blob: 3a36a9095f3d1059e89bffbd08d1536611aea615 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.persistence.config.DescriptorCustomizer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jaxb.AccessorFactoryWrapper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.mappings.Descriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.ComplexType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Schema;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.SimpleType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.TypeDefParticle;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.DefaultXMLNameTransformer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.JavaClass;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlAccessOrder;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlAccessType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlNamedObjectGraph;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlNullPolicy;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlRootElement;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlVirtualAccessMethods;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLNameTransformer;
* <p>
* <b>Purpose:</b>Used to store meta data about JAXB 2.0 Annotated classes during schema and mapping
* generation processes.
* <p>
* <b>Responsibilities:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Store information about Class Name and the associated Schema Type name</li>
* <li>Store information about Property Order for mapping and schema generation</li>
* <li>Store information about XmlAdapters, XmlAccessType and other JAXB 2.0 annotation artifacts</li>
* </ul>
* @since Oracle TopLink
* @author mmacivor
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.AnnotationsProcessor
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.EnumTypeInfo
public class TypeInfo {
private Descriptor descriptor;
private String javaClassName;
private ComplexType complexType;
private String elementRefsPropertyName;
private Schema schema;
private SimpleType simpleType;
private ArrayList<String> propOrder; // store as a collection so it can be added to if needed
private String classNamespace;
private String schemaTypeName;
private TypeDefParticle compositor;
private ArrayList<String> propertyNames;
private ArrayList<Property> propertyList;// keep the keys in a list to preserve order
private HashMap<String, Property> properties;
private HashMap<String, Property> originalProperties;
private Map<String, List<Property>> additionalProperties;
private Property idProperty; // if there is an XmlID annotation, set the property for mappings gen
private HashMap<String, JavaClass> packageLevelAdaptersByClass;
private String objectFactoryClassName;
private String factoryMethodName;
private String[] factoryMethodParamTypes;
private Property xmlValueProperty;
private String classExtractorName;
private Map<Object, Object> userProperties;
private List<Property> xmlKeyProperties;
private List<Property> predicateProperties;
private List<XmlNamedObjectGraph> objectGraphs;
private boolean isMixed;
private boolean isTransient;
private boolean isPreBuilt;
private boolean isPostBuilt;
private boolean isSetXmlTransient;
private boolean isXmlElementNillable;
private XmlNullPolicy xmlNullPolicy;
private List<String> xmlSeeAlso;
private XmlRootElement xmlRootElement;
private XmlType xmlType;
private XmlAccessType xmlAccessType;
private XmlAccessOrder xmlAccessOrder;
private XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlJavaTypeAdapter;
private String xmlCustomizer;
private XmlVirtualAccessMethods xmlExtensible;
private String anyAttributePropertyName;
private String anyElementPropertyName;
private boolean isBinaryDataInlined;
private String xmlDiscriminatorNode;
private String xmlDiscriminatorValue;
private AccessorFactoryWrapper xmlAccessorFactory;
private AccessorFactoryWrapper packageLevelXmlAccessorFactory;
private static String EMPTY_STRING = "";
private XMLNameTransformer xmlNameTransformer;
private boolean isLocationAware = false;
private JavaClass javaClass;
public static final XMLNameTransformer DEFAULT_NAME_TRANSFORMER = new DefaultXMLNameTransformer();
* This constructor sets the Helper to be used throughout XML and Annotations
* processing. Other fields are initialized here as well.
public TypeInfo(Helper helper, JavaClass javaClass) {
propertyNames = new ArrayList<String>();
properties = new HashMap<String, Property>();
originalProperties = new HashMap<String, Property>();
propertyList = new ArrayList<Property>();
isSetXmlTransient = false;
isXmlElementNillable = false;
isPreBuilt = false;
isPostBuilt = false;
this.javaClass = javaClass;
* Return the XmlDescriptor set on this TypeInfo.
