blob: 3f9cea3f5320be2f7cecea67d61fa65a7a3fb748 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates, IBM Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
* dclarke - Bug 294985: update of comments and addition of connection logging property
* cdelahun - Bug 214534: added COORDINATION_JMS_REUSE_PUBLISHER property to enable JMS rcm legacy behavior
* 04/01/2011-2.3 Guy Pelletier
* - 337323: Multi-tenant with shared schema support (part 2)
* 06/30/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
* - 341940: Add disable/enable allowing native queries
* 09/20/2011-2.3.1 Guy Pelletier
* - 357476: Change caching default to ISOLATED for multitenant's using a shared EMF.
* 12/24/2012-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support
* 01/08/2013-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support
* 01/11/2013-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support
* 02/04/2013-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support
* 02/19/2013-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 389090: JPA 2.1 DDL Generation Support
* 08/11/2014-2.5 Rick Curtis
* - 440594: Tolerate invalid NamedQuery at EntityManager creation.
package org.eclipse.persistence.config;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import javax.persistence.FlushModeType;
import javax.persistence.Persistence;
import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.Cache;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.ExceptionHandler;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess.BatchWritingMechanism;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.Helper;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;
import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.DatabasePlatform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.ServerPlatform;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.JPAQueryBuilder;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatabaseLogin;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.Project;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionEventListener;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.SessionProfiler;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.RemoteCommandManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.SessionManager;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.remote.RemoteSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.serializers.Serializer;
* The class defines EclipseLink persistence unit property names. These values
* are used to assist in the configuration of properties passed to
* {@link Persistence#createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map)} which override
* the values specified in the persistence.xml file.
* <p>
* <b>Usage Example:</b> <code>
* Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>();</br>
* </br>
* props.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_USER, "user-name");</br>
* props.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.JDBC_PASSWORD, "password");</br>
* </br>
* EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("pu-name", props);
* </code>
* <p>
* Property values are usually case-insensitive with some common sense
* exceptions, for instance class names.
* @see Persistence#createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map)
public class PersistenceUnitProperties {
* The <code>javax.persistence.transactionType"</code> property specifies the
* transaction type for the persistence unit. This property overrides the
* value specified in the persistence.xml.
* <p>
* Values: A string value of "JTA" or "RESOURCE_LOCAL"
public static final String TRANSACTION_TYPE = "javax.persistence.transactionType";
* The <code>javax.persistence.jtaDataSource"</code> property specifies the JTA data
* source name that will look up a valid {@link javax.sql.DataSource}. This
* property is used to override the value specified in the persistence.xml.
* <p>
* Values: A well formed JNDI resource name that can locate the data source
* in the target container or an instance of {@link javax.sql.DataSource}
public static final String JTA_DATASOURCE = "javax.persistence.jtaDataSource";
* The <code>javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource"</code> property specifies the
* non-JTA data source name that will look up a valid
* {@link javax.sql.DataSource}. This can be used to override the value
* specified in the persistence.xml.
* <p>
* Values: A well formed JNDI resource name that can locate the data source
* in the target container or an instance of {@link javax.sql.DataSource}
public static final String NON_JTA_DATASOURCE = "javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource";
// JDBC Properties for internal connection pooling
* The <code>javax.persistence.jdbc.driver"</code> property specifies the JDBC
* DriverManager class name used for internal connection pooling when a data
* source is not being used. The value must be a string which is the
* qualified class name for a valid class that implements
* <code>java.sql.Driver</code>.
* <p>
* <b>Persistence XML example:</b> <code>
* <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
* </code>
* <p>
* The previous value for this property <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.driver</code> is now deprecated and should
* be replaced with this new name.
public static final String JDBC_DRIVER = "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver";
* The <code>javax.persistence.jdbc.url"</code> property specifies the JDBC URL used
* for internal connection pooling when a data source is not being used. The
* value must be a string which represents a valid URL for the specified
* JDBC driver.
* <p>
* <b>Persistence XML example:</b> <code>
* <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost/mysql" />
* </code>
* <p>
* The previous value for this property <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.url</code> is now deprecated and should
* be replaced with this new name.
public static final String JDBC_URL = "javax.persistence.jdbc.url";
* The <code>javax.persistence.jdbc.user"</code> property specifies the data source
* or JDBC user name.
* <p>
* <b>Persistence XML example:</b> <code>
* <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="user-name" />
* </code>
* <p>
* The previous value for this property <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.user</code> is now deprecated and should
* be replaced with this new name.
public static final String JDBC_USER = "javax.persistence.jdbc.user";
* The <code>javax.persistence.jdbc.password"</code> property specifies the data
* source or JDBC password.
* <p>
* <b>Persistence XML example:</b> <code>
* <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="password" />
* </code> The previous value for this
* property <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.password</code> is now deprecated and should be replaced with this new
* name.
public static final String JDBC_PASSWORD = "javax.persistence.jdbc.password";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.native-sql"</code> property specifies whether
* generic SQL should be used or platform specific 'native' SQL. The
* platform specific SQL customizes join syntax, date operators, sequencing,
* ...
* <p>
* Allowed Values (String):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" - use database specific SQL
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT) - use generic SQL
* </ul>
* @see DatabaseLogin#setUsesNativeSQL(boolean)
public static final String NATIVE_SQL = "eclipselink.jdbc.native-sql";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.sql-cast"</code> property specifies if
* platform specific CAST SQL operations should be used. Casting is normally
* not required, and can cause issues when used. Allowed Values (String):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" - enable platform specific cast
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT) - disable platform specific cast
* </ul>
* @see DatabasePlatform#setIsCastRequired(boolean)
public static final String SQL_CAST = "eclipselink.jdbc.sql-cast";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jpql.parser"</code> property allows the
* JPQL parser to be configured.
* Two JPQL parsers are provided:
* <ul>
* <li>"org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.jpql.HermesParser" (DEFAULT) - new parser as of EclipseLink 2.4, provides extended JPQL support.
* <li>"org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ANTLRQueryBuilder" - old parser used previous to EclipseLink 2.4, can be used for backward compatibility.
* </ul>
* @see ParserType
* @see JPAQueryBuilder
public static final String JPQL_PARSER = "eclipselink.jpql.parser";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jpql.validation"</code> property allows the
* JPQL parser validation level to be configured.
* This setting is only supported in the Hermes parser.
* Valid values are:
* <ul>
* <li>"EclipseLink" (DEFAULT) - allows EclipseLink JPQL extensions.
* <li>"JPA 1.0" - only allows valid JPA 1.0 JPQL.
* <li>"JPA 2.0" - only allows valid JPA 2.0 JPQL.
* <li>"JPA 2.1" - only allows valid JPA 2.1 JPQL.
* <li>"None" - no JPQL validation is done.
* </ul>
* @see ParserValidationType
public static final String JPQL_VALIDATION = "eclipselink.jpql.validation";
* The <code>"wait"</code> property.
* This can be append to any connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.default.wait"</code>
* which specifies the timeout time in milliseconds (ms) that will be waited
* for an available connection before an exception is thrown. Ignored in
* case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* Default: 180000 ms (3 minutes).
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value. A value of 0 means wait forever.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_WAIT = "wait";
* The <code>"max"</code> property.
* This can be append to any connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.default.max"</code>
* Specifies the maximum number of read connection in the internal connection pool. If
* the maximum size is reached, threads requiring a connection will wait
* until one is released back to the pool. By default a single shared
* (exclusive) read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1
* initial. Ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_MAX = "max";
* The <code>"min"</code> property.
* This can be append to any connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.default.min"</code>
* Specifies the minimum number of connections in EclipseLink connection pool.
* <p>
* Ignored in case external connection pools are used. Connections beyond
* the minimum will be disconnected when returned to the pool, so this
* should normally be equal to the number of active threads, or server's
* thread pool size. By default a single shared (exclusive) read/write pool
* is used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_MIN = "min";
* The <code>"initial"</code> property.
* This can be append to any connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.default.initial"</code>
* EclipseLink JDBC (internal) connection pools properties. Initial number
* of connections in EclipseLink connection pool. This is the number of
* connections connected at startup. By default a single shared (exclusive)
* read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial. Ignored
* in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL = "initial";
* The <code>"shared"</code> property.
* This can be append to the read connection pool,
* i.e. <code>""</code>
* Configures whether connections in EclipseLink read connection pool should
* be shared (not exclusive). Connection sharing means the same JDBC
* connection will be used concurrently for multiple reading threads.
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT): indicates read connections will not be shared
* <li>"true": indicates read connections can be shared
* </ul>
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_SHARED = "shared";
* The <code>"url"</code> property.
* This can be append to a connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.node1.url"</code>
* Configures the JDBC url to use for the connection pool.
* Only required if different than the default.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_URL = "url";
* The <code>"jtaDataSource"</code> property.
* This can be append to a connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.node1.jtaDataSource"</code>
* Configures the JTA DataSource name to use for the connection pool.
* Only required if different than the default.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_JTA_DATA_SOURCE = "jtaDataSource";
* The <code>"nonJtaDataSource"</code> property.
* This can be append to a connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.node1.nonJtaDataSource"</code>
* Configures the non JTA DataSource name to use for the connection pool.
* Only required if different than the default.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_NON_JTA_DATA_SOURCE = "nonJtaDataSource";
* The <code>"user"</code> property.
* This can be append to a connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.node1.user"</code>
* Configures the user name to use for the connection pool.
* Only required if different than the default.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_USER = "user";
* The <code>"password"</code> property.
* This can be append to a connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.node1.password"</code>
* Configures the password to use for the connection pool.
* Only required if different than the default.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_PASSWORD = "password";
* The <code>"failover"</code> property.
* This can be append to a connection pool property,
* i.e. <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connection_pool.node1.failover"</code>
* Configures the connection pool(s) to fail-over to if this connection pool fails.
* A comma separate list is allowed if multiple failover pools are required.
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_FAILOVER = "failover";
* Allow configuring a <code>"eclipselink.connection-pool."</code> properties.
* The name of the connection pool must be appended to configure the pool,
* if no name is appended the default (write) pool is configured.
* The name of the property to configure must also be appended.
* <p>
* A user defined connection pool can be configured or one of the following system pools:
* <ul>
* <li> "read" - pool used for non-transactional read queries, (defaults to default pool if not specified).
* <li> "default", "write", "" - default pool used for writing and reads if no read pool configured.
* <li> "sequence" - pool used for sequencing, (default pool/write connection used if not specified).
* </ul>
* A user defined pool is only used if specified in the EntityManager properties or ClientSession ConnectionPolicy,
* or if partitioning is used. *
* <p>
* The following connection pool properties can be configured:
* <ul>
* <li> "initial" - number of initial connections.
* <li> "min" - minimum number of connections.
* <li> "max" - maximum number of connections.
* <li> "wait" - amount of time to wait for a connection from the pool.
* <li> "url" - JDBC URL for the connection.
* <li> "shared" - only for the read connection pool, shares read connections across threads.
* <li> "jtaDataSource" - JTA DataSource name to use for the connection, if different than the default.
* <li> "nonJtaDataSource" - non JTA DataSource name to use for the connection, if different than the default.
