blob: 01915777571003391a2f04b79077a221310aab8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* mmacivor - March 12/2009 - Initial implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.jaxb.javamodel;
* <b><br>Purpose</b>: JavaModel representation of a java.lang.reflect.Constructor object.
* <br><b>Reponsibilities:</b>
* <ul><li>Provide information about a given constructor including such as it's parameter types, access level and modifiers.</li>
* </ul>
* @author mmacivor
public interface JavaConstructor {
public int getModifiers();
public String getName();
public JavaClass getOwningClass();
public JavaClass[] getParameterTypes();
public boolean isAbstract();
public boolean isFinal();
public boolean isPrivate();
public boolean isProtected();
public boolean isPublic();
public boolean isStatic();
public boolean isSynthetic();