blob: e0de4c57b50f4de4d622090541a96f6f9b27bab7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.unitofwork;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.UnitOfWork;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.TestErrorException;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.EmploymentPeriod;
* <p>
* <b>Purpose</b>: This test checks if UOW merge is perfromed properly.
* <p>
* <b>Motivation </b>: This test was written to fix a bug. While in a unit of work, a new
* object that refrenced clones, after the merge still refrenced clones.
* <p>
* <b>Design</b>: A unit of work is acquired, an employee is read in and registered to the UOW. The
* returned clone is stored. A new employee is created, parts of the new employee are initialized
* with parts of the clone. A commit is issued. After the commit is done, the merge should
* have replaced the clones in the new employee with the original objects that were cloned.
* This is verified.
* <p>
* <b>Responsibilities</b>: Verify that the merge works properly. Make sure that the original objects
* are pointed to by the new employee.
* <p>
* <b>Features Used</b>: Unit Of Work, Merge feature
* <p>
* <b>Paths Covered</b>: Within the unit of work, different parts of the employee were set with clones:
* <ul>
* <li> <i>Address</i> 1:1 Mapping
* <li> <i>Period</i> Simple Aggregate
* <li> <i>NormalHours</i>
public class MergeUnitOfWorkTest extends org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.WriteObjectTest {
public Object unitOfWorkWorkingCopy;
public UnitOfWork unitOfWork;
public Object objectBeforeMerge;
* MergeUnitOfWorkTest constructor comment.
public MergeUnitOfWorkTest() {
* MergeUnitOfWorkTest constructor comment.
* @param originalObject java.lang.Object
public MergeUnitOfWorkTest(Object originalObject) {
protected void changeUnitOfWorkWorkingCopy() {
Employee employee = (Employee)this.unitOfWorkWorkingCopy;
Employee managedEmployee = (Employee)employee.getManagedEmployees().firstElement();
Employee newEmployee;
newEmployee = (Employee)unitOfWork.registerObject(new Employee());
newEmployee.setFirstName("New Man");
* Verify if the objects match completely through allowing the session to use the descriptors.
* This will compare the objects and all of their privately owned parts.
protected void compareForProperMerge(Employee employeeBeforeMerge, Employee employeeAfterMerge) {
if (employeeBeforeMerge.getAddress() == employeeAfterMerge.getAddress()) {
throw new TestErrorException("The object '" + employeeAfterMerge +
"'Was not merged properly. It is still referencing cloned address instead of original address");
if (employeeBeforeMerge.getPeriod() == employeeAfterMerge.getPeriod()) {
throw new TestErrorException("The object '" + employeeAfterMerge +
"'Was not merged properly. It is still referencing cloned Period instead of original Period");
if (employeeBeforeMerge.getNormalHours() == employeeAfterMerge.getNormalHours()) {
throw new TestErrorException("The object '" + employeeAfterMerge +
"'Was not merged properly. It is still referencing cloned NormalHours instead of original NormalHours");
public void setObjectBeforeMerge(Object preMergeObject) {
objectBeforeMerge = preMergeObject;
* This method was created by a SmartGuide.
public void setup() {
// Acquire first unit of work
this.unitOfWork = getSession().acquireUnitOfWork();
this.unitOfWorkWorkingCopy = this.unitOfWork.registerObject(this.objectToBeWritten);
// Use the original session for comparision
if (!compareObjects(this.originalObject, this.objectToBeWritten)) {
throw new TestErrorException("The original object was changed through changing the clone.");
protected void test() {
* Verify if the objects match completely through allowing the session to use the descriptors.
* This will compare the objects and all of their privately owned parts.
protected void verify() {
boolean found = false;
Employee employeeToBeWritten = new org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.employee.domain.Employee();
Enumeration enumeration = ((Employee)this.objectToBeWritten).getManagedEmployees().elements();
while ((!found) && (enumeration.hasMoreElements())) {
Employee employee = (Employee)enumeration.nextElement();
if (employee.getFirstName() == "New Man") {
employeeToBeWritten = employee;
found = true;
this.compareForProperMerge((Employee)this.objectBeforeMerge, employeeToBeWritten);