blob: 5eb86a3301eeec826f03da679c613fb308afbc3a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2021 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v. 2.0 which is available at
* or the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause
// Contributors:
// Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.workbenchintegration;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DatabaseMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.DirectMapMapping;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.converters.TypeConversionConverter;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.AutoVerifyTestCase;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestErrorException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.directmap.DirectMapMappings;
//Check if DirectMapMapping is written out and read in properly
public class DirectMapMappingTest extends AutoVerifyTestCase {
DatabaseMapping directMap;
DatabaseMapping directMapForBatchRead;
public DirectMapMappingTest() {
setDescription("Test if DirectMapMapping is written out and read in properly");
public void test() {
directMap = getSession().getDescriptor(DirectMapMappings.class).getMappingForAttributeName("directMap");
directMapForBatchRead =
protected void verify() {
if (directMap == null || directMapForBatchRead == null) {
throw new TestErrorException("DirectMapMapping does not exist after written out and read in from xml");
} else if (!(directMap instanceof DirectMapMapping) ||
!(directMapForBatchRead instanceof DirectMapMapping)) {
throw new TestErrorException("DirectMapMapping has been changed to another class after written out and read in from xml");
} else if (((DirectMapMapping)directMap).getKeyConverter() == null ||
!(((DirectMapMapping)directMap).getKeyConverter() instanceof TypeConversionConverter) ||
(((TypeConversionConverter)((DirectMapMapping)directMap).getKeyConverter()).getObjectClass() !=
Integer.class)) {
throw new TestErrorException("DirectMapMapping returned a wrong key converter after written out and read in from xml");
} else if (((DirectMapMapping)directMap).getDirectKeyField() == null ||
!(((DirectMapMapping)directMap).getDirectKeyField().getClass() == DatabaseField.class) ||
!(((DirectMapMapping)directMap).getDirectKeyField().getName().equals("KEY_FIELD"))) {
throw new TestErrorException("DirectMapMapping returned a wrong directKeyField after written out and read in from xml");