blob: 6e16f203d916c742dd0ff086d0cc15b17158ba10 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.beans.Introspector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.xml.bind.SchemaOutputResolver;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl.GLOBAL;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JAXBException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.core.helper.CoreClassConstants;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jaxb.many.MapValue;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.Constants;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.Namespace;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.XPathFragment;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.mappings.Field;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.All;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Any;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.AnyAttribute;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Attribute;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Choice;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.ComplexContent;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.ComplexType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Element;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Extension;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Import;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.List;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Occurs;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Restriction;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Schema;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.Sequence;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.SimpleComponent;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.SimpleContent;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.SimpleType;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.TypeDefParticle;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.TypeDefParticleOwner;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.JavaClass;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel.JavaMethod;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlElementWrapper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlVirtualAccessMethodsSchema;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlJoinNodes.XmlJoinNode;
import org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlTransformation.XmlWriteTransformer;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.NamespaceResolver;
import org.eclipse.persistence.oxm.XMLField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Session;
* <p><b>Purpose:</b>To generate Schema objects based on a map of TypeInfo objects, and some
* additional information gathered by the AnnotationsProcessing phase.
* <p><b>Responsibilities:</b><ul>
* <li>Create and maintain a collection of Schema objects based on the provided TypeInfo objects</li>
* <li>Add additional global elements to the schema based on an optional map (for WS integration)</li>
* <li>Should create a schema for each namespace encountered during generation.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>This class is used by the Generator to handle the generation of Schemas. The
* Generator passes in a map of TypeInfo objects, generated by the Annotations processor.
* The generated Schemas are stored in a map of keyed on Target Namespace.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.TypeInfo
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.AnnotationsProcessor
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.compiler.Generator
* @since Oracle TopLink
* @author mmacivor
public class SchemaGenerator {
private HashMap<String, Schema> schemaForNamespace;
private java.util.List<Schema> allSchemas;
private Schema schema;
private int schemaCount;
private Helper helper;
private HashMap<String, TypeInfo> typeInfo;
private HashMap<String, PackageInfo> packageToPackageInfoMappings;
private HashMap<String, SchemaTypeInfo> schemaTypeInfo;
private HashMap<String, QName> userDefinedSchemaTypes;
private Map<String, Class> arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses;
private static final String JAVAX_ACTIVATION_DATAHANDLER = "javax.activation.DataHandler";
private static final String JAVAX_MAIL_INTERNET_MIMEMULTIPART = "javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart";
private static final String SWA_REF_IMPORT = "";
private static final String BUILD_FIELD_VALUE_METHOD = "buildFieldValue";
private static final String COLON = ":";
private static final String ATT = "@";
private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
private static final String DOT = ".";
private static final String SKIP = "skip";
private static final String ENTRY = "entry";
private static final String GENERATE = "##generate";
private static final String SCHEMA = "schema";
private static final String SCHEMA_EXT = ".xsd";
private static final String OBJECT_CLASSNAME = "java.lang.Object";
private static final String ID = "ID";
private static final String IDREF = "IDREF";
private static final Character DOT_CHAR = '.';
private static final Character SLASH = '/';
private static final Character SLASHES = '\\';
private SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver;
public SchemaGenerator(Helper helper) {
this.helper = helper;
public Schema generateSchema(ArrayList<JavaClass> typeInfoClasses, HashMap<String, TypeInfo> typeInfo, HashMap<String, QName> userDefinedSchemaTypes, HashMap<String, PackageInfo> packageToPackageInfoMappings, HashMap<QName, ElementDeclaration> additionalGlobalElements, Map<String, Class> arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses, SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver) {
this.outputResolver = outputResolver;
return generateSchema(typeInfoClasses, typeInfo, userDefinedSchemaTypes, packageToPackageInfoMappings, additionalGlobalElements, arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses);
public Schema generateSchema(ArrayList<JavaClass> typeInfoClasses, HashMap<String, TypeInfo> typeInfo, HashMap<String, QName> userDefinedSchemaTypes, HashMap<String, PackageInfo> packageToPackageInfoMappings, HashMap<QName, ElementDeclaration> additionalGlobalElements, Map<String, Class> arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses) {
this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
this.userDefinedSchemaTypes = userDefinedSchemaTypes;
this.packageToPackageInfoMappings = packageToPackageInfoMappings;
this.schemaCount = 1;
this.schemaTypeInfo = new HashMap<String, SchemaTypeInfo>(typeInfo.size());
this.arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses = arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses;
for (JavaClass javaClass : typeInfoClasses) {
if (additionalGlobalElements != null) {
return schema;
public void addSchemaComponents(JavaClass myClass) {
// first check for type
String myClassName = myClass.getQualifiedName();
Element rootElement = null;
TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfo.get(myClassName);
if (info.isTransient() || info.getClassNamespace().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
SchemaTypeInfo schemaTypeInfo = new SchemaTypeInfo();
schemaTypeInfo.setSchemaTypeName(new QName(info.getClassNamespace(), info.getSchemaTypeName()));
this.schemaTypeInfo.put(myClass.getQualifiedName(), schemaTypeInfo);
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = this.packageToPackageInfoMappings.get(myClass.getPackageName()).getNamespaceInfo();
if (namespaceInfo.getLocation() != null && !namespaceInfo.getLocation().equals(GENERATE)) {
Schema schema = getSchemaForNamespace(info.getClassNamespace());
String typeName = info.getSchemaTypeName();
String pfx = EMPTY_STRING;
Property valueField = null;
if (info.isSetXmlRootElement()) {
//Create the root element and add it to the schema
org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.xmlmodel.XmlRootElement xmlRE = info.getXmlRootElement();
rootElement = new Element();
String elementName = xmlRE.getName();
if (elementName.equals(XMLProcessor.DEFAULT) || elementName.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
elementName = info.getXmlNameTransformer().transformRootElementName(myClassName);
}catch (Exception ex){
throw org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JAXBException.exceptionDuringNameTransformation(myClassName, info.getXmlNameTransformer().getClass().getName(), ex);
String rootNamespace = xmlRE.getNamespace();
if (rootNamespace.equals(XMLProcessor.DEFAULT)) {
Schema rootElementSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(namespaceInfo.getNamespace());
if (rootElementSchema != null) {
schemaTypeInfo.getGlobalElementDeclarations().add(new QName(namespaceInfo.getNamespace(), rootNamespace));
rootNamespace = namespaceInfo.getNamespace();
} else {
Schema rootElementSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(rootNamespace);
if (rootElementSchema != null) {
schemaTypeInfo.getGlobalElementDeclarations().add(new QName(rootNamespace, elementName));
// handle root-level imports/includes [schema = the type's schema]
Schema rootSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(rootNamespace);
addImportIfRequired(rootSchema, schema, schema.getTargetNamespace());
// setup a prefix, if necessary
if (rootSchema != null && !info.getClassNamespace().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
pfx = getOrGeneratePrefixForNamespace(info.getClassNamespace(), rootSchema);