* @return the XmlDescriptor set on this TypeInfo, or null if none
public Descriptor getDescriptor() {
return descriptor;
* Set the XmlDescriptor on this TypeInfo.
public void setDescriptor(Descriptor desc) {
descriptor = desc;
public ComplexType getComplexType() {
return complexType;
public void setComplexType(ComplexType type) {
complexType = type;
public SimpleType getSimpleType() {
return simpleType;
public void setSimpleType(SimpleType type) {
simpleType = type;
public String[] getPropOrder() {
if (propOrder == null) {
return new String[0];
return propOrder.toArray(new String[propOrder.size()]);
* Indicates that the propOrder has been set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true if propOrder is non-null, false otherwise
public boolean isSetPropOrder() {
return propOrder != null;
public void setPropOrder(String[] order) {
if (order == null) {
propOrder = null;
} else if (order.length == 0) {
propOrder = new ArrayList<String>();
} else {
propOrder = new ArrayList(order.length);
for (String next : order) {
public String getClassNamespace() {
return classNamespace;
public void setClassNamespace(String namespace) {
classNamespace = namespace;
public boolean isComplexType() {
return complexType != null;
* Indicates mixed content
public boolean isMixed() {
return isMixed;
* Set mixed content indicator
public void setMixed(boolean isMixed) {
this.isMixed = isMixed;
public TypeDefParticle getCompositor() {
return compositor;
public void setCompositor(TypeDefParticle particle) {
compositor = particle;
public ArrayList<String> getPropertyNames() {
return propertyNames;
* Return the TypeProperty 'idProperty'. This method will typically be used in conjunction with
* isIDSet method to determine if an @XmlID exists, and hence 'idProperty' is non-null.
public Property getIDProperty() {
return idProperty;
* Return the Map of Properties for this TypeInfo.
public HashMap<String, Property> getProperties() {
return properties;
* Put a Property in the Map of Properties for this TypeInfo. Here, the
* original property is put in the originalProperties map, the
* properties map, and the propertyList list. It is assumed that
* the originalProperties map will remain unchanged during processing.
public void addProperty(String name, Property property) {
if(originalProperties.get(name) != null) {
// Duplicate property, see if either is transient and only keep the non-transient one
Property existingProperty = originalProperties.get(name);
if (existingProperty.isTransient() && property.isTransient()) {
// Both transient, keep the one that matches AccessType
if (this.getXmlAccessType().equals(XmlAccessType.FIELD)) {
if (!property.isMethodProperty()) {
// Existing property must be method property
// Remove it and use the new property
} else {
} else {
if (property.isMethodProperty()) {
// Existing property must be field property
// Remove it and use the new property
} else {
} else if (existingProperty.isTransient() || existingProperty.isSuperClassProperty()) {
// Continue, and overwrite it
} else if (property.isTransient()) {
// Do nothing
} else {
// Neither is transient - truly a duplicate property collision
throw org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JAXBException.duplicatePropertyName(name, this.getJavaClassName());
originalProperties.put(name, property);
properties.put(name, property);
* Sets the TypeProperty 'idProperty'. This indicates that an @XmlID annotation is set on a
* given field/method.
public void setIDProperty(Property idProperty) {
this.idProperty = idProperty;
* Set the Map of Properties for this TypeInfo.
public void setProperties(ArrayList<Property> properties) {
if (properties != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
Property next = properties.get(i);
this.addProperty(next.getPropertyName(), next);
* Order the properties based on the XmlAccessOrder, if set.
public void orderProperties() {
if (!isSetXmlAccessOrder()) {
if (xmlAccessOrder == XmlAccessOrder.ALPHABETICAL) {
if (this.propertyNames != null) {
* Indicates if this type info represents an enumeration. Since
* EnumTypeInfo is used for enum types, this method will always
* return false.
* @return false
public boolean isEnumerationType() {
return false;
* Indicates if an @XmlID is set on a field/property. If so, the TypeProperty 'idProperty' will
* be non-null.
public boolean isIDSet() {
return idProperty != null;
public ArrayList<Property> getPropertyList() {
return propertyList;
public String getSchemaTypeName() {
return schemaTypeName;
public void setSchemaTypeName(String typeName) {
schemaTypeName = typeName;
public void setSchema(Schema theSchema) {
this.schema = theSchema;
public Schema getSchema() {
return schema;
* Return the xmladapter class for a given bound type class.
public JavaClass getPackageLevelAdapterClass(JavaClass boundType) {
if(hasPackageLevelAdaptersByClass()) {
return getPackageLevelAdaptersByClass().get(boundType.getQualifiedName());
return null;
public boolean isAnonymousComplexType() {
return this.schemaTypeName == null || this.schemaTypeName.equals("");
* Return the xmladapter class for a given bound type class name.
