blob: 2d8fc5b961b880f4d1eb2cdde56a4014590fbcd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// 04/09/2021 - Will Dazey
// - 570702 : Using embeddable fields in query JOINs
package org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.embeddable;
import java.util.List;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManager;
import jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import jakarta.persistence.Query;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.embeddable.model.SpecAddress;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.embeddable.model.SpecContactInfo;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.embeddable.model.SpecEmployee;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.embeddable.model.SpecPhone;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.DDLGen;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.Emf;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.EmfRunner;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.test.framework.SQLListener;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class TestEmbeddable {
@Emf(name = "SpecPersistenceUnit", createTables = DDLGen.DROP_CREATE,
classes = { SpecAddress.class, SpecContactInfo.class, SpecEmployee.class, SpecPhone.class })
private EntityManagerFactory emf;
@SQLListener(name = "SpecPersistenceUnit")
List<String> _sql;
public void JPQLTests() {
EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();
try {
// According to the JPA Spec, section 4.4.4, the following two queries are equivalent
Query queryEmbed = em.createQuery("SELECT p.vendor FROM SpecEmployee e JOIN e.contactInfo.phones p WHERE e.contactInfo.primaryAddress.zipcode = ?1");
queryEmbed.setParameter(1, "95051");
Assert.assertEquals(1, _sql.size());
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT t0.VENDOR FROM SPECPHONE t0, SPECEMPLOYEE_SPECPHONE t2, SPECEMPLOYEE t1 WHERE ((t1.ZIPCODE = ?) AND ((t2.SpecEmployee_ID = t1.ID) AND (t0.ID = t2.phones_ID)))", _sql.remove(0));
queryEmbed = em.createQuery("SELECT p.vendor FROM SpecEmployee e JOIN e.contactInfo c JOIN c.phones p WHERE e.contactInfo.primaryAddress.zipcode = ?1");
queryEmbed.setParameter(1, "95052");
Assert.assertEquals(1, _sql.size());
Assert.assertEquals("SELECT t0.VENDOR FROM SPECPHONE t0, SPECEMPLOYEE_SPECPHONE t2, SPECEMPLOYEE t1 WHERE ((t1.ZIPCODE = ?) AND ((t2.SpecEmployee_ID = t1.ID) AND (t0.ID = t2.phones_ID)))", _sql.remove(0));
} finally {
if (em.isOpen()) {