pfx += COLON;
if (CompilerHelper.isSimpleType(info)){
SimpleType type = new SimpleType();
//simple type case, we just need the name and namespace info
if (typeName.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
//In this case, it should be a type under
//A root elem or locally defined whenever used
if (rootElement != null) {
} else {
if (rootElement != null) {
rootElement.setType(pfx + type.getName());
//Figure out schema type and set it as Restriction
QName restrictionType = null;
Restriction restriction = new Restriction();
if (info.isEnumerationType()) {
restrictionType = ((EnumTypeInfo) info).getRestrictionBase();
restriction.setEnumerationFacets(this.getEnumerationFacetsFor((EnumTypeInfo) info));
String prefix = null;
if (restrictionType.getNamespaceURI() != null && !restrictionType.getNamespaceURI().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
if (restrictionType.getNamespaceURI().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX;
} else {
prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, restrictionType.getNamespaceURI());
String extensionTypeName = restrictionType.getLocalPart();
if (prefix != null) {
extensionTypeName = prefix + COLON + extensionTypeName;
} else {
valueField= info.getXmlValueProperty();
JavaClass javaType = valueField.getActualType();
QName baseType = getSchemaTypeFor(javaType);
String prefix = null;
if (baseType.getNamespaceURI() != null && !baseType.getNamespaceURI().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
if (baseType.getNamespaceURI().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX;
} else {
prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, baseType.getNamespaceURI());
String baseTypeName = baseType.getLocalPart();
if (prefix != null) {
baseTypeName = prefix + COLON + baseTypeName;
if (valueField.isXmlList() || (valueField.getGenericType() != null)) {
//generate a list instead of a restriction
List list = new List();
} else {
if (helper.isAnnotationPresent(valueField.getElement(), XmlSchemaType.class)) {
XmlSchemaType schemaType = (XmlSchemaType) helper.getAnnotation(valueField.getElement(), XmlSchemaType.class);
baseType = new QName(schemaType.namespace(),;
} else if ((valueField = this.getXmlValueFieldForSimpleContent(info)) != null) {
ComplexType type = new ComplexType();
SimpleContent content = new SimpleContent();
if (typeName.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
if (rootElement != null) {
} else {
if (rootElement != null) {
rootElement.setType(pfx + type.getName());
QName extensionType = getSchemaTypeFor(valueField.getType());
if (helper.isAnnotationPresent(valueField.getElement(), XmlSchemaType.class)) {
XmlSchemaType schemaType = (XmlSchemaType) helper.getAnnotation(valueField.getElement(), XmlSchemaType.class);
extensionType = new QName(schemaType.namespace(),;
String prefix = null;
if (extensionType.getNamespaceURI() != null && !extensionType.getNamespaceURI().equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
if (extensionType.getNamespaceURI().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX;
} else {
prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, extensionType.getNamespaceURI());
String extensionTypeName = extensionType.getLocalPart();
if (prefix != null) {
extensionTypeName = prefix + COLON + extensionTypeName;
Extension extension = new Extension();
} else {
ComplexType type = createComplexTypeForClass(myClass, info);
TypeDefParticle compositor = null;
if(type.getComplexContent() != null && type.getComplexContent().getExtension() != null) {
compositor = type.getComplexContent().getExtension().getTypeDefParticle();
} else {
compositor = type.getTypeDefParticle();
if (typeName.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
if (rootElement != null) {
} else {
if (rootElement != null) {
rootElement.setType(pfx + type.getName());
private ComplexType createComplexTypeForClass(JavaClass myClass, TypeInfo info) {
Schema schema = getSchemaForNamespace(info.getClassNamespace());
ComplexType type = new ComplexType();
JavaClass superClass = CompilerHelper.getNextMappedSuperClass(myClass, this.typeInfo, this.helper);
// Handle abstract class
if (myClass.isAbstract()) {
Extension extension = null;
if (superClass != null) {
TypeInfo parentTypeInfo = this.typeInfo.get(superClass.getQualifiedName());
if (parentTypeInfo != null) {
extension = new Extension();
// may need to qualify the type
String parentPrefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, parentTypeInfo.getClassNamespace());
if (parentPrefix != null) {
extension.setBaseType(parentPrefix + COLON + parentTypeInfo.getSchemaTypeName());
} else {
SimpleContent content = new SimpleContent();
return type;
ComplexContent content = new ComplexContent();
TypeDefParticle compositor = null;
String[] propOrder = null;
if (info.isSetPropOrder()) {
propOrder = info.getPropOrder();
if (propOrder != null && propOrder.length == 0) {
// Note that the spec requires an 'all' to be generated
// in cases where propOrder == 0, however, the TCK
// requires the extension case to use sequences
if (info.hasElementRefs()) {
// generate a sequence to satisfy TCK
compositor = new Sequence();
if (extension != null) {
extension.setSequence((Sequence) compositor);
} else {
type.setSequence((Sequence) compositor);
} else if (extension != null) {
compositor = new All();
extension.setAll((All) compositor);
} else {
compositor = new All();
type.setAll((All) compositor);
} else {
// generate a sequence to satisfy TCK
compositor = new Sequence();
if (extension != null) {
extension.setSequence((Sequence) compositor);
} else {
type.setSequence((Sequence) compositor);
return type;
public void addToSchemaType(TypeInfo ownerTypeInfo, java.util.List<Property> properties, TypeDefParticle compositor, ComplexType type, Schema workingSchema) {
//If there are no properties we don't want a sequence/choice or all tag written out
if (properties.size() == 0) {
boolean extAnyAdded = false;
// generate schema components for each property
for (Property next : properties) {
if (next == null) { continue; }
Schema currentSchema = workingSchema;
TypeDefParticle parentCompositor = compositor;
boolean isChoice = (parentCompositor instanceof Choice);
ComplexType parentType = type;
// ignore transient and inverse reference/non-writeable properties
if(!next.isTransient() && !(next.isInverseReference() && !next.isWriteableInverseReference())){
// handle xml extensions
if (next.isVirtual()) {
boolean extSchemaAny = false;
if (ownerTypeInfo.getXmlVirtualAccessMethods().getSchema() != null) {
extSchemaAny = ownerTypeInfo.getXmlVirtualAccessMethods().getSchema().equals(XmlVirtualAccessMethodsSchema.ANY);
if (extSchemaAny && !next.isAttribute()) {
if (!extAnyAdded) {
addAnyToSchema(next, compositor, true, Constants.ANY_NAMESPACE_ANY);
extAnyAdded = true;
} else {
// any already added
} else {
// proceed, adding the schema element as usual
// handle transformers
if (next.isSetXmlTransformation() && next.getXmlTransformation().isSetXmlWriteTransformers()) {
addTransformerToSchema(next, ownerTypeInfo, compositor, type, workingSchema);
// handle XmlJoinNodes
if (next.isSetXmlJoinNodes()) {
addXmlJoinNodesToSchema(next, parentCompositor, currentSchema, parentType);
// deal with xml-path case
if (next.getXmlPath() != null) {
// create schema components based on the XmlPath
AddToSchemaResult xpr = addXPathToSchema(next, parentCompositor, currentSchema, isChoice, type);
// if the returned object or schema component is null there is nothing to do
if (xpr == null || ((parentCompositor = xpr.particle) == null && xpr.simpleContentType == null)) {
// now process the property as per usual, adding to the created schema component
if(xpr.schema == null) {
//if there's no schema, this may be a ref to an attribute in an ungenerated schema
//no need to generate the attribute in the target schema
currentSchema = xpr.schema;
if(parentCompositor == null) {
parentType = xpr.simpleContentType;
} else if (parentCompositor.getOwner() instanceof ComplexType) {
parentType = ((ComplexType)parentCompositor.getOwner());
// deal with the XmlElementWrapper case
} else if (!isChoice && !next.isMap() && next.isSetXmlElementWrapper()) {
AddToSchemaResult asr = addXmlElementWrapperToSchema(next, currentSchema, compositor);
// if returned object is null there is nothing to do
if (asr == null) {
// the returned object contains ComplexType and TypeDefParticles to use
parentType = asr.type;
parentCompositor = asr.particle;
// handle mixed content
if (next.isMixedContent()) {
// handle attribute
if (next.isAttribute() && !next.isAnyAttribute()) {
addAttributeToSchema(buildAttribute(next, currentSchema), next.getSchemaName(), currentSchema, parentType);
// handle any attribute
} else if (next.isAnyAttribute()) {
// handle choice
} else if (next.isChoice()) {
addChoiceToSchema(next, ownerTypeInfo, parentType, parentCompositor, currentSchema);
// handle reference
} else if (next.isReference()) {
addReferenceToSchema(next, currentSchema, parentCompositor);
// handle any
} else if (next.isAny() || next.getVariableAttributeName() !=null) {
addAnyToSchema(next, parentCompositor);
// add an element
} else if (!(ownerTypeInfo.getXmlValueProperty() != null && ownerTypeInfo.getXmlValueProperty() == next)) {
addElementToSchema(buildElement(next, parentCompositor instanceof All, currentSchema, ownerTypeInfo), next.getSchemaName().getNamespaceURI(), next.isPositional(), parentCompositor, currentSchema);
* Return the schema type (as QName) based on a given JavaClass.
