blob: 9845a449238ecda730a25c2086ac26cd8676fadc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.unitofwork.changeflag;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestErrorException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestWarningException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.collections.Menu;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.collections.Restaurant;
* This test checks for change tracking on Indirect Maps. And TopLink change
* tracking of maps in general
public class TransparentMapTest extends org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.AutoVerifyTestCase {
public Menu transfer;
public Menu transfer2;
public Restaurant clone;
public Restaurant clone2;
public Object licenceKey;
public Boolean licenceValue;
public String licenceType;
//stuff changed
public TransparentMapTest() {
setDescription("This test verifies that Tranparent Map works with change tracking");
public void reset() {
if (getAbstractSession().isInTransaction()) {
public void setup() {
if (getSession() instanceof org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote.RemoteSession) {
throw new TestWarningException("This test cannot be run through the remote.");
* This test creates an object and registers it with a unit of work. It then serializes that
* object and deserializes it. Adds an object onto the origional then performs serialization
* sequence again. Then deepMergeClone is attempted and the results are compared to verify that
* the merge worked.
public void test() {
UnitOfWork uow = getSession().acquireUnitOfWork();
this.clone =
(Restaurant)uow.readObject(Restaurant.class, new org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder().get("name").equal("Chez Abuse"));
this.clone2 =
(Restaurant)uow.readObject(Restaurant.class, new org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.ExpressionBuilder().get("name").equal("Pedro's"));
Set set = clone.getMenus().entrySet();
Object object = set.iterator().next();
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)object;
this.transfer = (Menu)clone.getMenus().values().iterator().next();
this.transfer2 = (Menu)clone2.getMenus().values().iterator().next();
Menu menu1 = this.transfer;
Menu menu2 = this.transfer2;
this.transfer = new Menu("LateAfternoon");
this.transfer2 = new Menu("EarlyMorning");
HashMap menues = new HashMap(this.clone2.getMenus());
menues.put(this.transfer.getKey(), this.transfer);
//test removal
this.licenceKey = "Smoking License";
//test addition
clone.getLicenses().put("Site Licence", Boolean.TRUE);
//test update
this.licenceType = "Alcohol License";
this.licenceValue = (Boolean)clone.getLicenses().get(licenceType);
clone.getLicenses().put(licenceType, Boolean.valueOf(!(this.licenceValue).booleanValue()));
* Checks to see that the names of the updated version and the origional are the same
public void verify() {
Restaurant cachedRestaurant = (Restaurant)getSession().readObject(this.clone);
Restaurant cachedRestaurant2 = (Restaurant)getSession().readObject(this.clone2);
Menu cachedTransfer = (Menu)getSession().readObject(this.transfer);
Menu cachedTransfer2 = (Menu)getSession().readObject(this.transfer2);
if (cachedRestaurant.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track changes to Map without indirection");
if (!cachedRestaurant2.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track changes when new entire map set without indirection");
if (cachedRestaurant2.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer2.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track changes when new entire map set without indirection");
if (!cachedRestaurant.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer2.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to merge changes to Map with no indirection");
if (clone.getLicenses().containsKey(this.licenceKey)) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track remove from Indirect Map");
if (!clone.getLicenses().containsKey("Site Licence")) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track add to Indirect Map");
if (clone.getLicenses().get(this.licenceType).equals(this.licenceValue)) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track change to value of Indirect Map");
cachedRestaurant = (Restaurant)getSession().readObject(this.clone);
cachedRestaurant2 = (Restaurant)getSession().readObject(this.clone2);
cachedTransfer = (Menu)getSession().readObject(this.transfer);
cachedTransfer2 = (Menu)getSession().readObject(this.transfer2);
if (cachedRestaurant.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track changes to Map without indirection on database");
if (!cachedRestaurant2.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track changes when new entire map set without indirection on database");
if (cachedRestaurant2.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer2.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track changes when new entire map set without indirection on database");
if (!cachedRestaurant.getMenus().containsKey(cachedTransfer2.getKey())) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to merge changes to Map with no indirection on database");
if (clone.getLicenses().containsKey(this.licenceKey)) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track remove from Indirect Map on database");
if (!clone.getLicenses().containsKey("Site Licence")) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track add to Indirect Map on database");
if (clone.getLicenses().get(this.licenceType).equals(this.licenceValue)) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to track change to value of Indirect Map on database");