blob: 309e0f7464ce6dc4849da9c2b554f5651e84b84a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
* 10/29/2010-2.2 Michael O'Brien
* - 325167: Make reserved # bind parameter char generic to enable native SQL pass through
* 05/24/2011-2.3 Guy Pelletier
* - 345962: Join fetch query when using tenant discriminator column fails.
* 07/13/2012-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 350487: JPA 2.1 Specification defined support for Stored Procedure Calls
* 08/24/2012-2.5 Guy Pelletier
* - 350487: JPA 2.1 Specification defined support for Stored Procedure Calls
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.databaseaccess;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.helper.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractRecord;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.expressions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.structures.ObjectRelationalDatabaseField;
import org.eclipse.persistence.logging.SessionLog;
* <b>Purpose<b>: Used as an abstraction of a datasource invocation.
* @author James Sutherland
* @since OracleAS TopLink 10<i>g</i> (10.0.3)
public abstract class DatasourceCall implements Call {
// Back reference to query, unfortunately required for events.
protected transient DatabaseQuery query;
// The parameters (values) are ordered as they appear in the call.
protected List parameters;
// The parameter types determine if the parameter is a modify, translation or literal type.
protected List<Integer> parameterTypes;
public static final Integer LITERAL = Integer.valueOf(1);
public static final Integer MODIFY = Integer.valueOf(2);
public static final Integer TRANSLATION = Integer.valueOf(3);
public static final Integer CUSTOM_MODIFY = Integer.valueOf(4);
public static final Integer OUT = Integer.valueOf(5);
public static final Integer INOUT = Integer.valueOf(6);
public static final Integer IN = Integer.valueOf(7);
public static final Integer OUT_CURSOR = Integer.valueOf(8);
public static final Integer INLINE = Integer.valueOf(9);
// Store if the call has been prepared.
protected boolean isPrepared;
/** Allow connection unwrapping to be configured. */
protected boolean isNativeConnectionRequired;
//Eclipselink Bug 217745 indicates whether or not the token(#,?) needs to be processed if they are in the quotes.
protected boolean shouldProcessTokenInQuotes;
// Type of call.
protected int returnType;
protected static final int NO_RETURN = 1;
protected static final int RETURN_ONE_ROW = 2;
protected static final int RETURN_MANY_ROWS = 3;
protected static final int RETURN_CURSOR = 4;
protected static final int EXECUTE_UPDATE = 5;
public DatasourceCall() {
this.isPrepared = false;
this.shouldProcessTokenInQuotes = true;
* The parameters are the values in order of occurrence in the SQL statement.
* This is lazy initialized to conserve space on calls that have no parameters.
public List getParameters() {
if (parameters == null) {
parameters = new ArrayList();
return parameters;
* The parameter types determine if the parameter is a modify, translation or literal type.
public List<Integer> getParameterTypes() {
if (parameterTypes == null) {
parameterTypes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
return parameterTypes;
* The parameters are the values in order of occurrence in the SQL statement.
public void setParameters(List parameters) {
this.parameters = parameters;
* The parameter types determine if the parameter is a modify, translation or literal type.
public void setParameterTypes(List<Integer> parameterTypes) {
this.parameterTypes = parameterTypes;
* The parameters are the values in order of occurrence in call.
* This is lazy initialized to conserve space on calls that have no parameters.
public boolean hasParameters() {
return (parameters != null) && (!getParameters().isEmpty());
* The return type is one of, NoReturn, ReturnOneRow or ReturnManyRows.
public boolean areManyRowsReturned() {
return this.returnType == RETURN_MANY_ROWS;
public boolean isOutputParameterType(Integer parameterType) {
return (parameterType == OUT) || (parameterType == INOUT) || (parameterType == OUT_CURSOR);
* Bound calls can have the SQL pre generated.
public boolean isPrepared() {
return isPrepared;
* Bound calls can have the SQL pre generated.
public void setIsPrepared(boolean isPrepared) {
this.isPrepared = isPrepared;
* Return the appropriate mechanism,
* with the call added as necessary.
public DatabaseQueryMechanism buildNewQueryMechanism(DatabaseQuery query) {
return new DatasourceCallQueryMechanism(query, this);
* Return the appropriate mechanism,
* with the call added as necessary.
public DatabaseQueryMechanism buildQueryMechanism(DatabaseQuery query, DatabaseQueryMechanism mechanism) {
if (mechanism.isCallQueryMechanism() && (mechanism instanceof DatasourceCallQueryMechanism)) {
// Must also add the call singleton...