* @param javaClass
* @return
public QName getSchemaTypeFor(JavaClass javaClass) {
String className;
if (javaClass.isArray()) {
Class wrapperClass = arrayClassesToGeneratedClasses.get(javaClass.getName());
if (null == wrapperClass) {
className = javaClass.getQualifiedName();
} else {
className = wrapperClass.getName();
} else {
className = javaClass.getQualifiedName();
// check user defined types first
QName schemaType = (QName) userDefinedSchemaTypes.get(className);
if (schemaType == null) {
schemaType = (QName) helper.getXMLToJavaTypeMap().get(javaClass.getRawName());
if (schemaType == null) {
TypeInfo targetInfo = this.typeInfo.get(className);
if (targetInfo != null) {
schemaType = new QName(targetInfo.getClassNamespace(), targetInfo.getSchemaTypeName());
if (schemaType == null) {
if (javaClass.getQualifiedName().equals(OBJECT_CLASSNAME)) {
return Constants.ANY_TYPE_QNAME;
return Constants.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE_QNAME;
return schemaType;
public void populateSchemaTypes() {
Iterator<String> classNames = typeInfo.keySet().iterator();
while (classNames.hasNext()) {
String javaClassName =;
TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfo.get(javaClassName);
if (info.isComplexType()) {
if (info.getSchema() != null) {
java.util.List<Property> props = info.getNonTransientPropertiesInPropOrder();
// handle class indicator field name
if (info.isSetXmlDiscriminatorNode()) {
String xpath = info.getXmlDiscriminatorNode();
String pname = XMLProcessor.getNameFromXPath(xpath, EMPTY_STRING, true);
if (!pname.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
// since there is no property for the indicator field name, we'll need to make one
Property prop = new Property(helper);
prop.setSchemaName(new QName(pname));
addToSchemaType(info, props, info.getCompositor(), info.getComplexType(), info.getSchema());
if(info.hasPredicateProperties()) {
addToSchemaType(info, info.getPredicateProperties(), info.getCompositor(), info.getComplexType(), info.getSchema());
public String getSchemaTypeNameForClassName(String className) {
return Introspector.decapitalize(className.substring(className.lastIndexOf(DOT_CHAR) + 1));
public ArrayList<Object> getEnumerationFacetsFor(EnumTypeInfo info) {
return (ArrayList<Object>) info.getXmlEnumValues();
public Property getXmlValueFieldForSimpleContent(TypeInfo info) {
ArrayList<Property> properties = info.getPropertyList();
Property xmlValueProperty = info.getXmlValueProperty();
boolean foundValue = false;
boolean foundNonAttribute = false;
Property valueField = null;
for (Property prop : properties) {
if (xmlValueProperty != null && xmlValueProperty == prop) {
foundValue = true;
valueField = prop;
} else if (!prop.isAttribute() && !prop.isTransient() && !prop.isAnyAttribute()) {
foundNonAttribute = true;
if (foundValue && !foundNonAttribute) {
return valueField;
return null;
* Indicates if a given Property is a collection type.
* @param field
* @return
public boolean isCollectionType(Property field) {
JavaClass type = field.getType();
return (helper.getJavaClass(java.util.Collection.class).isAssignableFrom(type)
|| helper.getJavaClass(java.util.List.class).isAssignableFrom(type)
|| helper.getJavaClass(java.util.Set.class).isAssignableFrom(type));
* Return the Schema for a given namespace. If no schema exists for the
* given namespace, one will be created.
* @param namespace
* @return
private Schema getSchemaForNamespace(String namespace) {
if (schemaForNamespace == null) {
schemaForNamespace = new HashMap<String, Schema>();
allSchemas = new ArrayList<Schema>();
Schema schema = schemaForNamespace.get(namespace);
if (schema == null && !javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI.equals(namespace)) {
schema = new Schema();
String schemaName = SCHEMA + schemaCount + SCHEMA_EXT;
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(namespace);
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
if (namespaceInfo.getLocation() != null && !namespaceInfo.getLocation().equals(GENERATE)) {
return null;
java.util.Vector namespaces = namespaceInfo.getNamespaceResolver().getNamespaces();
for (int i = 0; i < namespaces.size(); i++) {
Namespace nextNamespace = (Namespace) namespaces.get(i);
schema.getNamespaceResolver().put(nextNamespace.getPrefix(), nextNamespace.getNamespaceURI());
if (outputResolver != null) {
try {
Result res = outputResolver.createOutput(namespace, schemaName);
// if the resolver returns null, schema generation for this namespace URI will be skipped
if (res == null) {
return null;
if (res.getSystemId() != null) {
schemaName = res.getSystemId();
// may use schema name to create a URI, which expects '/' as file separator
schemaName = schemaName.replace(SLASHES, SLASH);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!namespace.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
String prefix = null;
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
prefix = namespaceInfo.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(namespace);
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = schema.getNamespaceResolver().generatePrefix();
schema.getNamespaceResolver().put(prefix, namespace);
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
schemaForNamespace.put(namespace, schema);
return schema;
public Collection<Schema> getAllSchemas() {
if (allSchemas == null) {
allSchemas = new ArrayList<Schema>();
return allSchemas;
public NamespaceInfo getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(String namespace) {
Collection<PackageInfo> packageInfo = packageToPackageInfoMappings.values();
for (PackageInfo info : packageInfo) {
if (info.getNamespace().equals(namespace)) {
return info.getNamespaceInfo();
return null;
public String getPrefixForNamespace(Schema schema, String URI) {
//add Import if necessary
Schema referencedSchema = this.getSchemaForNamespace(URI);
addImportIfRequired(schema, referencedSchema, URI);
NamespaceResolver namespaceResolver = schema.getNamespaceResolver();
Enumeration keys = namespaceResolver.getPrefixes();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
String next = (String) keys.nextElement();
String nextUri = namespaceResolver.resolveNamespacePrefix(next);
if (nextUri.equals(URI)) {
return next;
return null;
* Attempt to resolve the given URI to a prefix. If this is unsuccessful, one
* will be generated and added to the resolver.
* @param URI
* @param schema
* @return
public String getOrGeneratePrefixForNamespace(String URI, Schema schema) {
String prefix = schema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(URI);
if (prefix == null) {
if (URI.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = schema.getNamespaceResolver().generatePrefix(Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX);
} else if (URI.equals(Constants.REF_URL)) {
prefix = schema.getNamespaceResolver().generatePrefix(Constants.REF_PREFIX);
if(!importExists(schema, SWA_REF_IMPORT)){
Import schemaImport = new Import();
} else {
prefix = schema.getNamespaceResolver().generatePrefix();
schema.getNamespaceResolver().put(prefix, URI);
return prefix;
public void addGlobalElements(HashMap<QName, ElementDeclaration> additionalElements) {
for (Entry<QName, ElementDeclaration> entry : additionalElements.entrySet()) {
QName next = entry.getKey();
if(next != null) {
ElementDeclaration nextElement = entry.getValue();
if (nextElement.getScopeClass() == GLOBAL.class) {
String namespaceURI = next.getNamespaceURI();
Schema targetSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(namespaceURI);
if (targetSchema == null) {
if (targetSchema.getTopLevelElements().get(next.getLocalPart()) == null) {
Element element = new Element();
JavaClass javaClass = nextElement.getJavaType();
//First check for built in type
QName schemaType = (QName) helper.getXMLToJavaTypeMap().get(javaClass.getRawName());
if (schemaType != null) {
element.setType(Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + COLON + schemaType.getLocalPart());
} else if (areEquals(javaClass, JAVAX_ACTIVATION_DATAHANDLER) || areEquals(javaClass, byte[].class) || areEquals(javaClass, Byte[].class) || areEquals(javaClass, Image.class) || areEquals(javaClass, Source.class) || areEquals(javaClass, JAVAX_MAIL_INTERNET_MIMEMULTIPART)) {
schemaType = Constants.BASE_64_BINARY_QNAME;
if(nextElement.getTypeMappingInfo() != null) {
if(nextElement.isXmlAttachmentRef()) {
schemaType = Constants.SWA_REF_QNAME;
if (nextElement.getXmlMimeType() != null) {
element.getAttributesMap().put(Constants.EXPECTED_CONTENT_TYPES_QNAME, nextElement.getXmlMimeType());
String prefix = getOrGeneratePrefixForNamespace(schemaType.getNamespaceURI(), targetSchema);
element.setType(prefix + COLON + schemaType.getLocalPart());
} else if (areEquals(javaClass, CoreClassConstants.XML_GREGORIAN_CALENDAR)) {
schemaType = Constants.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE_QNAME;
element.setType(Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + COLON + schemaType.getLocalPart());
} else {
TypeInfo type = (TypeInfo) this.typeInfo.get(javaClass.getQualifiedName());
if (type != null) {
String typeName = null;
if (type.isComplexType()) {
typeName = type.getComplexType().getName();
} else {
typeName = type.getSimpleType().getName();
// may need an anonymous complex type
if (typeName == null) {
Schema schema = getSchemaForNamespace(next.getNamespaceURI());
ComplexType cType = createComplexTypeForClass(javaClass, type);
TypeDefParticle particle = null;
if(cType.getComplexContent() != null && cType.getComplexContent().getExtension() != null) {
particle = cType.getComplexContent().getExtension().getTypeDefParticle();
} else {
particle = cType.getTypeDefParticle();
addToSchemaType(type, type.getPropertyList(), particle, cType, schema);
targetSchema = schema;
} else {
// check namespace of schemaType
if (type.getClassNamespace().equals(namespaceURI)) {
//no need to prefix here
String prefix = targetSchema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(namespaceURI);
if(prefix != null && !(prefix.equals(EMPTY_STRING))) {
element.setType(prefix + COLON + typeName);
} else {
} else {
Schema complexTypeSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(type.getClassNamespace());
String complexTypeSchemaNS = type.getClassNamespace();
if (complexTypeSchemaNS == null) {
complexTypeSchemaNS = EMPTY_STRING;
addImportIfRequired(targetSchema, complexTypeSchema, type.getClassNamespace());
String prefix = targetSchema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(complexTypeSchemaNS);
if (prefix != null) {
element.setType(prefix + COLON + typeName);
} else {
if (nextElement.getSubstitutionHead() != null) {
String subLocal = nextElement.getSubstitutionHead().getLocalPart();
String subNamespace = nextElement.getSubstitutionHead().getNamespaceURI();
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(targetSchema, subNamespace);
if (prefix == null || prefix.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
} else {
element.setSubstitutionGroup(prefix + COLON + subLocal);
SchemaTypeInfo info = this.schemaTypeInfo.get(javaClass.getQualifiedName());
if (info == null) {
// probably for a simple type, not generated
info = new SchemaTypeInfo();
schemaTypeInfo.put(javaClass.getQualifiedName(), info);
* Return the Map of SchemaTypeInfo instances. The Map is keyed on JavaClass
* qualified name.
