blob: f604f53b4362124a9c3d1a1ac711aa7c3bef53ad [file] [log] [blame] template cannot be null. name to value map cannot be null.
illegal.config.syntax=Illegal configuration-file syntax. provider-class name: {0}. class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be instantiated: {2} class {0} implementing provider {1} could not be loaded: {2}
provider.not.found=The class {0} implementing the provider {1} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored.
dependent.class.of.provider.not.found=A dependent class, {0}, of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is not found. The provider implementation is ignored.
dependent.class.of.provider.format.error={0}. A dependent class of the class {1} implementing the provider {2} is malformed. The provider implementation is ignored. Check if the malformed class is part of a stubbed jar that used for compiling only.