blob: 371b41f20627d92c75cd3a6d26ebe6d32137c526 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2018, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at,
or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
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tware - initial API and implementation
<!-- This ant project includes the following tasks:
- oc4j-install : recreates server installation from download zip
- oc4j-setup : creates connection pool
- oc4j-reset : removes connection pool
- oc4j-start : starts server
- oc4j-stop : stops server
- oc4j-deploy : deploys ear
- oc4j-undeploy : undeploys ear
It requires some configuration of the, it should be run through build.xml, not directly.
* Ant naming conventions:
* - regardless of the actual OS platform,'/' is the directory separator
* (Ant will convert as appropriate).
* - multi-word properties use periods '.'
* - properties ending in .jar define jarfile names only (no path)
* - properties ending in .lib are fully qualified jars (path and filename)
* - properties ending in .dir are directory paths
* - properties ending in .path are path refid names (classpath fragments)
* - multi-word targets use hyphens '-'
* - targets beginning with test- are reserved for high level test targets,
* and are used in test results parsing
* - targets typically use the form <action>-<object>-<type> (ie. package-bundle-zip)
* - multi-word macros use underscores '_'
* - multi-word macro attributes are concatenated
* e.g. 'runpathref'
* - multi-word tasks (taskdef) names are concatenated
* e.g. 'validateconnection'
* - OS environment variables are in ALLCAPS and have 'env' as a prefix
* e.g. ${env.XXX}.
* - Ant properties are lower case.
<project name="Eclipse Persistence Services JPA OC4J Testing" basedir=".">
<!-- Allows a user to overide certain user specific properties. -->
<property file="${user.home}/"/>
<property file="./"/>
<property name="eclipselink.lib" value="../../${eclipselink.jar}"/>
This target is to install OC4J server at ${oc4j.home}.
Before calling this target, you need to obtain Oracle OC4J standalone zip - and put it at ${}
<target name="oc4j-install">
<delete dir="${oc4j.home}"/>
<mkdir dir="${oc4j.home}"/>
<unzip src="${}" dest="${oc4j.home}"/>
<!--Change password for admin-->
<java classname="" fork="true" dir="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home">
<pathelement location="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/jazncore.jar" />
<pathelement location="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/jazn.jar" />
<arg line="-oh ${oc4j.home} -realm -user ${server.user} -oldpwd welcome -newpwd ${server.pwd} -clearpwd true"/>
<copy file="${eclipselink.lib}" todir="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/applib"/>
<copy file="${junit.lib}" todir="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/applib"/>
<copy file="${jdbc.driver.jar}" todir="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/applib"/>
<copy file="${oracle.extensions.depend.dir}/${oracle.sdoapi.jar}" todir="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/applib"/>
<!-- Start the server. -->
<target name="oc4j-start">
<property file="${user.home}/"/>
<property file="./"/>
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar"
<jvmarg value="-Xms512m"/>
<jvmarg value="-Xmx960m"/>
<jvmarg value="-XX:PermSize=128m"/>
<arg value="-config"/>
<arg value="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/config/server.xml"/>
<arg value="-userThreads"/>
<!--jvmarg value="-Xdebug"/-->
<!--jvmarg value="-Xnoagent"/-->
<!--jvmarg value="-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4000"/-->
<!--sysproperty key="http.proxyHost" value=""/-->
<!--sysproperty key="http.proxyPort" value="80"/-->
<sysproperty key="eclipselink.logging.level" value="${logging.level}"/>
This target is to create connection pool and managed datasource required for running JPA tests on the OC4J server
Note: OC4J server must be up while calling this target
<target name="oc4j-setup">
<antcall target="create-connection-pool" inheritRefs="true"/>
<antcall target="create-managed-datasource" inheritRefs="true"/>
This target is to remove the connection pool and managed datasource created by target <oc4j.setup>
Note: OC4J server must be up while calling this target
<target name="oc4j-reset">
<antcall target="remove-datasource" inheritRefs="true"/>
<antcall target="remove-connection-pool" inheritRefs="true"/>
<target name="create-connection-pool">
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-addDataSourceConnectionPool"/>
<arg value="-name"/>
<arg value="ejbPool"/>
<arg value="-factoryClass"/>
<arg value="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"/>
<arg value="-dbUser"/>
<arg value="${db.user}"/>
<arg value="-dbPassword"/>
<arg value="${db.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-url"/>
<arg value="${db.url}"/>
<target name="create-managed-datasource">
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-addManagedDataSource"/>
<arg value="-name"/>
<arg value="EclipseLinkDS"/>
<arg value="-jndiLocation"/>
<arg value="jdbc/EclipseLinkDS"/>
<arg value="-connectionPoolName"/>
<arg value="ejbPool"/>
<target name="remove-datasource">
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-removeManagedDatasource"/>
<arg value="-name"/>
<arg value="EclipseLinkDS"/>
<target name="remove-connection-pool">
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar" fork="true">
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-removeDataSourceConnectionPool"/>
<arg value="-name"/>
<arg value="ejbPool"/>
<!-- Stop the server. -->
<target name="oc4j-stop">
<property file="${user.home}/"/>
<property file="./"/>
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar"
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-shutdown"/>
<arg value="force"/>
Deploy the application ear to the server.
Note: OC4J server must be running.
<target name="oc4j-deploy">
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar"
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-deploy"/>
<arg value="-file"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
<arg value="-deploymentName"/>
<arg value="${}"/>
Undeploy the application ear to the server.
Note: OC4J server must be running.
<target name="oc4j-undeploy">
<java jar="${oc4j.home}/j2ee/home/admin_client.jar"
<arg value="deployer:oc4j:${oc4j.httphost}:${oc4j.rmiport}"/>
<arg value="${server.user}"/>
<arg value="${server.pwd}"/>
<arg value="-undeploy"/>
<arg value="${}"/>