* @return
public HashMap<String, SchemaTypeInfo> getSchemaTypeInfo() {
return this.schemaTypeInfo;
private boolean importExists(Schema schema, String schemaName) {
java.util.List imports = schema.getImports();
for (int i = 0; i < imports.size(); i++) {
Import nextImport = (Import) imports.get(i);
if (nextImport.getSchemaLocation() != null && nextImport.getSchemaLocation().equals(schemaName)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean addImportIfRequired(Schema sourceSchema, Schema importSchema, String importNamespace) {
if (importSchema != sourceSchema && !(importNamespace != null && importNamespace.equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI))) {
String schemaName = null;
if (importSchema != null) {
schemaName = importSchema.getName();
} else if (importNamespace != null) {
NamespaceInfo nInfo = getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(importNamespace);
schemaName = nInfo.getLocation();
// may need to relativize the schema name
if (schemaName != null && importSchema != null) {
URI relativizedURI = null;
try {
// need to strip off the last slash and the file name that follows
String schemaPath = sourceSchema.getName();
int idx;
if ((idx = schemaPath.lastIndexOf(SLASH)) != -1) {
schemaPath = schemaPath.substring(0, idx);
URI baseURI = new URI(schemaPath);
URI importURI = new URI(schemaName);
relativizedURI = baseURI.relativize(importURI);
} catch (Exception e) {
// at this point we will leave schemaName as is
relativizedURI = null;
if (relativizedURI != null) {
schemaName = relativizedURI.getPath();
if (schemaName != null && !importExists(sourceSchema, schemaName)) {
Import schemaImport = new Import();
if (importNamespace != null && !importNamespace.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
if (schemaImport.getNamespace() != null) {
if(schemaImport.getNamespace().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI)) {
//make sure xml namespace is in the resolver so it gets declared
sourceSchema.getNamespaceResolver().put(javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_PREFIX, javax.xml.XMLConstants.XML_NS_URI);
String prefix = sourceSchema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(importNamespace);
//Don't need to generate prefix for default namespace
if (prefix == null && !importNamespace.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
sourceSchema.getNamespaceResolver().put(sourceSchema.getNamespaceResolver().generatePrefix(), importNamespace);
return true;
return false;
* Compares a JavaModel JavaClass to a Class. Equality is based on
* the raw name of the JavaClass compared to the canonical
* name of the Class.
* @param src
* @param tgt
* @return
protected boolean areEquals(JavaClass src, String tgtCanonicalName) {
if (src == null || tgtCanonicalName == null) {
return false;
return src.getRawName().equals(tgtCanonicalName);
* Compares a JavaModel JavaClass to a Class. Equality is based on
* the raw name of the JavaClass compared to the canonical
* name of the Class.
* @param src
* @param tgt
* @return
protected boolean areEquals(JavaClass src, Class tgt) {
if (src == null || tgt == null) {
return false;
return src.getRawName().equals(tgt.getCanonicalName());
* Return the type name for a given Property.
* @param next
* @param javaType
* @param theSchema
* @return
private String getTypeName(Property next, JavaClass javaType, Schema theSchema){
QName schemaType = next.getSchemaType();
if (schemaType == null) {
schemaType = getSchemaTypeFor(javaType);
if (schemaType != null) {
if (schemaType.getNamespaceURI() == null) {
return schemaType.getLocalPart();
return getOrGeneratePrefixForNamespace(schemaType.getNamespaceURI(), theSchema) + COLON + schemaType.getLocalPart();
return Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + Constants.COLON + Constants.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE;
* Return the qualified (if necessary) type name for a given Property.
* @param prop
* @param schema
* @return
private String getQualifiedTypeName(Property prop, Schema schema) {
JavaClass javaType = prop.getActualType();
String typeName = getTypeName(prop, javaType, schema);
// may need to qualify the type
if (typeName != null && !typeName.contains(COLON)) {
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, schema.getTargetNamespace());
if (prefix != null) {
typeName = prefix + COLON + typeName;
return typeName;
* This method will build element/complexType/typedefparticle components for a given xml-path,
* and return an XmlPathResult instance containg the sequence that the target should be added
* to, as well as the current schema - which could be different than the working schema used
* before calling this method in the case of a prefixed path element from a different namespace.
* Regarding the path 'target', if the xml-path was "contact-info/address/street", "street"
* would be the target. In this case the sequence containing the "address" element would be
* set in the XmlPathResult to be returned.
* The exception case is an 'any', where we want to process the last path element before
* returning - this is necessary due to the fact that an Any will be added to the sequence
* in place of the last path element by the calling method.
* @param frag
* @param xpr
* @param isAny
* @param isChoice
* @return
protected AddToSchemaResult buildSchemaComponentsForXPath(XPathFragment frag, AddToSchemaResult xpr, boolean isChoice, Property next) {
boolean isAny = next.isAny() || next.isAnyAttribute();
TypeDefParticle currentParticle = xpr.particle;
Schema workingSchema = xpr.schema;
// each nested choice on a collection will be unbounded
boolean isUnbounded = false;
if(currentParticle != null) {
isUnbounded = (currentParticle.getMaxOccurs() != null && currentParticle.getMaxOccurs()==Occurs.UNBOUNDED);
// don't process the last frag; that will be handled by the calling method if necessary
// note that we may need to process the last frag if it has a namespace or is an 'any'
boolean lastFrag = (frag.getNextFragment() == null || frag.getNextFragment().nameIsText());
//boolean isNextAttribute = (frag.getNextFragment() != null) && (frag.getNextFragment().isAttribute());
// if the element is already in the sequence we don't want the calling method to add a second one
if (lastFrag && (elementExistsInParticle(frag.getLocalName(), frag.getShortName(), currentParticle) != null)) {
xpr.particle = null;
return xpr;
// if the current element exists, use it; otherwise create a new one
Element currentElement = elementExistsInParticle(frag.getLocalName(), frag.getShortName(), currentParticle);
boolean currentElementExists = (currentElement != null);
if (!currentElementExists) {
currentElement = new Element();
// don't set the element name yet, as it may end up being a ref
ComplexType cType = new ComplexType();
TypeDefParticle particle = null;
if (isChoice) {
particle = new Choice();
if (isUnbounded) {
} else {
XPathFragment nextFragment = frag.getNextFragment();
if (frag.containsIndex() || frag.getPredicate() != null || (!next.isXmlList() && null != nextFragment && nextFragment.isAttribute() && helper.isCollectionType(next.getType()))) {
particle = new Sequence();
} else {
//if the current element already exists, we may need to change it's type
XPathFragment nextFrag = frag.getNextFragment();
if(nextFrag != null && nextFrag.isAttribute()) {
if(currentElement.getType() != null && currentElement.getComplexType() == null) {
//there's already a text mapping to this element, so
//attributes can be added by making it complex with
//simple content.
