blob: 6eb7b85243b4d598be793841f535f43003d9cceb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.types;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.*;
* Custom WriteObjectTests that will allow the TypeTester object to pass through the calls to:
* test(), setup(), & verify(). This ius required so the tests can customize according to the platform.
public class WriteTypeObjectTest extends WriteObjectTest {
/** The following allows individual tests to be run with or without using native sql. */
protected boolean useNativeSQL = false;
protected boolean didUseNativeSQL = false;
public WriteTypeObjectTest(TypeTester originalObject) {
// Need to set shouldMutate to false as the mutator method causes problems
// with tests that pass in null values and field length tests.
public String getName() {
return "WriteTypeObjectTest(" + originalObject.getClass() + ")";
protected Object getObjectFromDatabase() {
return this.objectFromDatabase;
protected void setup() {
if (shouldUseNativeSQL()) {
if (!getSession().getLogin().shouldUseNativeSQL()) {
getAbstractSession().getAccessor().connect(getSession().getLogin(), getAbstractSession());
protected void superTest() {
* Verify if the objects match completely through allowing the session to use the descriptors.
* This will compare the objects and all of their privately owned parts.
protected void superVerify() throws TestErrorException, TestWarningException {
protected void test() {
public String toString() {
return originalObject.toString();
* Verify if the objects match completely through allowing the session to use the descriptors.
* This will compare the objects and all of their privately owned parts.
protected void verify() throws TestErrorException, TestWarningException {
* Was native sql used for this test only?
protected boolean didUseNativeSQL() {
return didUseNativeSQL;
public void reset() {
if (didUseNativeSQL()) {
getAbstractSession().getAccessor().connect(getSession().getLogin(), getAbstractSession());
* Notify the test that the session's usesNativeSQL setting needs to be
* reset after the test.
protected void setDidUseNativeSQL(boolean value) {
didUseNativeSQL = value;
* Allows one to set usesNativeSQL to true on a test by test basis.
public void setUseNativeSQL(boolean value) {
useNativeSQL = value;
public boolean shouldUseNativeSQL() {
return useNativeSQL;