blob: 0da54f9b8137a7929bf82b1ccba2d887b96610db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.*;
* Used for the tree view within expression editor.
public class ExpressionNode {
protected static String Equals = "(=) Equals";
protected static String NotEquals = "(!=) Not Equals";
protected static String LessThan = "(<) Less Than";
protected static String LessThanEqual = "(<=) Less Than Equal";
protected static String GreaterThan = "(>) Greater Than";
protected static String GreaterThanEqual = "(>=) Greater Than Equal";
protected static String Like = "Like";
protected static String NotLike = "Not Like";
protected static String In = "In";
protected static String NotIn = "Not In";
protected static String Between = "Between";
protected static String NotBetween = "Not Between";
protected static String Or = "Or";
protected static String And = "And";
protected static String Not = "Not";
protected static String Upper = "Upper Case";
protected static String Lower = "Lower Case";
protected static String KeyWordAll = "All Key Words";
protected static String KeyWordAny = "Any Key Words";
protected static Hashtable operators;
protected static Hashtable methods;
protected Expression expression;
public ExpressionNode(Expression expression) {
this.expression = expression;
public Expression getExpression() {
return expression;
public static String getMethod(String method) {
return (String)getMethods().get(method);
public static Hashtable getMethods() {
if (methods == null) {
methods = new Hashtable();
methods.put(Equals, "equal");
methods.put(NotEquals, "notEqual");
methods.put(LessThan, "lessThan");
methods.put(LessThanEqual, "lessThanEqual");
methods.put(GreaterThan, "greaterThan");
methods.put(GreaterThanEqual, "greaterThanEqual");
methods.put(Like, "like");
methods.put(NotLike, "notLike");
methods.put(In, "in");
methods.put(NotIn, "notIn");
methods.put(Between, "between");
methods.put(NotBetween, "notBetween");
methods.put(Or, "or");
methods.put(And, "and");
methods.put(Not, "not");
methods.put(Lower, "toLowerCase");
methods.put(Upper, "toUpperCase");
methods.put(KeyWordAny, "containsAnyKeyWords");
methods.put(KeyWordAll, "containsAllKeyWords");
return methods;
public static String getOperator(int anOperator) {
return (String)getOperators().get(new Integer(anOperator));
public static Hashtable getOperators() {
if (operators == null) {
operators = new Hashtable();
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.Equal), Equals);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.NotEqual), NotEquals);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.LessThan), LessThan);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.LessThanEqual),
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.GreaterThan),
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.GreaterThanEqual),
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.Like), Like);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.NotLike), NotLike);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.In), In);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.NotIn), NotIn);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.Between), Between);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.NotBetween),
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.Or), Or);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.And), And);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.Not), Not);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.ToLowerCase), Lower);
operators.put(new Integer(ExpressionOperator.ToUpperCase), Upper);
return operators;
public void setExpression(Expression expression) {
this.expression = expression;
public String toString() {
if (getExpression() == null) {
return "True";
if (getExpression() instanceof ConstantExpression) {
return ((ConstantExpression)getExpression()).getValue().toString();
} else if (getExpression() instanceof QueryKeyExpression) {
return ((QueryKeyExpression)getExpression()).getName().toString();
} else {
String anOperator =
if (anOperator == null) {
return getExpression().getOperator().toString();
} else {
return anOperator;