blob: d81714ea4496eda8fc0494e5c6eca947bbfa8a4d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
* This class will take a Beyond Compare "Comparison Report" and generate
* two scripts:
* 1. A Unix/Linux shell script that contains the appropriate ADE commands
* for removing, checking out, and adding the appropriate files necessary
* to synchronize the ADE source tree with the tree it was compared to.
* This shell script is written to the root directory of the ADE source tree.
* 2. A Windows command script that contains the appropriate file copy
* commands to copy the files over to the ADE source tree once the
* files have been checked out and created by the script described
* above. This command script is written to the same directory that
* holder the Beyond Compare "Comparison Report".
* The file name of the Beyond Compare "Comparison Report" can be specified
* via a command-line parm. The default value is C:\temp\bc.txt.
* We expect the Beyond Compare "Comparison Report" to have the ADE
* source tree on the "Left Side".
public class ADEScriptGeneratorLinuxMain {
private static final String ADE_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME = "/home/lddavis/temp/";
private static final String UPLOAD_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME = "";
private static final String UPLOAD_LOG_FILE_NAME = "upload.log";
// private static final String TODAY = DateFormat.getDateInstance().format(new Date());
private static final String ADE_COMMENT = "Raleigh ";
private File beyondCompareReportFile;
private static final String DEFAULT_BEYOND_COMPARE_REPORT_FILE_NAME = "/home/lddavis/temp/bc.txt";
private File adeDirectory;
private File localDirectory;
private String[] matchingFileNames;
private String[] leftSideNewerFileNames;
private String[] rightSideNewerFileNames;
private String[] leftSideOrphanFileNames;
private String[] rightSideOrphanFileNames;
private String[] contentsDifferFileNames;
private final static String CR = System.getProperty("line.separator");
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ADEScriptGeneratorLinuxMain().execute(args);
public ADEScriptGeneratorLinuxMain() throws Exception {
public void execute(String[] args) throws Exception {
this.beyondCompareReportFile = this.buildBeyondCompareReportFile(args);
this.readBeyondCompareReport(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this.beyondCompareReportFile)));
this.generateADEScript(new FileWriter(this.buildADEScriptFile()));
this.generateUploadScript(new FileWriter(this.buildUploadScriptFile()));
System.out.println("*** EOJ ***");
private File buildBeyondCompareReportFile(String[] args) {
return new File(this.buildBeyondCompareReportFileName(args));
* allow the user to specify a Beyond Compare report file on the command-line
private String buildBeyondCompareReportFileName(String[] args) {
if ((args == null) || (args.length == 0)) {
} else {
return args[0];
* put the ADE script in the root directory of the ADE tree;
* which is typically the user's home directory on Linux
private File buildADEScriptFile() {
//File root = this.adeDirectory;
//while (root.getParentFile() != null) {
// root = root.getParentFile();
return new File(ADE_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME);
* put the upload script in the same directory as the Beyond Compare report
private File buildUploadScriptFile() {
return new File(this.beyondCompareReportFile.getParentFile(), UPLOAD_SCRIPT_FILE_NAME);
private void readBeyondCompareReport(BufferedReader bcReportReader) throws Exception {
//this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader); // skip remainder of heading
//this.matchingFileNames = this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader);
this.leftSideNewerFileNames = this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader);
this.rightSideNewerFileNames = this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader);
this.leftSideOrphanFileNames = this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader);
this.rightSideOrphanFileNames = this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader);
this.contentsDifferFileNames = this.extractFileNames(bcReportReader);
private void extractDirectoryNames(BufferedReader bcReportReader) throws Exception {
String firstLine = bcReportReader.readLine();
String start = "FOLDER COMPARISON";
if ( ! firstLine.startsWith(start)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("invalid first line: " + firstLine);
//int end = firstLine.indexOf(' ', start.length());
String nextLine = bcReportReader.readLine();
while (!nextLine.startsWith("Left base folder:")) {
nextLine = bcReportReader.readLine();
this.adeDirectory = new File(nextLine.substring(nextLine.indexOf("Z:") + 2).replace('\\', '/'));
// this.adeDirectory = new File(firstLine.substring(start.length(), end));
nextLine = bcReportReader.readLine();
while (!nextLine.startsWith("Right base folder:")) {
nextLine = bcReportReader.readLine();
this.localDirectory = new File(nextLine.substring(nextLine.indexOf("Z:") + 2).replace('\\', '/'));
//String secondHalf = firstLine.substring(end);
//String conjunction = " and ";
//if ( ! secondHalf.startsWith(conjunction)) {
// throw new IllegalStateException("invalid first line: " + firstLine);
//this.localDirectory = new File(secondHalf.substring(conjunction.length()).trim());
private String[] extractFileNames(BufferedReader bcReportReader) throws Exception {
List fileNames = new ArrayList();
for (String line = bcReportReader.readLine(); this.lineIsNotATerminator(line); line = bcReportReader.readLine()) {
