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* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.coordination;
* <p>
* <b>Purpose</b>: Provide an interface that clients can use to invoke remote
* commands on other EclipseLink instances, or on other applications that may want
* to receive and process EclipseLink commands.
* <p>
* <b>Description</b>: This is the main interface that is used to send and receive
* remote commands in a EclipseLink cluster. The sequence of remote command execution
* is as follows:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li> CommandProcessor creates a command and gives it to its local CommandManager
* to send to remote services.
* <li> CommandManager uses its CommandConverter to convert the command into a
* TopLink Command object
* <li> CommandManager then uses its TransportManager to send the Command to all
* other known cluster members that are subscribing to the same channel
* <li> Each remote TransportManager receives the Command and passes it off to the
* CommandManager
* <li> Each CommandManager uses its local CommandConverter to convert the command
* into a format appropriate to its application (CommandProcessor)
* <li> Each CommandManager invokes its local CommandProcessor and passes it the
* command (formatted the way that the application-specified converter left it in)
* to be executed. If the CommandProcessor is a EclipseLink session then the
* executeWithSession method will be invoked on the command.
* </ol>
* <p>
* <b>Responsibilities</b>:
* <ul>
* <li> Invoke the DiscoveryManager to establish the EclipseLink cluster
* <li> Propagate remote command to EclipseLink cluster
* <li> Delegate processing command to its CommandProssesor
* <li> Convert command to appropriate format for sending to EclipseLink cluster
* or its command processor
* </ul>
* @see Command
* @see CommandProcessor
* @author Steven Vo
* @since OracleAS TopLink 10<i>g</i> (9.0.4)
public interface CommandManager {
* Initialize the remote command manager. This will also trigger the
* DiscoveryManager to start establishing the EclipseLink cluster.
public void initialize();
* Shut down the remote command manager. This will also trigger the
* DiscoveryManager to stop.
* NOTE: Although this call initiates the shutdown process,
* no guarantees are made as to when it will actually complete.
public void shutdown();
* Return the URL for this command manager.
* @return The URL String for this CommandManager
public String getUrl();
* Set the URL for this command manager.
* @param url The URL String for this CommandManager
public void setUrl(String url);
* Return the service channel for this command manager. All command managers
* with the same service channel will send and receive commands from each other.
* Commands sent on other service channels will not be exchanged with this
* command manager.
* @return The service channel String subscribed to by this CommandManager
public String getChannel();
* Set the service channel for this command manager. All command managers
* with the same service channel will send and receive commands from each other.
* Commands sent on other service channels will not be exchanged with this
* command manager.
* @param channel The service channel subscribed to by this CommandManager
public void setChannel(String channel);
* Propagate a remote command to all remote RCM services participating
* in the EclipseLink cluster.
* @param command An object representing a TopLink command
public void propagateCommand(Object command);
* Return the command processor that processes commands received from the cluster.
* @return An implementation instance of CommandProcessor
public CommandProcessor getCommandProcessor();
* Set the command processor that will be invoked to process commands. EclipseLink
* applications can implement this interface in order to receive remote commands
* from a EclipseLink cluster.
* @param commandProcessor The intended processor of remote commands
public void setCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor commandProcessor);
* Set a specific transport manager to manage sending and receiving of remote commands.
* @param newTransportManager An instance of the desired transport manager type
public void setTransportManager(TransportManager newTransportManager);
* Return the transport manager that manages sending and receiving of remote commands.
* @return The TransportManager instance being used by this CommandManager
public TransportManager getTransportManager();
* Return the discovery manager that manages membership in the EclipseLink cluster.
* @return The DiscoveryManager instance being used by this CommandManager
public DiscoveryManager getDiscoveryManager();
* Return the converter instance used to convert between TopLink Command
* objects and an application command format.
* @return The converter being used by this CommandManager
public CommandConverter getCommandConverter();
* Set the converter instance that will be invoked by this CommandProcessor
* to convert commands from their application command format into EclipseLink
* Command objects before being propagated to remote command manager services.
* The converter will also be invoked to convert EclipseLink Command objects into
* application format before being sent to the CommandProcessor for execution.
* @param commandConverter The converter to be used by this CommandManager
public void setCommandConverter(CommandConverter commandConverter);
* Return whether this command manager should propagate commands
* synchronously or asynchronously. If set to synchronous propagation then
* propagateCommand() will not return to the caller until the command has
* been executed on all of the services in the cluster. In asynchronous mode
* the command manager will create a separate thread for each of the remote
* service executions, and then promptly return to the caller.
public boolean shouldPropagateAsynchronously();
* Set whether this command manager should propagate commands
* synchronously or asynchronously. If set to synchronous propagation then
* propagateCommand() will not return to the caller until the command has
* been executed on all of the services in the cluster. In asynchronous mode
* the command manager will create a separate thread for each of the remote
* service executions, and then promptly return to the caller.
public void setShouldPropagateAsynchronously(boolean asyncMode);
* Return whether this commandProcessor is a EclipseLink session or not.
public boolean isCommandProcessorASession();