* <li> "user" - user to use for the connection, if different than the default.
* <li> "password" - password to use for the connection, if different than the default.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Example:
* <pre>
* &lt;property name="eclipselink.connection-pool.node2.min" value="16"/&gt;
* &lt;property name="eclipselink.connection-pool.node2.max" value="16"/&gt;
* &lt;property name="eclipselink.connection-pool.node2.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@node2:1521:orcl"/&gt;
* </pre>
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ConnectionPool
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL = "eclipselink.connection-pool.";
* Allow configuring the <code>""</code> properties.
* The read connection pool is used for non-transaction read queries.
* By default a separate read connection pool is not used,
* and the default pool is used for read queries.
* <p>
* One of the following connection pool properties must be appended.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ReadConnectionPool
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_READ = "";
* Allow configuring the <code>"eclipselink.connection-pool.sequence."</code> properties.
* The sequence connection pool is used to allocate generated Ids.
* This is only required for TABLE sequencing.
* By default a separate sequence connection pool is not used,
* and the default pool is used for sequencing.
* <p>
* One of the following connection pool properties must be appended.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.ReadConnectionPool
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_SEQUENCE = "eclipselink.connection-pool.sequence.";
* Tell EclipseLink to use it's internal connection pool to pool connections from a datasource.
* This property is useful when using EclipseLink with Gemini JPA because it internally wraps local
* database information in a datasource.
* Default: false
public static final String CONNECTION_POOL_INTERNALLY_POOL_DATASOURCE = "eclipselink.connection-pool.force-internal-pool";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connections.wait-timeout"</code> property
* which specifies the timeout time in milliseconds (ms) that will be waited
* for an available connection before an exception is thrown. Ignored in
* case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* Default: 180000 ms (3 minutes).
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value. A value of 0 means wait forever.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_WAIT
public static final String JDBC_CONNECTIONS_WAIT = "eclipselink.jdbc.connections.wait-timeout";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connections.max"</code> property specifies
* the maximum number of read connection in the internal connection pool. If
* the maximum size is reached, threads requiring a connection will wait
* until one is released back to the pool. By default a single shared
* (exclusive) read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1
* initial. Ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MAX
public static final String JDBC_CONNECTIONS_MAX = "eclipselink.jdbc.connections.max";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connections.min"</code> property specifies
* the minimum number of connections in EclipseLink connection pool.
* <p>
* Ignored in case external connection pools are used. Connections beyond
* the minimum will be disconnected when returned to the pool, so this
* should normally be equal to the number of active threads, or server's
* thread pool size. By default a single shared (exclusive) read/write pool
* is used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MIN
public static final String JDBC_CONNECTIONS_MIN = "eclipselink.jdbc.connections.min";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connections.initial"</code> property
* EclipseLink JDBC (internal) connection pools properties. Initial number
* of connections in EclipseLink connection pool. This is the number of
* connections connected at startup. By default a single shared (exclusive)
* read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial. Ignored
* in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL
public static final String JDBC_CONNECTIONS_INITIAL = "eclipselink.jdbc.connections.initial";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.max"</code> property
* specifies the maximum number of connections supported in the internal
* write connection pool. Maximum number of connections in EclipseLink write
* connection pool. If the maximum size is reached, threads requiring a
* connection will wait until one is released back to the pool. By default a
* single shared (exclusive) read/write pool is used with min/max 32
* connections and 1 initial. Ignored in case external connection pools are
* used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MAX
public static final String JDBC_WRITE_CONNECTIONS_MAX = "eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.max";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.min"</code> property
* specifies the minimum number of connections in the internal write
* connection pool. Connections beyond the minimum will be disconnected when
* returned to the pool, so this should normally be equal to the number of
* active threads, or server's thread pool size. By default a single shared
* (exclusive) read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1
* initial. Ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a positive integer
* value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MIN
public static final String JDBC_WRITE_CONNECTIONS_MIN = "eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.min";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.initial"</code> property
* configures the number of connections connected at created at startup in
* the write connection pool. By default a single shared (exclusive)
* read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial.
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value must be a string containing a zero or greater integer value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL
public static final String JDBC_WRITE_CONNECTIONS_INITIAL = "eclipselink.jdbc.write-connections.initial";
* The <code>""</code> property
* configures the maximum number of connections in the read connection pool.
* If the maximum size is reached, threads requiring a connection will wait
* until one is released back to the pool (unless shared). By default a
* separate read connection pool is not used. By default a single shared
* (exclusive) read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1
* initial.
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a zero or greater
* integer value.
* @see #JDBC_CONNECTIONS_WAIT to configure the timeout waiting on a
* connection.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MAX
public static final String JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_MAX = "";
* The <code>""</code> property
* configures the minimum number of connections in read connection pool.
* Connections beyond the minimum will be disconnected when returned to the
* pool, so this should normally be equal to the number of active threads,
* or server's thread pool size. By default a separate read connection pool
* is not used. By default a single shared (exclusive) read/write pool is
* used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial.
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value specified should be a string containing a zero or greater
* integer value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MIN
public static final String JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_MIN = "";
* The <code>""</code> property
* configures the number of connections connected at created at startup in
* the read connection pool. By default a single shared (exclusive)
* read/write pool is used with min/max 32 connections and 1 initial.
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value must be a string containing a zero or greater integer value.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL
public static final String JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_INITIAL = "";
* The <code>""</code> property
* configures whether connections in EclipseLink read connection pool should
* be shared (not exclusive). Connection sharing means the same JDBC
* connection will be used concurrently for multiple reading threads.
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT): indicates read connections will not be shared
* <li>"true": indicates read connections can be shared
* </ul>
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_SHARED
public static final String JDBC_READ_CONNECTIONS_SHARED = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.max"</code> property
* configures the maximum number of connections in the sequence connection
* pool. If the maximum size is reached, threads requiring a connection will
* wait until one is released back to the pool.
* <p>
* By default a separate sequence connection pool is not used (the sequence
* is allocated on the write connection).
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value must be a string containing a zero or greater integer value.
* The default value is two (2).
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL Required to configure the use of a
* sequence pool/data-source
* @see #JDBC_CONNECTIONS_WAIT to configure the timeout
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MAX
public static final String JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX = "eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.max";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.min"</code> property
* configures the minimum number of connections in sequence connection pool.
* Connections beyond the minimum will be disconnected when returned to the
* pool, so this should normally be equal to the maximum to avoid
* connecting/disconnecting.
* <p>
* By default a separate sequence connection pool is not used (the sequence
* is allocated on the write connection).
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value must be a string containing a zero or greater integer value.
* The default value is two (2).
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL Required to configure the use of a
* sequence pool/data-source
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_MIN
public static final String JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_MIN = "eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.min";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.initial</code> property configures the initial number of connections in
* sequence connection pool. This is the number of connections connected at
* startup.
* <p>
* By default a separate sequence connection pool is not used (the sequence
* is allocated on the write connection).
* <p>
* This property is ignored in case external connection pools are used.
* <p>
* The value must be a string containing a zero or greater integer value.
* The default value is two (2).
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL Required to configure the use of a
* sequence pool/data-source
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL
public static final String JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL = "eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.initial";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool"</code> property
* configures a separate connection pool should used for sequencing to
* retrieve new value(s). This improves sequence allocation by allocating
* sequencing outside the current transaction. This can be used with
* internal or external (DataSource) connection pooling, external must
* provide a non-jta-datasource resource name using
* {@link #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_DATASOURCE}. A sequence connection
* pool is generally only used with using TABLE sequencing to minimize
* contention on the sequence table(s).
* <p>
* Values (case-insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT):
* <li>"true":
* </ul>
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_DATASOURCE to configure the use of a
* non-JTA data source for sequence allocation call.
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_INITIAL to configure the initial
* connections size for internal connection pooling
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_MIN to configure the minimum
* connections size for internal connection pooling
* @see #JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_MAX to configure the maximum
* connections size for internal connection pooling
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_SEQUENCE
public static final String JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL = "eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.non-jta-data-source</code> property configures the name of the non-JTA data source that
* will be used for sequencing calls.
* @deprecated as of EclipseLink 2.2 replaced by CONNECTION_POOL_NON_JTA_DATA_SOURCE
public static final String JDBC_SEQUENCE_CONNECTION_POOL_DATASOURCE = "eclipselink.jdbc.sequence-connection-pool.non-jta-data-source";
* "eclipselink.partitioning"
* <p>Used to set the default PartitioningPolicy for a persistence unit.
* A PartitioningPolicy is used to partition the data for a class across multiple difference databases
* or across a database cluster such as Oracle RAC.
* Partitioning can provide improved scalability by allowing multiple database machines to service requests.
* <p>
* If multiple partitions are used to process a single transaction, JTA should be used for proper XA transaction support.
* <p>
* The value must be set to the name of an existing defined PartitioningPolicy.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.Partitioning
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.partitioning.PartitioningPolicy
public static final String PARTITIONING = "eclipselink.partitioning";
* "eclipselink.partitioning.callback"
* <p>Used to integrate with an external DataSource's data affinity support, such as UCP.
* <p>
* The value must be set to the full class name of the implementor of the DataPartitioningCallback interface.
* <p>i.e. "".
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.platform.database.partitioning.DataPartitioningCallback
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.Partitioning
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.partitioning.PartitioningPolicy
public static final String PARTITIONING_CALLBACK = "eclipselink.partitioning.callback";
* Property <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.bind-parameters</code> configures whether parameter binding will be used in the
* creation of JDBC prepared statements. Usage of parameter binding is
* generally a performance optimization allowing for SQL and prepared
* statement caching as well as usage of batch writing.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT): binding will be used
* <li>"false": values will be written literally into the generated SQL
* </ul>
public static final String JDBC_BIND_PARAMETERS = "eclipselink.jdbc.bind-parameters";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.exclusive-connection.mode"</code> property
* specifies when reads are performed through the write connection. You can
* set this property while creating either an EntityManagerFactory (either
* in the map passed to the createEntityManagerFactory method, or in the
* persistence.xml file), or an EntityManager (in the map passed to the
* createEntityManager method). Note that the latter overrides the former.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"Transactional" (DEFAULT):
* {@link ExclusiveConnectionMode#Transactional}
* <li>"Isolated" - {@link ExclusiveConnectionMode#Isolated}
* <li>"Always" - {@link ExclusiveConnectionMode#Always}
* </ul>
* @see ExclusiveConnectionMode
public static final String EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_MODE = "eclipselink.jdbc.exclusive-connection.mode";
* The <code>""</code> property
* specifies when write connection is acquired lazily.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"false"
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* </ul>
public static final String EXCLUSIVE_CONNECTION_IS_LAZY = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.cache-statements.size"</code> property
* specifies the number of statements held when using internal statement
* caching. The value must be a string value containing a positive integer
* or zero.
* <p>
* Default: "50".
public static final String CACHE_STATEMENTS_SIZE = "eclipselink.jdbc.cache-statements.size";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.cache-statements"</code> property specifies
* whether JDBC statements should be cached. This is recommended when using
* EclipseLink's internal connection pooling.
* <p>
* Valid values:
* <ul>
* <li>true - enable internal statement caching.
