blob: d88e0e51e994739658ab7e7f2ea6c8e4fd3705a8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
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* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.*;
public class ObjectChangeSetUpdateAttributeTest extends EventHookTestCase {
public Customer customer;
public ObjectChangeSet customerChangeSet;
public void setup() {
UnitOfWork uow = getSession().acquireUnitOfWork();
this.customer = Customer.example1();
Address.preUpdateCount = 0;
public void test() {
UnitOfWork uow = getSession().acquireUnitOfWork();
Customer cloneCustomer = (Customer)uow.readObject(this.customer);
cloneCustomer.postWrite = true;
cloneCustomer.preUpdate = true;
//bug 3489179 make sure there is no change records for this object for any
//of the changes to be made in the event adaptor
// there must be at least one change so that the events are thrown
cloneCustomer.address.address = "No Place Special";
this.customerChangeSet = (ObjectChangeSet)uow.getUnitOfWorkChangeSet().getObjectChangeSetForClone(cloneCustomer);
public void verify() {
Customer originalCustomer = (Customer)getSession().readObject(this.customer);
try {
if ("PreWrite")) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update attribute in direct to field");
if (!originalCustomer.associations.contains("PreUpdate")) {
throw new TestErrorException("PreUpdateEvent failed to fire");
if (Address.preUpdateCount != 1) {
throw new TestErrorException("PreUpdateEvent fired too many times");
if (!originalCustomer.associations.contains("PostWrite")) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update attribute in direct collection with addition");
if (originalCustomer.associations.contains("Mickey Mouse Club")) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update attribute in direct collection with removal");
if (((Vector)originalCustomer.orders.getValue()).size() != 3) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update attribute in collection");
if (this.customerChangeSet.getChanges().size() <= 2) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update the changeSet");
if (!originalCustomer.creditCard.number.equals("0")) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update the aggregate attribute");
if (this.customerChangeSet.getChangesForAttributeNamed("creditCard") == null) {
throw new TestErrorException("Failed to update the changeset with aggregate attribute");
} finally {
//Make sure that we set back the static value
Address.preUpdateCount = 0;