line = line.replace('\\', '/'); // convert to unix-style file names
if (line.indexOf('/') == -1) {
continue; // skip report headings and filler lines
if ( ! this.lineIsMW(line)) {
continue; // skip non-MW lines
if (this.lineIsMWJlib(line)) {
continue; // skip MW jlib lines
if (this.lineIsMWDevDocs(line)) {
continue; //skip MW dev-docs lines
if (this.lineIsMWDevLogs(line)) {
continue; //skip MW logs lines
if (this.lineIsMWTestLogs(line)) {
continue; //skip MW logs lines
return (String[]) fileNames.toArray(new String[fileNames.size()]);
private boolean lineIsMW(String line) {
// return whether the line is for an MW file
return line.startsWith("mwdev/")
|| line.startsWith("mwtest/");
private boolean lineIsMWJlib(String line) {
// return whether the line is for an MW jlib file
return line.startsWith("mwdev/jlib/")
|| line.startsWith("mwtest/jlib/");
private boolean lineIsMWDevDocs(String line) {
//return whether the line is for an MW dev-doc file
return line.startsWith("mwdev/dev-docs/");
private boolean lineIsMWDevLogs(String line) {
//return whether the line is for an MW logs file
return line.startsWith("mwdev/logs");
private boolean lineIsMWTestLogs(String line) {
//return whether the line is for an MW logs file
return line.startsWith("mwtest/logs");
private boolean lineIsNotATerminator(String line) {
if (line == null) {
// EOF
return false;
//if (line.startsWith("-----------------------------------------------------------------------")) {
// next section of report
//return false;
if (line.startsWith("Right Side Newer Files") || line.startsWith("Left Side Orphans") || line.startsWith("Right Side Orphans")) {
return false;
return true;
private void generateADEScript(Writer writer) throws Exception {
this.writeADECheckOutCommandsOn(this.rightSideNewerFileNames, writer);
this.writeADECheckOutCommandsOn(this.leftSideNewerFileNames, writer);
this.writeADECommandsOn("rm", this.leftSideOrphanFileNames, writer);
this.writeADEMakeElementCommandsOn(this.rightSideOrphanFileNames, writer);
private void writeADECheckOutCommandsOn(String[] fileNames, Writer writer) throws Exception {
this.writeADECommandsOn("co -c \"" + ADE_COMMENT + "\"", fileNames, writer);
private void writeADEMakeElementCommandsOn(String[] fileNames, Writer writer) throws Exception {
this.checkDirs(fileNames, writer); // check for new directories first
this.writeADECommandsOn("mkelem -c \"" + ADE_COMMENT + "\"", fileNames, writer);
private void checkDirs(String[] fileNames, Writer writer) throws Exception {
Collection alreadyAddedDirs = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
this.checkDir(fileNames[i], alreadyAddedDirs, writer);
private void checkDir(String fileName, Collection alreadyAddedDirs, Writer writer) throws Exception {
File file = new File(this.adeDirectory, fileName);
File dir = file.getParentFile();
if (( ! dir.exists()) && ( ! alreadyAddedDirs.contains(dir))) {
String relativeDirName = new File(fileName).getParent();
relativeDirName = relativeDirName.replace('\\', '/'); // convert back to unix-style file names
this.writeADECommandOn("mkdir -p", relativeDirName, writer);
private void writeADECommandsOn(String command, String[] fileNames, Writer writer) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
this.writeADECommandOn(command, fileNames[i], writer);
private void writeADECommandOn(String command, String fileName, Writer writer) throws Exception {
writer.write("ade ");
writer.write(" ");
writer.write("\n"); // use unix-style LF
private void generateUploadScript(Writer writer) throws Exception {
File logFile = this.buildUploadLogFile();
// writer.write("rm ");
// writer.write(logFile.getPath());
// writer.write(CR);
this.writeCopyCommandsOn(this.leftSideNewerFileNames, logFile, writer);
this.writeCopyCommandsOn(this.rightSideNewerFileNames, logFile, writer);
this.writeCopyCommandsOn(this.rightSideOrphanFileNames, logFile, writer);
// writer.write("nedit ");
// writer.write(logFile.getPath());
// writer.write(CR);
* put the upload log in the same directory as the Beyond Compare report
private File buildUploadLogFile() {
return new File(this.beyondCompareReportFile.getParentFile(), UPLOAD_LOG_FILE_NAME);
private void writeCopyCommandsOn(String[] fileNames, File logFile, Writer writer) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
this.writeCopyCommandOn(fileNames[i], logFile, writer);
private void writeCopyCommandOn(String fileName, File logFile, Writer writer) throws Exception {
File source = new File(this.localDirectory, fileName);
File destination = new File(this.adeDirectory, fileName);
writer.write("cp -v ");
writer.write("\""); //double quote the path
writer.write("\""); //double quote the path
writer.write(" ");
//writer.write(" > ");
private void printStatistics() {
System.out.println(" Beyond Compare Comparison Report: " + this.beyondCompareReportFile.getPath());
System.out.println(" ADE script: " + this.buildADEScriptFile().getPath());
System.out.println(" Upload script: " + this.buildUploadScriptFile().getPath());
if (this.matchingFileNames != null) {
System.out.println(" matching: " + this.matchingFileNames.length);
System.out.println(" ADE file newer: " + this.leftSideNewerFileNames.length + " (check these files)");
System.out.println(" local file newer: " + this.rightSideNewerFileNames.length);
System.out.println(" removed: " + this.leftSideOrphanFileNames.length);
System.out.println(" added: " + this.rightSideOrphanFileNames.length);
System.out.println(" contents differ: " + this.contentsDifferFileNames.length);