DatasourceCallQueryMechanism callMechanism = ((DatasourceCallQueryMechanism)mechanism);
if (!callMechanism.hasMultipleCalls()) {
return mechanism;
} else {
return buildNewQueryMechanism(query);
public Object clone() {
try {
return super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException exception) {
;//Do nothing
return null;
* Return the SQL string for logging purposes.
public abstract String getLogString(Accessor accessor);
* Back reference to query, unfortunately required for events.
public DatabaseQuery getQuery() {
return query;
* The return type is one of, NoReturn, ReturnOneRow or ReturnManyRows.
public int getReturnType() {
return returnType;
* The return type is one of, NoReturn, ReturnOneRow or ReturnManyRows.
public boolean isCursorReturned() {
return this.returnType == RETURN_CURSOR;
* Returns true if this call returns from a statement.execute call.
public boolean isExecuteUpdate() {
return this.returnType == EXECUTE_UPDATE;
* Return whether all the results of the call have been returned.
public boolean isFinished() {
return !isCursorReturned() && !isExecuteUpdate();
* The return type is one of, NoReturn, ReturnOneRow or ReturnManyRows.
public boolean isNothingReturned() {
return this.returnType == NO_RETURN;
* The return type is one of, NoReturn, ReturnOneRow or ReturnManyRows.
public boolean isOneRowReturned() {
return this.returnType == RETURN_ONE_ROW;
public boolean isSQLCall() {
return false;
public boolean isStoredPLSQLFunctionCall() {
return false;
public boolean isStoredPLSQLProcedureCall() {
return false;
public boolean isStoredFunctionCall() {
return false;
public boolean isStoredProcedureCall() {
return false;
public boolean isJPQLCall() {
return false;
public boolean isEISInteraction() {
return false;
public boolean isQueryStringCall() {
return false;
* Allow pre-printing of the query/SQL string for fully bound calls, to save from reprinting.
public void prepare(AbstractSession session) {
* Cursor return is used for cursored streams.
public void returnCursor() {
* Indicates that this call will return a boolean value from an execute()
* call.
public void setExecuteUpdate() {
* Return if the call's return type has been set.
public boolean isReturnSet() {
return this.returnType != 0;
* Many rows are returned for read-all queries.
public void returnManyRows() {
* No return is used for modify calls like insert / update / delete.
public void returnNothing() {
* One row is returned for read-object queries.
public void returnOneRow() {
* Back reference to query, unfortunately required for events.
public void setQuery(DatabaseQuery query) {
this.query = query;
* The return type is one of, NoReturn, ReturnOneRow or ReturnManyRows.
public void setReturnType(int returnType) {
this.returnType = returnType;
* Allow the call to translate from the translation for predefined calls.
public void translate(AbstractRecord translationRow, AbstractRecord modifyRow, AbstractSession session) {
//do nothing by default.
* Return the query string of the call.
* This must be overwritten by subclasses that support query language translation (SQLCall, XQueryCall).
public String getQueryString() {
return "";
* Set the query string of the call.
* This must be overwritten by subclasses that support query language translation (SQLCall, XQueryCall).
public void setQueryString(String queryString) {
// Nothing by default.
* Parse the query string for # markers for custom query based on a query language.
* This is used by SQLCall and XQuery call, but can be reused by other query languages.
public void translateCustomQuery() {
if (getQueryString().indexOf(this.query.getParameterDelimiter()) == -1) {
if (this.getQuery().shouldBindAllParameters() && getQueryString().indexOf("?") == -1){
if (!hasArgumentMark(getQueryString(), this.query.getParameterDelimiterChar())) {
if (this.getQuery().shouldBindAllParameters() && !hasArgumentMark(getQueryString(),'?')){
int lastIndex = 0;
String queryString = getQueryString();
Writer writer = new CharArrayWriter(queryString.length() + 50);
try {
// ** This method is heavily optimized do not touch anything unless you "know" what your doing.
while (lastIndex != -1) {
int poundIndex = queryString.indexOf(this.query.getParameterDelimiterChar(), lastIndex);
String token;
if (poundIndex == -1) {
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, queryString.length());
lastIndex = -1;
} else {
if(this.shouldProcessTokenInQuotes){//Always process token no matter whether the quotes around it or not.
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, poundIndex);
boolean hasPairedQuoteBeforePound = true;
int quotePairIndex=poundIndex;
if(quotePairIndex!=-1 && quotePairIndex > lastIndex){
hasPairedQuoteBeforePound = !hasPairedQuoteBeforePound;
} else {
int endQuoteIndex = -1;
if(!hasPairedQuoteBeforePound){//There is begin quote, so search end quote.
endQuoteIndex = queryString.indexOf('\'', poundIndex+1);
if(endQuoteIndex!=-1){//There is quote around pound.
