blob: 63ec1a3a1d9e6f08d3569135c0b9035a6b27b61c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.junit.helper;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class HelperTest {
public void basicTest() {
Assert.assertFalse("Failed to compare two different BigDecimal numbers.",
Helper.compareBigDecimals(new BigDecimal(0.01), new BigDecimal(0.001)));
Assert.assertFalse("Failed to compare two equal BigDecimal numbers.",
Helper.compareBigDecimals(new BigDecimal(1.01), new BigDecimal(01.001)));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to replace single slash with double slashes from the String.",
"c:\\\\test1\\\\test2\\\\test3\\\\", Helper.doubleSlashes("c:\\test1\\test2\\test3\\"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to remove vowels from String.",
"llllll", Helper.removeVowels("lalelilolule"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to remove Character to fit String.",
"123x", Helper.removeCharacterToFit("1x2x3x", 'x', 4));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to get instance from Class.", Helper.getInstanceFromClass(this.getClass()) instanceof HelperTest);
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Character.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Character.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Boolean.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Boolean.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Byte.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Byte.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Short.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Short.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Integer.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Integer.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Long.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Long.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Float.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Float.class));
Assert.assertTrue("Failed to check if Double.class is a primitive wrapper.", Helper.isPrimitiveWrapper(Double.class));
Vector<Object> aVector = new Vector<Object>();
Object elem = new String("dummy");
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to make a java.util.Vector from a java.util.Vector.",
aVector, Helper.makeVectorFromObject(aVector));
HashSet set = new HashSet();
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to make a java.util.Vector from a java.util.Set.",
aVector, Helper.makeVectorFromObject(set));
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
aVector.add(i, Integer.valueOf(i));
Vector reverseVector = Helper.reverseVector(aVector);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to reverse elements of java.util.Vector",
2 - i, ((Integer)reverseVector.elementAt(i)).intValue());
public void checkAreVectorTypesAssignableTest() {
Vector v1 = new Vector();
Vector v2 = new Vector();
Assert.assertFalse("An exception should not have been thrown when checking if vectors are assignable.",
Helper.areTypesAssignable(v1, v2));
public void checkAreVectorTypesAssignableWithNullVectorTest() {
Vector v1 = new Vector();
Assert.assertFalse("An exception should not have been thrown when checking if vectors are assignable - when one of the vectors is null.",
Helper.areTypesAssignable(v1, null));
public void checkClassIsSubclassWithNullSuperclassTest() {
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.classIsSubclass(Class subClass, Class superClass) does not recognize that parent class is null.",
Helper.classIsSubclass(HashMap.class, null));
public void checkCompareBigDecimalsTest() {
BigDecimal bd1 = new BigDecimal(1);
BigDecimal bd2 = new BigDecimal(-2);
BigDecimal bd3 = new BigDecimal(1);
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.compareBigDecimals(java.math.BigDecimal one, java.math.BigDecimal two) - with two non-infinity but different argurments - returns incorrectly.",
Helper.compareBigDecimals(bd1, bd2));
Assert.assertTrue("Helper.compareBigDecimals(java.math.BigDecimal one, java.math.BigDecimal two) - with two non-infinity but identical argurments - returns incorrectly.",
Helper.compareBigDecimals(bd1, bd3));
public void checkCompareByteArraysWithDifferentElementsTest() {
byte[] b1 = "12345".getBytes();
byte[] b2 = "12346".getBytes();
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.compareByteArrays(b1,b2) when comparing byte arrays with different elements.",
Helper.compareByteArrays(b1, b2));
public void compareArrayContentTest() {
Integer[] array1 = new Integer[3];
Integer[] array2 = new Integer[3];
Integer[] array3 = new Integer[3];
for (int count = 0; count < 3; count++) {
Integer counter = Integer.valueOf(count);
Integer counter2 = Integer.valueOf(count + 9);
array1[count] = counter;
array2[count] = counter;
array3[count] = counter2;
Assert.assertTrue("Helper.compareArrays(Object[] array1, Object[] array2) does not recognize that object arrays contain identical elements.",
Helper.compareArrays(array1, array2));
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.compareArrays(Object[] array1, Object[] array2) does not recognize that object arrays contain different elements.",
Helper.compareArrays(array1, array3));
public void compareArrayLengthTest() {
Integer[] array1 = new Integer[2];
Integer[] array2 = new Integer[2];
Integer[] array3 = new Integer[3];
for (int count = 0; count < 2; count++) {
Integer counter = Integer.valueOf(count);
array1[count] = counter;
array2[count] = counter;
