blob: 013bcf0697c74ff9e598ee9db0364d0626d7d98e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.descriptors;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.descriptors.ClassDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.queries.AttributeItem;
import org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession;
import org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.AttributeGroup;
import org.eclipse.persistence.queries.FetchGroup;
* This class provides a generic way of using the descriptor information
* to traverse an object graph.
* Define a subclass, or an inner class, that implements at least
* #iterate(Object) to implement a new traversal
* feature without having to change the mapping classes or the object builder.
* It provides functionality such as a cascading depth, a stack of visited object,
* and a collection of the visited objects.
* If this works nicely the merge manager, remote traversals, and maybe
* even aspects of the commit manager could be converted to use this class.
public abstract class DescriptorIterator {
public static final int NoCascading = 1;
public static final int CascadePrivateParts = 2;
public static final int CascadeAllParts = 3;
protected Map visitedObjects;
protected Stack visitedStack;
protected AbstractSession session;
protected DatabaseMapping currentMapping;
protected ClassDescriptor currentDescriptor;
protected AttributeItem currentItem;
protected AttributeGroup currentGroup;
protected boolean usesGroup;
/* Ignored if usesGroup is false.
* If set to true allows visiting the same object several times -
* as long as it hasn't been visited with the currentGroup.
protected boolean shouldTrackCurrentGroup;
protected Object result;// this is a work area, typically used as a Collecting Parm
protected boolean shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects;
protected boolean shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects;
protected boolean shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects;
protected boolean shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects;
protected boolean shouldIterateOnAggregates;
protected boolean shouldIterateOnPrimitives;
// false by default; true means if object has FetchGroup then don't iterate outside it.
protected boolean shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly;
protected boolean shouldBreak;
protected int cascadeDepth;// see static constants below
protected CascadeCondition cascadeCondition;
* Construct a typical iterator:
* iterate over all the objects
* process the objects contained by "value holders"...
* ...but only if they have already been instantiated...
* ...and don't process the "value holders" themselves
* process "wrapped" objects
* skip aggregate objects
* skip primitives (Strings, Dates, Integers, etc.)
public DescriptorIterator() {
// 2612538 - the default size of Map (32) is appropriate
this.visitedObjects = new IdentityHashMap();
this.visitedStack = new Stack();
this.cascadeDepth = CascadeAllParts;
this.shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects = true;// process the objects contained by ValueHolders...
this.shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects = false;// ...but only if they have already been instantiated...
this.shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects = false;// ...and don't process the ValueHolders themselves
this.shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects = true;// process "wrapped" objects
this.shouldIterateOnAggregates = false;
this.shouldIterateOnPrimitives = false;
this.shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly = false;
this.shouldBreak = false;
this.cascadeCondition = new CascadeCondition();
public int getCascadeDepth() {
return cascadeDepth;
public ClassDescriptor getCurrentDescriptor() {
return currentDescriptor;
public DatabaseMapping getCurrentMapping() {
return currentMapping;
public AttributeItem getCurrentItem() {
return this.currentItem;
public AttributeGroup getCurrentGroup() {
return this.currentGroup;
* Fetch and return the descriptor for the specified object.
protected ClassDescriptor getDescriptorFor(Object object) {
ClassDescriptor result = getSession().getDescriptor(object);
if (result == null) {
throw DescriptorException.missingDescriptor(object.getClass().getName());
return result;
public Object getResult() {
return result;
public AbstractSession getSession() {
return session;
* Return the second-to-last object visited.
public Object getVisitedGrandparent() {
Object parent = getVisitedStack().pop();
Object result = getVisitedStack().peek();
return result;
public Map getVisitedObjects() {
return visitedObjects;
* Return the last object visited.
public Object getVisitedParent() {
return getVisitedStack().peek();
public Stack getVisitedStack() {
return visitedStack;
* Iterate an aggregate object
* (i.e. an object that is the target of an AggregateMapping).
* Override this method if appropriate.
protected void internalIterateAggregateObject(Object aggregateObject) {
* Iterate an indirect container (IndirectList or IndirectMap).