* <li>false - disable internal statement caching. (DEFAULT)
* </ul>
* <p>
* Example: persistence.xml file <code>
* <property name="eclipselink.jdbc.cache-statements" value="false"/>
* </code> Example: property Map <code>
* propertiesMap.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.CACHE_STATEMENTS, "false");
* </code>
public static final String CACHE_STATEMENTS = "eclipselink.jdbc.cache-statements";
// Bean Validation properties
* The <code>"javax.persistence.validation.factory"</code> property
* specifies an instance of <a href =
*>javax.validation.ValidatorFactory</a> used by
* EclipseLink to perform Automatic Validation upon Lifecycle Events. If the
* property is not specified, and if Bean Validation API is visible to
* Eclipselink, it will try to instantiate an instance of
* <code>javax.validation.ValidationFactory</code> by calling
* <code>Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory()</code>
public static final String VALIDATOR_FACTORY = "javax.persistence.validation.factory";
* The <code>"javax.persistence.validation.mode"</code> property specifies
* whether the automatic lifecycle event validation is in effect.
* <p>
* Valid values for this property are "AUTO", "CALLBACK" or "NONE".
public static final String VALIDATION_MODE = "javax.persistence.validation.mode";
* The <code>""</code>
* property specifies the name of the validator groups to execute for
* preUpdate event. The value should be a string with fully qualified
* classnames separated by a comma (','). If this value is not specified in
* both persistence.xml or using this property, the default Bean Validation
* group (the group Default) will be validated
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_PERSIST = "";
* The <code>""</code> property
* specifies the name of the validator groups to execute for preUpdate
* event. The value should be a string with fully qualified classnames
* separated by a comma (','). If this value is not specified in both
* persistence.xml or using this property, the default Bean Validation group
* (the group Default) will be validated
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_UPDATE = "";
* The <code>""</code> property
* specifies the name of the validator groups to execute for preRemove
* event. The value should be a string with fully qualified classnames
* separated by a comma (','). If this value is not specified in both
* persistence.xml or using this property, no validation will occur on
* remove.
public static final String VALIDATION_GROUP_PRE_REMOVE = "";
// Caching Properties
* Default Suffix could be appended to some prefixes to form a property name
* setting the default for the persistence unit.
* @see #CACHE_SIZE_
* @see #CACHE_TYPE_
public static final String DEFAULT = "default";
* Property prefix <code>"eclipselink.cache.size.</code> used to specify the cache size for a specific
* entity type. The prefix must be followed by a valid entity type name.
* <p>
* Property names formed out of these prefixes by appending either entity
* name, or class name (indicating that the property values applies only to
* a particular entity) or DEFAULT suffix (indicating that the property
* value applies to all entities). For most cache types, the size is only
* the initial size, not a fixed or maximum size. For CacheType.SoftCache
* and CacheType.HardCache the size is the sub-cache size. The default cache
* size is 100.
public static final String CACHE_SIZE_ = "eclipselink.cache.size.";
* All valid values for CACHE_TYPE_ properties are declared in CacheType
* class. The default cache type is SoftWeak. This sets the type of cache,
* if you do not wish to cache entities at all, then set CACHE_SHARED_.
* @see CacheType
public static final String CACHE_TYPE_ = "eclipselink.cache.type.";
* Indicates whether entity's cache should be shared (non-isolated). Valid
* values are case-insensitive "false" and "true"; "true" is default. If you
* do not wish to cache your entities, set this to "false".
public static final String CACHE_SHARED_ = "eclipselink.cache.shared.";
* Default caching properties - apply to all entities. May be overridden by
* individual entity property with the same prefix. For most cache types,
* the size is only the initial size, not a fixed or maximum size. For
* CacheType.SoftCache and CacheType.HardCache the size is the sub-cache
* size. The default cache size is 100.
public static final String CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT = CACHE_SIZE_ + DEFAULT;
* Default caching properties - apply to all entities. May be overridden by
* individual entity property with the same prefix. The default cache type
* is SoftWeak. This sets the type of cache, if you do not wish to cache
* entities at all, then set CACHE_SHARED_DEFAULT.
public static final String CACHE_TYPE_DEFAULT = CACHE_TYPE_ + DEFAULT;
* NOTE: The Canonical Model properties should be kept in sync with those
* in org.eclipse.persistence.internal.jpa.modelgen.CanonicalModelProperties.
* This optional property specifies the prefix that will be added to the
* start of the class name of any canonical model class generated.
* By default the prefix is not used.
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_PREFIX = "eclipselink.canonicalmodel.prefix";
public static String CANONICAL_MODEL_PREFIX_DEFAULT = "";
* This optional property specifies the suffix that will be added to the
* end of the class name of any canonical model class generated. The suffix
* defaults to "_" unless a prefix is specified. If this property is
* specified, the value must be a non-empty string that contains valid
* characters for use in a Java class name.
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_SUFFIX = "eclipselink.canonicalmodel.suffix";
public static String CANONICAL_MODEL_SUFFIX_DEFAULT = "_";
* This optional property specifies a sub-package name that can be used to
* have the canonical model generator generate its classes in a sub-package
* of the package where the corresponding entity class is located. By
* default the canonical model classes are generated into the same package
* as the entity classes.
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_SUB_PACKAGE = "eclipselink.canonicalmodel.subpackage";
* This optional property can be used a performance enhancement between
* compile rounds. It is used to avoid reloading XML metadata on each
* compile which may only contain a single class etc. The default value
* is true and should be left as such for the initial generation to capture
* the XML metadata. Afterwards users may choose to set this flag if no
* changes to XML are expected thereafter.
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_LOAD_XML = "eclipselink.canonicalmodel.load_xml";
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_LOAD_XML_DEFAULT = "true";
* This optional property can be used a performance enhancement between
* compile rounds within an IDE. It is used to avoid using a static metadata
* factory between 'cache' metadata from incremental builds. Turning this
* off in some use cases (IDE) could result in a loss of functionality.
* The default value is true and should be left as such for full feature
* support.
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_USE_STATIC_FACTORY = "eclipselink.canonicalmodel.use_static_factory";
public static final String CANONICAL_MODEL_USE_STATIC_FACTORY_DEFAULT = "true";
* Default caching properties - apply to all entities. May be overridden by
* individual entity property with the same prefix. If you do not wish to
* cache your entities, set this to "false".
public static final String CACHE_SHARED_DEFAULT = CACHE_SHARED_ + DEFAULT;
* Property prefix <code>"eclipselink.cache.query-results</code> used to
* configure the default option for query results caching.
* <p>
* The query results cache is separate from the object cache.
* It caches the results of named query execution.
* The query results cache is not enabled by default, and
* can be enabled per query.
* This option allows it to be enabled for all named queries.
* Valid values are "true" or "false" (default).
public static final String QUERY_CACHE = "eclipselink.cache.query-results";
* Allows integration with a database event notification service.
* This allows the EclipseLink cache to be invalidated by database change events.
* This is used to support Oracle QCN/DCN (Database Change event Notification),
* but could also be used by triggers or other services, or other types of events.
* Must be set to the name of a class that implements DatabaseEventListener,
* such as the OracleChangeNotificationListener (
* The values of "DCN" and "QCN" may also be used for Oracle.
* @see DatabaseEventListener
* @see
public static final String DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER = "eclipselink.cache.database-event-listener";
// Customizations properties
* The type of logger. By default DefaultSessionLog is used. Valid values
* are the logger class name which implements
* org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog or one of values defined in
* LoggerType.
* @see LoggerType
public static final String LOGGING_LOGGER = "eclipselink.logging.logger";
* Property <code>"eclipselink.logging.level</code> allows the default logging levels to be specified.
* <p>
* <b>Java example:</b> <code>
* props.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.LOGGING_LEVEL, SessionLog.FINE_LABEL);</br>
* <p>
* <b>XML example:</b>
* <code>
* <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE" />;</br>
* </code>
* <p>
* <b>Logging Levels:</b>
* @see SessionLog#OFF_LABEL = "OFF"
* @see SessionLog#SEVERE_LABEL = "SEVERE"
* @see SessionLog#WARNING_LABEL = "WARNING"
* @see SessionLog#CONFIG_LABEL = "CONFIG"
* @see SessionLog#INFO_LABEL = "INFO" (DEFAULT)
* @see SessionLog#FINE_LABEL = "FINE"
* @see SessionLog#FINER_LABEL = "FINER"
* @see SessionLog#FINEST_LABEL = "FINEST"
* @see SessionLog#ALL_LABEL = "ALL"
* @see #CATEGORY_LOGGING_LEVEL_ for category specific level configuration
public static final String LOGGING_LEVEL = "eclipselink.logging.level";
* Property prefix <code>"eclipselink.logging.level.</code> allows the category specific logging levels to be
* specified.
* <p>
* <b>Java example:</b> <code>
* props.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.CATEGORY_LOGGING_LEVEL_ + SessionLog.EJB_OR_METADATA, SessionLog.WARNING_LABEL);</br>
* <p>
* <b>XML example:</b>
* <code>
* <property name="eclipselink.logging.level.ejb_or_metadata" value="WARNING" />;</br>
* </code> specific Valid values are names of levels defined in
* java.util.logging.Level, default value is INFO.
* <p>
* <b>Categories:</b>
* @see SessionLog#SQL
* @see SessionLog#TRANSACTION
* @see SessionLog#EVENT
* @see SessionLog#CONNECTION
* @see SessionLog#QUERY
* @see SessionLog#CACHE
* @see SessionLog#PROPAGATION
* @see SessionLog#SEQUENCING
* @see SessionLog#METADATA
* @see SessionLog#METAMODEL
* @see SessionLog#WEAVER
* @see SessionLog#PROPERTIES
* @see SessionLog#SERVER
public static final String CATEGORY_LOGGING_LEVEL_ = LOGGING_LEVEL + ".";
* By default sql bind paramters are displayed in exceptions and logs
* when the log level is FINE or greater. To override this behavior you
* may set this property to specify that the data should or should not be
* visible. Note: this property applies only to bind parameters. When not
* using binding, the parameters are always displayed.
public static final String LOGGING_PARAMETERS = "eclipselink.logging.parameters";
* The <code>"eclipselink.logging.timestamp"</code> property configures if
* the current timestamp should be included in each log message.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (Default)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String LOGGING_TIMESTAMP = "eclipselink.logging.timestamp";
* The <code>"eclipselink.tenant-id"</code> property specifies the
* default context property used to populate multitenant entities.
* NOTE: This is merely a default multitenant property than can be used on
* its own or with other properties defined by the user. Users are not
* obligated to use this property and are free to specify their own.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.Multitenant
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.TenantDiscriminatorColumn
* Example: persistence.xml file <code>
* <property name="eclipselink.tenant-id" value="Oracle"/>
* </code> Example: property Map <code>
* propertiesMap.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.MULTITENANT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT, "Oracle");
* </code>
public static final String MULTITENANT_PROPERTY_DEFAULT = "eclipselink.tenant-id";
* Property <code>"eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-cache</code>
* specifies that multitenant entities will share the L2 cache. By default
* this property is false meaning multitenant entities will have an ISOLATED
* setting. When setting it to true a PROTECTED cache setting will be used.
