blob: 9255c61f1df79cf73a2a9dc8b08d3d5cce3ff802 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
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* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.isolatedsession;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.*;
// 05/28/2008-1.0M8 Andrei Ilitchev
// - 224964: Provide support for Proxy Authentication through JPA.
// Changed behaviour of ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession - it no longer throws exception
// on attempt to instantiate value holder for isolated object when the session is closed,
// it rather obtains the connection again and releases connection immediately after the query is done.
public class ExclusiveConnectionClosedExceptionTest extends AutoVerifyTestCase {
protected DatabaseLogin login;
protected ServerSession server;
protected int numAcquireExclusive;
protected int numReleaseExclusive;
protected String errorMsg = "";
class Listener extends SessionEventAdapter {
public void postAcquireExclusiveConnection(SessionEvent event) {
// Bug 299048 - Triggering indirection on closed ExclusiveIsolatedSession may cause exception
event.getSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("UPDATE ISOLATED_EMPLOYEE SET F_NAME = 'A' WHERE EMP_ID = 0");
public void preReleaseExclusiveConnection(SessionEvent event) {
// Bug 299048 - Triggering indirection on closed ExclusiveIsolatedSession may cause exception
event.getSession().executeNonSelectingSQL("UPDATE EMPLOYEE SET F_NAME = 'A' WHERE EMP_ID = 0");
Listener listener = new Listener();
protected Vector emps;
public ExclusiveConnectionClosedExceptionTest() {
setDescription("This test will verify that when indirection is triggered after the session is released callbacks are called and connection released. Exception is no longer thrown.");
public void copyDescriptors(Session session) {
Vector descriptors = new Vector();
for (Iterator iterator = session.getDescriptors().values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
// Since the descriptors are already initialized, must also set the session to isolated.
public void reset() {
try {
errorMsg = "";
numAcquireExclusive = 0;
numReleaseExclusive = 0;
String schemaName = getSession().getLogin().getUserName();
} catch (DatabaseException ex) {
public void setup() {
try {
this.emps = getSession().readAllObjects(IsolatedEmployee.class);
String schemaName = getSession().getLogin().getUserName();
this.login = (DatabaseLogin)getSession().getLogin().clone();
this.server = new ServerSession(this.login, 2, 5);
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
getSession().logMessage("This test requires that the connected user has privleges to \"Creat any context\", \"Drop any context\" and \"execute Sys.DBMS_RLS package\" and \"execute Sys.DBMS_SESSION package\".");
throw ex;
public void test() {
ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery(IsolatedEmployee.class);
ClientSession client1 = this.server.acquireClientSession();
IsolatedEmployee employee = (IsolatedEmployee)client1.executeQuery(query);
// executing the query causes exclusive connection to be acquired.
if(numAcquireExclusive != 1 || numReleaseExclusive != 0) {
errorMsg += "After executing query numAcquireExclusive == " +numAcquireExclusive+" and numReleaseExclusive = "+numReleaseExclusive+"; 1 and 0 were expected.\n";
// releasing the session causes exclusive connection to be acquired.
if(numAcquireExclusive != 1 || numReleaseExclusive != 1) {
errorMsg += "After releasing ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession numAcquireExclusive == " +numAcquireExclusive+" and numReleaseExclusive = "+numReleaseExclusive+"; 1 and 1 were expected.\n";
if(client1.getWriteConnection() != null) {
errorMsg += "After releasing ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession its writeConnection is not null.\n";
// instantiating of a ValueHolder on released session causes exclusive connection to be acquired for the query, released as soon as the query is completed.
if(numAcquireExclusive != 2 || numReleaseExclusive != 2) {
errorMsg += "After instantiating ValueHolder on released ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession numAcquireExclusive == " +numAcquireExclusive+" and numReleaseExclusive = "+numReleaseExclusive+"; 2 and 2 were expected.\n";
if(client1.getWriteConnection() != null) {
errorMsg += "After instantiating ValueHolder on released ExclusiveIsolatedClientSession its writeConnection is not null.\n";
public void verify() {
if(errorMsg.length() > 0) {
throw new TestErrorException(errorMsg);