* Override this method if appropriate.
protected void internalIterateIndirectContainer(IndirectContainer container) {
* Iterate a primitive object (String, Date, Integer, etc.).
* Override this method if appropriate.
protected void internalIteratePrimitive(Object primitiveValue) {
* Iterate a (a non-Aggregate) reference object.
* Override this method if appropriate.
protected void internalIterateReferenceObject(Object referenceObject) {
* Iterate a value holder.
* Override this method if appropriate.
protected void internalIterateValueHolder(ValueHolderInterface valueHolder) {
* To define a new iterator create a subclass and define at least this method.
* Given an object or set of the objects, this method will be called on those
* objects and any object connected to them by using the descriptors to
* traverse the object graph.
* Override the assorted #internalIterate*() methods if appropriate.
protected abstract void iterate(Object object);
* Iterate on the mapping's reference object and
* recursively iterate on the reference object's
* reference objects.
* This is used for aggregate and aggregate collection mappings, which are not iterated on by default.
public void iterateForAggregateMapping(Object aggregateObject, DatabaseMapping mapping, ClassDescriptor descriptor) {
if (aggregateObject == null) {
// aggregate descriptors are passed in because they could be part of an inheritance tree
AttributeGroup currentGroupOriginal = null;
AttributeItem currentItemOriginal = null;
if(this.usesGroup) {
currentGroupOriginal = this.currentGroup;
currentItemOriginal = this.currentItem;
this.currentGroup = this.currentItem.getGroup();
if (shouldIterateOnAggregates()) {// false by default
if (shouldBreak()) {
if(this.usesGroup) {
this.currentGroup = currentGroupOriginal;
this.currentItem = currentItemOriginal;
if(this.usesGroup) {
this.currentGroup = currentGroupOriginal;
this.currentItem = currentItemOriginal;
* Iterate on the indirection object for its mapping.
public void iterateIndirectContainerForMapping(IndirectContainer container, DatabaseMapping mapping) {
if (shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects()) {// false by default
if (shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects() || (shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects() && container.isInstantiated())) {
// force instantiation only if specified
mapping.iterateOnRealAttributeValue(this, container);
} else if (shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects()) {
// PERF: Allow the indirect container to iterate any cached elements.
if (container instanceof IndirectCollection) {
mapping.iterateOnRealAttributeValue(this, ((IndirectCollection)container).getAddedElements());
* Iterate on the primitive value for its mapping.
public void iteratePrimitiveForMapping(Object primitiveValue, DatabaseMapping mapping) {
if (primitiveValue == null) {
if (shouldIterateOnPrimitives()) {// false by default
AttributeGroup currentGroupOriginal = null;
AttributeItem currentItemOriginal = null;
if(this.usesGroup) {
currentGroupOriginal = this.currentGroup;
currentItemOriginal = this.currentItem;
this.currentGroup = this.currentItem.getGroup();
if(this.usesGroup) {
this.currentGroup = currentGroupOriginal;
this.currentItem = currentItemOriginal;
* Iterate on the mapping's reference object and
* recursively iterate on the reference object's
* reference objects.
public void iterateReferenceObjectForMapping(Object referenceObject, DatabaseMapping mapping) {
if (this.cascadeCondition.shouldNotCascade(mapping)) {
// When using wrapper policy in EJB the iteration can stop in certain cases,
// this is because EJB forces beans to be registered anyway and clone identity can be violated
// and the violated clones references to session objects should not be traversed.