* WARNING: Queries that use the cache may return data from other tenants
* when using the PROTECTED setting.
* @see eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-emf
* <p>
* <b>Java example:</b> <code>
* props.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.MULTITENANT_SHARED_CACHE, true);</br>
* <p>
* <b>XML example:</b>
* <code>
* <property name="eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-cache" value="true" />;</br>
* </code>
public static final String MULTITENANT_SHARED_CACHE = "eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-cache";
* Property <code>"eclipselink.multitenant.shared-emf</code> is used to
* indicate that multitenant entities will be used within a shared entity
* manager factory. This property defaults to true (and applies to
* multitenant entities only). When setting it to false, users are required
* to provide a unique session name.
* @see eclipselink.session-name
* @see eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-cache
* <p>
* <b>Java example:</b> <code>
* props.put(PersistenceUnitProperties.MULTITENANT_SHARED_EMF, true);</br>
* <p>
* <b>XML example:</b>
* <code>
* <property name="eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-emf" value="true" />;</br>
* </code>
public static final String MULTITENANT_SHARED_EMF = "eclipselink.multitenant.tenants-share-emf";
* Property <code>"eclipselink.logging.thread"</code> indicating if current
* thread should have its identity included in each log message.
* <p>
* By default ("true") the thread is logged at FINE or less level. This can
* be turned off ("false") or on ("true"). Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (Default)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String LOGGING_THREAD = "eclipselink.logging.thread";
* Property <code>"eclipselink.logging.session"</code> indicating if the
* session in use should have its identity included in each log message.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (Default)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String LOGGING_SESSION = "eclipselink.logging.session";
* Property: <code>"eclipselink.logging.connection"</code>
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (Default)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String LOGGING_CONNECTION = "eclipselink.logging.connection";
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (Default)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String LOGGING_EXCEPTIONS = "eclipselink.logging.exceptions";
* The <code>"eclipselink.logging.file"</code> property configures a file
* location where the log will be output to instead of standard out.
public static final String LOGGING_FILE = "eclipselink.logging.file";
// Platforms & Customization
* The <code>"eclipselink.ddl.table-creation-suffix"</code> property is used in
* conjunction with DDL generation options to append a string to the end of
* generated CREATE Table statements
* This value is applied to all Table creation statements through the DDL generation feature
* ie <property name="eclipselink.ddl.table-creation-suffix" value="engine=InnoDB"/>
public static final String TABLE_CREATION_SUFFIX = "eclipselink.ddl-generation.table-creation-suffix";
* The <code>""</code> property configures the
* database that will be used controlling custom operations and SQL
* generation for the specified database.
* <p>
* Values: Either a short string values as defined in {@link TargetDatabase}
* or a fully qualified class name for a class that extends
* {@link DatabasePlatform}. The default value is TargetDatabase.Auto which
* means EclipseLink will try to automatically determine the correct
* database platform type.
* </p>
* Note: <code>""</code> must be specified with a
* non-"Auto" class name or short name when <code>"eclipselink.validation-only"</code>
* is set to <code>"True"</code>.
* @see TargetDatabase
* @see DatabasePlatform
public static final String TARGET_DATABASE = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.exclude-eclipselink-orm"</code> property
* configures the exclusion of an EclipseLink ORM mapping file for a
* specific persistence unit. By default the first file found at the
* resource name: "META-INF/eclipselink-orm.xml" is processed and overrides
* configurations specified in annotations, and standard mapping files.
public static final String EXCLUDE_ECLIPSELINK_ORM_FILE = "eclipselink.exclude-eclipselink-orm";
* The <code>"eclipselink.session-name"</code> property configures a
* specific name to use when storing the singleton server session within the
* {@link SessionManager}.
* <p>
* By default a unique session name is generated by EclipseLink, but the
* user can provide a customary session name - and make sure it's unique. If
* a sessions-xml file is used this must be the name of the session in the
* sessions-xml file.
public static final String SESSION_NAME = "eclipselink.session-name";
// Weaving Properties
* The <code>"eclipselink.weaving"</code> property configures whether
* weaving should be performed. Weaving is requires for lazy OneToOne,
* ManyToOne, Basic, attribute change tracking, fetch groups, and other
* optimizations.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>Not Set - defaults to "true" in Java SE using javaagent and within
* EJB 3+ compliant containers
* <li>"true" - requires that weaving be done. Will throw an exception if
* entities are not woven
* <li>"false" - forces weaving not to be done
* <li>"static" - requires that the static weaving utility was used to weave
* the entities
* </ul>
* <i>Note: Any value specified that is not in the above list is treated as
* "static".</i>
public static final String WEAVING = "eclipselink.weaving";
* The <code>"eclipselink.weaving.internal"</code> property indicates
* whether internal optimizations should be enabled through weaving.
* Internal optimizations include caching of primary key and session,
* addition of a serialVersionUID if none exists, optimization of EclipseLink's
* cloning strategy and optimization of the way EclipseLink gets and sets values from
* fields mapped as Basic.
* <p>
* This property will only be considered if weaving is enabled.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
* @see #WEAVING
public static final String WEAVING_INTERNAL = "eclipselink.weaving.internal";
* The <code>"eclipselink.weaving.lazy"</code> property configures whether
* LAZY OneToOne and ManyToOne mappings should be enabled through weaving.
* <p>
* This property will only be considered if weaving is enabled.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
* @see #WEAVING
public static final String WEAVING_LAZY = "eclipselink.weaving.lazy";
* The <code>"eclipselink.weaving.eager"</code> property configures whether
* EAGER mapping's attributes should be woven to use indirection.
* <p>
* This property will only be considered if weaving is enabled.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true"
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT)
* </ul>
* @see #WEAVING
public static final String WEAVING_EAGER = "eclipselink.weaving.eager";
* The <code>"eclipselink.weaving.changetracking"</code> property configures
* whether AttributeLevelChangeTracking should be enabled through weaving.
* When this is enabled, only classes with all mappings allowing change
* tracking will have change tracking enabled. Mutable basic attributes will
* prevent this.
* <p>
* This property will only be considered if weaving is enabled.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
* @see #WEAVING
public static final String WEAVING_CHANGE_TRACKING = "eclipselink.weaving.changetracking";
* The <code>"eclipselink.weaving.fetchgroups"</code> property configures
* whether FetchGroup support should be enabled through weaving. When this
* is enabled, lazy direct mappings will be supported as well as descriptor
* and query level FetchGroups. FetchGroups allow partial objects to be read
* and written, access to un-fetched attributes will cause the object to be
* refreshed/fully-fetched.
* <p>
* This property will only be considered if weaving is enabled.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
* @see #WEAVING
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.FetchGroupManager
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup
public static final String WEAVING_FETCHGROUPS = "eclipselink.weaving.fetchgroups";
* The <code>""</code> property configures the
* {@link ServerPlatform} that will be used to enable integration with a
* host container.
* <p>
* Valid values are defined in TargetServer class - they correspond to
* server platforms currently supported. Also a custom server platform may
* be specified by supplying a full class name. Specifying a name of the
* class implementing ExternalTransactionController sets
* CustomServerPlatform with this controller. Default is TargetServer.None.
* @see TargetServer
public static final String TARGET_SERVER = "";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"</code>
* property specifies the action to be taken by the persistence provider with
* regard to the database artifacts.</p>
* <p>The values for this property are <code>"none"</code>, <code>"create"</code>,
* <code>"drop-and-create"</code>, <code>"drop"</code>.</p>
* <p>If the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"</code>
* property is not specified, no schema generation actions must be taken on
* the database.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_DATABASE_ACTION = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"</code>
* property specifies which scripts are to be generated by the persistence
* provider.</p>
* <p>The values for this property are <code>"none"</code>, <code>"create"</code>,
* <code>"drop-and-create"</code>, <code>"drop"</code>.</p>
* <p>Scripts will only be generated if script targets are specified. If
* this property is not specified, no scripts will be generated.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_SCRIPTS_ACTION = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source"</code>
* property specifies whether the creation of database artifacts is to occur
* on the basis of the object/relational mapping metadata, DDL script, or a
* combination of the two.</p>
* <p>The values for this property are <code>"metadata"</code>, <code>"script"</code>,
* <code>"metadata-then-script"</code>, <code>"script-then-metadata"</code>.</p>
* <p>If this property is not specified, and a script is specified by the
* <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source property"</code>,
* the script (only) will be used for schema generation; otherwise if this
* property is not specified, schema generation will occur on the basis of
* the object/relational mapping metadata (only).</p>
* <p>The <code>"metadata-then-script"</code> and <code>"script-then-metadata"</code>
* values specify that a combination of metadata and script is to be used
* and the order in which this use is to occur. If either of these values is
* specified and the resulting database actions are not disjoint, the
* results are undefined and schema generation may fail.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_CREATE_SOURCE = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source"</code> property
* specifies whether the dropping of database artifacts is to occur on the
* basis of the object/relational mapping metadata, DDL script, or a
* combination of the two.</p>
* <p>The values for this property are <code>"metadata"</code>, <code>"script"</code>,
* <code>"metadata-then-script"</code>, <code>"script-then-metadata"</code>.</p>
* <p>If this property is not specified, and a script is specified by the
* <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source"</code> property,
* the script (only) will be used for the dropping of database artifacts;
* otherwise if this property is not specified, the dropping of database
* artifacts will occur on the basis of the object/relational mapping
* metadata (only).</p>
* <p>The <code>"metadata-then-script"</code> and <code>"script-then-metadata"</code>
* values specify that a combination of metadata and script is to be used
* and the order in which this use is to occur. If either of these values is
* specified and the resulting database actions are not disjoint, the
* results are undefined and the dropping of database artifacts may fail.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_DROP_SOURCE = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source";
* <p>In Java EE environments, it is anticipated that the Java EE platform
* provider may wish to control the creation of database schemas rather than
* delegate this task to the persistence provider.</p>
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-database-schemas"</code>
* property specifies whether the persistence provider is to create the
* database schema(s) in addition to creating database objects such as
* tables, sequences, constraints, etc.</p>
* <p>The value of this boolean property should be set to true if the
* persistence provider is to create schemas in the database or to generate
* DDL that contains <code>"CREATE SCHEMA"</code> commands. If this property
* is not supplied, the provider should not attempt to create database
* schemas. This property may also be specified in Java SE environments.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_CREATE_DATABASE_SCHEMAS = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-database-schemas";
* <p>If scripts are to be generated, the target locations for the writing
* of these scripts must be specified.</p>
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target"</code>
* property specifies a java.IO.Writer configured for use by the persistence
* provider for output of the DDL script or a string specifying the file URL
* for the DDL script. This property should only be specified if scripts are
* to be generated.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_SCRIPTS_CREATE_TARGET = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.create-target";
* <p>If scripts are to be generated, the target locations for the writing
* of these scripts must be specified.</p>
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.drop-target"</code>
* property specifies a java.IO.Writer configured for use by the persistence
* provider for output of the DDL script or a string specifying the file URL
* for the DDL script. This property should only be specified if scripts are
