blob: 3cdbe297f6f254120ab28f9b1d7619ffa6170847 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// David McCann - Aug.15, 2012 - 2.4.1 - Initial implementation
package dbws.testing.mtom;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import jakarta.xml.soap.AttachmentPart;
import jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPElement;
import jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPFactory;
import jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import dbws.testing.DBWSTestSuite;
import static dbws.testing.mtom.MTOMBuilderTestSuite.CREATE_TABLE;
import static dbws.testing.mtom.MTOMBuilderTestSuite.DROP_TABLE;
import static dbws.testing.mtom.MTOMBuilderTestSuite.POPULATE_TABLE;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
* Tests MTOM.
public class MTOMServiceTestSuite extends DBWSTestSuite {
static final String SOAP_FINDBYPK_REQUEST =
"<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">" +
"<env:Body>" +
"<findByPrimaryKey_MtomType xmlns=\"urn:mtomService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:mtom\">" +
"<id>3</id>" +
"</findByPrimaryKey_MtomType>" +
"</env:Body>" +
static final String SOAP_FINDALL_REQUEST =
"<env:Envelope xmlns:env=\"\">" +
"<env:Body>" +
"<findAll_MtomType xmlns=\"urn:mtomService\" xmlns:urn=\"urn:mtom\"/>" +
"</env:Body>" +
public static void setUp() {
if (conn == null) {
try {
conn = buildConnection();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (ddlCreate) {
runDdl(conn, CREATE_TABLE, ddlDebug);
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
for (int i = 0; i < POPULATE_TABLE.length; i++) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
public static void tearDown() {
if (ddlDrop) {
runDdl(conn, DROP_TABLE, ddlDebug);
public void testService() {
try {
QName qname = new QName("urn:mtomService", "mtomServicePort");
Service service = Service.create(new QName("urn:mtom", "mtomService"));
service.addPort(qname, SOAPBinding.SOAP11HTTP_MTOM_BINDING, "http://" + host + ":" + port + "/mtom/mtom");
Dispatch<SOAPMessage> sourceDispatch = service.createDispatch(qname, SOAPMessage.class, Service.Mode.MESSAGE);
// we expect 3 attachments
SOAPMessage request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_FINDALL_REQUEST);
SOAPMessage response = sourceDispatch.invoke(request);
assertNotNull("findAll failed: response is null.", response);
assertTrue("findAll failed: wrong number of attachments - expected [3] but was [" + response.countAttachments() + "]", response.countAttachments() == 3);
// verify MTOM format, i.e.
// <xop:Include xmlns:xop="" href="cid:c060bfb1-82cb-4820-9d87-4f2422b50915"/>
for (@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
Iterator<AttachmentPart> attachmentsIterator = response.getAttachments(); attachmentsIterator.hasNext();) {
AttachmentPart ap =;
SOAPElement elt = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(new QName("", "Include", "xop"));
// content id will be wrapped in angled brackets - need to remove them
String contentId = ap.getContentId();
contentId = contentId.replaceFirst("<", "");
contentId = contentId.replaceFirst(">", "");
elt.addAttribute(new QName("href"), "cid:" + contentId);
ap = response.getAttachment(elt);
assertNotNull("findAll failed: no attachment for [cid:" + contentId + "]", ap);
byte[] rawBytes = ap.getRawContentBytes() ;
assertTrue("findAll failed: wrong number of bytes returned - expected [15] but was [" + rawBytes.length + "]", rawBytes.length == 15);
// no order is guaranteed, so need to check which attachment we are dealing with
byte b = rawBytes[0];
assertTrue("findAll failed: wrong byte value returned - expected [1], [2] or [3] but was [" + b + "]", (b==1 || b==2 || b==3));
compareBytes(b, rawBytes, "findAll");
// we expect 1 attachment
request = createSOAPMessage(SOAP_FINDBYPK_REQUEST);
response = sourceDispatch.invoke(request);
assertTrue("findByPk failed: wrong number of attachments - expected [1] but was [" + response.countAttachments() + "]", response.countAttachments() == 1);
AttachmentPart ap = (AttachmentPart)((Iterator)response.getAttachments()).next();
SOAPElement elt = SOAPFactory.newInstance().createElement(new QName("", "Include", "xop"));
// content id will be wrapped in angled brackets - need to remove them
String contentId = ap.getContentId();
contentId = contentId.replaceFirst("<", "");
contentId = contentId.replaceFirst(">", "");
elt.addAttribute(new QName("href"), "cid:" + contentId);
ap = response.getAttachment(elt);
assertNotNull("findByPk failed: no attachment for [cid:" + contentId + "]", ap);
byte[] rawBytes = ap.getRawContentBytes() ;
assertTrue("findByPk failed: wrong number of bytes returned - expected [15] but was [" + rawBytes.length + "]", rawBytes.length == 15);
compareBytes(3, rawBytes, "findByPk");
} catch (Exception x) {
fail("Service test failed: " + x.getMessage());
static void compareBytes(int intVal, byte[] bytes, String testName) {
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
assertEquals(testName + " failed: wrong byte value returned - expected [" + intVal + "] but was [" + bytes[i] + "]", bytes[i], intVal);