public JavaClass getPackageLevelAdapterClass(String boundTypeName) {
if(hasPackageLevelAdaptersByClass()) {
return getPackageLevelAdaptersByClass().get(boundTypeName);
return null;
* Return the Map of XmlAdapters for this TypeInfo.
public HashMap<String, JavaClass> getPackageLevelAdaptersByClass() {
if(!hasPackageLevelAdaptersByClass()) {
packageLevelAdaptersByClass = new HashMap<String, JavaClass>();
return packageLevelAdaptersByClass;
boolean hasPackageLevelAdaptersByClass() {
return null != packageLevelAdaptersByClass;
* Put a bound type class to adapter class entry in the Map.
public void addPackageLevelAdapterClass(JavaClass adapterClass, JavaClass boundType) {
getPackageLevelAdaptersByClass().put(boundType.getQualifiedName(), adapterClass);
public boolean hasRootElement() {
return xmlRootElement != null;
* Indicates if this TypeInfo contains an XmlElementRefs property.
public boolean hasElementRefs() {
return elementRefsPropertyName != null;
* Return the XmlElementRefs property name, if one has been set.
public String getElementRefsPropName() {
return elementRefsPropertyName;
* Set the XmlElementRefs property name.
public void setElementRefsPropertyName(String propName) {
elementRefsPropertyName = propName;
public String getObjectFactoryClassName() {
return objectFactoryClassName;
public void setObjectFactoryClassName(String factoryClass) {
this.objectFactoryClassName = factoryClass;
public String getFactoryMethodName() {
return this.factoryMethodName;
public void setFactoryMethodName(String factoryMethod) {
this.factoryMethodName = factoryMethod;
public String[] getFactoryMethodParamTypes() {
return this.factoryMethodParamTypes;
public void setFactoryMethodParamTypes(String[] paramTypes) {
this.factoryMethodParamTypes = paramTypes;
* Indicates if an xmlValueProperty is set on this TypeInfo, i.e.
* is non-null.
public boolean isSetXmlValueProperty() {
return xmlValueProperty != null;
public Property getXmlValueProperty() {
return xmlValueProperty;
public void setXmlValueProperty(Property xmlValueProperty) {
this.xmlValueProperty = xmlValueProperty;
* Indicates if the class represented by this TypeInfo is marked XmlTransient.
public boolean isTransient() {
return isTransient;
* Used to indicate that the class represented by this TypeInfo is marked
* XmlTransient.
public void setTransient(boolean isTransient) {
this.isTransient = isTransient;
* Return all non-transient properties that exist in the propOrder array.
public List<Property> getNonTransientPropertiesInPropOrder() {
List<Property> propertiesInOrder = new ArrayList<Property>();
String[] propOrder = getPropOrder();
if (propOrder.length == 0 || propOrder[0].equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
ArrayList<String> propertyNames = getPropertyNames();
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNames.size(); i++) {
addPropertyToList(propertiesInOrder, propertyNames.get(i), null);
} else {
ArrayList<String> propertyNamesCopy = new ArrayList<String>(getPropertyNames());
for (int i = 0; i < propOrder.length; i++) {
// generate mappings based on the propOrder.
addPropertyToList(propertiesInOrder, propOrder[i], propertyNamesCopy);
// attributes may not be in the prop order in which
// case we need to generate those mappings also
for (int i = 0; i < propertyNamesCopy.size(); i++) {
addPropertyToList(propertiesInOrder, propertyNamesCopy.get(i), null);
return propertiesInOrder;
* Convenience method that adds non-null, non-transient properties to a given
* {@code List<Property>}. The propertyName parameter is used to lookup the Property.