* to be generated.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_SCRIPTS_DROP_TARGET = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.drop-target";
* <p>If scripts are to be generated by the persistence provider and a
* connection to the target database is not supplied, the
* <code>"javax.persistence.database-product-name"</code> property must be
* specified.</p>
* <p>The value of this property should be the value returned for the target
* database by the JDBC DatabaseMetaData method getDatabaseProductName.</p>
* <p>If sufficient database version information is not included in the
* result of this method, the <code>"javax.persistence.database-major-version"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.database-minor-version"</code> properties
* should be specified as needed. These should contain the values returned
* by the JDBC getDatabaseMajorVersion and getDatabaseMinor-Version methods
* respectively.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_DATABASE_PRODUCT_NAME = "javax.persistence.database-product-name";
* <p>If sufficient database version information is not included from the
* JDBC DatabaseMetaData method getDatabaseProductName, the
* <code>"javax.persistence.database-major-version"</code> property should
* be specified as needed. This should contain the value returned by the
* JDBC getDatabaseMajor-Version method.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_DATABASE_MAJOR_VERSION = "javax.persistence.database-major-version";
* <p>If sufficient database version information is not included from the
* JDBC DatabaseMetaData method getDatabaseProductName, the
* <code>"javax.persistence.database-minor-version"</code> property should
* be specified as needed. This should contain the value returned by the
* JDBC getDatabaseMinor-Version method.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_DATABASE_MINOR_VERSION = "javax.persistence.database-minor-version";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source"</code>
* is used for script execution.</p>
* <p>In Java EE container environments, it is generally expected that the
* container will be responsible for executing DDL scripts, although the
* container is permitted to delegate this task to the persistence provider.</p>
* <p>If DDL scripts are to be used in Java SE environments or if the Java
* EE container delegates the execution of scripts to the persistence
* provider, this property must be specified.</p>
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source"</code>
* property specifies a java.IO.Reader configured for reading of the DDL
* script or a string designating a file URL for the DDL script.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_CREATE_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-script-source";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source"</code>
* is used for script execution.</p>
* <p>In Java EE container environments, it is generally expected that the
* container will be responsible for executing DDL scripts, although the
* container is permitted to delegate this task to the persistence provider.</p>
* <p>If DDL scripts are to be used in Java SE environments or if the Java
* EE container delegates the execution of scripts to the persistence
* provider, this property must be specified.</p>
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source"</code>
* property specifies a java.IO.Reader configured for reading of the DDL
* script or a string designating a file URL for the DDL script.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_DROP_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-script-source";
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.connection"</code> property
* specifies the JDBC connection to be used for schema generation. This is
* intended for use in Java EE environments, where the platform provider may
* want to control the database privileges that are available to the
* persistence provider.</p>
* <p>This connection is provided by the container, and should be closed by
* the container when the schema generation request or entity manager
* factory creation completes.</p>
* <p>The connection provided must have credentials sufficient for the
* persistence provider to carry out the requested actions.</p>
* <p>If this property is not specified, the persistence provider should use
* the DataSource that has otherwise been provided.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_CONNECTION = "javax.persistence.schema-generation.connection";
* <p>In Java EE container environments, it is generally expected that the
* container will be responsible for executing data load scripts, although
* the container is permitted to delegate this task to the persistence
* provider. If a load script is to be used in Java SE environments or if
* the Java EE container delegates the execution of the load script to the
* persistence provider, this property must be specified.</p>
* <p>The <code>"javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source"</code> property
* specifies a java.IO.Reader configured for reading of the SQL load script
* for database initialization or a string designating a file URL for the
* script.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_SQL_LOAD_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "javax.persistence.sql-load-script-source";
* The parameter value <code>"create"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be created.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_CREATE_ACTION = "create";
* The parameter value <code>"drop-and-create"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be dropped, then created.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_DROP_AND_CREATE_ACTION = "drop-and-create";
* The parameter value <code>"drop"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be dropped.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_DROP_ACTION = "drop";
* The parameter value <code>"none"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.scripts.action"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should not be created or dropped.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_NONE_ACTION = "none";
* The parameter value <code>"metadata"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL generation source will come from the metadata only.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_METADATA_SOURCE = "metadata";
* The parameter value <code>"script"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL generation source will come from scripts only.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "script";
* The parameter value <code>"metadata-then-script"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL generation source will come from the metadata first
* followed with the scripts.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_METADATA_THEN_SCRIPT_SOURCE = "metadata-then-script";
* The parameter value <code>"script-then-metadata"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.create-source"</code>
* and <code>"javax.persistence.schema-generation.drop-source"</code> properties.</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL generation source will come from the scripts first
* followed with the metadata.</p>
public static final String SCHEMA_GENERATION_SCRIPT_THEN_METADATA_SOURCE = "script-then-metadata";
* The <code>"eclipselink.sequencing.default-sequence-to-table"</code> property
* determines the default behavior when a GeneratedValue of type SEQUENCE is used
* on a database platform that does not support SEQUENCE generation.
* By default IDENTITY generation is used if supported.
* If this property is set to true, then TABLE sequencing will be used instead.
public static final String SEQUENCING_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT = "eclipselink.sequencing.default-sequence-to-table";
* The <code>"eclipselink.session.customizer"</code> property configures a
* {@link SessionCustomizer} used to alter the runtime configuration through
* API.
* <p>
* The value is a full name for a class which implements SessionCustomizer.
* Session customizer called after all other properties have been processed.
* @see SessionCustomizer
public static final String SESSION_CUSTOMIZER = "eclipselink.session.customizer";
// Under review public static final String RELATIONSHIPS_FETCH_DEFAULT =
// "eclipselink.relationships-fetch-default";
* The <code>"eclipselink.descriptor.customizer."</code> is a prefix for a
* property used to configure a {@link DescriptorCustomizer}. Customization
* Prefix Property names formed out of this prefix by appending either
* entity name, or class name (indicating that the property values applies
* only to a particular entity) Allows descriptor customization.
* <p>
* The value is a full name for a class which implements
* DescriptorCustomizer. Only session customizer is called after processing
* these properties.
* @see DescriptorCustomizer
public static final String DESCRIPTOR_CUSTOMIZER_ = "eclipselink.descriptor.customizer.";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.uppercase-columns"</code> property configures
* native SQL queries are used, the JDBC meta-data may return column names
* in lower case on some platforms. If the column names are upper-case in
* the mappings (default) then they will not match. This setting allows for
* forcing the column names from the meta-data to upper-case.
* <p>
* This setting has been replaced by UPPERCASE_COLUMN_NAMES, which should be used instead,
* as it ensure both sides use upper case for comparisons.
public static final String NATIVE_QUERY_UPPERCASE_COLUMNS = "eclipselink.jdbc.uppercase-columns";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jpa.uppercase-column-names"</code> property configures JPA processing
* to uppercase all column name definitions. A value of true also sets the
* <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.uppercase-columns"</code> property to true, so that JDBC meta-data
* returned from the database is also returned in uppercase, ensuring fields are the same case. This
* gets around situations where user defined fields do not match the case returned by the database for
* native queries, simulating case insensitivity.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String UPPERCASE_COLUMN_NAMES = "eclipselink.jpa.uppercase-column-names";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing"</code> property configures the
* use of batch writing to optimize transactions with multiple writes.
* <p>Batch writing allows multiple heterogeneous dynamic SQL statements to be sent to the database as a single
* execution, or multiple homogeneous parameterized SQL statements to be executed as a single batch execution.
* <p>Note that not all JDBC drivers, or databases support batch writing.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"JDBC": use JDBC batch writing.
* <li>"Buffered": do not use either JDBC batch writing nor native platform
* batch writing.
* <li>"Oracle-JDBC": use Oracle's native batch writing. This requires the
* use of an Oracle JDBC driver.
* <li>&ltcustom-class&gt - A custom class that extends the BatchWritingMechansim class.
* <li>"None" (DEFAULT): do not use batch writing (turn it off).
* </ul>
* @see BatchWriting
* @see BatchWritingMechanism
public static final String BATCH_WRITING = "eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing.size"</code> property
* configures the batch size used for batch writing. For parameterized batch
* writing this is the number of statements to batch, default 100. For
* dynamic batch writing, this is the size of the batched SQL buffer,
* default 32k.
public static final String BATCH_WRITING_SIZE = "eclipselink.jdbc.batch-writing.size";
* The <code>"javax.persistence.bean.manager"</code> property is used to set
* CDI BeanManager when available
public static final String CDI_BEANMANAGER = "javax.persistence.bean.manager";
* The <code>"eclipselink.persistencexml"</code> property specifies the full
* resource name to look for the persistence XML files in. If not specified
* the default value defined by {@link #ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_XML_DEFAULT}
* will be used.
* <p>
* IMPORTANT: For now this property is used for the canonical model
* generator but it can later be used as a system property for customizing
* weaving and application bootstrap usage.
* <p>
* This property is only used by EclipseLink when it is locating the
* configuration file. When used within an EJB/Spring container in container
* managed mode the locating and reading of this file is done by the
* container and will not use this configuration.
public static final String ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_XML = "eclipselink.persistencexml";
* The default resource location used to locate the persistence.xml
* configuration files. Default: "META-INF/persistence.xml"
public static final String ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_XML_DEFAULT = "META-INF/persistence.xml";
* This <code>"eclipselink.persistenceunits"</code> property specifies the
* set of persistence unit names that will be processed when generating the
* canonical model. By default all persistence units available in all
* persistence XML files will be used. The value of this property is a comma
* separated list. When specifying multiple persistence units it is not
* possible to have persistence units with a comma in their name.
* <p>
* Note: In the future this property can also be used to limit the
* persistence units that will be processed by the static or dynamic
* weaving.
public static final String ECLIPSELINK_PERSISTENCE_UNITS = "eclipselink.persistenceunits";
* The <code>"eclipselink.exception-handler"</code> property allows an
* {@link ExceptionHandler} to be specified. An ExceptionHandler handles
* exceptions when they are thrown so that an application might address
* address expected failures and continue.
* @see ExceptionHandler
public static final String EXCEPTION_HANDLER_CLASS = "eclipselink.exception-handler";
* The <code>"eclipselink.session.include.descriptor.queries"</code>
* property configures whether to enable the copying of all descriptor named
* queries to the session to be usable from the entity manager.
* <p>
* Default: "false".
public static final String INCLUDE_DESCRIPTOR_QUERIES = "eclipselink.session.include.descriptor.queries";
* The <code>"eclipselink.session-event-listener"</code> property configures
* a session event listener class.