SimpleType type = currentElement.getSimpleType();
if(type != null) {
ComplexType cType = new ComplexType();
cType.setSimpleContent(new SimpleContent());
Extension extension = new Extension();
} else {
String eType = currentElement.getType();
ComplexType cType = new ComplexType();
SimpleContent sContent = new SimpleContent();
Extension extension = new Extension();
// may need to create a ref, depending on the namespace
Element globalElement = null;
String fragUri = frag.getNamespaceURI();
if (fragUri != null) {
Schema fragSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(fragUri);
String targetNS = workingSchema.getTargetNamespace();
// handle Attribute case
if (frag.isAttribute()) {
if (fragSchema == null || (fragSchema.isAttributeFormDefault() && !fragUri.equals(targetNS)) || (!fragSchema.isAttributeFormDefault() && fragUri.length() > 0)) {
// must generate a global attribute and create a reference to it
// if the global attribute exists, use it; otherwise create a new one
// if fragSchema is null, just generate the ref
if(fragSchema != null) {
Attribute globalAttribute = null;
globalAttribute = (Attribute) fragSchema.getTopLevelAttributes().get(frag.getLocalName());
if (globalAttribute == null) {
globalAttribute = createGlobalAttribute(frag, workingSchema, fragSchema, next);
} else {
//may need to add an import
addImportIfRequired(workingSchema, fragSchema, fragUri);
// add the attribute ref to the current element
String attributeRefName;
if (fragUri.equals(targetNS)) {
String prefix = fragSchema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(fragUri);
attributeRefName = prefix + COLON + frag.getLocalName();
} else {
attributeRefName = frag.getShortName();
TypeDefParticleOwner type;
if(currentParticle != null) {
type = currentParticle.getOwner();
} else {
type = xpr.simpleContentType;
if (type instanceof ComplexType) {
createRefAttribute(attributeRefName, (ComplexType)type);
// set the frag's schema as it may be different than the current schema
xpr.schema = fragSchema;
// ref case - indicate to the calling method that there's nothing to do
xpr.particle = null;
// since we are dealing with an attribute, we are on the last fragment; return
return xpr;
// here we are dealing with an Element
if ((fragSchema.isElementFormDefault() && !fragUri.equals(targetNS)) || (!fragSchema.isElementFormDefault() && fragUri.length() > 0)) {
// must generate a global element and create a reference to it
// if the global element exists, use it; otherwise create a new one
globalElement = (Element) fragSchema.getTopLevelElements().get(frag.getLocalName());
if (globalElement == null) {
globalElement = createGlobalElement(frag, workingSchema, fragSchema, isChoice, isUnbounded, next, (lastFrag && !isAny));
// if the current element doesn't exist set a ref and add it to the sequence
if (!currentElementExists) {
// use prefix from the working schema's resolver - add prefix/uri pair if necessary
String fragPrefix = workingSchema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(fragUri);
if (fragPrefix == null) {
fragPrefix = workingSchema.getNamespaceResolver().generatePrefix(frag.getPrefix());
workingSchema.getNamespaceResolver().put(fragPrefix, fragUri);
currentElement = createRefElement(fragPrefix + COLON + frag.getLocalName(), currentParticle);
if (frag.containsIndex() || frag.getPredicate() != null || helper.isCollectionType(next.getType())) {
currentElementExists = true;
// set the frag's schema as it may be different than the current schema
xpr.schema = fragSchema;
// at this point, if we are dealing with the last fragment we will need to return
if (lastFrag) {
// since we processed the last frag, return null so the calling method doesn't
// add a second one...unless we're dealing with an 'any'
if (isAny) {
// set the particle that the 'any' will be added to by the calling method
xpr.particle = globalElement.getComplexType().getTypeDefParticle();
return xpr;
// ref case - indicate to the calling method that there's nothing to do
xpr.particle = null;
return xpr;
// make the global element current
currentElement = globalElement;
if (!lastFrag || (lastFrag && isAny)) {
// if we didn't process a global element, and the current element isn't already in the sequence, add it
if (!currentElementExists && globalElement == null) {
// set the correct particle to use/return
if(currentElement.getComplexType() != null) {
if(currentElement.getComplexType().getTypeDefParticle() == null) {
//complexType with simple-content
xpr.simpleContentType = currentElement.getComplexType();
xpr.particle = null;
} else {
xpr.particle = currentElement.getComplexType().getTypeDefParticle();
} else {
//If there's no complex type, we're building the path through an element with
//a simple type. In order to build the path through this
//element, switch to a complex type with simple content.
SimpleType type = currentElement.getSimpleType();
if(type != null) {
ComplexType cType = new ComplexType();
cType.setSimpleContent(new SimpleContent());
Extension extension = new Extension();
xpr.particle = null;
xpr.simpleContentType = cType;
} else {
String eType = currentElement.getType();
ComplexType cType = new ComplexType();
SimpleContent sContent = new SimpleContent();
Extension extension = new Extension();
xpr.particle = null;
xpr.simpleContentType = cType;
// if we're on the last fragment, we're done
if (lastFrag) {
return xpr;
// call back into this method to process the next path element
return buildSchemaComponentsForXPath(frag.getNextFragment(), xpr, isChoice, next);
* Convenience method for determining if an element already exists in a given
* typedefparticle. If an element exists whose ref is equal to 'refString'
* or its name is equal to 'elementName', it is returned. Null otherwise.
* Note that ref takes precidence, so if either has a ref set name equality
* will not be performed.
* @param elementName the non-null element name to look for
* @param refString if the element is a ref, this will be the prefix qualified element name
* @param particle the sequence/choice/all to search for an existing element
* @return
protected Element elementExistsInParticle(String elementName, String refString, TypeDefParticle particle) {
if (particle == null || particle.getElements() == null || particle.getElements().size() == 0) {
return null;
java.util.List existingElements = particle.getElements();
if (existingElements != null) {
Iterator elementIt = existingElements.iterator();
while (elementIt.hasNext()) {
Element element;
// could be other components in the list, like Any, but we only care about Element
try {
element = (Element);
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
// case #1 - refString is null
if (refString == null) {
// if element has a null ref value and the element names are equal, or element has a non-null
// ref that is not equal to its name, and the element names are equal, we found a match
if ((element.getRef() == null || (element.getRef() != null && element.getRef().equals(element.getName()))) && elementName.equals(element.getName())) {
return element;
// case #2 - refString equals elementName
else if (refString.equals(elementName)) {
// if element has a ref equal to refString, or no ref but element names are equal, we found a match
if ((element.getRef() != null && element.getRef().equals(refString)) || (element.getRef() == null && elementName.equals(element.getName()))) {
return element;
// case #3 - refString is different than elementName
else if (element.getRef() != null && element.getRef().equals(refString)) {
return element;
return null;
* Create a global attribute. An import is added if necessary. This method
* will typically be called when processing an XPath and a prefixed path
* element is encountered tha requires an attribute ref.
* @param frag
* @param workingSchema
* @param fragSchema
* @param next
* @return
public Attribute createGlobalAttribute(XPathFragment frag, Schema workingSchema, Schema fragSchema, Property prop) {
Attribute gAttribute = new Attribute();
gAttribute.setType(getQualifiedTypeName(prop, fragSchema));
fragSchema.getTopLevelAttributes().put(gAttribute.getName(), gAttribute);
addImportIfRequired(workingSchema, fragSchema, frag.getNamespaceURI());
return gAttribute;
* Create a global element. An import is added if necessary. This method
* will typically be called when processing an XPath and a prefixed path
* element is encountered the requires an element ref.
* @param frag XPathFragment which wil lbe used to create the global element
* @param workingSchema current schema
* @param fragSchema frag's schema
* @param isChoice indicates if we need to construct a choice
* @param isUnbounded maxOccurs setting for choice
* @param next property which owns the xml-path
* @param shouldSetType if this is the last fragment in the xml-path and not an 'any', we should set the type
* @return
public Element createGlobalElement(XPathFragment frag, Schema workingSchema, Schema fragSchema, boolean isChoice, boolean isUnbounded, Property prop, boolean shouldSetType) {
Element gElement = new Element();
if (shouldSetType) {
gElement.setType(getQualifiedTypeName(prop, fragSchema));
} else {
ComplexType gCType = new ComplexType();
TypeDefParticle particle;
if (isChoice) {
particle = new Choice();
if (isUnbounded) {
} else {
particle = new Sequence();
addImportIfRequired(workingSchema, fragSchema, frag.getNamespaceURI());
return gElement;
* Create an element reference and add it to a given particle. This
* method will typically be called when processing an XPath and a
* prefixed path element is encountered that requires an element ref.
