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package javax.ejb;
* The EJBMetaData interface allows a client to obtain the enterprise bean's
* meta-data information.
* <p> The meta-data is intended for development tools used for
* building applications that use deployed enterprise beans, and for clients
* using a scripting language to access the enterprise bean.
* <p> Note that the EJBMetaData is not a remote interface. The class that
* implements this interface (this class is typically generated by container
* tools) must be serializable, and must be a valid RMI/IDL value type.
* @since EJB 1.0
public interface EJBMetaData {
* Obtain the remote home interface of the enterprise bean.
* @return the remote home interface of the enterprise bean.
EJBHome getEJBHome();
* Obtain the class object for the enterprise bean's remote home interface.
* @return the class object for the enterprise bean's remote home interface.
Class getHomeInterfaceClass();
* Obtain the class object for the enterprise bean's remote interface.
* @return the class object for the enterprise bean's remote interface.
Class getRemoteInterfaceClass();
* Obtain the class object for the enterprise bean's primary key class.
* @return the class object for the enterprise bean's primary key class.
Class getPrimaryKeyClass();
* Test if the enterprise bean's type is "session".
* @return True if the type of the enterprise bean is session bean.
boolean isSession();
* Test if the enterprise bean's type is "stateless session".
* @return True if the type of the enterprise Bean is stateless
* session.
* @since EJB 1.1
boolean isStatelessSession();