blob: bb3c9eadfad9e945918e51302033a63144e4147d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.queries;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.expressions.*;
* Abstract superclass for testing various cascading features
* Subclasses must implement setTestConfiguration().
* @author Peter O'Blenis
public abstract class CascadingTest extends TestCase {
* The following varaibles must be set by the subclass in the setTestConfiguration() method
//Name of the test to be displayed in error messages
protected String m_szTestName = null;
//Maintain cache for test
protected boolean m_bMaintainCache = false;
//Type of cascading (See constants below)
protected int m_nCascadeType = 0;
//Cascading Constants
protected static final int NO_CASCADE = 0;
protected static final int CASCADE_PRIVATE = 1;
protected static final int CASCADE_ALL = 2;
protected Employee employeeFromDatabase;
protected Employee m_reloadedEmployee;
protected String m_szManagedEmployee;
protected String m_szFirstName;
protected String m_szPhoneNumber;
public CascadingTest() {
protected void cascadeCheck() {
ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery();
//If MaintainCache is turned off then nothing in the cached object should have changed.
if (!m_bMaintainCache) {
if (!m_reloadedEmployee.getFirstName().equals(m_szFirstName)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + " test failed on firstName");
//PhoneNumber should have been refreshed from the database. Ensure that it was not refreshed from cache
if (m_nCascadeType == CASCADE_PRIVATE) {
if (!((PhoneNumber)m_reloadedEmployee.getPhoneNumbers().elementAt(0)).getType().equals(m_szPhoneNumber)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + ": private cascaded parts were not refreshed from db");
//ManagedEmployee name should have been refreshed from the database. Ensure that it was not refreshed from cache
if (m_nCascadeType == CASCADE_ALL) {
if (!((Employee)m_reloadedEmployee.getManagedEmployees().elementAt(0)).getFirstName().equals(m_szManagedEmployee)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + ": public cascaded parts were not refreshed from db");
for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++) {
// This test was randomloy failing because TopLink avoids refreshes within the millisecond
// Changing to do a shallow refresh after to make the time to the other refresh less and more likely to fail.
// so more consistent.
employeeFromDatabase.setFirstName("Refresh too fast");
ReadObjectQuery refreshQuery = new ReadObjectQuery(employeeFromDatabase);
if (!employeeFromDatabase.getFirstName().equals(m_szFirstName)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + ": test failed on firstName loop-" + loop);
//If MaintainCache is turn on then the cached object should have changed according to the cascade policy
else {
if (!employeeFromDatabase.getFirstName().equals(m_szFirstName)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + ": test failed on firstName");
//Check that private cascaded objects in the cache have been refreshed with db data
if (m_nCascadeType == CASCADE_PRIVATE) {// || (m_nCascadeType == CASCADE_ALL))
if (!((PhoneNumber)employeeFromDatabase.getPhoneNumbers().elementAt(0)).getType().equals(m_szPhoneNumber)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + ": private cache data not refreshed from db");
//Check that all cascaded objects in the cache have been refreshed with db data
if (m_nCascadeType == CASCADE_ALL) {
if (!((Employee)employeeFromDatabase.getManagedEmployees().elementAt(0)).getFirstName().equals(m_szManagedEmployee)) {
throw new TestErrorException(m_szTestName + ":public cache data not refreshed from db");
public void reset() {
// Because the name of the employee was changed, clear the cache.
protected void setConfiguration(String szTestName, boolean bMaintainCache, int nCascadeSetting) {
m_szTestName = szTestName;
m_bMaintainCache = bMaintainCache;
m_nCascadeType = nCascadeSetting;
abstract void setTestConfiguration();
protected void setup() {
//Fix bug 2722927
//Check that the subclass implemented setTestConfiguration() correctly
if (m_szTestName == null) {
throw new TestErrorException("CascadingTest: Subclass did not initialize test properly");
ExpressionBuilder expBldr = new ExpressionBuilder();
Expression whatWeWant = expBldr.get("lastName").equal("May");
employeeFromDatabase = (Employee)getSession().readObject(Employee.class, whatWeWant);
public void test() {
m_szFirstName = employeeFromDatabase.getFirstName();
m_szPhoneNumber = ((PhoneNumber)employeeFromDatabase.getPhoneNumbers().elementAt(0)).getType();
m_szManagedEmployee = ((Employee)employeeFromDatabase.getManagedEmployees().elementAt(0)).getFirstName();
//Change the employees name
//Change the first phone number
//Change the manager
protected void verify() {
ReadObjectQuery query = new ReadObjectQuery();
//Set cache mode
if (m_bMaintainCache) {
// query.maintainCache();
} else {
//Set Cascade mode
switch (m_nCascadeType) {
//Perform the query
m_reloadedEmployee = (Employee)getSession().executeQuery(query);
//Check that the expected changes (or lack there of) took place in the cached object