blob: 84925f7b4c69cd8aa55c38806b8674205236f155 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// 03/30/2016-2.7 Tomas Kraus
// - 490677: Initial API and implementation.
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.nosql;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.persistence.config.PersistenceUnitProperties;
import org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISLogin;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.AbstractSessionLog;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;
import org.eclipse.persistence.nosql.adapters.nosql.OracleNoSQLConnectionSpec;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.junit.JUnitTestCaseHelper;
* NoSQL test suite properties.
public class NoSQLProperties {
/** Logger. */
private static final SessionLog LOG = AbstractSessionLog.getLog();
/** NoSQL database URL property prefix. */
private static final String NOSQL_URL_KEY_PREFIX = "nosql.url";
/** NoSQL database URL build property name. */
public static final String NOSQL_URL_KEY = JUnitTestCaseHelper.insertIndex(NOSQL_URL_KEY_PREFIX, null);
/** Relational database URL build property name. */
private static final String DB_URL_KEY = JUnitTestCaseHelper.insertIndex(JUnitTestCaseHelper.DB_URL_KEY, null);
/** Relational database user name build property name. */
private static final String DB_USER_KEY = JUnitTestCaseHelper.insertIndex(JUnitTestCaseHelper.DB_USER_KEY, null);
/** Relational database user password build property name. */
private static final String DB_PWD_KEY = JUnitTestCaseHelper.insertIndex(JUnitTestCaseHelper.DB_PWD_KEY, null);
/** Relational database driver class build property name. */
private static final String DB_DRIVER_KEY
= JUnitTestCaseHelper.insertIndex(JUnitTestCaseHelper.DB_DRIVER_KEY, null);
/** Relational database platform class build property name. */
private static final String DB_PLATFORM_KEY
= JUnitTestCaseHelper.insertIndex(JUnitTestCaseHelper.DB_PLATFORM_KEY, null);
// NoSQL related persistence unit property names.
/** The persistence unit property key for the MongoDB connection host name or IP. */
public static final String PROPERTY_NOSQL_HOST_KEY = PersistenceUnitProperties.NOSQL_PROPERTY + "";
/** The persistence unit property key for the MongoDB connection port. */
public static final String PROPERTY_NOSQL_PORT_KEY = PersistenceUnitProperties.NOSQL_PROPERTY + "nosql.port";
/** The persistence unit property key for the MongoDB database name. */
public static final String PROPERTY_NOSQL_STORE_KEY = PersistenceUnitProperties.NOSQL_PROPERTY + "";
// Default properties values if not set.
/** Default NoSQL database host. */
private static final String DEFAULT_HOST = "localhost";
/** Default NoSQL database store. */
private static final String DEFAULT_STORE = "kvstore";
/** Database PU properties {@link Map} from the build properties. Shared for whole test suite. */
public static final Map<String, String> properties = buildProperties();
* Get database URL from configuration properties.
* @return Database URL.
public static String getDBURL() {
return properties.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_URL);
* Get database user name from configuration properties.
* @return Database user name.
public static String getDBUserName() {
return properties.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_USER);
* Get database user password from configuration properties.
* @return Database user password.
public static String getDBPassword() {
return properties.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD);
* Get database JDBC driver from configuration properties.
* @return Database JDBC driver.
public static String getDBDriver() {
return properties.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_DRIVER);
* Get database platform class name from configuration properties.
* @return Database platform class name.
public static String getDBPlatform() {
return properties.get(PersistenceUnitProperties.TARGET_DATABASE);
* Get NoSQL database URL from configuration properties.
* @return NoSQL database URL.
public static String getNoSQLURL() {
final String host = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_HOST_KEY);
final String port = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_PORT_KEY);
final String store = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_STORE_KEY);
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((host != null ? host.length() : 0)
+ (port != null ? port.length() + 1 : 0) + (store != null ? store.length() : 0)
+ NoSQLURI.KEYWORD.length() + 1);
if (host != null) {
if (port != null) {
if (store != null) {
return sb.toString();
* Process and add {@code nosql.url} property.