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, endQuoteIndex+1);
lastIndex = endQuoteIndex + 1;
} else { //No quote around pound,
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, poundIndex);
lastIndex = poundIndex + 1;
if (poundIndex != -1) {
int wordEndIndex = poundIndex + 1;
while ((wordEndIndex < queryString.length()) && (whitespace().indexOf(queryString.charAt(wordEndIndex)) == -1)) {
wordEndIndex = wordEndIndex + 1;
// Check for ## which means field from modify row.
if (queryString.charAt(poundIndex + 1) == this.query.getParameterDelimiterChar()) {
// Check for ### which means OUT parameter type.
if (queryString.charAt(poundIndex + 2) == this.query.getParameterDelimiterChar()) {
// Check for #### which means INOUT parameter type.
if (queryString.charAt(poundIndex + 3) == this.query.getParameterDelimiterChar()) {
String fieldName = queryString.substring(poundIndex + 4, wordEndIndex);
DatabaseField field = createField(fieldName);
appendInOut(writer, field);
} else {
String fieldName = queryString.substring(poundIndex + 3, wordEndIndex);
DatabaseField field = createField(fieldName);
appendOut(writer, field);
} else {
String fieldName = queryString.substring(poundIndex + 2, wordEndIndex);
DatabaseField field = createField(fieldName);
appendModify(writer, field);
} else {
String fieldName = queryString.substring(poundIndex + 1, wordEndIndex);
DatabaseField field = createField(fieldName);
appendIn(writer, field);
lastIndex = wordEndIndex;
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* Parse the query string for ? markers for custom query based on a query language.
* This is used by SQLCall and XQuery call, but can be reused by other query languages.
public void translatePureSQLCustomQuery() {
int lastIndex = 0;
String queryString = getQueryString();
int parameterIndex = 1; // this is the parameter index
Writer writer = new CharArrayWriter(queryString.length() + 50);
try {
// ** This method is heavily optimized do not touch anything unless you "know" what your doing.
while (lastIndex != -1) {
int markIndex = queryString.indexOf('?', lastIndex);
String token;
if (markIndex == -1) { // did not find question mark then we are done looking
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, queryString.length()); //write rest of sql
lastIndex = -1;
} else {
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, markIndex);
lastIndex = markIndex + 1;
boolean hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark = true;
int quotePairIndex=markIndex;
if(quotePairIndex!=-1 && quotePairIndex > lastIndex){
hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark = !hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark;
} else {
int endQuoteIndex = -1;
if(!hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark){//There is begin quote, so search end quote.
endQuoteIndex = queryString.indexOf('\'', markIndex+1);
if(endQuoteIndex!=-1){//There is quote around mark.
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, endQuoteIndex+1);
lastIndex = endQuoteIndex + 1;
//if no quote around the mark, write the rest of sql.
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, markIndex);
lastIndex = markIndex + 1;
if (markIndex != -1) { // found the question mark now find the named token
int wordEndIndex = markIndex + 1;
while ((wordEndIndex < queryString.length()) && (whitespace().indexOf(queryString.charAt(wordEndIndex)) == -1)) {
wordEndIndex = wordEndIndex + 1;
if (wordEndIndex > markIndex + 1){ //found a 'name' for this token (may be positional)
String fieldName = queryString.substring(markIndex + 1, wordEndIndex);
DatabaseField field = createField(fieldName);
appendIn(writer, field);
lastIndex = wordEndIndex;
DatabaseField field = createField(String.valueOf(parameterIndex));
appendIn(writer, field);
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* Create a new Database Field
* This method can be overridden by subclasses to return other field types
protected DatabaseField createField(String fieldName) {
return new DatabaseField(fieldName);
* All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
public void appendLiteral(Writer writer, Object literal) {
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
public void appendTranslation(Writer writer, DatabaseField modifyField) {
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
public void appendModify(Writer writer, DatabaseField modifyField) {
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
public void appendIn(Writer writer, DatabaseField field) {
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
public void appendInOut(Writer writer, DatabaseField inoutField) {
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
Object[] inOut = { inoutField, inoutField };
* All values are printed as ? to allow for parameter binding or translation during the execute of the call.
public void appendOut(Writer writer, DatabaseField outField) {
try {
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* Add the parameter.
* If using binding bind the parameter otherwise let the platform print it.
* The platform may also decide to bind the value.
public void appendParameter(Writer writer, Object parameter, AbstractSession session) {
session.getDatasourcePlatform().appendParameter(this, writer, parameter);
* Return the character to use for the argument marker.
