blob: b5b1c8994e31b58193cf41d8ec6ba1dbd26f49e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
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* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.nchar;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.DatabasePlatform;
public abstract class BaseNcharTest extends TestCase {
protected DatabasePlatform platformOriginal;
protected CharNchar object;
protected CharNchar controlObject;
protected boolean usesStringBindingOriginal;
protected Oracle9Platform getOracle9Platform() throws ClassCastException {
return (Oracle9Platform)getSession().getPlatform();
protected void setup() {
if (!getSession().getPlatform().isOracle()) {
throw new TestWarningException("This test case works on Oracle only");
try {
} catch (ClassCastException ex) {
DatabasePlatform platform = getSession().getPlatform();
try {
platformOriginal = platform;
} catch (Exception ex2) {
throw new TestWarningException("This test case works with Oracle9 platform or higher");
DatabasePlatform platform = getSession().getPlatform();
if(!platform.shouldBindAllParameters()) {
// without binding string binding must be enabled to so that a big String for NCLOB is still bound.
usesStringBindingOriginal = platform.usesStringBinding();
protected void verify() {
if (object == null) {
throw new TestException("object is missing");
if (controlObject == null) {
throw new TestProblemException("control object is missing");
if (object.getChar() != null) {
if (!object.getChar().equals(controlObject.getChar())) {
throw new TestException("wrong CHAR: " + object.getChar() + "; should be: " + controlObject.getChar());
} else {
if (controlObject.getChar() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong CHAR: NULL should be: " + controlObject.getChar());
if (object.getNchar() != null) {
if (!object.getNchar().equals(controlObject.getNchar())) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCHAR: " + charCode(object.getNchar().charValue()) + "; should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNchar().charValue()));
} else {
if (controlObject.getNchar() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCHAR: NULL should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNchar().charValue()));
if (object.getStr() != null) {
if (object.getStr().length() != controlObject.getStr().length()) {
throw new TestException("wrong VARCHAR2, length: " + object.getStr().length() + "; should be: " + controlObject.getStr().length());
for (int i = 0; i < object.getStr().length(); i++) {
if (object.getStr().charAt(i) != controlObject.getStr().charAt(i)) {
throw new TestException("wrong VARCHAR2, char # " + i + " : " + object.getStr().charAt(i) + "; should be: " + controlObject.getStr().charAt(i));
} else {
if (controlObject.getStr() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong VARCHAR2: NULL should be: " + controlObject.getStr().charAt(0) + "...");
if (object.getNstr() != null) {
if (object.getNstr().length() != controlObject.getNstr().length()) {
throw new TestException("wrong NVARCHAR2, length: " + object.getNstr().length() + "; should be: " + controlObject.getNstr().length());
for (int i = 0; i < object.getNstr().length(); i++) {
if (object.getNstr().charAt(i) != controlObject.getNstr().charAt(i)) {
throw new TestException("wrong NVARCHAR2, char # " + i + " : " + charCode(object.getNstr().charAt(i)) + "; should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNstr().charAt(i)));
} else {
if (controlObject.getNstr() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong NVARCHAR2: NULL should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNstr().charAt(0)) + "...");
if (object.getClob() != null) {
if (object.getClob().length != controlObject.getClob().length) {
throw new TestException("wrong CLOB, length: " + object.getClob().length + "; should be: " + controlObject.getClob().length);
for (int i = 0; i < object.getClob().length; i++) {
if (object.getClob()[i] != controlObject.getClob()[i]) {
throw new TestException("wrong CLOB, char # " + i + " : " + object.getClob()[i] + "; should be: " + controlObject.getClob()[i]);
} else {
if (controlObject.getClob() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong CLOB: NULL should be: " + controlObject.getClob()[0] + "...");
if (object.getNclob() != null) {
if (object.getNclob().length != controlObject.getNclob().length) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCLOB, length: " + object.getNclob().length + "; should be: " + controlObject.getNclob().length);
for (int i = 0; i < object.getNclob().length; i++) {
if (object.getNclob()[i] != controlObject.getNclob()[i]) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCLOB, char # " + i + " : " + charCode(object.getNclob()[i]) + "; should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNclob()[i]));
} else {
if (controlObject.getNclob() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCLOB: NULL should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNclob()[0]) + "...");
if (object.getClob2() != null) {
if (object.getClob2().length != controlObject.getClob2().length) {
throw new TestException("wrong CLOB2, length: " + object.getClob2().length + "; should be: " + controlObject.getClob2().length);
for (int i = 0; i < object.getClob().length; i++) {
if (object.getClob2()[i] != controlObject.getClob2()[i]) {
throw new TestException("wrong CLOB2, char # " + i + " : " + object.getClob2()[i] + "; should be: " + controlObject.getClob2()[i]);
} else {
if (controlObject.getClob2() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong CLOB2: NULL should be: " + controlObject.getClob2()[0] + "...");
if (object.getNclob2() != null) {
if (object.getNclob2().length != controlObject.getNclob2().length) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCLOB2, length: " + object.getNclob2().length + "; should be: " + controlObject.getNclob2().length);
for (int i = 0; i < object.getNclob2().length; i++) {
if (object.getNclob2()[i] != controlObject.getNclob2()[i]) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCLOB2, char # " + i + " : " + charCode(object.getNclob2()[i]) + "; should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNclob2()[i]));
} else {
if (controlObject.getNclob2() != null) {
throw new TestException("wrong NCLOB2: NULL should be: " + charCode(controlObject.getNclob2()[0]) + "...");
public void reset() {
if (object != null) {
UnitOfWork uow = getSession().acquireUnitOfWork();
object = null;
controlObject = null;
DatabasePlatform platform = getSession().getPlatform();
if(!platform.shouldBindAllParameters()) {
// restore original value
if (platformOriginal != null) {
platformOriginal = null;
protected String charCode(char ch) {
String temp = Integer.toHexString(ch).toUpperCase();
while (temp.length() != 4) {
temp = "0" + temp;
return "\\u" + temp;