blob: 71cd669cf90eb2679d157e59f73e7c01c2deb48e [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entity-mappings version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" orm_1_0.xsd">
<description>XML metadata complete model instance document.</description>
<!-- This model is used to test the metadata complete features from the -->
<!-- spec, namely the <xml-mapping-metadata-complete> element and the -->
<!-- metadata-complete attribute from <entity>, <mapped-superclass> and -->
<!-- <embeddable>. The persistence classes in the pu are not persisted -->
<!-- to the database and this model serves to test the metadata -->
<!-- processing of these flags only. Descriptors will have their -->
<!-- have their mappings verified in the test suite: -->
<!-- EntityMappingsMetadataCompleteJUnitTestCase -->
<!-- The metadata-complete flag here should be ignored since the -->
<!-- xml-mapping-metadata-complete is set. -->
<mapped-superclass class="Tool" metadata-complete="false">
<id name="id">
<column name="ID"/>
<!-- Should ignore the @Column for 'brand' but should map it using defaults -->
<!-- The metadata-complete flag here should be ignored since the -->
<!-- xml-mapping-metadata-complete is set. -->
<mapped-superclass class="Material" metadata-complete="false">
<id name="id">
<column name="ID"/>
<!-- Should not ignore the @Column for 'cost' -->
<!-- The metadata-complete flag here should be ignored since the -->
<!-- xml-mapping-metadata-complete is set. -->
<entity name="XMLHammer" class="Hammer" metadata-complete="false">
<!-- The table should default and we should not pick up the @Table -->
<basic name="weight">
<column name="WEIGHT"/>
<!-- Should ignore the @Column for 'color' but should map it using defaults -->
<!-- The metadata-complete flag here should be ignored since the -->
<!-- xml-mapping-metadata-complete is set. -->
<entity name="XMLScrewdriver" class="Screwdriver">
<table name="XML_SCREWDRIVER"/>
<basic name="type">
<column name="S_TYPE"/>
<!-- Should ignore the @Basic 'style' on the class -->
<!-- The metadata-complete flag here should be ignored since the -->
<!-- xml-mapping-metadata-complete is set. -->
<entity name="XMLDrywall" class="Drywall" metadata-complete="false">
<table name="XML_DRYWALL"/>
<!-- Should ignore the @Column for 'length' and 'width' but should map them using defaults -->