyItem1 = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(ANYCOLL_CLASS_NAME);
anyItem1.set("value", "aNyOne");
DynamicEntity anyItem2 = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(ANYCOLL_CLASS_NAME);
anyItem2.set("value", "aNyTwo");
compObj.set("anyColl", anyColl);
root.set("compObj", compObj);
ArrayList compColl = new ArrayList();
DynamicEntity item1 = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(COMPCOLL_CLASS_NAME);
item1.set("value", "123");
DynamicEntity item2 = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(COMPCOLL_CLASS_NAME);
item2.set("value", "456");
item1.set("invRef", root);
item2.set("invRef", root);
root.set("compColl", compColl);
Vector comDirColl = new Vector(2);
root.set("compDirColl", comDirColl);
root.set("binData", new byte[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' });
Vector binDataColl = new Vector();
binDataColl.add(new byte[] { '1', '2', '3' });
binDataColl.add(new byte[] { '4', '5', '6' });
root.set("binDataColl", binDataColl);
DynamicEntity anyObj = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(ANYOBJ_CLASS_NAME);
anyObj.set("value", "aNy");
root.set("anyObj", anyObj);
DynamicEntity anyAtt = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(ANYATT_CLASS_NAME);
Properties anyAttProps = new Properties();
anyAttProps.put(new QName("", "anyAtt1"), "aNyaTT1");
anyAttProps.put(new QName("", "anyAtt2"), "aNyAttTWO");
anyAtt.set("value", anyAttProps);
root.set("anyAtt", anyAtt);
String[] transform = new String[2];
transform[0] = "transformValue1";
transform[1] = "transformValue2";
root.set("transform", transform);
Document doc;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
doc = db.newDocument();
} catch(ParserConfigurationException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Element elem = doc.createElementNS("", "frag");
Text text = doc.createTextNode("XML Fragment Text Content");
root.set("frag", elem);
Vector fragColl = new Vector(2);
Element elem1 = doc.createElementNS("", "frag-coll");
Text text1 = doc.createTextNode("XML Fragment Collection One");
Element elem2 = doc.createElementNS("", "frag-coll");
Text text2 = doc.createTextNode("XML Fragment Collection Two");
root.set("fragColl", fragColl);
DynamicEntity objRef = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(OBJREFSUB_CLASS_NAME);
objRef.set("id", "13579");
objRef.set("superclassValue", "SUPER");
objRef.set("subclassValue", "SUB");
root.set("objRef", objRef);
Vector collRef = new Vector(2);
DynamicEntity collRef1 = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(COLLREF_CLASS_NAME);
collRef1.set("id", "112233");
collRef1.set("value", "collRefVal1");
DynamicEntity collRef2 = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(COLLREF_CLASS_NAME);
collRef2.set("id", "445566");
collRef2.set("value", "collRefVal2");
root.set("collRef", collRef);
root.set("choice", new Integer(2112));
Vector choiceColl = new Vector(3);
choiceColl.add(new Double(3.14159));
root.set("choiceColl", choiceColl);
docWrapper.set("root", root);
docWrapper.set("objRefTarget", objRef);
docWrapper.set("collRefTarget", collRef);
return docWrapper;
public void testSecondProject() throws Exception {
// Ensure that the second project's descriptor is also available from this context
DynamicEntity emp = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(EMP_CLASS_NAME);
assertNotNull("Could not instantiate Descriptor from second project.", emp);
public void testGetSetByXPath() throws Exception {
NamespaceResolver nsResolver = new NamespaceResolver();
nsResolver.put("ns0", "myNamespace");
nsResolver.put("xsi", javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI);
URL url = ClassLoader.getSystemResource(resourceName);
DynamicEntity docWrapper = (DynamicEntity) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(url);
DynamicEntity root = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).getValueByXPath(docWrapper, "ns0:root", nsResolver, DynamicEntity.class);
DynamicEntity anyAtt = root.get("anyAtt");
DynamicEntity anyAttFromXPath = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).getValueByXPath(root, "any-att", nsResolver, DynamicEntity.class);
assertEquals(anyAtt, anyAttFromXPath);
DynamicEntity newAnyAtt = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).newDynamicEntity(ANYATT_CLASS_NAME);
Properties anyAttProps = new Properties();
anyAttProps.put(new QName("", "anyAtt1"), "333");
anyAttProps.put(new QName("", "anyAtt2"), "fourfourfour");
newAnyAtt.set("value", anyAttProps);
((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).setValueByXPath(root, "any-att", nsResolver, newAnyAtt);
DynamicEntity newAnyAttFromXPath = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).getValueByXPath(root, "any-att", nsResolver, DynamicEntity.class);
assertEquals(newAnyAtt, newAnyAttFromXPath);
