blob: 5c488d86cd92cd324a52a0804d163dcc938658e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2009 SAP. All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0
* which accompanies this distribution.
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* Contributors:
* SAP - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.persistence.testing.tests.wdf.jpa1.query;
import org.eclipse.persistence.testing.framework.wdf.ToBeInvestigated;
import org.junit.Test;
public class TestFromClauses extends QueryTest {
* JPA 1.0 specification, 4.4.2: An identification variable must not be a reserved identifier or have the same name as any
* entity in the same persistence unit: Identification variables are case insensitive.
public void testSimpleFrom() {
/* 0 */assertValidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c");
/* 1 */assertValidQuery("SELECT c FROM City as C");
/* 2 */assertInvalidQuery("SELECT c FROM NoExist as c");
/* 3 */assertValidQuery("SELECT C FROM City as c");
/* 4 assertInvalidQuery("SELECT city FROM City city"); */
/* 6 */assertInvalidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c, Person C");
assertValidQuery("SELECT bfa.enumOrdinal FROM BasicTypesFieldAccess bfa WHERE bfa.enumOrdinal = org.eclipse.persistence.testing.models.wdf.jpa1.types.UserDefinedEnum.EMIL");
public void testSimpleFrom5() {
/* 5 */assertInvalidQuery("SELECT city FROM City City");
public void testJoinFrom() {
/* 7 */assertValidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c join c.cops as c1 where = 3");
/* 8 */assertValidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c join c.cops c1 join c1.partner c2 where = 3");
/* 11 */assertValidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c join fetch c.cops, Informer i inner join fetch i.informingCops");
/* 12 */assertValidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c join c.cops c1 inner join c1.partner as c2 left join c2.partner c3 left outer join c3.informers c4 left outer join fetch c4.informingCops");
/* 13 */assertValidQuery("select c from City as c join c.cops c1, in (c1.partner.attachedCriminals) crim where crim.attachedCop = c1");
/* 14 */assertInvalidQuery("select c from City as c join c.cops c1, in (c1.partner) crim where crim.attachedCop = c1");
public void testJoinFrom9() {
/* 9 */assertInvalidQuery("SELECT c FROM Cop c join c.partner.attachedCriminals c1 where = 3");
public void testJoinFrom10() {
/* 10 */assertInvalidQuery("SELECT c FROM City c join c.type c1");
public void testExistsSubquery15() {
/* 15 */assertValidQuery("select c from City as c where exists (select c from City c)");
public void testExistsSubquery17() {
/* 17 */assertValidQuery("select c from City as c where exists (select c1 from City c1 where exists (select c1 from City c1))");
public void testExistsSubquery18() {
/* 18 */assertValidQuery("select c from City as c where exists (select c1 from City c1 where exists (select c from City c))");