* @see SessionEventListener
* @see #SESSION_CUSTOMIZER as a means to configure multiple listeners using
public static final String SESSION_EVENT_LISTENER_CLASS = "eclipselink.session-event-listener";
* The <code>"eclipselink.sessions-xml"</code> property configures the use
* of the specified native sessions.xml configuration file. When specified
* this file will load all of the session configuration and mapping
* information from the native XML. No JPA annotations or XML will be used.
public static final String SESSIONS_XML = "eclipselink.sessions-xml";
* The <code>"eclipselink.project-cache"</code>property configures the type of
* ProjectCacheAccessor implementation to use to retrieve and store projects
* representing the metadata for the project
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"java-serialization": Use {@link FileBasedProjectCache}
* <li>Custom ProjectCacheAccessor - Specify a custom class name which
* implements {@link ProjectCacheAccessor}
* </ul>
* @see ProjectCacheAccessor
public static final String PROJECT_CACHE = "eclipselink.project-cache";
* The property <code>""</code>
* <p>Specifies the name of the file to read/write a serialized project representing the application's
* metadata</p>*
* <p>Specifies the name of the metadata repository xml file to read from using classloader to find the resource</p>
* <p>This property should be used in conjunction with
* <code>"eclipselink.project-cache"</code> when a project is serialized to a file for caching.</p>
public static final String PROJECT_CACHE_FILE = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.temporal.mutable"</code> property configures the
* default for detecting changes to temporal field (Date, Calendar). Default
* "false" (changes to date object itself are not detected). By default it
* is assumed that temporal fields are replaced, and the temporal object not
* changed directly. Enabling mutable temporal fields will cause weaving of
* attribute change tracking to be disabled.
public static final String TEMPORAL_MUTABLE = "eclipselink.temporal.mutable";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.allow-native-sql-queries"</code> property
* specifies whether any user defined SQL is allowed within a persistence
* unit. This is of particular importance within a multitenant to minimize
* the potential impact of revealing multi tenant information. By default
* any persistence unit containing at least one multitenant entity will
* cause this flag to be set to 'false'.
* <p>
* Allowed Values (String):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" - (DEFAULT) allow native SQL
* <li>"false" - do not allow native SQL.
* </ul>
* @see Project#setAllowNativeSQLQueries(boolean)
public static final String ALLOW_NATIVE_SQL_QUERIES = "eclipselink.jdbc.allow-native-sql-queries";
* The <code>"eclipselink.allow-zero-id"</code> property configures if zero
* is considered a valid id on a new entity. If the id is not considered
* valid and sequencing is enabled for the entity a new value will be
* assigned when it is persisted to the database (INSERT)By default an id
* value of 0 is assumed to be null/unassigned. This allows 0 to be a valid
* id value. This can also be set per class using the @PrimaryKey annotation
* and IdValidation.
* <p>
* Caution: This property configures the static singleton on
* {@link Helper#isZeroValidPrimaryKey} which will be shared by all
* concurrent uses of EclipseLink.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.PrimaryKey
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.IdValidation
* @deprecated replaced by ID_VALIDATION property with value "NULL".
public static final String ALLOW_ZERO_ID = "eclipselink.allow-zero-id";
* The <code>""</code> property defines
* which primary key components values are considered invalid.
* These values will be also overridden by sequencing.
* Note that Identity always overrides any existing id value
* and so does any sequence with shouldAlwaysOverrideExistingValue flag set to true.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.PrimaryKey
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.IdValidation
public static final String ID_VALIDATION = "";
* Defines EntityManager cache behavior after a call to flush method
* followed by a call to clear method. This property could be specified
* while creating either EntityManagerFactory (either in the map passed to
* createEntityManagerFactory method or in persistence.xml) or EntityManager
* (in the map passed to createEntityManager method); the latter overrides
* the former.
* @see FlushClearCache
public static final String FLUSH_CLEAR_CACHE = "eclipselink.flush-clear.cache";
* Specify the classloader to use to create an EntityManagerFactory in the
* property map passed to Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory.
public static final String CLASSLOADER = "eclipselink.classloader";
* Configures if the first exception that occurs during deployment should be
* thrown, or if all exceptions should be caught and summary thrown at end
* of deployment attempt. "true" by default.
public static final String THROW_EXCEPTIONS = "eclipselink.orm.throw.exceptions";
* This property set on the session is used to override orm.xml schema
* validation from its default of false.
public static final String ORM_SCHEMA_VALIDATION = "eclipselink.orm.validate.schema";
* The <code>"eclipselink.deploy-on-startup"</code> property controls whether
* EclipseLink creates the persistence unit when the application starts up, or
* when the persistence unit is first actually accessed by the application.
* Setting this to true causes the persistence unit to be created when the
* EntityManagerFactory is created, usually during deployment to a Java EE
* 7 container or servlet container. Enabling this option may increase
* startup time of the container/server, but will prevent the first request
* to the application from pausing while the persistence unit is deployed.
* When this property is set to false the persistence unit is not
* initialized until the first EntityManager is created or until metadata
* is requested from the EntityManagerFactory.
* When set to False, there is a known issue with Fields of static metamodel
* classes ("Entity_" classes) being null until the persistence unit is
* initialized. This behaviour won't affect applications unless they use
* the static metamodel feature. (See bug 383199)
* <p>
* Values: A boolean value of "True" or (default "False").
public static final String DEPLOY_ON_STARTUP = "eclipselink.deploy-on-startup";
* The <code>"eclipselink.validation-only"</code> property validates deployment
* which includes initializing descriptors but does not connect (no login to the database).
* <p>
* Values: A boolean value of "True" or (default "False").
* </p>
* Note: <code>""</code> must be specified with a
* non-"Auto" class name or short name when <code>"eclipselink.validation-only"</code>
* is set to <code>"True"</code>.
* @see TargetDatabase
// See 324213
public static final String VALIDATION_ONLY_PROPERTY = "eclipselink.validation-only";
* Allows the database schema to be generated on deployment. Valid values,
* "drop-and-create-tables", "create-or-extend-tables", "none"). Default is NONE.
public static final String DDL_GENERATION = "eclipselink.ddl-generation";
* The parameter value <code>"create-tables"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation"</code> property.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be created.</p>
public static final String CREATE_ONLY = "create-tables";
* The parameter value <code>"drop-tables"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation"</code> property.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be dropped only.</p>
public static final String DROP_ONLY = "drop-tables";
* The parameter value <code>"drop-and-create-tables"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation"</code> property.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be dropped, then created.</p>
public static final String DROP_AND_CREATE = "drop-and-create-tables";
* The parameter value <code>"create-or-extend-tables"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation"</code> property.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should be created and if existing, missing columns will be added.</p>
* <p>This can only be used with eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode with value of "database".</p>
public static final String CREATE_OR_EXTEND = "create-or-extend-tables";
* The parameter value <code>"none"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation"</code> property,
* and is the default parameter value.</p>
* <p>Specifies that database tables should not be created or dropped.</p>
public static final String NONE = "none";
* The <code>"eclipselink.metadata-source"</code>property configures the type of
* MetadataSource implementation to use to read Metadata
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"XML": Use {@link XMLMetadataSource}
* <li>Custom MetadataSource - Specify a custom class name which
* implements {@link MetadataSource}
* </ul>
* @see MetadataSource
public static final String METADATA_SOURCE = "eclipselink.metadata-source";
* the <code>"eclipselink.metadata-source.send-refresh-command"</code> property
* works with cache coordination for a clustered environment to. If cache coordination
* is configured and the session is deployed on startup, this property controls the sending
* of RCM refresh metadata commands to the cluster. These commands will cause the remote
* instances to refresh their metadata.
* Defaults to true
public static final String METADATA_SOURCE_RCM_COMMAND = "eclipselink.metadata-source.send-refresh-command";
* The property <code>"eclipselink.metadata-source.xml.file"</code>
* <p>Specifies the name of the metadata repository xml file to read from using classloader to find the resource</p>
* <p>This property should be used in conjunction with the
* <code>"eclipselink.metadata-repository"</code> when an XML repository is being used.</p>
public static final String METADATA_SOURCE_XML_FILE = "eclipselink.metadata-source.xml.file";
* The property <code>"eclipselink.metadata-source.xml.URL"</code>
* <p>Specifies the name of the metadata repository xml URL to read from.</p>
* <p>This property should be used in conjunction with the
* <code>"eclipselink.metadata-repository"</code> when an XML repository is being used.</p>
public static final String METADATA_SOURCE_XML_URL = "eclipselink.metadata-source.xml.url";
* The property <code>""</code>
* <p>Specifies the name of the metadata repository properties file to read from using classloader to find the resource</p>
public static final String METADATA_SOURCE_PROPERTIES_FILE = "";
* The property <code>"eclipselink.application-location"</code>
* <p>Specifies the file system directory location where
* DDL files are written (output) to.</p>
* <p>This property should be used in conjunction with the
* <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode"</code> property, with
* a setting of <code>"sql-script"</code> (or <code>"both"</code>) for
* DDL file(s) to be written.</p>
public static final String APP_LOCATION = "eclipselink.application-location";
* The property <code>"eclipselink.create-ddl-jdbc-file-name"</code>
* <p>Specifies the name of the DDL file which is used to create
* database tables.</p>
* <p>This property should be used in conjunction with the
* <code>"eclipselink.application-location"</code> property to specify a
* location on the file system for DDL file(s) to be written.</p>
public static final String CREATE_JDBC_DDL_FILE = "eclipselink.create-ddl-jdbc-file-name";
* The property <code>"eclipselink.drop-ddl-jdbc-file-name"</code>
* <p>Specifies the name of the DDL file which is used to drop
* database tables.</p>
* <p>This property should be used in conjunction with the
* <code>"eclipselink.application-location"</code> property to specify a
* location on the file system for DDL file(s) to be written.</p>
public static final String DROP_JDBC_DDL_FILE = "eclipselink.drop-ddl-jdbc-file-name";
* The default location in the file system to output DDL files.
* Defaults to: the working directory.
public static final String DEFAULT_APP_LOCATION = "." + File.separator;
* The default name of the DDL file which is used to create database tables.
* Defaults to: <code>createDDL.jdbc</code>
public static final String DEFAULT_CREATE_JDBC_FILE_NAME = "createDDL.jdbc";
* The default name of the DDL file which is used to drop database tables.
* Defaults to: <code>dropDDL.jdbc</code>
public static final String DEFAULT_DROP_JDBC_FILE_NAME = "dropDDL.jdbc";
* The system property <code>INTERACT_WITH_DB</code>
* <p>Specified to enable or disable the execution of DDL (configured with
* the <code>eclipselink.ddl-generation<code> property) against a database.</p>
* <p>e.g. a command line setting of <code>-DINTERACT_WITH_DB=false</code>
* will not output DDL to the database.</p>
* <p>Valid values:</p>
* <code>true</code> - output DDL to the database<br>
* <code>false</code> - do not output DDL to the database
public static final String JAVASE_DB_INTERACTION = "INTERACT_WITH_DB";
* Configures if database schema should be generated on the database, to a
* file, or both. Valid values, DDL_SQL_SCRIPT_GENERATION,
* "both") DDL_GENERATION must also be set, for this to have an effect.
public static final String DDL_GENERATION_MODE = "eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode";
* The <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation.index-foreign-keys"</code> property.
* Configures if an index should be automatically generated for foreign key constraints.
* It is normally recommended to have an index for a foreign key.
* By default indexes are not generated, most database also do not auto generate indexes, although some do.
