blob: 93063262f32f9fc8ce877b279a9b2747d4f0fa5f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.expressions;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee;
* Test reading with expressions.
public class ReadAllExpressionTest extends org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.ReadAllTest {
protected Expression expression;
protected boolean testBatchAttributesOnEmployee;
protected boolean supportedInMemory = true;
protected Vector supportedPlatforms;
protected Vector unsupportedPlatforms;
protected Object hardReferenceToInMemoryObjects;
* ReadAllExpressionTest constructor comment.
* @param referenceClass java.lang.Class
* @param originalObjectsSize int
public ReadAllExpressionTest(Class referenceClass, int originalObjectsSize) {
super(referenceClass, originalObjectsSize);
public Expression getExpression() {
if ((expression == null) && (getQuery() != null)) {
expression = getQuery().getSelectionCriteria();
return expression;
* Forces the construction of the query, if it has not
* been built yet. Normally the query is built from the
* expression in setup, but some users might need to configure
* the test's query beforehand: i.e. to make this an in-memory
* test.
public ReadAllQuery getQuery(boolean initializeNow) {
if (initializeNow && (getQuery() == null)) {
setQuery(new ReadAllQuery());
return getQuery();
* Answers if this test is only to be run on certain platforms.
public boolean isPlatformSpecific() {
return ((supportedPlatforms != null) || (unsupportedPlatforms != null));
* A cleaner way to specify which tests run on which
* platforms. The old way was to check the name of each individual
* test.
public boolean isPlatformSupported(DatabasePlatform platform) {
boolean supported = false;
boolean notSupported = false;
if ((unsupportedPlatforms == null) && (supportedPlatforms == null)) {
return true;
if (supportedPlatforms != null) {
for (Iterator iterator = supportedPlatforms.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Class platformClass = (Class);
if (platformClass.isInstance(platform)) {
supported = true;
} else {
supported = true;
if (unsupportedPlatforms != null) {
for (Iterator iterator = unsupportedPlatforms.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Class platformClass = (Class);
if (platformClass.isInstance(platform)) {
notSupported = true;
return supported && (!notSupported);
public void setExpression(Expression theExpression) {
expression = theExpression;
public void setSupportedInMemory(boolean supportedInMemory) {
this.supportedInMemory = supportedInMemory;
protected void setup() {
if (!isPlatformSupported(getSession().getLogin().getPlatform())) {
throw new TestWarningException("This expression is not supported on this platform.");
// Setup the query if not given.
// Revert the query prepare to allow re-running of the test to debug.
try {
if (getName().equals("MultiPlatformTest") && getSession().getLogin().getPlatform().isOracle() && (getAbstractSession().getAccessor().getConnection().getMetaData().getDriverVersion().indexOf("8.1.7") != -1)) {
throw new TestWarningException("CASE not supported until Oracle 9i.");
} catch (java.sql.SQLException e) {}
if (shouldTestBatchAttributesOnEmployee()) {
// For testing Expressions executed In-Memory must in effect
// load the database into cache first.
// Also keep a hard reference to the objects so they are not
// garbage collected during the test.
if (getQuery().shouldCheckCacheOnly()) {
public void reset() throws Exception {
protected void test() {
if (shouldTestBatchAttributesOnEmployee()) {
} else {
try {
} catch (QueryException exception) {
if ((!supportedInMemory) && (exception.getErrorCode() == QueryException.CANNOT_CONFORM_EXPRESSION)) {
throw new TestWarningException("This test is not supported In-Memory");
} else {
throw new TestErrorException("Fatal query exception occurred.", exception);
public void addSupportedPlatform(Class platform) {
if (supportedPlatforms == null) {
supportedPlatforms = new Vector();
public void addUnsupportedPlatform(Class platform) {
if (unsupportedPlatforms == null) {
unsupportedPlatforms = new Vector();
public void dontTestBatchAttributesOnEmployee() {
testBatchAttributesOnEmployee = false;
public boolean shouldTestBatchAttributesOnEmployee() {
return testBatchAttributesOnEmployee;
* This flag has been added to test adding batch attributes to very
* complex expressions. This method assumes that the query is on Employee.
* @see ExpressionSubSelectTestSuite#addExistsWithBatchAttributeTest
* @see ExpressionSubSelectTestSuite#addObjectComparisonWithBatchAttributeTest
* @see ExpressionSubSelectTestSuite#addParallelSelectWithBatchAttributeTest
* @see ExpressionSubSelectTestSuite#addSubSelectInWithBatchAttributeTest
* @see ExpressionSubSelectTestSuite#addOneToManyJoin2WithBatchReadTest
public void testBatchAttributesOnEmployee() {
testBatchAttributesOnEmployee = true;
protected void freeHardReferenceToInMemoryObjects() {
this.hardReferenceToInMemoryObjects = null;
protected void setHardReferenceToInMemoryObjects(Object hardReference) {
this.hardReferenceToInMemoryObjects = hardReference;
protected void setupBatchAttributes() {
protected void testBatchAttributes() {
Vector result = (Vector) this.objectsFromDatabase;
Vector phoneNumbers = ((Employee) result.elementAt(0)).getPhoneNumbers();
((Employee) result.elementAt(0)).getResponsibilitiesList().size();
((Employee) result.elementAt(0)).getProjects().size();
if ((phoneNumbers == null) || (phoneNumbers.size() == 0)) {
throw new TestErrorException("The original query was corrupted when made part of a batch query.");
if (((Employee) result.elementAt(0)).getAddress() == null) {
throw new TestErrorException("The original query was corrupted when made part of a batch query.");