ClassDescriptor rd = mapping.getReferenceDescriptor();
if ((!shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects()) && (rd != null) && (rd.hasWrapperPolicy())) {
if (referenceObject == null) {
if(this.usesGroup && this.shouldTrackCurrentGroup) {
Set visited = (Set)getVisitedObjects().get(referenceObject);
if(visited == null) {
visited = new HashSet(1);
getVisitedObjects().put(referenceObject, visited);
} else {
if(visited.contains(this.currentItem.getGroup())) {
// source object has been already visited with an equal group
} else {
} else {
// Check if already processed.
if (getVisitedObjects().containsKey(referenceObject)) {
getVisitedObjects().put(referenceObject, referenceObject);
AttributeGroup currentGroupOriginal = null;
AttributeItem currentItemOriginal = null;
if(this.usesGroup) {
currentGroupOriginal = this.currentGroup;
currentItemOriginal = this.currentItem;
this.currentGroup = this.currentItem.getGroup();
if (shouldBreak()) {
if(this.usesGroup) {
this.currentGroup = currentGroupOriginal;
this.currentItem = currentItemOriginal;
if(this.usesGroup) {
this.currentGroup = currentGroupOriginal;
this.currentItem = currentItemOriginal;
* Iterate over the sourceObject's reference objects,
* updating the visited stack appropriately.
protected void iterateReferenceObjects(Object sourceObject) {
if(this.usesGroup) {
// object is outside of the group - don't iterate over its references
if(this.currentGroup == null || !this.currentGroup.hasItems()) {
protected void internalIterateReferenceObjects(Object sourceObject) {
List<DatabaseMapping> mappings;
// Only iterate on relationships if required.
if (shouldIterateOnPrimitives()) {
mappings = getCurrentDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getDescriptor().getMappings();
} else {
ObjectBuilder builder = getCurrentDescriptor().getObjectBuilder().getDescriptor().getObjectBuilder();
// PERF: Only process relationships.
if (builder.isSimple()) {
mappings = builder.getRelationshipMappings();
if (shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly()) {
if(getCurrentDescriptor().hasFetchGroupManager()) {
FetchGroup fetchGroup = getCurrentDescriptor().getFetchGroupManager().getObjectFetchGroup(sourceObject);
if (fetchGroup != null) {
List<DatabaseMapping> fetchGroupMappings = new ArrayList();
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : mappings) {
if (fetchGroup.containsAttributeInternal(mapping.getAttributeName())) {
mappings = fetchGroupMappings;
if (this.usesGroup) {
AttributeGroup currentGroupOriginal = this.currentGroup;
AttributeItem currentItemOriginal = this.currentItem;
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : mappings) {
this.currentItem = this.currentGroup.getAllItems().get(mapping.getAttributeName());
// iterate only over the mappings found in the group
if (currentItem != null) {
this.currentGroup = currentGroupOriginal;
this.currentItem = currentItemOriginal;
} else {
for (DatabaseMapping mapping : mappings) {
* Iterate on the value holder for its mapping.
public void iterateValueHolderForMapping(ValueHolderInterface valueHolder, DatabaseMapping mapping) {
if (shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects()) {// false by default
if (shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects() || (shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects() && valueHolder.isInstantiated())) {
// force instantiation only if specified
mapping.iterateOnRealAttributeValue(this, valueHolder.getValue());
public void setCascadeDepth(int cascadeDepth) {
this.cascadeDepth = cascadeDepth;
public void setCascadeCondition(CascadeCondition cascadeCondition){
this.cascadeCondition = cascadeCondition;
public void setCurrentDescriptor(ClassDescriptor currentDescriptor) {
this.currentDescriptor = currentDescriptor;
public void setCurrentMapping(DatabaseMapping currentMapping) {
this.currentMapping = currentMapping;
public void setCurrentItem(AttributeItem item) {
this.currentItem = item;
public void setCurrentGroup(AttributeGroup group) {
this.currentGroup = group;
public void setResult(Object result) {
this.result = result;
public void setSession(AbstractSession session) {
this.session = session;
public void setShouldBreak(boolean shouldBreak) {
this.shouldBreak = shouldBreak;
* Set whether the aggregate reference objects themselves
* should be processed. (The objects referenced by the aggregate
* objects will be processed either way.)
public void setShouldIterateOnAggregates(boolean shouldIterateOnAggregates) {
this.shouldIterateOnAggregates = shouldIterateOnAggregates;
* Set whether the attributes outside fetch group should be processed.
public void setShouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly(boolean shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly) {
this.shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly = shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly;
* Set whether the indirection objects themselves (e.g. the ValueHolders)
* should be processed.
public void setShouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects(boolean shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects) {
this.shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects = shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects;
* Set whether to process primitive reference objects
* (e.g. Strings, Dates, ints).
public void setShouldIterateOnPrimitives(boolean shouldIterateOnPrimitives) {
this.shouldIterateOnPrimitives = shouldIterateOnPrimitives;
* Set whether to process the objects contained by indirection objects
* (e.g. a ValueHolder's value) - but *without* instantiating them.