* Values: "true" or "false" (default).
public static final String DDL_GENERATION_INDEX_FOREIGN_KEYS = "eclipselink.ddl-generation.index-foreign-keys";
* The parameter value <code>"sql-script"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode"</code> property.</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL will be written to file(s).</p>
public static final String DDL_SQL_SCRIPT_GENERATION = "sql-script";
* The parameter value <code>"database"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode"</code> property,
* and is the default parameter value</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL will be written to the database.</p>
public static final String DDL_DATABASE_GENERATION = "database";
* The parameter value <code>"both"</code>
* <p>For use with the <code>"eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode"</code> property.</p>
* <p>Specifies that DDL will be written to file(s) and the database.</p>
public static final String DDL_BOTH_GENERATION = "both";
* The <code>eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode</code> parameter is configured
* to the default value of <code>database</code>.
* The <code>"eclipselink.validate-existence"</code> property configures if
* the existence of an object should be verified on persist(), otherwise it
* will assume to be new if not in the persistence context. If checked and
* existing and not in the persistence context and error will be thrown.
* "false" by default.
public static final String VALIDATE_EXISTENCE = "eclipselink.validate-existence";
* Configures if updates should be ordered by primary key.
* This can be used to avoid possible database deadlocks from concurrent
* threads updating the same objects in a different order.
* If not set to true, the order of updates is not guaranteed.
* "true" by default.
public static final String ORDER_UPDATES = "eclipselink.order-updates";
* The <code>"eclipselink.profiler"</code>property configures the type of
* profiler used to capture runtime statistics.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"NoProfiler" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"PerformanceMonitor": Use {@link PerformanceMonitor}
* <li>"PerformanceProfiler": Use {@link PerformanceProfiler}
* <li>"QueryMonitor": Use {@link QueryMonitor}
* <li>"DMSProfiler": Use {@link DMSPerformanceProfiler}
* <li>Custom profiler - Specify a custom profiler class name which
* implements {@link SessionProfiler}
* </ul>
* @see ProfilerType
public static final String PROFILER = "eclipselink.profiler";
* The <code>"eclipselink.tuning"</code>property configures the type of
* tuner to use to configure the persistence unit.
* A SessionTuner can be used to define a template for a persistence unit configuration.
* It allows a set of configuration values to be configured as a single tuning option.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"Standard" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"Safe": See {@link SafeModeTuner}
* <li>Custom tuner - Specify a full class name of an implementation of {@link SessionTuner}
* </ul>
* @see TunerType
public static final String TUNING = "eclipselink.tuning";
* The <code>""</code>property configures the JPA
* internal deployment metadata to be released after deployment.
* This conserves memory, as the metadata is no longer required, but make
* future deployments of any other application take longer, as the metadata must be re-allocated.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true"
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT)
* </ul>
public static final String FREE_METADATA = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.transaction.join-existing"</code> property Set to
* "true" this property forces persistence context to read through
* JTA-managed ("write") connection in case there is an active
* transaction.The property set in persistence.xml or passed to
* createEntityManagerFactory affects all EntityManagers created by the
* factory. Note that if the property set to "true" then objects read during
* transaction won't be placed into the shared cache unless they have been
* updated. Alternatively, to apply the property only to some
* EntityManagers pass it to createEntityManager method.
* <p>
* Values (caseinsensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT):
* <li>"true":
* </ul>
public static final String JOIN_EXISTING_TRANSACTION = "eclipselink.transaction.join-existing";
* The <code>"eclipselink.persistence-context.reference-mode"</code>
* property configures whether there should be hard or soft references used
* within the Persistence Context. Default is "HARD". With soft references
* entities no longer referenced by the application may be garbage collected
* freeing resources. Any changes that have not been flushed in these
* entities will be lost. The property set in persistence.xml or passed to
* createEntityManagerFactory affects all EntityManagers created by the
* factory. Alternatively, to apply the property only to some
* SessionManagers pass it to createEntityManager method.
* <p>
* Values:<ul>
* <li>"HARD" (DEFAULT) - {@link ReferenceMode#HARD
* <li>"WEAK" - {@link ReferenceMode#WEAK
* <li>"FORCE_WEAK" - {@link ReferenceMode#FORCE_WEAK
* </ul>
* @see ReferenceMode
public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_REFERENCE_MODE = "eclipselink.persistence-context.reference-mode";
* The <code>"javax.persistence.lock.timeout"</code> property configures the
* WAIT timeout used in pessimistic locking, if the database query exceeds
* the timeout the database will terminate the query and return an
* exception.
* <p>
* Valid values are Strings containing integers zero or greater.
* The <code>"javax.persistence.query.timeout"</code> property configures
* the default query timeout value.
* <p>
* Valid values are strings containing integers zero or greater.
public static final String QUERY_TIMEOUT = "javax.persistence.query.timeout";
* The <code>"eclipselink.persistence-context.close-on-commit"</code>
* property specifies that the EntityManager will be closed or not used
* after commit (not extended). In general this is normally always the case
* for a container managed EntityManager, and common for application
* managed. This can be used to avoid additional performance overhead of
* resuming the persistence context after a commit(). The property set in
* persistence.xml or passed to createEntityManagerFactory affects all
* EntityManagers created by the factory. Alternatively, to apply the
* property only to some EntityManagers pass it to createEntityManager
* method.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"true"
* </ul>
public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_CLOSE_ON_COMMIT = "eclipselink.persistence-context.close-on-commit";
* The <code>"eclipselink.persistence-context.persist-on-commit"</code>
* property specifies that the EntityManager will search all managed objects
* and persist any related non-managed new objects that are cascade persist.
* This can be used to avoid the cost of performing this search if persist
* is always used for new objects. The property set in persistence.xml or
* passed to createEntityManagerFactory affects all EntityManagers created
* by the factory. Alternatively, to apply the property only to some
* EntityManagers pass it to createEntityManager method.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_PERSIST_ON_COMMIT = "eclipselink.persistence-context.persist-on-commit";
* The
* <code>"eclipselink.persistence-context.commit-without-persist-rules"</code>
* property specifies that the EntityManager will search all managed objects
* and persist any related non-managed new objects that are found ignoring
* any absence of CascadeType.PERSIST settings. Also the Entity life-cycle
* Persist operation will not be cascaded to related entities. This setting
* replicates the traditional EclipseLink native functionality.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"false" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"true"
* </ul>
public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_COMMIT_WITHOUT_PERSIST_RULES = "eclipselink.persistence-context.commit-without-persist-rules";
* The <code>"eclipselink.persistence-context.flush-mode</code> property configures the EntityManager FlushMode to be set as a
* persistence property. This can be set to either "AUTO" or "COMMIT". By
* default the flush mode is AUTO, which requires an automatic flush before
* all query execution. This can be used to avoid any flushing until commit.
* The property set in persistence.xml or passed to
* createEntityManagerFactory affects all EntityManagers created by the
* factory. Alternatively, to apply the property only to some EntityManagers
* pass it to createEntityManager method.
* @see EntityManager#setFlushMode(javax.persistence.FlushModeType)
* @see FlushModeType
public static final String PERSISTENCE_CONTEXT_FLUSH_MODE = "eclipselink.persistence-context.flush-mode";
* The <code>""</code> property is used to
* specify proxy type that should be passed to
* OracleConnection.openProxySession method. Requires Oracle JDBC version
* or later. Requires Oracle9Platform or later as a database
* platform (TARGET_DATABASE property value should be TargetDatabase.Oracle9
* or later).
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_USER_NAME,
* <li>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_DISTINGUISHED_NAME,
* <li>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.PROXYTYPE_CERTIFICATE.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Property values corresponding to the specified type should be also
* provided:
* <ul>
* <li>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.PROXY_USER_NAME,
* <li>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.PROXY_DISTINGUISHED_NAME,
* <li>oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.PROXY_CERTIFICATE.
* <p>
* Typically these properties should be set into EntityManager (either
* through createEntityManager method or using proprietary setProperties
* method on EntityManagerImpl) - that causes EntityManager to use proxy
* connection for writing and reading inside transaction. If proxy-type and
* the corresponding proxy property set into EntityManagerFactory then all
* connections created by the factory will be proxy connections.
public static final String ORACLE_PROXY_TYPE = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.protocol"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. This needs to
* be set on every persistence unit/session in the cluster. Depending on the
* cache configuration for each descriptor, this will broadcast cache
* updates or inserts to the cluster to update or invalidate each session's
* cache.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"jms"
* <li>"jms-publishing"
* <li>"rmi"
* <li>"rmi-iiop"
* <li>a <package.class> name of a subclass implementation of the TransportManager abstract class.
* </ul>
* by default the cache is not coordinated.
* @see CacheCoordinationProtocol
* @see Cache#coordinationType()
* @see RemoteCommandManager#setTransportManager(TransportManager)
public static final String COORDINATION_PROTOCOL = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.protocol";
* The <code>""</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only used for
* JMS coordination. Sets the URL for the JMS server hosting the topic.
* This is not required in the topic is distributed across the cluster (can be looked up in local JNDI).
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.jms.JMSTopicTransportManager#setTopicHostUrl(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_JMS_HOST = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.topic"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only used for
* JMS coordination. Sets the JMS topic name.
* The default topic JNDI name is "jms/EclipseLinkTopic".
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.broadcast.BroadcastTransportManager#setTopicName(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_JMS_TOPIC = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.topic";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.factory"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only used for
* JMS coordination. Sets the JMS topic connection factory name.
* The default topic connection factory JNDI name is "jms/EclipseLinkTopicConnectionFactory".
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.broadcast.BroadcastTransportManager#setTopicConnectionFactoryName(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_JMS_FACTORY = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.factory";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.reuse-topic-publisher"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only used for
* JMS coordination. Sets the JSM transport manager to cache a TopicPubliser
* and reuse it for all cache coordination publishing. Default value if unset is false.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.jms.JMSPublishingTransportManager#setShouldReuseJMSTopicPublisher(boolean)
public static final String COORDINATION_JMS_REUSE_PUBLISHER = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.jms.reuse-topic-publisher";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.announcement-delay"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only
* used for RMI coordination. Sets the number of milliseconds to wait for
* announcements from other cluster members on startup.
* Default is 1000 milliseconds.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.DiscoveryManager#setAnnouncementDelay(int)
public static final String COORDINATION_RMI_ANNOUNCEMENT_DELAY = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.announcement-delay";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.multicast-group"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only
* used for RMI coordination. Sets the multicast socket group address. The
* multicast group is used to find other members of the cluster.
* The default address is
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.DiscoveryManager#setMulticastGroupAddress(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_RMI_MULTICAST_GROUP = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.multicast-group";
* The
* <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.multicast-group.port"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only
* used for RMI coordination. Sets the multicast socket group port. The
* multicast group port is used to find other members of the cluster.
* The default port is 3121.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.DiscoveryManager#setMulticastPort(int)
public static final String COORDINATION_RMI_MULTICAST_GROUP_PORT = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.multicast-group.port";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.packet-time-to-live"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only
* used for RMI coordination. Sets the multicast socket packet time to live.
* The multicast group is used to find other members of the cluster. Set the
* number of hops the data packets of the session announcement will take
* before expiring. The default is 2, a hub and an interface card to prevent
* the data packets from leaving the local network.
* Note that if sessions are hosted on different LANs that are part of WAN,
* the announcement sending by one session may not reach other sessions. In
* this case, consult your network administrator for the right time-to-live
* value or test your network by increase the value until sessions receive
* announcement sent by others.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.DiscoveryManager#setPacketTimeToLive(int)
public static final String COORDINATION_RMI_PACKET_TIME_TO_LIVE = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.packet-time-to-live";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.url"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Only used for
* RMI coordination. Sets the URL of the host server. This is the URL that
* other cluster member should use to connect to this host.
