blob: eb03d643f50b2c9305f9013d083b0ba5bf185611 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;
* Used to compare the performance of two different task/processes.
* Defines a test and testBaseLine method and compares the performance of the two.
* Use the static REPEATS for number of repeats, and computes the averge difference/etc.
* Note that setup should do any setup and the test should only do what is being compared.
public abstract class PerformanceComparisonTestCase extends TestCase implements PerformanceComparisonTest {
* The allowable percentage difference for test compared to the baseline.
public double allowableDecrease;
* The total time (ms) to run each of the test runs.
* This is used to compute the number of test iterations to use,
* the tests are then still timed based on that number of iterations.
public long testRunTime;
* List of performance tests, the source test is the baseline,
* n other tests can be added to compare with.
protected List tests;
* The count of the iterations.
* This is maintained by the test to allow concurrent tests to manage the count.
protected volatile int iterations;
public PerformanceComparisonTestCase() {
this.testRunTime = DEFAULT_TEST_TIME;
this.allowableDecrease = DEFAULT_ALLOWABLE_DECREASE;
this.tests = new ArrayList();
* Return the count of the iterations.
* This is maintained by the test to allow concurrent tests to manage the count.
public int getIterations() {
return iterations;
* Increment the iteration count.
* This is maintained by the test to allow concurrent tests to manage the count.
public void incrementIterations() {
* Reset the iteration count.
* This is maintained by the test to allow concurrent tests to manage the count.
public void resetIterations() {
this.iterations = 0;
* Allows any test specific setup before starting the test run.
public void startTest() {
* Allows any test specific setup before starting the test run.
public void endTest() {
* Return the total time (ms) to run each of the test runs.
* This is used to compute the number of test iterations to use,
* the tests are then still timed based on that number of iterations.
public long getTestRunTime() {
return testRunTime;
* Set the total time (ms) to run each of the test runs.
* This is used to compute the number of test iterations to use,
* the tests are then still timed based on that number of iterations.
public void setTestRunTime(long testRunTime) {
this.testRunTime = testRunTime;
* Return the allowable percentage difference for test compared to the baseline.
public double getAllowableDecrease() {
return allowableDecrease;
* Set the allowable percentage difference for test compared to the baseline.
public void setAllowableDecrease(double allowableDecrease) {
this.allowableDecrease = allowableDecrease;
* Return the performance tests to compare the base-line with.
public List getTests() {
return tests;
* Add a performance tests to compare the base-line with.
public void addTest(TestCase test) {
* Executes this test case.
* Log some debug info as perf tests sometimes take a long time or hang.
public void execute(TestExecutor executor) {
System.out.println("Begin:" + getName());
try {
} finally {
System.out.println("End:" + getName() + ":" + getTestResult().getTotalTime());
* Executes this test comparison with the base-line.
* Static allow reuse with EJB tests.
public void executeTest() throws Throwable {
* Executes this test comparison with the base-line.
* Static allow reuse with EJB tests.
public static void executeTest(PerformanceComparisonTest performanceTest) throws Throwable {
PerformanceComparisonTestResult result = new PerformanceComparisonTestResult((TestCase)performanceTest, "Passed");
try {
// Repeat the test and baseline for the number of repeats.
for (int index = 0; index < REPEATS; index++) {
long startTime, endTime;
int iterations = 0;
try {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
endTime = startTime;
// Count how many times the test can be invoked in the run time.
// This allows for the test run time to be easily changed.
while ((startTime + performanceTest.getTestRunTime()) >= endTime) {
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
iterations = performanceTest.getIterations();
} finally {
result.addTestCount(iterations, 0);
for (int testIndex = 0; testIndex < performanceTest.getTests().size(); testIndex++) {
PerformanceComparisonTest test = (PerformanceComparisonTest)performanceTest.getTests().get(testIndex);
try {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
endTime = startTime;
// Count how many times the test can be invoked in the run time.
// This allows for the test run time to be easily changed.
while ((startTime + performanceTest.getTestRunTime()) >= endTime) {
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
iterations = performanceTest.getIterations();
} finally {
result.addTestCount(iterations, testIndex + 1);
} finally {
* Verify each test comparison is within the set limits.
* Static allow reuse with EJB tests.
public void verify() {
* Verify each test comparison is within the set limits.
* Static allow reuse with EJB tests.
public static void verify(PerformanceComparisonTest performanceTest) {
PerformanceComparisonTestResult result = (PerformanceComparisonTestResult)((TestCase)performanceTest).getTestResult();
for (int index = 0; index < result.percentageDifferences.size(); index++) {
double difference = ((Number)result.percentageDifferences.get(index)).doubleValue();
PerformanceComparisonTest test = (PerformanceComparisonTest)performanceTest.getTests().get(index);
double allowable = test.getAllowableDecrease();
if (difference < allowable) {
throw new TestErrorException("Decrease lower than allowable detected, decrease: " + difference +
" allowed: " + allowable + " test: " + test.getName());
* Build and return an emulated session for isolated Java performance from the database.
public Session buildEmulatedSession() {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
Project project = getSession().getProject().clone();
DatabaseLogin login = (DatabaseLogin)project.getLogin().clone();
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
login.setConnectionString("emulate:" + login.getConnectionString());
DatabaseSession session = project.createDatabaseSession();
return session;