Object compColl = root.get("compColl");
Object compCollFromXPath = ((DynamicJAXBContext) jaxbContext).getValueByXPath(root, "comp-coll/item", nsResolver, ArrayList.class);
assertEquals(compColl, compCollFromXPath);
protected void compareObjects(Object controlObject, Object testObject) throws Exception {
if (objectsAlreadyCheckedForEquality.contains(testObject)) {
// To handle cyclic relationships, only check each pair of DynamicEntities once
if (controlObject == null && testObject == null) {
// Nothing to check
if (controlObject == null && testObject != null) {
fail("testObject was [" + testObject + "] but controlObject was [" + controlObject + "].");
if (controlObject != null && testObject == null) {
fail("testObject was [" + testObject + "] but controlObject was [" + controlObject + "].");
if (testObject instanceof Element && controlObject instanceof Element) {
Element testElement = (Element) testObject;
Element controlElement = (Element) controlObject;
boolean equal = true;
try {
if (testElement.getNodeType() == controlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NODE && controlElement.getNodeType() == controlElement.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
Attr att1 = (Attr) testElement;
Attr att2 = (Attr) controlElement;
equal = equal && att1.getNodeValue().equals(att2.getNodeValue());
} else if (testElement.getNodeType() == controlElement.TEXT_NODE && controlElement.getNodeType() == controlElement.TEXT_NODE) {
Text text1 = (Text) testElement;
Text text2 = (Text) controlElement;
equal = equal && text1.getNodeValue().equals(text2.getNodeValue());
} else if (testElement.getNodeType() == controlElement.ELEMENT_NODE && controlElement.getNodeType() == controlElement.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element elem1 = (Element) testElement;
Element elem2 = (Element) controlElement;
equal = equal && elem1.getNodeName().equals(elem2.getNodeName());
equal = equal && (elem1.getChildNodes().getLength() == elem2.getChildNodes().getLength());
compareObjects(elem1.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(), elem2.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
if (!equal) {
fail("testElement was [" + testElement + "] but controlElement was [" + controlElement + "].");
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Element comparison failed: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
if (testObject instanceof List && controlObject instanceof List) {
if ((((List) testObject).size()) != (((List) controlObject).size())) {
fail("testObject had [" + ((List) testObject).size() + "] elements but controlObject had [" + ((List) controlObject).size() + "].");
for (int i = 0; i < ((List) controlObject).size(); i++) {
compareObjects(((List) controlObject).get(i), ((List) testObject).get(i));
// We've now checked all the elements so return
if (testObject.getClass().isArray() && controlObject.getClass().isArray()) {
if (!Helper.comparePotentialArrays(testObject, controlObject)) {
fail("controlObject [" + controlObject + "] is not equal to testObject [" + testObject + "].");
// We've now checked all the elements so return
if (controlObject instanceof DynamicEntityImpl && testObject instanceof DynamicEntityImpl) {
DynamicEntityImpl dynamicControl = (DynamicEntityImpl) controlObject;
DynamicEntityImpl dynamicTest = (DynamicEntityImpl) testObject;
String controlClass = dynamicControl.getType().getClassName();
String testClass = dynamicTest.getType().getClassName();
if (!controlClass.equals(testClass)) {
fail("testObject [" + testClass + "] and controlObject [" + controlClass + "] are not the same class.");
if (dynamicControl.getType().getNumberOfProperties() != dynamicTest.getType().getNumberOfProperties()) {
fail("testObject and controlObject did not have the same number of properties.");
List<String> propNames = dynamicControl.getType().getPropertiesNames();
Iterator<String> it = propNames.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String propName =;
Object controlValue = dynamicControl.get(propName);
Object testValue = dynamicTest.get(propName);
compareObjects(controlValue, testValue);
} else {
if (!testObject.equals(controlObject)) {
fail("testObject was [" + testObject + "] but controlObject was [" + controlObject + "].");
public void xmlToObjectTest(Object testObject) throws Exception {
Object controlObject = getReadControlObject();
if (null == controlObject) {
log((String) null);
} else {
if (null == testObject) {
log((String) null);
} else {
if ((controlObject instanceof XMLRoot) && (testObject instanceof XMLRoot)) {
XMLRoot controlRoot = (XMLRoot) controlObject;
XMLRoot testRoot = (XMLRoot) testObject;
compareXMLRootObjects(controlRoot, testRoot);
} else {
objectsAlreadyCheckedForEquality = new ArrayList();
compareObjects(controlObject, testObject);