* ? is used in SQL, however other query languages such as XQuery need to use other markers.
protected char argumentMarker() {
return '?';
* Return the characters that represent non-arguments names.
protected String whitespace() {
return ",); \n\t:";
* Allow the call to translate from the translation for predefined calls.
public void translateQueryString(AbstractRecord translationRow, AbstractRecord modifyRow, AbstractSession session) {
//has a '?'
if ((this.parameters == null) || getParameters().isEmpty()) {
//has no parameters
if (getQueryString().indexOf(argumentMarker()) == -1) {
int lastIndex = 0;
int parameterIndex = 0;
String queryString = getQueryString();
Writer writer = new CharArrayWriter(queryString.length() + 50);
try {
// PERF: This method is heavily optimized do not touch anything unless you know "very well" what your doing.
// Must translate field parameters and may get new bound parameters for large data.
List parameterFields = getParameters();
List<Integer> parameterTypes = getParameterTypes();
setParameters(new ArrayList(parameterFields.size()));
while (lastIndex != -1) {
int tokenIndex = queryString.indexOf(argumentMarker(), lastIndex);
String token;
if (tokenIndex == -1) {
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, queryString.length());
lastIndex = -1;
} else {
if (this.shouldProcessTokenInQuotes) {
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, tokenIndex);
} else {
boolean hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark = true;
int quotePairIndex = tokenIndex;
do {
quotePairIndex = queryString.lastIndexOf('\'', quotePairIndex - 1);
if (quotePairIndex != -1 && quotePairIndex > lastIndex){
hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark = !hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark;
} else {
} while (true);
int endQuoteIndex = -1;
if (!hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark) { // there is a begin quote, so search for end quote.
endQuoteIndex = queryString.indexOf('\'', tokenIndex + 1);
if (endQuoteIndex != -1) { // there is a quote around the mark.
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, endQuoteIndex + 1);
tokenIndex = -1;
lastIndex = endQuoteIndex + 1;
} else {
// if no quote around the mark, write the rest of sql.
token = queryString.substring(lastIndex, tokenIndex);
lastIndex = tokenIndex + 1;
if (tokenIndex != -1) {
// Process next parameter.
Integer parameterType = parameterTypes.get(parameterIndex);
Object parameter = parameterFields.get(parameterIndex);
if (parameterType == MODIFY) {
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)parameter;
Object value = modifyRow.get(field);
appendParameter(writer, value, session);
} else if (parameterType == CUSTOM_MODIFY) {
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)parameter;
Object value = modifyRow.get(field);
if (value != null) {
value = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getCustomModifyValueForCall(this, value, field, false);
//Bug#5200826 needs use unwrapped connection.
if ((value instanceof BindCallCustomParameter) && ((BindCallCustomParameter)value).shouldUseUnwrappedConnection()){
appendParameter(writer, value, session);
} else if (parameterType == TRANSLATION) {
Object value = null;
// Parameter expressions are used for nesting and correct mapping conversion of the value.
if (parameter instanceof ParameterExpression) {
value = ((ParameterExpression)parameter).getValue(translationRow, getQuery(), session);
} else {
DatabaseField field = (DatabaseField)parameter;
value = translationRow.get(field);
// Must check for the modify row as well for custom SQL compatibility as only one # is required.
if ((value == null) && (modifyRow != null)) {
value = modifyRow.get(field);
appendParameter(writer, value, session);
} else if (parameterType == LITERAL) {
if (parameter instanceof DatabaseField) {
parameter = null;
appendParameter(writer, parameter, session);
} else if (parameterType == IN) {
Object value = getValueForInParameter(parameter, translationRow, modifyRow, session, false);
appendParameter(writer, value, session);
} else if (parameterType == INOUT) {
Object value = getValueForInOutParameter(parameter, translationRow, modifyRow, session);
appendParameter(writer, value, session);
} else if (parameterType == INLINE) {
lastIndex = tokenIndex + 1;
} catch (IOException exception) {
throw ValidationException.fileError(exception);
* Returns value for IN parameter. Called by translate and translateSQLString methods.