* @see #setShouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects()
public void setShouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects(boolean shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects) {
this.shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects = shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects;
* Set whether to *instantiate* and process the objects
* contained by indirection objects (e.g. a ValueHolder's value).
public void setShouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects(boolean shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects) {
this.shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects = shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects;
public void setShouldIterateOverWrappedObjects(boolean shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects) {
this.shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects = shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects;
public void setShouldTrackCurrentGroup(boolean shouldTrackCurrentGroup) {
this.shouldTrackCurrentGroup = shouldTrackCurrentGroup;
public void setVisitedObjects(Map visitedObjects) {
this.visitedObjects = visitedObjects;
protected void setVisitedStack(Stack visitedStack) {
this.visitedStack = visitedStack;
public boolean shouldBreak() {
return shouldBreak;
public boolean shouldCascadeAllParts() {
return getCascadeDepth() == CascadeAllParts;
public boolean shouldCascadeNoParts() {
return (getCascadeDepth() == NoCascading);
public boolean shouldCascadePrivateParts() {
return (getCascadeDepth() == CascadeAllParts) || (getCascadeDepth() == CascadePrivateParts);
* Return whether the aggregate reference objects themselves
* should be processed. (The objects referenced by the aggregate
* objects will be processed either way.)
public boolean shouldIterateOnAggregates() {
return shouldIterateOnAggregates;
* If true then if object has a FetchGroup then iterations
* not performed on mappings that are outside of the FetchGroup.
public boolean shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly() {
return this.shouldIterateOnFetchGroupAttributesOnly;
* Return whether the indirection objects themselves (e.g. the ValueHolders)
* should be processed.
public boolean shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects() {
return shouldIterateOnIndirectionObjects;
* Return whether to process primitive reference objects
* (e.g. Strings, Dates, ints).
public boolean shouldIterateOnPrimitives() {
return shouldIterateOnPrimitives;
* Return whether to process the objects contained by indirection objects
* (e.g. a ValueHolder's value) - but *without* instantiating them.
* @see #shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects()
public boolean shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects() {
return shouldIterateOverIndirectionObjects;
* Return whether to *instantiate* and process the objects
* contained by indirection objects (e.g. a ValueHolder's value).
public boolean shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects() {
return shouldIterateOverUninstantiatedIndirectionObjects;
public boolean shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects() {
return shouldIterateOverWrappedObjects;
public boolean shouldTrackCurrentGroup() {
return this.shouldTrackCurrentGroup;
public boolean usesGroup() {
return this.usesGroup;
* This is the root method called to start the iteration.
public void startIterationOn(Object sourceObject) {
startIterationOn(sourceObject, null);
public void startIterationOn(Object sourceObject, AttributeGroup group) {
this.usesGroup = group != null;
if(this.usesGroup && this.shouldTrackCurrentGroup) {
Set visited = (Set)getVisitedObjects().get(sourceObject);
if(visited == null) {
visited = new HashSet(1);
getVisitedObjects().put(sourceObject, visited);
} else {
if(visited.contains(group)) {
// source object has been already visited with an equal group
} else {
} else {
if (getVisitedObjects().containsKey(sourceObject)) {
getVisitedObjects().put(sourceObject, sourceObject);
// start the recursion
if ((getCurrentDescriptor() != null) && (!shouldCascadeNoParts()) && !this.shouldBreak()) {
public class CascadeCondition{
public boolean shouldNotCascade(DatabaseMapping mapping){
return !(shouldCascadeAllParts() || (shouldCascadePrivateParts() && mapping.isPrivateOwned()));