* If propertyNamesCopy is non-null, the Property will be removed from that
* List. Any additional properties that exist for propertyName (as in the
* case of multiple mappings to the same field) will be added as well.
private void addPropertyToList(List<Property> propertiesInOrder, String propertyName, ArrayList<String> propertyNamesCopy) {
Property next = getProperties().get(propertyName);
if (next != null && !next.isTransient()) {
if (propertyNamesCopy != null) {
// check for additional properties (i.e. multiple mappings to the same field)
if(hasAdditionalProperties()) {
List<Property> addProps = getAdditionalProperties().get(propertyName);
if (addProps != null) {
for (Property addProp : addProps) {
if (!addProp.isTransient()) {
* Indicates if XmlTransient is set.
public boolean isSetXmlTransient() {
return isSetXmlTransient;
* Set the XmlTransient for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlTransient(boolean isTransient) {
isSetXmlTransient = true;
* Indicates if XmlElementNillable is set.
public boolean isXmlElementNillable() {
return isXmlElementNillable;
* Set the XmlElementNillable for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlElementNillable(boolean isXmlElementNillable) {
this.isXmlElementNillable = isXmlElementNillable;
* Return XmlNullPolicy for this TypeInfo.
* @return xmlNullPolicy
public XmlNullPolicy getXmlNullPolicy() {
return xmlNullPolicy;
* Set the XmlNullPolicy for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlNullPolicy(XmlNullPolicy xmlNullPolicy) {
this.xmlNullPolicy = xmlNullPolicy;
* Indicates if xmlSeeAlso has been set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true is xmlSeeAlso has been set, i.e. is non-null, false otherwise
public boolean isSetXmlSeeAlso() {
return xmlSeeAlso != null;
* Return the List of XmlSeeAlso class names for this TypeInfo.
public List<String> getXmlSeeAlso() {
return xmlSeeAlso;
* Set the List of XmlSeeAlso class names for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlSeeAlso(List<String> xmlSeeAlso) {
this.xmlSeeAlso = xmlSeeAlso;
* Indicates if xmlRootElement has been set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true is xmlRootElement has been set, i.e. is non-null, false otherwise
public boolean isSetXmlRootElement() {
return xmlRootElement != null;
* Return the xmlRootElement set on this TypeInfo.
public XmlRootElement getXmlRootElement() {
return xmlRootElement;
* Set the xmlRootElement for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlRootElement(XmlRootElement xmlRootElement) {
this.xmlRootElement = xmlRootElement;
* Indicates if xmlType has been set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true is xmlType has been set, i.e. is non-null, false otherwise
public boolean isSetXmlType() {
return xmlType != null;
* Return the xmlType set on this TypeInfo.
public XmlType getXmlType() {
return xmlType;
* Set the xmlType for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlType(XmlType xmlType) {
this.xmlType = xmlType;
* Indicates if xmlAccessType has been set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true is xmlAccessType has been set, i.e. is non-null, false otherwise
public boolean isSetXmlAccessType() {
return xmlAccessType != null;
* Return the xmlAccessType for this TypeInfo.
public XmlAccessType getXmlAccessType() {
return xmlAccessType;
* Set the xmlAccessType for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlAccessType(XmlAccessType xmlAccessType) {
this.xmlAccessType = xmlAccessType;
* Indicates if xmlAccessOrder has been set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true is xmlAccessOrder has been set, i.e. is non-null, false otherwise
public boolean isSetXmlAccessOrder() {
return xmlAccessOrder != null;
* Return the xmlAccessOrder for this TypeInfo.
public XmlAccessOrder getXmlAccessOrder() {
return xmlAccessOrder;
* Set the xmlAccessOrder for this TypeInfo.
public void setXmlAccessOrder(XmlAccessOrder xmlAccessOrder) {
this.xmlAccessOrder = xmlAccessOrder;
* Indicates if this TypeInfo has completed the preBuildTypeInfo phase of
* processing.
* @return true if this TypeInfo has completed the preBuildTypeInfo phase of
* processing, false otherwise
public boolean isPreBuilt() {
return isPreBuilt;
* Set indicator that this TypeInfo has completed the preBuildTypeInfo
* phase of processing.
public void setPreBuilt(boolean isPreBuilt) {
this.isPreBuilt = isPreBuilt;
* Indicates if this TypeInfo has completed the postBuildTypeInfo phase of
* processing.
* @return true if this TypeInfo has completed the postBuildTypeInfo phase of
* processing, false otherwise
public boolean isPostBuilt() {
return isPostBuilt;
* Set indicator that this TypeInfo has completed the postBuildTypeInfo
* phase of processing.
public void setPostBuilt(boolean isPostBuilt) {
this.isPostBuilt = isPostBuilt;
* Indicates if an XmlJavaTypeAdapter has been set, i.e. the
* xmlJavaTypeAdapter property is non-null.
