blob: 1f8b00ccc8e760f9df32eb55099098ff21fe9605 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.legacy;
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
public class Shipment implements Serializable {
public Number shipmentNumber;
public String employeeFirstName;
public String employeeLastName;
public String quantityShipped;
public String shipMode;
public Vector orders;
public Employee employee;
public Shipment() {
orders = new Vector();
public static Shipment example1(Employee employee) {
Shipment example = new Shipment();
example.employee = employee;
example.employeeFirstName = employee.firstName;
example.employeeLastName = employee.lastName;
example.shipmentNumber = new BigDecimal(1);
example.quantityShipped = "1 ton";
example.shipMode = "Air";
example.orders.addElement(Order.example1(example, employee));
example.orders.addElement(Order.example2(example, employee));
return example;
public static Shipment example2(Employee employee) {
Shipment example = new Shipment();
example.employee = employee;
example.employeeFirstName = employee.firstName;
example.employeeLastName = employee.lastName;
example.shipmentNumber = new BigDecimal(2);
example.quantityShipped = "2 ton";
example.shipMode = "Air";
example.orders.addElement(Order.example3(example, employee));
example.orders.addElement(Order.example4(example, employee));
return example;
public static Shipment example3(Employee employee) {
Shipment example = new Shipment();
example.employee = employee;
example.employeeFirstName = employee.firstName;
example.employeeLastName = employee.lastName;
example.shipmentNumber = new BigDecimal(3);
example.quantityShipped = "3 ton";
example.shipMode = "Ship";
example.orders.addElement(Order.example5(example, employee));
example.orders.addElement(Order.example6(example, employee));
return example;
public static Shipment example4(Employee employee) {
Shipment example = new Shipment();
example.employee = employee;
example.employeeFirstName = employee.firstName;
example.employeeLastName = employee.lastName;
example.shipmentNumber = new BigDecimal(4);
example.quantityShipped = "4 ton";
example.shipMode = "Ship";
example.orders.addElement(Order.example7(example, employee));
example.orders.addElement(Order.example8(example, employee));
return example;