* @param elementRefName
* @param particle
* @return
public Element createRefElement(String elementRefName, TypeDefParticle particle) {
Element refElement = new Element();
// ref won't have a complex type
return refElement;
* Create an attribute reference and add it to a given complex type.
* This method will typically be called when processing an XPath
* and a prefixed path element is encountered that requires an
* attribute ref.
* @param attributeRefName
* @param owningComplexType
* @return
public Attribute createRefAttribute(String attributeRefName, ComplexType owningComplexType) {
Attribute refAttribute = new Attribute();
if (owningComplexType.getSimpleContent() != null) {
} else {
return refAttribute;
* This class will typically be used when building schema components. It will hold the
* TypeDefParticle (all, sequence, choice), ComplexType, and/or Schema that are to be
* used by the method that is processing the given property.
class AddToSchemaResult {
ComplexType type;
TypeDefParticle particle;
Schema schema;
ComplexType simpleContentType;
AddToSchemaResult(TypeDefParticle particle, Schema schema) {
this.particle = particle;
this.schema = schema;
AddToSchemaResult(TypeDefParticle particle, ComplexType type) {
this.particle = particle;
this.type = type;
* Convenience method for processing XmlWriteTransformer(s) for a given property.
* Required schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the property containing one or more XmlWriteTransformers.
* @param typeInfo the TypeInfo that owns the property
* @param compositor sequence/choice/all to modify
* @param type ComplexType which compositor(s) should be added to
* @param schema current schema which ComplextType will be added to
private void addTransformerToSchema(Property property, TypeInfo typeInfo, TypeDefParticle compositor, ComplexType type, Schema schema) {
java.util.List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>();
for (XmlWriteTransformer writeTransformer : property.getXmlTransformation().getXmlWriteTransformer()) {
String xpath = writeTransformer.getXmlPath();
String pname = XMLProcessor.getNameFromXPath(xpath, property.getPropertyName(), xpath.contains(ATT));
Property prop = new Property(helper);
prop.setSchemaName(new QName(pname));
// figure out the type based on transformer method return type
JavaClass jType = null;
JavaClass jClass = null;
JavaMethod jMethod = null;
String methodName;
if (writeTransformer.isSetTransformerClass()) {
// handle transformer class
try {
jClass = helper.getJavaClass(writeTransformer.getTransformerClass());
} catch (JAXBException x) {
throw JAXBException.transformerClassNotFound(writeTransformer.getTransformerClass());
jMethod = jClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, new JavaClass[] { helper.getJavaClass(Object.class), helper.getJavaClass(String.class), helper.getJavaClass(Session.class) });
if (jMethod == null) {
throw JAXBException.noSuchWriteTransformationMethod(methodName);
jType = jMethod.getReturnType();
} else {
// handle method
// here it is assumed that the JavaModel is aware of the TypeInfo's class, hence jClass cannot be null
jClass = helper.getJavaClass(typeInfo.getJavaClassName());
methodName = writeTransformer.getMethod();
// the method can have 0 args or 1 arg (either AbstractSession or Session)
// first check 0 arg
jMethod = jClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, new JavaClass[] {});
if (jMethod == null) {
// try AbstractSession
jMethod = jClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, new JavaClass[] { helper.getJavaClass(AbstractSession.class) });
if (jMethod == null) {
// try Session
jMethod = jClass.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, new JavaClass[] { helper.getJavaClass(Session.class) });
if (jMethod == null) {
throw JAXBException.noSuchWriteTransformationMethod(methodName);
jType = jMethod.getReturnType();
addToSchemaType(typeInfo, props, compositor, type, schema);
* Process a given XmlPath, and create the required schema components. The last
* fragment may not be processed; in this case the returned XmlPathResult is
* used to set the current schema and parent complex type, then the owning
* property is processed as per usual. Note the last fragment may be processed
* if it has a namespace or is an 'any'.
* @param property the property containing the XmlPath for which schema components are to be built
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all to modify
* @param schema the schema being built when this method is called - this could
* if the XmlPath contains an entry that references a different namespace
* @param isChoice indicates if the given property is a choice property
* @param type the ComplexType which compositor(s) should be added to
* @return AddToSchemaResult containing current schema and sequence/all/choice build
* based on the given XmlPath
private AddToSchemaResult addXPathToSchema(Property property, TypeDefParticle compositor, Schema schema, boolean isChoice, ComplexType type) {
// '.' xml-path requires special handling
if (property.getXmlPath().equals(DOT)) {
TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfo.get(property.getActualType().getQualifiedName());
JavaClass infoClass = property.getActualType();
addSelfProperties(infoClass, info, compositor, type);
return null;
// create the XPathFragment(s) for the path
Field xfld = new XMLField(property.getXmlPath());
AddToSchemaResult result = new AddToSchemaResult(compositor, schema);
if(compositor == null) {
//complex type with simple content
result.simpleContentType = type;
// build the schema components for the xml-path
return buildSchemaComponentsForXPath(xfld.getXPathFragment(), new AddToSchemaResult(compositor, schema), isChoice, property);
private void addSelfProperties(JavaClass aJavaClass, TypeInfo info, TypeDefParticle compositor, ComplexType type) {
// Recursively add all properties from aJavaClass and its superclasses, adding superclass properties first.
if (aJavaClass.getSuperclass() != null) {
TypeInfo superInfo = (TypeInfo) typeInfo.get(aJavaClass.getSuperclass().getQualifiedName());
if (superInfo != null) {
addSelfProperties(aJavaClass.getSuperclass(), superInfo, compositor, type);
addToSchemaType(info, info.getPropertyList(), compositor, type, info.getSchema());
* Convenience method for processing an XmlElementWrapper for a given property. Required schema
* components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the property containing an XmlElementWrapper
* @param schema the schema currently being generated
* @param compositor sequence/choice/all that the generated wrapper Element will be added to
* @return AddToSchemaResult containing current ComplexType and TypeDefParticle
private AddToSchemaResult addXmlElementWrapperToSchema(Property property, Schema schema, TypeDefParticle compositor) {
XmlElementWrapper wrapper = property.getXmlElementWrapper();
Element wrapperElement = new Element();
String name = wrapper.getName();
// handle nillable
// namespace in not the target or ##default, create a ref with min/max = 1
String wrapperNS = wrapper.getNamespace();
if (!wrapperNS.equals(XMLProcessor.DEFAULT) && !wrapperNS.equals(schema.getTargetNamespace())) {
String prefix = getOrGeneratePrefixForNamespace(wrapperNS, schema);
wrapperElement.setRef(prefix + COLON + name);
// assume that the element exists and does not need to be created
return null;
if (wrapper.isRequired()) {
} else {
if (!wrapperNS.equals(XMLProcessor.DEFAULT)) {
String lookupNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
if (lookupNamespace == null) {
lookupNamespace = EMPTY_STRING;
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(lookupNamespace);
boolean isElementFormQualified = false;
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
isElementFormQualified = namespaceInfo.isElementFormQualified();
shouldAddRefAndSetForm(wrapperElement, wrapperNS, lookupNamespace,
isElementFormQualified, true);
ComplexType wrapperType = new ComplexType();
Sequence wrapperSequence = new Sequence();
return new AddToSchemaResult(wrapperSequence, wrapperType);
* Build an Attribute with name and type set. This method will typically be
* called when processing an XPath that has no associated Property that can
* be used to build an Attribute, such as in the case of XmlJoinNodes.
* @param attributeName name of the Attribute
* @param typeName type of the Attribute
* @return
private Attribute buildAttribute(QName attributeName, String typeName) {
Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
return attribute;
* Build an Attribute based on a given Property.
