blob: 9079783f17c56d6b51eadc9219ed4f58a5da67a3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2014 Oracle, IBM Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
* 09/24/2014-2.6 Rick Curtis
* - 443762 : Misc message cleanup.
package org.eclipse.persistence.internal.localization.i18n;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* English ResourceBundle for ToStringLocalization messages.
* @author Shannon Chen
* @since TOPLink/Java 5.0
public class ToStringLocalizationResource extends ListResourceBundle {
static final Object[][] contents = {
{ "datasource_name", "datasource name" },
{ "datasource", "datasource" },
{ "error_printing_expression", "Error printing expression" },
{ "not_instantiated", "not instantiated" },
{ "connected", "connected" },
{ "disconnected", "disconnected" },
{ "nest_level", "(nest level = {0})" },
{ "commit_depth", "(commit depth = {0})" },
{ "empty_commit_order_dependency_node", "Empty Commit Order Dependency Node" },
{ "node", "Node ({0})" },
{ "platform", "platform" },
{ "user_name", "user name" },
{ "server_name", "server name" },
{ "database_name", "database name" },
{ "datasource_URL", "datasource URL" },
{ "depth_reset_key", "(depth = {0}, reset key = {1}, reset version = {2})" },
{ "pooled", "pooled" },
{ "login", "login" },
{ "lazy", "lazy" },
{ "non_lazy", "non-lazy" },
{ "min_max", "(minimum connections = {0}, maximum connections = {1})" },
{ "begin_profile_of", "Begin profile of" },
{ "end_profile", "End profile" },
{ "profile", "Profile" },
{ "class", "class" },
{ "number_of_objects", "number of objects" },
{ "total_time", "total time" },
{ "local_time", "local time" },
{ "profiling_time", "profiling time" },
{ "time_object", "time/object" },
{ "objects_second", "objects/second" },
{ "shortestTime", "shortest time" },
{ "longestTime", "longest time" },
{ "context", "Context: " },
{ "name", "Name: " },
{ "schema", "Schema: " },
{ "no_streams", "no stream(s)" },
{ "reader", "reader" },
{ "multiple_readers", "multiple readers" },
{ "writer", "writer" },
{ "no_files", "no file(s)" },
{ "mulitple_files", "mulitple files" },
{ "unknown", "unknown" },
{ "connector", "connector" },
{ "staticweave_processor_unknown_outcome", "Weaving classes stored in a directory and outputting to a JAR often leads to unexpected results." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_1of19", " Usage: StaticWeave [options] source target" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_2of19", " Options:" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_3of19", " -classpath classpath" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_4of19", " Set the user class path. Use \";\" as delimiter in Windows and \":\" in Unix." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_5of19", " -persistenceinfo" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_6of19", " Explicitly identify where META-INF/persistence.xml is stored. It must be the root of META-INF/persistence.xml." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_7of19", " This option is typically used to specify the main jar when weaving files referenced by <jar-file> in persistence.xml." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_8of19", " -persistencexml" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_9of19", " Identify the location of the persistence.xml relative to the root of the persistence unit if it is somewhere other that META-INF/persistence.xml" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_10of19", " -log" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_11of19", " Specify logging file." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_12of19", " -loglevel" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_13of19", " Specify the integer value of the logging level (8=OFF,7=SEVERE,6=WARNING,5=INFO,4=CONFIG,3=FINE,2=FINER(default),1=FINEST,0=ALL)." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_14of19", " The classpath must contain all the classes necessary to load the classes in the source." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_15of19", " The weaving will be performed in place if source and target point to the same location. Weaving in place is ONLY applicable for directory-based sources." },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_16of19", " Example:" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_17of19", " To weave all entites contained in C:\\\\foo-source.jar with its persistence.xml contained within the C:\\\\foo-containing-persistence-xml.jar," },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_18of19", " and output to C:\\\\foo-target.jar:" },
{ "staticweave_commandline_help_message_19of19", " StaticWeave -persistenceinfo C:\\\\foo-containing-persistence-xml.jar -classpath C:\\\\classpath1;C:\\\\classpath2 C:\\\\foo-source.jar C:\\\\foo-target.jar"},
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_1of8", "{0} Usage: org.eclipse.persistence.sdo.helper.{0} [-options]" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_2of8", "Options:" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_3of8", " -help Prints the help message text" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_4of8", " -sourceFile <FileName> The input schema file (required)" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_5of8", " -targetDirectory <DirName> The directory to generate Java source (optional)" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_6of8", " -logLevel <level int> Specify the integer value of the logging level (8=OFF,7=SEVERE,6=WARNING,5=INFO,4=CONFIG,3=FINE,2=FINER(default),1=FINEST,0=ALL)." },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_7of8", " -noInterfaces Do not generate interface classes" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_help_8of8", " -noImpls Do not generate impl classes" },
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_missing_sourcefile_value", "{0} The value of -sourceFile was not specified."},
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_missing_targetdir", "{0} The value of -targetDirectory was not specified."},
{ "sdo_classgenerator_usage_missing_sourcefile", "{0} The -sourceFile parameter was not specified and is required."}
* Return the lookup table.
protected Object[][] getContents() {
return contents;