* In case shouldBind==true tries to return a DatabaseField with type instead of null,
* returns null only in case no DatabaseField with type was found (case sensitive).
protected Object getValueForInParameter(Object parameter, AbstractRecord translationRow, AbstractRecord modifyRow, AbstractSession session, boolean shouldBind) {
Object value = parameter;
DatabaseField field = null;
boolean isNull = false;
// Parameter expressions are used for nesting and correct mapping conversion of the value.
if (parameter instanceof ParameterExpression) {
value = ((ParameterExpression)parameter).getValue(translationRow, getQuery(), session);
field = ((ParameterExpression)parameter).getField();
} else if (parameter instanceof DatabaseField) {
field = (DatabaseField)parameter;
value = translationRow.get(field);
// Must check for the modify row as well for custom SQL compatibility as only one # is required.
if (modifyRow != null) {
if (value == null) {
value = modifyRow.get(field);
if (value != null) {
DatabaseField modifyField = modifyRow.getField(field);
if (modifyField != null) {
if (session.getDatasourcePlatform().shouldUseCustomModifyForCall(modifyField)) {
value = session.getDatasourcePlatform().getCustomModifyValueForCall(this, value, modifyField, shouldBind);
if (value == null && shouldBind) {
isNull = true;
if ((field.getType() != null) ||(field.getSqlType()!= DatabaseField.NULL_SQL_TYPE)){
value = field;
} else if (modifyRow != null) {
DatabaseField modifyField = modifyRow.getField(field);
if ((modifyField != null) && (modifyField.getType() != null)) {
value = modifyField;
if (value == null) {
DatabaseField translationField = translationRow.getField(field);
if (translationField == null){
session.log(SessionLog.WARNING, SessionLog.SQL, "named_argument_not_found_in_query_parameters", new Object[]{field});
if ((translationField != null) && (translationField.getType() != null)) {
value = translationField;
} else {
if (parameter instanceof ObjectRelationalDatabaseField){
value = new InParameterForCallableStatement(value, (DatabaseField)parameter);
if ((value == null || isNull) && this.query.hasNullableArguments() && this.query.getNullableArguments().contains(field)) {
return this;
return value;
* Returns value for INOUT parameter. Called by translate and translateSQLString methods.
protected Object getValueForInOutParameter(Object parameter, AbstractRecord translationRow, AbstractRecord modifyRow, AbstractSession session) {
// parameter ts an array of two Objects: inParameter and outParameter
Object inParameter = ((Object[])parameter)[0];
Object inValue = getValueForInParameter(inParameter, translationRow, modifyRow, session, true);
Object outParameter = ((Object[])parameter)[1];
return createInOutParameter(inValue, outParameter, session);
* Returns INOUT parameter. Called by getValueForInOutParameter method.
* Descendants may override this method.
protected Object createInOutParameter(Object inValue, Object outParameter, AbstractSession session) {
Object[] inOut = { inValue, outParameter };
return inOut;
* Return true if the specific mark is existing and not quoted around.
private boolean hasArgumentMark(String string, char mark){
int quoteIndex = -1;
int lastEndQuoteIndex = -1;
int markIndex=string.indexOf(mark,lastEndQuoteIndex+1);
return false; //no mark at all.
quoteIndex = string.lastIndexOf('\'',markIndex);
if(quoteIndex==-1){//no quote before the mark
return true;
}else{//has quote before the mark
boolean hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark = false;
while(quoteIndex!=-1 && quoteIndex >= lastEndQuoteIndex){
hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark = !hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark;
if(hasPairedQuoteBeforeMark){//if there is paired quotes before the mark.
return true;
}else{//might have quotes around the mark, need further check.
lastEndQuoteIndex = string.indexOf('\'',markIndex+1);
return true;//no end quote around the mark.
//Upon to here, the current mark is positioning between quotes
//we need search for the next mark.
* Set if the call requires usage of a native (unwrapped) JDBC connection.
* This may be required for some Oracle JDBC support when a wrapping DataSource is used.
public void setIsNativeConnectionRequired(boolean isNativeConnectionRequired) {
this.isNativeConnectionRequired = isNativeConnectionRequired;
* Return if the call requires usage of a native (unwrapped) JDBC connection.
* This may be required for some Oracle JDBC support when a wrapping DataSource is used.
public boolean isNativeConnectionRequired() {
return isNativeConnectionRequired;
* This method is used to correct parameterTypes which are compared to static values using == equality, which changes
* during serialization/deserialization.
* @param in
* @throws IOException
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
if (parameterTypes !=null) {
List<Integer> newParameterTypes = new ArrayList<Integer>(parameterTypes.size());
for (Integer type: parameterTypes){
if (LITERAL.equals(type)) {
} else if (MODIFY.equals(type)) {
} else if (TRANSLATION.equals(type)) {
} else if (CUSTOM_MODIFY.equals(type)) {
} else if (OUT.equals(type)) {
} else if (INOUT.equals(type)) {
} else if (IN.equals(type)) {
} else if (OUT_CURSOR.equals(type)) {
parameterTypes = newParameterTypes;