* @param property the Property used to build the Attribute
* @param schema the schema currently being generated
* @return
private Attribute buildAttribute(Property property, Schema schema) {
Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
QName attributeName = property.getSchemaName();
if (property.isRequired()) {
String fixedValue = property.getFixedValue();
if (fixedValue != null){
// Check to see if it's a collection
TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfo.get(property.getActualType().getQualifiedName());
String typeName = getTypeNameForComponent(property, schema, property.getActualType(), attribute, false);
if (isCollectionType(property)) {
if(!property.isXmlList() && null != property.getXmlPath() && property.getXmlPath().contains("/")) {
} else {
// assume XmlList for an attribute collection
SimpleType localType = new SimpleType();
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.List list = new org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.List();
} else {
// may need to qualify the type
if (typeName != null && !typeName.contains(COLON)) {
if (info.getSchema() == schema) {
String uri = schema.getTargetNamespace();
if(uri == null) {
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, uri);
if (prefix != null) {
typeName = prefix + COLON + typeName;
return attribute;
* Convenience method for processing an attribute property. Required schema
* components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the attribute property to be processed
* @param schema the schema currently being generated
* @param type the ComplexType which compositor(s) should be added to
private void addAttributeToSchema(Attribute attribute, QName attributeName, Schema schema, ComplexType type) {
String lookupNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
if (lookupNamespace == null) {
lookupNamespace = EMPTY_STRING;
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(lookupNamespace);
boolean isAttributeFormQualified = false;
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
isAttributeFormQualified = namespaceInfo.isAttributeFormQualified();
boolean addRef = shouldAddRefAndSetForm(attribute, attributeName.getNamespaceURI(), lookupNamespace, isAttributeFormQualified, false);
Schema attributeSchema = this.getSchemaForNamespace(attributeName.getNamespaceURI());
if (attributeSchema != null && attributeSchema.getTopLevelAttributes().get(attribute.getName()) == null) {
//don't overwrite existing global elements and attributes.
attributeSchema.getTopLevelAttributes().put(attribute.getName(), attribute);
Attribute reference = new Attribute();
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, attributeName.getNamespaceURI());
if (prefix == null) {
} else {
reference.setRef(prefix + COLON + attribute.getName());
if (type.getSimpleContent() != null) {
} else {
} else {
if (type.getSimpleContent() != null) {
} else if (type.getComplexContent() != null) {
} else {
private boolean shouldAddRefAndSetForm(SimpleComponent sc, String simpleComponentNamespace, String lookupNamespace, boolean formQualified, boolean isElement){
if(sc.getRef() != null){
return true;
boolean addRef = false;
boolean sameNamespace = simpleComponentNamespace.equals(lookupNamespace);
if (formQualified && !sameNamespace){
addRef = true;
} else if(!formQualified && !simpleComponentNamespace.equals(EMPTY_STRING)){
if(sameNamespace && isElement){
addRef = true;
return addRef;
* Convenience method for processing an any attribute property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param type the ComplexType which compositor(s) should be added to
private void addAnyAttributeToSchema(ComplexType type) {
AnyAttribute anyAttribute = new AnyAttribute();
if (type.getSimpleContent() != null) {
SimpleContent content = type.getSimpleContent();
if(content.getExtension() != null){
}else if(content.getRestriction() != null){
} else {
* Convenience method for processing an any property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the choice property to be processed
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all to modify
private void addAnyToSchema(Property property, TypeDefParticle compositor) {
addAnyToSchema(property, compositor, isCollectionType(property)|| property.getType().isArray(), Constants.ANY_NAMESPACE_OTHER);
* Convenience method for processing an any property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the choice property to be processed
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all to modify
* @param isCollection if true will be unbounded
private void addAnyToSchema(Property property, TypeDefParticle compositor, boolean isCollection) {
addAnyToSchema(property, compositor, isCollection, Constants.ANY_NAMESPACE_OTHER);
* Convenience method for processing an any property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the choice property to be processed
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all to modify
* @param isCollection if true will be unbounded
* @param anyNamespace value for the Any's namespace attribute
private void addAnyToSchema(Property property, TypeDefParticle compositor, boolean isCollection, String anyNamespace) {
Any any = new Any();
if (property.isLax()) {
} else {
if (isCollection) {
if (compositor instanceof Sequence) {
((Sequence) compositor).addAny(any);
} else if (compositor instanceof Choice) {
((Choice) compositor).addAny(any);
* Convenience method for processing a choice property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the choice property to be processed
* @param typeInfo the TypeInfo that the given property belongs to
* @param type the ComplexType which compositor(s) should be added to
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all to modify
* @param schema the schema being built
private void addChoiceToSchema(Property property, TypeInfo typeInfo, ComplexType type, TypeDefParticle compositor, Schema schema) {
Choice choice = new Choice();
if (property.getGenericType() != null) {
ArrayList<Property> choiceProperties = (ArrayList<Property>) property.getChoiceProperties();
addToSchemaType(typeInfo, choiceProperties, choice, type, schema);
if (compositor instanceof Sequence) {
((Sequence) compositor).addChoice(choice);
} else if (compositor instanceof Choice) {
((Choice) compositor).addChoice(choice);
* Convenience method for processing a reference property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the choice property to be processed
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all to modify
* @param schema the schema being built
private void addReferenceToSchema(Property property, Schema schema, TypeDefParticle compositor) {
java.util.List<ElementDeclaration> referencedElements = property.getReferencedElements();
if (referencedElements.size() == 1 && !property.isAny()) {
// if only a single reference, just add the element.
Element element = new Element();
ElementDeclaration decl = referencedElements.get(0);
String localName = decl.getElementName().getLocalPart();
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, decl.getElementName().getNamespaceURI());
if (decl.getScopeClass() == GLOBAL.class){
if (prefix == null || prefix.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
} else {
element.setRef(prefix + COLON + localName);
} else {
element.setType(getTypeName(property, decl.getJavaType(), schema));
if (property.getGenericType() != null) {
}else if(!property.isRequired()){
} else {
// otherwise, add a choice of referenced elements.
Choice choice = new Choice();
if (property.getGenericType() != null) {
if (!property.isRequired()){
for (ElementDeclaration elementDecl : referencedElements) {
Element element = new Element();
String localName = elementDecl.getElementName().getLocalPart();
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, elementDecl.getElementName().getNamespaceURI());
if (elementDecl.getScopeClass() == GLOBAL.class){
if (prefix == null || prefix.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
} else {
element.setRef(prefix + COLON + localName);
} else {
Schema referencedSchema = getSchemaForNamespace(elementDecl.getElementName().getNamespaceURI());
element.setType(getTypeName(property, elementDecl.getJavaType(), referencedSchema));
// handle XmlAnyElement case
if (property.isAny()) {
addAnyToSchema(property, choice, false);
if (compositor instanceof Sequence) {
((Sequence) compositor).addChoice(choice);
} else if (compositor instanceof Choice) {
((Choice) compositor).addChoice(choice);
* Convenience method for processing a reference property. Required
* schema components will be generated and set accordingly.
* @param property the map property to be processed
* @param element schema Element a new complex type will be added to
* @param schema the schema being built
* @param typeInfo the TypeInfo that the given property belongs to
private void addMapToSchema(Property property, Element element, Schema schema, TypeInfo typeInfo) {
ComplexType entryComplexType = new ComplexType();
Sequence entrySequence = new Sequence();
Element keyElement = new Element();
JavaClass keyType = property.getKeyType();
JavaClass valueType = property.getValueType();
if (keyType == null) {
keyType = helper.getJavaClass(Object.class);
if (valueType == null) {
valueType = helper.getJavaClass(Object.class);
String typeName;
QName keySchemaType = getSchemaTypeFor(keyType);
if (keySchemaType != null) {
TypeInfo targetInfo = this.typeInfo.get(keyType.getQualifiedName());
if (targetInfo != null) {
Schema keyElementSchema = this.getSchemaForNamespace(keySchemaType.getNamespaceURI());
//add an import here
addImportIfRequired(schema, keyElementSchema, keySchemaType.getNamespaceURI());
String prefix;
if (keySchemaType.getNamespaceURI().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX;
} else {
prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, keySchemaType.getNamespaceURI());
if (prefix != null && !prefix.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
typeName = prefix + COLON + keySchemaType.getLocalPart();
} else {
typeName = keySchemaType.getLocalPart();
Element valueElement = new Element();
QName valueSchemaType = getSchemaTypeFor(valueType);
if (valueSchemaType != null) {
TypeInfo targetInfo = this.typeInfo.get(valueType.getQualifiedName());
if (targetInfo != null) {
Schema valueElementSchema = this.getSchemaForNamespace(valueSchemaType.getNamespaceURI());
//add an import here
addImportIfRequired(schema, valueElementSchema, valueSchemaType.getNamespaceURI());
String prefix;
if (valueSchemaType.getNamespaceURI().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX;
} else {
prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, valueSchemaType.getNamespaceURI());
if (prefix != null && !prefix.equals(EMPTY_STRING)) {
typeName = prefix + COLON + valueSchemaType.getLocalPart();
} else {
typeName = valueSchemaType.getLocalPart();
JavaClass descriptorClass = helper.getJavaClass(typeInfo.getDescriptor().getJavaClassName());
JavaClass mapValueClass = helper.getJavaClass(MapValue.class);
if (mapValueClass.isAssignableFrom(descriptorClass)) {
} else {
ComplexType complexType = new ComplexType();
Sequence sequence = new Sequence();
Element entryElement = new Element();
* Convenience method that adds an element ref to a given schema.
