blob: eed65ae79d5888b2dc9793c7d415240b2ee37221 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
// tware - updates for JPA 2.0 specification
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.parsing;
import java.util.List;
* <p><b>Purpose</b>: This interface specifies methods to create parse trees
* and parse tree nodes.
* <p><b>Responsibilities</b>:
* <ul>
* <li> Used by the EJBQLParser to create an internal representation of an
* EJBQL query.</li>
* <li> Abstract from concrete parse tree and parse tree node implementation
* classes.</li>
* <li> The parse is created in a bottom-up fashion. All methods takes any
* child nodes for the parse tree node to be created as arguments. It is the
* responsibility of the new&lt;XXX&gt; method to set the parent-child relationship
* between the returned node any any of the child nodes passed as arguments.</li>
* </ul>
public interface NodeFactory {
/** Trim specification constants. */
enum TrimSpecification { LEADING, TRAILING, BOTH }
// ------------------------------------------
// Trees
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newSelectStatement(int line, int column,
Object select, Object from,
Object where, Object groupBy,
Object having, Object orderBy);
/** */
Object newUpdateStatement(int line, int column,
Object update, Object set, Object where);
/** */
Object newDeleteStatement(int line, int column,
Object delete, Object where);
// ------------------------------------------
// Top level nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newSelectClause(int line, int column,
boolean distinct, List<Node> selectExprs);
Object newSelectClause(int line, int column, boolean distinct, List<Node> selectExprs, List<String> identifiers);
/** */
Object newFromClause(int line, int column, List<Node> varDecls);
/** */
Object newWhereClause(int line, int column, Object condition);
/** */
Object newGroupByClause(int line, int column, List<Node> items);
/** */
Object newHavingClause(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newOrderByClause(int line, int column, List<Node> items);
/** */
Object newUpdateClause(int line, int column,
String schema, String variable);
/** */
Object newDeleteClause(int line, int column,
String schema, String variable);
// ------------------------------------------
// Variable declaration nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newRangeVariableDecl(int line, int column,
String schema, String variable);
/** */
Object newJoinVariableDecl(int line, int column, boolean outer,
Object path, String variable, Object downcast);
/** */
Object newFetchJoin(int line, int column, boolean outer, Object path);
/** */
Object newCollectionMemberVariableDecl(int line, int column,
Object path, String variable);
/** */
Object newVariableDecl(int line, int column,
Object path, String variable);
// ------------------------------------------
// Identifier and path expression nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newDot(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newVariableAccessOrTypeConstant(int line, int column, String identifier);
/** */
Object newAttribute(int line, int column, String identifier);
/** */
Object newQualifiedAttribute(int line, int column,
String variable, String attribute);
// ------------------------------------------
// Aggregate nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newAvg(int line, int column, boolean ditinct, Object arg);
/** */
Object newMax(int line, int column, boolean ditinct, Object arg);
/** */
Object newMin(int line, int column, boolean ditinct, Object arg);
/** */
Object newSum(int line, int column, boolean ditinct, Object arg);
/** */
Object newCount(int line, int column, boolean ditinct, Object arg);
// ------------------------------------------
// Binary expression nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newOr(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newAnd(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newEquals(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newNotEquals(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newGreaterThan(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newGreaterThanEqual(int line, int column,
Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newLessThan(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newLessThanEqual(int line, int column,
Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newPlus(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newMinus(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newMultiply(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newDivide(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
// ------------------------------------------
// Unary expression nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newUnaryPlus(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newUnaryMinus(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newNot(int line, int column, Object arg);
// ------------------------------------------
// Conditional expression nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newBetween(int line, int column, boolean not, Object arg,
Object lower, Object upper);
/** */
Object newLike(int line, int column, boolean not, Object string,
Object pattern, Object escape) ;
/** */
Object newEscape(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newIn(int line, int column,
boolean not, Object expr, List<Node> items);
/** */
Object newIsNull(int line, int column, boolean not, Object expr);
/** */
Object newIsEmpty(int line, int column, boolean not, Object expr) ;
/** */
Object newMemberOf(int line, int column, boolean not,
Object expr, Object collection);
// ------------------------------------------
// Parameter nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newPositionalParameter(int line, int colimn, String position);
/** */
Object newNamedParameter(int line, int colimn, String name);
// ------------------------------------------
// Literal nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newBooleanLiteral(int line, int column, Object value);
/** */
Object newIntegerLiteral(int line, int column, Object value);
/** */
Object newLongLiteral(int line, int column, Object value);
/** */
Object newFloatLiteral(int line, int column, Object value);
/** */
Object newDoubleLiteral(int line, int column, Object value);
/** */
Object newStringLiteral(int line, int column, Object value);
/** */
Object newNullLiteral(int line, int column);
// ------------------------------------------
// Objects for functions returning strings
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newConcat(int line, int column, List<Node> objects);
/** */
Object newSubstring(int line, int column,
Object string, Object start, Object length);
/** */
Object newTrim(int line, int column, TrimSpecification trimSpec,
Object trimChar, Object string);
/** */
Object newLower(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newUpper(int line, int column, Object arg);
// ------------------------------------------
// Objects for functions returning numerics
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newLocate(int line, int column,
Object pattern, Object arg, Object startPos);
/** */
Object newLength(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newAbs(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newSqrt(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newMod(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
/** */
Object newSize(int line, int column, Object arg);
// ------------------------------------------
// Objects for functions returning datetime
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newCurrentDate(int line, int column);
/** */
Object newCurrentTime(int line, int column);
/** */
Object newCurrentTimestamp(int line, int column);
// ------------------------------------------
// Custom function
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newFunc(int line, int column, String name, List<Node> parameters);
// ------------------------------------------
// Subquery nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newSubquery(int line, int column, Object select, Object from, Object where,
Object groupBy, Object having);
/** */
Object newExists(int line, int column, boolean not, Object subquery);
/** */
Object newIn(int line, int column, boolean not, Object expr, Object subquery);
/** */
Object newAll(int line, int column, Object subquery);
/** */
Object newAny(int line, int column, Object subquery);
/** */
Object newSome(int line, int column, Object subquery);
// ------------------------------------------
// Miscellaneous nodes
// ------------------------------------------
/** */
Object newAscOrdering(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newDescOrdering(int line, int column, Object arg);
/** */
Object newConstructor(int line, int colimn,
String className, List<Node> args);
/** */
Object newSetClause(int line, int colimn, List<Node> assignments);
/** */
Object newSetAssignmentClause(int line, int column,
Object target, Object value);
Object newKey(int line, int column, Object left);
Object newMapEntry(int line, int column, Object arg);
Object newType(int line, int column, Object left);
Object newCaseClause(int line, int column, Object base, List<Node> whenClauses, Object elseClause);
Object newCoalesceClause(int line, int column, List<Node> clauses);
Object newNullIfClause(int line, int column, Object left, Object right);
Object newWhenClause(int line, int column, Object conditionClause, Object theClause);
Object newIndex(int line, int column, Object object);
Object newDateLiteral(int line, int column, Object object);
Object newTimeLiteral(int line, int column, Object object);
Object newTimeStampLiteral(int line, int column, Object object);