* @param properties Test properties {@link Map} being built.
private static void processNoSqlUrl(final Map<String, String> properties) {
final String noSqlUrl = JUnitTestCaseHelper.getProperty(NOSQL_URL_KEY);
if (noSqlUrl != null && NoSQLURI.startsUri(noSqlUrl)) {
final NoSQLURI uri = new NoSQLURI(noSqlUrl);
final String host = uri.getHost();
final int port = uri.getPort();
final String store = uri.getStore();
if (host != null) {
properties.put(PROPERTY_NOSQL_HOST_KEY, host);
} else {
if (port >= 0) {
properties.put(PROPERTY_NOSQL_PORT_KEY, Integer.toString(port));
if (store != null) {
properties.put(PROPERTY_NOSQL_STORE_KEY, store);
} else {
* Process and add simple build property.
* @param properties Test properties {@link Map} being built.
* @param buildKey Property key in build properties.
* @param puKey Property key in jUnit test.
private static void processProperty(
final Map<String, String> properties, final String buildKey, final String testKey) {
final String value = JUnitTestCaseHelper.getProperty(buildKey);
String.format("Property %s -> %s :: %s", buildKey, testKey, value != null ? value : "N/A"));
if (value != null) {
properties.put(testKey, value);
* Create test properties {@link Map} from build properties.
* @return Persistence unit properties {@link Map}.
private static Map<String, String> buildProperties() {
final Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<>();
processProperty(properties, DB_URL_KEY, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_URL);
processProperty(properties, DB_USER_KEY, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_USER);
processProperty(properties, DB_PWD_KEY, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD);
processProperty(properties, DB_DRIVER_KEY, PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_DRIVER);
processProperty(properties, DB_PLATFORM_KEY, PersistenceUnitProperties.TARGET_DATABASE);
return properties;
* Build NoSQL connection property containing host and port concatenated.
* @param host NoSQL connection host property.
* @param port NoSQL connection port property.
* @return Property containing host and port concatenated.
private static String buildHostPort(final String host, final String port) {
if (host != null) {
final StringBuilder hostPort = new StringBuilder(host.length() + (port != null ? port.length() + 1 : 0));
if (port != null) {
return hostPort.toString();
} else {
return null;
* Build NoSQL mapped connection property containing host and port concatenated.
* @param host NoSQL connection host property.
* @param port NoSQL connection port property.
* @return Property containing host and port concatenated.
private static String buildMappedHostPort(final String host, final String port) {
if (host != null) {
final StringBuilder hostPort = new StringBuilder(
2 * host.length() + (port != null ? 2 * port.length() + 3 : 1));
if (port != null) {
if (port != null) {
return hostPort.toString();
} else {
return null;
* Set EIS login connection information for NoSQL database.
* @param login Target {@link EISLogin} instance.
* @param properties Persistence unit properties {@link Map}.
public static void setEISLoginProperties(final EISLogin login) {
final String hostPort = buildHostPort(
properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_HOST_KEY), properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_PORT_KEY));
final String store = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_STORE_KEY);
LOG.log(SessionLog.FINE, String.format("NoSQL connection: NoSQL://%s/%s", hostPort, store));
if (hostPort != null) {
login.setProperty(OracleNoSQLConnectionSpec.HOST, hostPort);
if (store != null) {
login.setProperty(OracleNoSQLConnectionSpec.STORE, store);
* Build EIS login connection information for {@code EntityManager} NoSQL database connection.
* Host and port pair property is normal (not mapped).
* @return {@code EntityManager} NoSQL database connection properties.
public static Map<String, String> createEMProperties() {
return createEMProperties(false);
* Build EIS login connection information for {@code EntityManager} NoSQL database connection.
* @param mapped Build mapped property for the same host and port pair when {@code true} or normal property
* otherwise.
* @return {@code EntityManager} NoSQL database connection properties.
public static Map<String, String> createEMProperties(final boolean mapped) {
final String host = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_HOST_KEY);
final String port = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_PORT_KEY);
final String store = properties.get(PROPERTY_NOSQL_STORE_KEY);
final String hostPort = mapped ? buildMappedHostPort(host, port) : buildHostPort(host, port);
final Map<String, String> emProperties = new HashMap<>(2);
LOG.log(SessionLog.FINE, String.format("NoSQL connection: NoSQL://%s/%s", hostPort, store));
if (hostPort != null) {
emProperties.put(PROPERTY_NOSQL_HOST_KEY, hostPort);
if (store != null) {
emProperties.put(PROPERTY_NOSQL_STORE_KEY, store);
return emProperties;