array3[count] = counter;
array3[2] = Integer.valueOf(10);
Assert.assertTrue("Helper.compareArrays(Object[] array1, Object[] array2) does not recognize that object arrays are of same length.",
Helper.compareArrays(array1, array2));
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.compareArrays(Object[] array1, Object[] array2) does not recognize that object arrays are of different length.",
Helper.compareArrays(array1, array3));
public void compareCharArrayContentTest() {
char[] array1 = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
char[] array2 = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
char[] array3 = { 'x', 'y', 'z' };
Assert.assertTrue("Helper.compareCharArrays(char[] array1, char[] array2) does not recognize that arrays contain the same elements.",
Helper.compareCharArrays(array1, array2));
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.compareCharArrays(char[] array1, char[] array2) does not recognize that arrays contain different elements.",
Helper.compareCharArrays(array1, array3));
public void compareCharArrayLengthTest() {
char[] array1 = { 'a', 'b' };
char[] array2 = { 'a', 'b' };
char[] array3 = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
Assert.assertTrue("Helper.compareCharArrays(char[] array1, char[] array2) does not recognize that arrays are of same length.",
Helper.compareCharArrays(array1, array2));
Assert.assertFalse("Helper.compareCharArrays(char[] array1, char[] array2) does not recognize that arrays are of different length.",
Helper.compareCharArrays(array1, array3));
public void timeFromDateTest() {
boolean optimizedDatesState = Helper.shouldOptimizeDates();
try {
Date testDate = Helper.utilDateFromLong(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
String testTime = new Time(testDate.getTime()).toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is off",
testTime, Helper.timeFromDate(testDate).toString());
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
testTime, Helper.timeFromDate(testDate).toString());
} finally {
public void TimeFromLongTest() {
boolean optimizedDatesState = Helper.shouldOptimizeDates();
try {
Long currentTime = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
Time expectedTestTime = new Time(currentTime.longValue());
Time actualTime = Helper.timeFromLong(currentTime);
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert Long to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is off",
expectedTestTime, actualTime);
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert Long to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is off",
expectedTestTime.toString(), actualTime.toString());
actualTime = Helper.timeFromLong(currentTime);
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert Long to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
expectedTestTime, actualTime);
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert Long to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
expectedTestTime.toString(), actualTime.toString());
} finally {
public void timeFromStringTest() {
boolean optimizedDatesState = Helper.shouldOptimizeDates();
try {
String currentTime = new Time(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is off",
currentTime, Helper.timeFromString(currentTime).toString());
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Time when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
currentTime, Helper.timeFromString(currentTime).toString());
} finally {
public void timestampFromDateTest() {
boolean optimizedDatesState = Helper.shouldOptimizeDates();
try {
Date currentTime = Helper.utilDateFromLong(Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()));
String testTime = new Timestamp(currentTime.getTime()).toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert java.util.Date to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
testTime, Helper.timestampFromDate(currentTime).toString());
} finally {
public void timestampFromLongTest() {
boolean optimizedDatesState = Helper.shouldOptimizeDates();
try {
Long currentTime = Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
String testTime = new Timestamp(currentTime.longValue()).toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert Long to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
testTime, Helper.timestampFromLong(currentTime).toString());
} finally {
public void timestampFromStringTest() {
boolean optimizedDatesState = Helper.shouldOptimizeDates();
try {
String currentTime = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString();
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
currentTime, Helper.timestampFromString(currentTime).toString());
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 16:24:33.00013"), Helper.timestampFromString("2018-01-01 16:24:33.00013+02"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 16:24:33.0"), Helper.timestampFromString("2018-01-01 16:24:33+02"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 16:24:33.1"), Helper.timestampFromString("2018-01-01 16:24:33.1+02"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 16:24:33.0"), Helper.timestampFromString("2018-01-01 16:24:33.0000000+02"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 16:24:33.0"), Helper.timestampFromString("2018-01-01 16:24:33.0000000"));
Assert.assertEquals("Failed to convert String to java.sql.Timestamp when shouldOptimizedDates is on",
Timestamp.valueOf("2018-01-01 16:24:33.0"), Helper.timestampFromString("2018-01-01 16:24:33"));
} finally {