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* Copyright (c) 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* 24 April 2013-2.5.1 ailitche
* SerializedObjectPolicy initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.DatabaseField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.ObjectLevelReadQuery;
* SerializedObjectPolicy (SOP) could be set on a non-aggregate descriptor.
* If SerializedObjectPolicy is specified Eclipselink writes out the whole entity object with its
* privately owned (and nested privately owned) entities and element collections into an additional
* (likely BLOB) field in the database.
* If SerializedObjectPolicy is set on an entity then SerializedObjectPolicies with the same field are set
* on all inheriting entities.
* The goal is to make reads from the database faster.
* The draw back is slower writes into the database.
* So SerializedObjectPolicy may make sense for read-only / read-mostly application
* for Entity, which always loads all its dependent entities and / or ElementCollections.
* To use SerializedObjectPolicy, ObjectLevelReadQuery should set a boolean flag
* @see ObjectLevelReadQuery#setShouldUseSerializedObjectPolicy
* In case the serialized object column contains null or obsolete version of the object
* the query using SerializedObjectPolicy would either throw exception or - if all other fields have been read, too -
* would build the object using these fields (exactly as in case SerializedObjectPolicy is not used).
* Note that currently no default implementation of SerializedObjectPolicy is available
* and this class should be provided by the user.
* @author ailitche
* @since EclipseLink 2.5.1
* @see org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.SerializedObject
public interface SerializedObjectPolicy extends Cloneable, Serializable {
/** get owning descriptor */
ClassDescriptor getDescriptor();
/** set owning descriptor */
void setDescriptor(ClassDescriptor descriptor);
/** get the field that stores sopObject in the database (sopField) */
DatabaseField getField();
/** set the field that stores sopObject in the database (sopField) */
void setField(DatabaseField field);
SerializedObjectPolicy clone();
/** instantiate policy for child descriptor */
SerializedObjectPolicy instantiateChild();
/** unless the field is already initialized by parent descriptor, add the field to the owning descriptor and set field's type */
void initializeField(AbstractSession session);
/** initialize the policy */
void initialize(AbstractSession session);
/** postinitialize the policy: determine which mappings are included, which fields should be selected */
void postInitialize(AbstractSession session);
* Lists the database fields that should be read by the query using the policy.
* To allow recovery in case of null or invalid sopObject, then this method should return all the fields define by descriptor
* (descriptor.getFields()).
List<DatabaseField> getSelectionFields();
* Lists the database fields that should be read by the query using the policy, in case all inherited objects are read using outer joining.
* To allow recovery in case of null or invalid sopObject, then this method should return all the fields define by descriptor
* (descriptor.getAllFields()).
List<DatabaseField> getAllSelectionFields();
/** Serialize the object and put the result into the row as a value corresponding to the policy field */
void putObjectIntoRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, Object object, AbstractSession session);
* Deserialize the object from the value corresponding to the policy field, nullify that value, set the object into the row using setSopObject, also return it.
* If the object is null or invalid, behaviour depend on whether the policy allows the query to recover or not (see comments to getFieldsToSelect and getAllFieldsToSelect methods):
* if recovery is possible then the method should return null, otherwise throw QueryException (query is a parameter of this method only because it's required by QueryException).
Object getObjectFromRow(AbstractRecord databaseRow, AbstractSession session, ObjectLevelReadQuery query);