* @param schema the schema being built
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all the new reference will be added to
* @param referencedElement the element being referenced
* @param referencedElementURI the URI of the element being referenced
private void addElementRefToSchema(Schema schema, TypeDefParticle compositor, Element referencedElement, String referencedElementURI) {
Element reference = new Element();
Schema attributeSchema = this.getSchemaForNamespace(referencedElementURI);
if (attributeSchema != null && attributeSchema.getTopLevelElements().get(referencedElement.getName()) == null) {
// reset min/max occurs as they aren't applicable for global elements
// don't overwrite global elements; may have been defined by a type
attributeSchema.getTopLevelElements().put(referencedElement.getName(), referencedElement);
String prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, referencedElementURI);
if (prefix == null) {
} else {
reference.setRef(prefix + COLON + referencedElement.getName());
// make sure a ref doesn't already exist before adding this one
if (elementExistsInParticle(reference.getName(), reference.getRef(), compositor) == null) {
* Build an Element with name, type and possibly minOccurs set. This method will
* typically be called when processing an XPath that has no associated Property
* that can be used to build an Element, such as in the case of XmlJoinNodes.
* @param elementName name of the Element
* @param elementType type of the Element
* @param isAll indicates if the Element will be added to an All structure
* @return
private Element buildElement(String elementName, String elementType, boolean isAll) {
Element element = new Element();
// Set minOccurs based on the 'required' flag
if (!(isAll)) {
return element;
* Build an Element based on a given Property.
* @param property the Property used to build the Element
* @param isAll true if the Element will be added to an All structure
* @param schema the schema currently being built
* @param typeInfo the TypeInfo that owns the given Property
* @return
private Element buildElement(Property property, boolean isAll, Schema schema, TypeInfo typeInfo) {
Element element = new Element();
// Set minOccurs based on the 'required' flag
element.setMinOccurs(property.isRequired() ? Occurs.ONE : Occurs.ZERO);
// handle nillable
if (property.shouldSetNillable()) {
// handle defaultValue
if (property.isSetDefaultValue()) {
// handle mime-type
if (property.getMimeType() != null) {
element.getAttributesMap().put(Constants.EXPECTED_CONTENT_TYPES_QNAME, property.getMimeType());
QName elementName = property.getSchemaName();
String elementNamespace = elementName.getNamespaceURI();
String lookupNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
if (lookupNamespace == null) {
lookupNamespace = EMPTY_STRING;
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(lookupNamespace);
boolean isElementFormQualified = false;
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
isElementFormQualified = namespaceInfo.isElementFormQualified();
// handle element reference
boolean addRef = shouldAddRefAndSetForm(element, elementNamespace, lookupNamespace, isElementFormQualified, true);
schema = this.getSchemaForNamespace(elementNamespace);
JavaClass javaType = property.getActualType();
String typeName = getTypeNameForComponent(property, schema, javaType, element, true);
if (property.getGenericType() != null) {
if (property.isXmlList()) {
SimpleType localSimpleType = new SimpleType();
org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.List list = new org.eclipse.persistence.internal.oxm.schema.model.List();
} else {
// handle map property
} else if (property.isMap()) {
addMapToSchema(property, element, schema, typeInfo);
} else {
return element;
* Convenience method that adds an element to a given schema.
* @param property the Property that the Element will be based on
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all that the Element will be added to
* @param schema the schema currently being built
* @param typeInfo the TypeInfo that owns the given Property
private void addElementToSchema(Element element, String elementURI, boolean isPositional, TypeDefParticle compositor, Schema schema) {
String lookupNamespace = schema.getTargetNamespace();
if (lookupNamespace == null) {
lookupNamespace = EMPTY_STRING;
NamespaceInfo namespaceInfo = getNamespaceInfoForNamespace(lookupNamespace);
boolean isElementFormQualified = false;
if (namespaceInfo != null) {
isElementFormQualified = namespaceInfo.isElementFormQualified();
boolean addRef = shouldAddRefAndSetForm(element, elementURI, lookupNamespace, isElementFormQualified, true);
addElementRefToSchema(schema, compositor, element, elementURI);
} else {
// for positional mappings we could have multiple elements with same name; check before adding
if (elementExistsInParticle(element.getName(), element.getRef(), compositor) == null) {
if (isPositional) {
* Convenience method that processes the XmlJoinNodes for a given Property and adds the
* appropriate components to the schema.
* @param property the Property contianing one or more XmlJoinNode entries
* @param compositor the sequence/choice/all that will be added to
* @param schema the schema currently being built
* @param type the complex type currently being built
private void addXmlJoinNodesToSchema(Property property, TypeDefParticle compositor, Schema schema, ComplexType type) {
for (XmlJoinNode xmlJoinNode : property.getXmlJoinNodes().getXmlJoinNode()) {
// create the XPathFragment(s) for the path
Field xfld = new XMLField(xmlJoinNode.getXmlPath());
// build the schema components for the xml-path
AddToSchemaResult asr = buildSchemaComponentsForXPath(xfld.getXPathFragment(), new AddToSchemaResult(compositor, schema), false, property);
// process the last fragment
TypeDefParticle currentParticle = asr.particle;
Schema currentSchema = asr.schema;
if (currentParticle.getOwner() instanceof ComplexType) {
type = ((ComplexType) currentParticle.getOwner());
// get a QName for the last part of the xpath - this will be used as the
// attribute/element name, and also to figure out if a ref is required
QName schemaName;
XPathFragment frag = xfld.getLastXPathFragment();
boolean isAttribute = xmlJoinNode.getXmlPath().contains(ATT);
// for non-attributes, the last fragment may be 'text()'
if (!isAttribute) {
if (frag.nameIsText()) {
frag = xfld.getXPathFragment();
while (frag.getNextFragment() != null && !frag.getNextFragment().nameIsText()) {
frag = frag.getNextFragment();
schemaName = new QName(frag.getNamespaceURI(), frag.getLocalName());
// handle Element/Attribute
if (isAttribute) {
addAttributeToSchema(buildAttribute(schemaName, Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + COLON + Constants.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE), schemaName, currentSchema, type);
} else {
addElementToSchema(buildElement(schemaName.getLocalPart(), Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + COLON + Constants.ANY_SIMPLE_TYPE, currentParticle instanceof All), schemaName.getNamespaceURI(), false, currentParticle, currentSchema);
* Return the type name for an Element based on a given property.
* @param property the Property that the type name will be based on
* @param schema the schema currently being built
* @param javaClass the given Property's 'actual' type
* @param element the element being generated for the given Property
* @return a type name based on the given Property, or null if not obtainable
private String getTypeNameForComponent(Property property, Schema schema, JavaClass javaClass, SimpleComponent sc, boolean isElement) {
String typeName = null;
if (property.isXmlId()) {
// handle user-set schema-type
if (property.getSchemaType() != null) {
typeName = getTypeName(property, property.getActualType(), schema);
} else {
// default to xsd:ID
typeName = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + COLON + ID;
} else if (property.isXmlIdRef()) {
typeName = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX + COLON + IDREF;
} else {
TypeInfo info = (TypeInfo) typeInfo.get(javaClass.getQualifiedName());
if (info != null) {
if (info.isComplexType()) {
typeName = info.getComplexType().getName();
} else if (info.getSimpleType() != null) {
typeName = info.getSimpleType().getName();
} else {
typeName = info.getSchemaTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
// need to add complex-type locally, or reference global element
if(isElement && info.hasRootElement() && info.getXmlRootElement().getName().equals(sc.getName())){
String refName = info.getXmlRootElement().getName();
if (isElement && info.isComplexType()) {
} else {
} else {
// check to see if we need to add an import
if (addImportIfRequired(schema, info.getSchema(), info.getClassNamespace())) {
String prefix = schema.getNamespaceResolver().resolveNamespaceURI(info.getClassNamespace());
if (prefix != null && (!typeName.equals(EMPTY_STRING))) {
typeName = prefix + COLON + typeName;
} else if (!property.isMap()) {
typeName = getTypeName(property, javaClass, schema);
// may need to qualify the type
if (typeName != null && !typeName.contains(COLON)) {
String prefix;
if (info.getClassNamespace().equals(javax.xml.XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)) {
prefix = Constants.SCHEMA_PREFIX;
} else {
prefix = getPrefixForNamespace(schema, info.getClassNamespace());
if (prefix != null) {
typeName = prefix + COLON + typeName;
return typeName;