* @return true if xmlJavaTypeAdapter is non-null, false otherwise
* @see XmlJavaTypeAdapter
public boolean isSetXmlJavaTypeAdapter() {
return getXmlJavaTypeAdapter() != null;
* Return the xmlJavaTypeAdapter set on this Type.
* @return xmlJavaTypeAdapter, or null if not set
* @see XmlJavaTypeAdapter
public XmlJavaTypeAdapter getXmlJavaTypeAdapter() {
return xmlJavaTypeAdapter;
* Set an XmlJavaTypeAdapter on this Type.
* @see XmlJavaTypeAdapter
public void setXmlJavaTypeAdapter(XmlJavaTypeAdapter xmlJavaTypeAdapter) {
this.xmlJavaTypeAdapter = xmlJavaTypeAdapter;
* Return the XmlCustomizer class name set on this TypeInfo, or null if none
* is set.
* @return the XmlCustomizer class name set on this TypeInfo, or null if none is set
* @see DescriptorCustomizer
public String getXmlCustomizer() {
return xmlCustomizer;
* Sets the XmlCustomizer class name on this TypeInfo.
* @see DescriptorCustomizer
public void setXmlCustomizer(String xmlCustomizerClassName) {
this.xmlCustomizer = xmlCustomizerClassName;
* Indicates if the name of the XmlAnyElement property has been set.
public boolean isSetAnyElementPropertyName() {
return getAnyElementPropertyName() != null;
* Return the name of the XmlAnyElement property, if one is set.
public String getAnyElementPropertyName() {
return anyElementPropertyName;
* Set the name of the XmlAnyElement property
public void setAnyElementPropertyName(String anyElementPropertyName) {
this.anyElementPropertyName = anyElementPropertyName;
* Indicates if the name of the XmlAnyAttribute property has been set.
public boolean isSetAnyAttributePropertyName() {
return getAnyAttributePropertyName() != null;
* Return the name of the XmlAnyAttribute property, if one is set.
public String getAnyAttributePropertyName() {
return anyAttributePropertyName;
* Set the name of the XmlAnyAttribute property
public void setAnyAttributePropertyName(String anyAttributePropertyName) {
this.anyAttributePropertyName = anyAttributePropertyName;
* Indicates if all binary data types are to be inlined for this class.
public boolean isBinaryDataToBeInlined() {
return isBinaryDataInlined;
* Sets the flag that indicates if all binary data types are to
* be inlined for this class.
public void setInlineBinaryData(boolean isBinaryDataInlined) {
this.isBinaryDataInlined = isBinaryDataInlined;
* Indicates if a ClassExtractor class name is set,
* i.e. is non-null
* @return true if classExtractorName != null, otherwise false
public boolean isSetClassExtractorName() {
return classExtractorName != null;
* Return the ClassExtractor class name.
* @return classExtractorName
public String getClassExtractorName() {
return classExtractorName;
* Set the ClassExtractor class name.
public void setClassExtractorName(String classExtractorName) {
this.classExtractorName = classExtractorName;
* Return the Map of user-defined properties.
public Map<Object, Object> getUserProperties() {
return userProperties;
* Set the Map of user-defined properties.
public void setUserProperties(Map<Object, Object> userProperties) {
this.userProperties = userProperties;
* Return the JavaClass name for this typeinfo.
public String getJavaClassName() {
return javaClassName;
* Set the JavaClass name for this typeinfo.
public void setJavaClassName(String javaClassName) {
this.javaClassName = javaClassName;
* Return the class indicator field name for this type info.
public String getXmlDiscriminatorNode() {
return xmlDiscriminatorNode;
* Sets the class indicator field name (for use with inheritance).
public void setXmlDiscriminatorNode(String xmlDiscriminatorNode) {
this.xmlDiscriminatorNode = xmlDiscriminatorNode;
* Indicates if the class indicator field name is set, i.e. is non-null
* @return true if xmlDiscriminatorNode != null, otherwise false
public boolean isSetXmlDiscriminatorNode() {
return xmlDiscriminatorNode != null;
* Return the value of the class indicator field for the java-type
* associated with this type info.
