blob: 720e86beb4ecd6240c240bb3a23d1ea279f6be4c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.aggregate;
public class RoomSellingPoint extends SellingPoint {
private int squareFeet;
public int getSquareFeet() {
return squareFeet;
public void setSquareFeet(int size) {
squareFeet = size;
public static SellingPoint example1() {
SellingPoint example1 = new RoomSellingPoint();
example1.setArea("back yard");
example1.setDescription("Large open space with beautiful lawn.");
return example1;
public static SellingPoint example2() {
SellingPoint example2 = new RoomSellingPoint();
example2.setArea("living room");
example2.setDescription("Antique room with oak floors and ten foot ceiling.");
return example2;
public static SellingPoint example3() {
SellingPoint example3 = new RoomSellingPoint();
example3.setArea("master bedroom");
example3.setDescription("Luxury room with red carpet and gold wallpaper.");
return example3;
public static RoomSellingPoint example4() {
RoomSellingPoint example4 = new RoomSellingPoint();
example4.setArea("master bedroom");
example4.setDescription("Luxury room with red carpet and gold wallpaper.");
return example4;