* This may not be required in a clustered environment where JNDI is replicated.
* This can also be set as a System property or using a SessionCustomizer to avoid
* a separate persistence.xml per server.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.RemoteCommandManager#setUrl(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_RMI_URL = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.rmi.url";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.naming-service"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set the naming
* service to use, either "jndi" or "rmi".
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.TransportManager#setNamingServiceType(int)
public static final String COORDINATION_NAMING_SERVICE = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.naming-service";
* the <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.jndi.user"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set the JNDI
* naming service user name.
* This is not normally require if connecting to the local server.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.TransportManager#setUserName(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_JNDI_USER = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.jndi.user";
* The <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.jndi.password"</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set the JNDI
* naming service user name.
* This is not normally require if connecting to the local server.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.TransportManager#setPassword(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_JNDI_PASSWORD = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.jndi.password";
* The
* <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.jndi.initial-context-factory"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set
* the JNDI InitialContext factory.
* This is not normally require if connecting to the local server.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.TransportManager#setInitialContextFactoryName(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_JNDI_CONTEXT = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.jndi.initial-context-factory";
* The
* <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.remove-connection-on-error"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set
* if the connection should be removed if a communication error occurs when
* coordinating with it. This is normally used for RMI coordination in case
* a server goes down (it will reconnect when it comes back up).
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.TransportManager#setShouldRemoveConnectionOnError(boolean)
public static final String COORDINATION_REMOVE_CONNECTION = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.remove-connection-on-error";
* the
* <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.propagate-asynchronously"</code>
* property configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set
* if the coordination broadcast should occur asynchronously with the
* committing thread. This means the coordination will be complete before
* the thread returns from the commit of the transaction. Note that JMS is
* always asynchronous. By default RMI is asynchronous.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.RemoteCommandManager#setShouldPropagateAsynchronously(boolean)
public static final String COORDINATION_ASYNCH = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.propagate-asynchronously";
* the
* <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.thread.pool.size"</code>
* property configures thread pool size for cache coordination threads.
* RMI cache coordination will spawn one thread per node to send change notifications.
* RMI also spawns a thread to listen for new node notifications.
* JMS cache coordination will spawn one thread to receive JMS change notification messages (unless MDB is used).
* JMS also spawns a thread to process the change notificaiton (unless MDB is used).
* The default size is 32 threads.
* A size of 0 indicates no thread pool should be used, and threads will be spawned when required.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.platform.server.ServerPlatformBase#setThreadPoolSize(int)
public static final String COORDINATION_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.thread.pool.size";
* the <code>"eclipselink.cache.coordination.serializer"</code> property
* configures how cache coordination serializes message sent between nodes.
* By default Java serialization is used. Other serializer can be used for improved performance
* or integration with other systems.
* The full class name of the serializer class should be provided.
* @see Serializer
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.RemoteCommandManager#setSerializer(Serializer)
public static final String COORDINATION_SERIALIZER = "eclipselink.cache.coordination.serializer";
* the <code>""</code> property
* configures cache coordination for a clustered environment. Set the
* channel for this cluster. All server's in the same channel will be
* coordinated. The default channel name is "EclipseLinkCommandChannel".
* If multiple EclipseLink deployment reside on the same network, they should use different channels.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination.RemoteCommandManager#setChannel(String)
public static final String COORDINATION_CHANNEL = "";
* Indicates if it's a composite persistence unit ("true").
* The property must be specified in persistence.xml of a composite persistence unit.
* The property passed to createEntityManagerFactory method or in system properties is ignored.
* Composite persistence unit would contain all persistence units found in jar files specified by <jar-file> elements in persistence.xml.
* <jar-file>member1.jar</jar-file>
* <jar-file>member2.jar</jar-file>
* <properties>
* <property name="eclipselink.composite-unit" value="true"/>
* </properties>
public static final String COMPOSITE_UNIT = "eclipselink.composite-unit";
* Indicates if the persistence unit must be a member of a composite persistence unit ("true"),
* can't be used as an independent persistence unit.
* That happens if persistence unit has dependencies on other persistence unit(s).
* The property may be specified in persistence.xml.
* The property passed to createEntityManagerFactory method or in system properties is ignored.
* If this property is set to true, EntityManagerFactory still could be created,
* but it can't be connected: an attempt to create entity manager would cause an exception.
public static final String COMPOSITE_UNIT_MEMBER = "eclipselink.composite-unit.member";
* The property may be passed to createEntityManagerFactory method of a composite persistence unit
* to pass properties to member persistence units.
* The value is a map:
* the key is a member persistence unit's name,
* the value is a map of properties to be passed to this persistence unit.
* "" -> (
* ("memberPu1" -> ( "javax.persistence.jdbc.user" -> "user1",
* "javax.persistence.jdbc.password" -> "password1",
* "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" -> "oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver",
* "javax.persistence.jdbc.url" -> "jdbc:oracle:thin:@oracle_db_url:1521:db",
* ) ,
* ("memberPu2" -> ( "javax.persistence.jdbc.user" -> "user2",
* "javax.persistence.jdbc.password" -> "password2"
* "javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" -> "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
* "javax.persistence.jdbc.url" -> "jdbc:mysql://my_sql_db_url:3306/user2",
* )
* )
public static final String COMPOSITE_UNIT_PROPERTIES = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.remote.protocol"</code> property
* configures remote JPA for a client or server.
* This allows JPA to be access over RMI or other protocol from a remote Java client.
* <p>
* Values:
* <ul>
* <li>"rmi"
* <li>a <package.class> name of a subclass implementation of the RemoteConnection abstract class.
* </ul>
* @see RemoteProtocol
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.remote.RemoteConnection
* @see RemoteSession
public static final String REMOTE_PROTOCOL = "eclipselink.remote.protocol";
* The <code>"eclipselink.remote.client.url"</code> property
* configures remote JPA for a client.
* This allows JPA to be access over RMI or other protocol from a remote Java client.
* The URL is the complete URL used to access the RMI server.
public static final String REMOTE_URL = "eclipselink.remote.client.url";
* The <code>""</code> property
* configures remote JPA for a server.
* This allows JPA to be access over RMI or other protocol from a remote Java client.
* The name is the name the server will be registered under in the RMI registry.
public static final String REMOTE_SERVER_NAME = "";
* The <code>"eclipselink.nosql.connection-spec"</code> property.<br>
* Allows the connection information for an NoSQL or EIS datasource to be specified.
* An NoSQL datasource is a non-relational datasource such as a legacy database, NoSQL database,
* XML database, transactional and messaging systems, or ERP systems.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISConnectionSpec
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.NoSQL
public static final String NOSQL_CONNECTION_SPEC = "eclipselink.nosql.connection-spec";
* The <code>"eclipselink.nosql.connection-factory"</code> property.<br>
* Allows the JCA ConnectionFactory to be specified for a NoSQL or EIS adapter.
* An NoSQL datasource is a non-relational datasource such as a legacy database, NoSQL database,
* XML database, transactional and messaging systems, or ERP systems.
* @see javax.resource.cci.ConnectionFactory
public static final String NOSQL_CONNECTION_FACTORY = "eclipselink.nosql.connection-factory";
* The <code>"eclipselink.jdbc.connector"</code> property.<br>
* Allows a custom connector to be used to define how to connect to the database.
* This is not required if a DataSource or JDBC DriverManager is used.
* It can be used to connect to a non standard connection pool,
* or provide additional customization in how a connection is obtained.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.JNDIConnector
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DefaultConnector
public static final String JDBC_CONNECTOR = "eclipselink.jdbc.connector";
* Allows setting of NoSQL connection properties.
* The NoSQL specific property name should be appended to this prefix.
* <p>
* i.e.<br>
* ""="localhost:5000"
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISConnectionSpec
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.NoSQL
public static final String NOSQL_PROPERTY = "";
* Allows setting of NoSQL user property.
* Note that "javax.persistence.jdbc.user" is also supported.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISConnectionSpec
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.NoSQL
public static final String NOSQL_USER = "";
* Allows setting of NoSQL password property.
* Note that "javax.persistence.jdbc.password" is also supported.
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.eis.EISConnectionSpec
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.NoSQL
public static final String NOSQL_PASSWORD = "";
* Allows passing of JDBC driver specific connection properties.
* This allows for properties to be set on the JDBC connection.
* The JDBC driver specific property name should be appended to this prefix.
* <p>
* i.e.<br>
* ""="25"
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.DatasourceLogin#setProperty(String, Object)
public static final String JDBC_PROPERTY = "";
* Allows to set whether a query should by default use ResultSet Access optimization.
* The optimization allows to avoid getting objects from ResultSet if the cached object used.
* For instance, SELECT id, blob FROM .. with optimization would extract only "id" from ResultSet,
* and if there is a corresponding cached object and it's not a refresh query, "blob" would never be extracted.
* The draw back is keeping ResultSet and connection longer: until objects are built
* (or extracted from cache) for all rows and all eager references (direct and nested) for each row.
* Note that the optimization would not be used if it contradicts other query settings.
* <p>
* Allowed Values (String):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" - use optimization
* <li>"false" don't use optimization
* </ul>
* Default value is
* ObjectLevelReadQuery.isResultSetAccessOptimizedQueryDefault = false;
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession#setShouldOptimizeResultSetAccess(boolean)
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery#setIsResultSetAccessOptimizedQuery(boolean)
public static final String JDBC_RESULT_SET_ACCESS_OPTIMIZATION = "eclipselink.jdbc.result-set-access-optimization";
* Specifies class name for session serializer (must implement org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.serializers.Serializer)
* <p>
* Default value is "org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.serializers.JavaSerializer"
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession#setSerializer(Serializer)
public static final String SERIALIZER = "eclipselink.serializer";
* INTERNAL: The following properties will not be displayed through logging
* but instead have an alternate value shown in the log.
public static final Map<String, String> PROPERTY_LOG_OVERRIDES = new HashMap<String, String>(1);
static {
* The <code>""</code> property configures
* whether classes will be weaved to support our JPA_RS functionality
* <p>
* This property will only be considered if weaving is enabled.
* <p>
* Values (case insensitive):
* <ul>
* <li>"true" (DEFAULT)
* <li>"false"
* </ul>
public static final String WEAVING_REST = "";
public static final String JPQL_TOLERATE = "eclipselink.tolerate-invalid-jpql";
* INTERNAL: Return the overridden log string.
public static String getOverriddenLogStringForProperty(String propertyName) {
return PROPERTY_LOG_OVERRIDES.get(propertyName);
* INTERNAL: The following properties passed to
* {@link Persistence#createEntityManagerFactory(String, Map)} cached and
* processed on the {@link EntityManagerFactory} directly. None of these
* properties processed during pre-deploy or deploy.
private static final Set<String> supportedNonServerSessionProperties = new HashSet<String>() {
public static Set<String> getSupportedNonServerSessionProperties() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(supportedNonServerSessionProperties);