blob: aeed907e5f4454f162804c0a6d3159f7c6d9b024 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Mike Norman - from Proof-of-concept, become production code
package dbws.testing.shadowddlgeneration.oldjpub;
public class PLSQLMap extends Typemap {
public PLSQLMap(TypeClass s, SqlReflector reflector) {
super(s, reflector);
void mapInit() {
bfileMap = OS_BFILE;
cursorMap = JS_RESULTSET;
rowidMap = OS_ROWID;
public String writeTypeName(TypeClass type) {
return writeTypeName2(type, false);
public String writeTypeName(TypeClass type, boolean intfIfPossible) {
return writeTypeName2(type, intfIfPossible);
private String writeTypeName2(TypeClass type, boolean itfIfPossible) {
// In case the type is a Java type, which has no SQL correspondence
if (type instanceof JavaType) {
return ((JavaType)type).getTypeName(this);
SqlType sqlType = (SqlType)type;
String predefinedName = null;
if (sqlType == null) {
return null;
String sql = (sqlType.getSqlName() == null) ? null : sqlType.getSqlName().toString();
if (sql != null && m_reflector.getTypeMap().get(sql) != null) {
predefinedName = ((SqlType)m_reflector.getTypeMap().get(sql)).getSqlName().getUseClass(
else {
predefinedName = writePredefinedName(sqlType.getJdbcTypecode());
if (predefinedName != null) {
return predefinedName;
if (sqlType.isRef()) {
// SqlType componentType =
// (SqlType) Publisher.getComponentTypeAndCatch(sqlType);
return writeTypeName(sqlType) + "Ref";
else {
SqlName sqlName = sqlType.getSqlName();
return interfaceIfPossible(sqlName, m_package, itfIfPossible);
private static String interfaceIfPossible(SqlName sqlName, String mpackage,
boolean itfIfPossible) {
if (itfIfPossible && sqlName.hasUseItf()) {
return sqlName.getUseItf(mpackage);
else if (sqlName.hasUseClass()) {
return sqlName.getUseClass(mpackage);
else if (itfIfPossible && sqlName.hasDeclItf()) {
return sqlName.getDeclItf(mpackage);
else {
return sqlName.getDeclClass(mpackage);
* Determine the java name for a given SQL field.
public String getMemberName(String sqlName, boolean wordBoundary, boolean onlyIfRegistered,
Name name) {
String s = null;
if (m_field_map != null && (s = (String)m_field_map.get(sqlName)) != null) {
if (s.equals("null")) {
return null;
return s;
else {
return onlyIfRegistered ? null : SqlName.sqlIdToJavaId(sqlName, wordBoundary, true);
public String getMemberNameAsSuffix(String sqlName) {
return getMemberName(sqlName, true, false);