blob: a99932eea4ec1b4ddf4946bc423763d26e305889 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 1998, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
* The Eclipse Public License is available at
* and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
* Contributors:
* Oracle - initial API and implementation from Oracle TopLink
package org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.*;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.server.Server;
import org.eclipse.persistence.sessions.factories.SessionManager;
* Helper class to simplify the development and generation of code that accesses
* TopLink through the SessionManager (sessions config XML).
* Responsibilities:<ul>
* <li> Lookup of a session by name using default or provided sessions config location
* <li> Support lookup of active UnitOfWork and Session in JTA environments
* <li> Hot/Re-deployment handling of applications
* <li> Detachment helpers to simplify usage within a local session bean
* </ul>
* Basic usage example:
* <code>
* SessionFactory = sessionFactory = new SessionFactory("session-name");
* ...
* public List read(Vector args) {
* Session session = sessionFactory.acquireSession();
* List results = (List) session.executeQuery("query-name", MyClass.class, args);
* session.release();
* return results;
* }
* public void write(MyClass detachedInstance) {
* UnitOfWork uow = sessionFactory.acquireUnitOfWork();
* MyClass workingCopy = (MyClass) uow.readObject(detachedInstance);
* if (workingCopy == null) {
* throw new MyException("Cannot write changes. Object does not exist");
* }
* uow.deepMergeClone(detachedInstance);
* uow.commit();
* }
* </code>
* <b>Detachment</b>: The detach helper methods are provided to assist with the
* construction of applications. This helper class was designed for use within
* session beans (SB) and in the case of local SBs the objects returned are not
* serialized. Since EclipseLink's default behavior is to return the shared instance
* from the cache and rely on developers to only modify instances within a
* UnitOfWork this may be an issue. The client to the local session bean may
* try to modify the instance and thus corrupt the cache. By detaching the object
* the client to the session bean gets its own isolated copy that it can freely
* modify. This provides the same functionality as with a remote session bean
* and allows the developer the choice in how/when objects are detached.
* <i>Note</i>: The above code example shows how a detached instance can have
* changes made to it persisted through use of the UnitOfWork merge API.
* @author Doug Clarke & John Braken
* @version 10.1.3
* @since Dec 10, 2006
public class SessionFactory {
* Location for the sessions.xml file. The default here is the most common.
* If none is provided then EclipseLink's default locations of 'sessions.xml'
* and 'META-INF/sessions.xml' will be tried.
private String sessionXMLPath;
private String sessionName;
* Constructor for creating a new EclipseLinkSessionHelper instance.
* @param sessionsXMLPath - resource path of the sessions configuration xml.
* @param sessionName - name of the session to use.
public SessionFactory(String sessionsXMLPath, String sessionName) {
this.sessionXMLPath = sessionsXMLPath;
this.sessionName = sessionName;
public SessionFactory(String sessionName) {
this.sessionName = sessionName;
public String getSessionName() {
return sessionName;
public String getSessionXMLPath() {
return this.sessionXMLPath;
* The class-loader returned form this call will be used when loading the
* EclipseLink configuration. By default this is the current thread's loader.
* If this is not the case users can subclass this session factory and
* override this method to provide a different loader.
protected ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
* Helper method that looks up the singleton session and ensure that
* if the application has been hot-deployed it gets a fresh version of the
* server.
public DatabaseSession getSharedSession() {
return getSharedSession(true, false);
* Used in place of getSharedSession() when the calling application needs
* access to the session prior to login or it wishes to force the session
* configuration to be re-loaded an applied. This also makes use of the
* current class-loader return from getClassLoader() and a SessionManager
* class-loader check to see if the application was loaded by another
* class-loader and is should this be refreshed as the application has been
* hot deployed.
public DatabaseSession getSharedSession(boolean login, boolean refresh) {
XMLSessionConfigLoader xmlLoader;
if (getSessionXMLPath() != null) {
xmlLoader = new XMLSessionConfigLoader(getSessionXMLPath());
} else {
xmlLoader = new XMLSessionConfigLoader();
return (DatabaseSession)SessionManager.getManager().getSession(xmlLoader,
* Returns the Session active for this specified helper. If the EclipseLink
* session does not have an external transaction controller or there is
* not an active JTA transaction then a newly acquire client session is
* returned on each call.
* This method also properly handles acquire a client session from a broker
* as well as returning the shared session in the case it is a database
* session.
public Session acquireSession() {
Session sharedSession = getSharedSession();
if (sharedSession.hasExternalTransactionController()) {
UnitOfWork uow = sharedSession.getActiveUnitOfWork();
if (uow != null) {
return uow.getParent();
if (sharedSession.isServerSession()) {
return ((Server)sharedSession).acquireClientSession();
if (sharedSession.isSessionBroker()) {
SessionBroker broker = (SessionBroker)sharedSession;
if (broker.isServerSessionBroker()) {
return broker.acquireClientSessionBroker();
return broker;
// Assume we have a database session and return it.
return sharedSession;
* Looks up the active UnitOfWork using either the global JTA TX or acquires
* a new one from the active session.
public UnitOfWork acquireUnitOfWork() {
return acquireUnitOfWork(getSharedSession());
* Looks up the active UnitOfWork using either the global JTA TX or acquires
* a new one from the active session. THis method should be used if a session
* has already been acquired.
public UnitOfWork acquireUnitOfWork(Session session) {
if (session.hasExternalTransactionController()) {
return session.getActiveUnitOfWork();
return session.acquireUnitOfWork();
* Build a detached copy using a one-off UnitOfWork.
* This simulates creation of a copy through serialization when using a
* remote session bean if this copy process is not done the user of this
* helper would return the shared copy from the cache that should not be
* modified. These detachment methods *MUST* be used for local session
* beans where the returned objects can be modified by the client.
* @param entity an existing persistent entity
* @return a copy of the entity for use in a local client that may make changes to it
public Object detach(Object entity) {
UnitOfWork uow =
Object copy = uow.registerObject(entity);
return copy;
public Collection detach(Collection entities) {
UnitOfWork uow =
Collection copies = uow.registerAllObjects(entities);
return copies;