public String getXmlDiscriminatorValue() {
return xmlDiscriminatorValue;
* Set the value of the class indicator field for the java-type
* associated with this type info.
public void setXmlDiscriminatorValue(String xmlDiscriminatorValue) {
this.xmlDiscriminatorValue = xmlDiscriminatorValue;
* Indicates if a class indicator field value has been set,
* i.e. is non-null
* @return true if xmlDiscriminatorValue != null, otherwise false
public boolean isSetXmlDiscriminatorValue() {
return xmlDiscriminatorValue != null;
* Add an XmlKey property to the list. Each entry will be
* set as a primary key on the owning descriptor.
public void addXmlKeyProperty(Property xmlKeyProp) {
if (xmlKeyProperties == null) {
xmlKeyProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
* Return the list of XmlKey property entries. Each entry
* will be set as a primary key on the owning descriptor.
public List<Property> getXmlKeyProperties() {
return xmlKeyProperties;
* Indicates if the list of XmlKey property entries has
* been set, i.e. is non-null.
public boolean hasXmlKeyProperties() {
return xmlKeyProperties != null;
* Return a Map of property names to list of properties. This Map will
* contain entries when one or more properties exist for a given field,
* as in the case of multiple mappings for a single field.
public Map<String, List<Property>> getAdditionalProperties() {
if (!hasAdditionalProperties()) {
additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, List<Property>>();
return additionalProperties;
boolean hasAdditionalProperties() {
return null != additionalProperties;
* Return the list of original properties for this type info. These
* properties were created during annotations processing, and have
* not been modified since.
public HashMap<String, Property> getOriginalProperties() {
return originalProperties;
public XmlVirtualAccessMethods getXmlVirtualAccessMethods() {
return xmlExtensible;
public void setXmlVirtualAccessMethods(XmlVirtualAccessMethods xmlExtensible) {
this.xmlExtensible = xmlExtensible;
* Return the XMLNameTransformer used when converting Java names to XML names
public XMLNameTransformer getXmlNameTransformer() {
return xmlNameTransformer;
* Set the XMLNameTransformer used when converting Java names to XML names
public void setXmlNameTransformer(XMLNameTransformer xmlNameTransformer) {
this.xmlNameTransformer = xmlNameTransformer;
* Return the list of predicate properties. Lazy initializes the list.
public List<Property> getPredicateProperties() {
if(predicateProperties == null) {
predicateProperties = new ArrayList<Property>();
return predicateProperties;
* Return true if the property handed in is a duplicate of any existing predicate property.
public boolean hasPredicateProperty(Property property) {
if(this.predicateProperties != null) {
for(Property next:this.predicateProperties) {
if(next.getXmlPath().equals(property.getXmlPath())) {
return true;
return false;
* Return true if the list of predicate properties hasn't been initialized.
public boolean hasPredicateProperties() {
return this.predicateProperties != null && this.predicateProperties.size() > 0;
public boolean isLocationAware() {
return this.isLocationAware;
public void setLocationAware(boolean value) {
this.isLocationAware = value;
* This event is called when all of the metadata for this type has been
* processed and provides a chance to deference anything that is no longer
* needed to reduce the memory footprint of this object.
void postInitialize() {
this.originalProperties = null;
public AccessorFactoryWrapper getXmlAccessorFactory() {
return xmlAccessorFactory;
public void setXmlAccessorFactory(AccessorFactoryWrapper xmlAccessorFactory) {
this.xmlAccessorFactory = xmlAccessorFactory;
public AccessorFactoryWrapper getPackageLevelXmlAccessorFactory() {
return packageLevelXmlAccessorFactory;
public void setPackageLevelXmlAccessorFactory(AccessorFactoryWrapper packageLevelXmlAccessorFactory) {
this.packageLevelXmlAccessorFactory = packageLevelXmlAccessorFactory;
public List<XmlNamedObjectGraph> getObjectGraphs() {
if(this.objectGraphs == null) {
this.objectGraphs = new ArrayList<XmlNamedObjectGraph>();
return this.objectGraphs;
public JavaClass getJavaClass() {
return javaClass;
public void setJavaClass(JavaClass javaClass) {
this.javaClass = javaClass;